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Sunday 18 August 2024

The Time Is Now for the DOD to Expedite Action on Bio-Surveillance

Seizing the Opportunity for Unified Bio-surveillance

After years of struggling to unify its bio-surveillance capabilities, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) now has a critical opportunity to establish a faster and more comprehensive approach to monitoring biothreats. This is essential for better protecting U.S. national security and the lives of Americans.

The Need to Break the Cycle of Crisis and Complacency

It is crucial to remind Americans of the importance of not falling into the cycle of crisis followed by complacency when it comes to biological threats. The COVID-19 pandemic starkly illustrated that uncoordinated efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to biological threats can cost lives, undermine military readiness, and create widespread insecurity.

Addressing the Risks of Delays and Inaction

DOD leadership must acknowledge that further delays in bio-surveillance efforts will only increase the temptation to revert to outdated, siloed approaches, which make the nation less safe. As the U.S. approaches its national elections this fall, it is imperative for DOD leadership to intensify efforts to demonstrate by the end of 2024 that the integration of bio-surveillance data is feasible and yielding concrete results.

Sustaining Progress Beyond 2024

While progress in bio-surveillance is likely to be incremental and require long-term commitment beyond 2024, sustained high-level leadership is essential. DOD leaders must ensure that progress continues regardless of the outcomes of the presidential and congressional elections, and that bipartisan support for these efforts remains intact.

Implementing a New Bio-surveillance Approach

As 2025 unfolds, the DOD should implement a new bio-surveillance approach that is faster, more comprehensive, and of higher quality to better protect U.S. national security and American lives. Achieving this goal will require a long-term plan for data integration, including concrete budgetary and staffing goals, intermediate milestones, and a framework for measuring progress.

The Role of the Biodefense Council

The Biodefense Council, a promising recent initiative, is entrusted with leading this effort and has a unique opportunity to significantly strengthen U.S. national security. The time for the DOD to expedite action is now, as time is precious and delays are costly.

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