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Wednesday, 5 February 2025

मी देशाकरता काय करू शकतो-ब्रिगेडियर हेमंत महाजन यांना "नरवीर सुभेदार तानाजी मालुसरे वीररत्न पुरस्कार 2025


मी देशाकरता काय करू शकतो-ब्रिगेडियर हेमंत महाजन यांना "नरवीर सुभेदार तानाजी मालुसरे वीररत्न पुरस्कार 2025

सुभेदार नरवीर तानाजी मालुसरे शौर्य दिवस 4 फेब्रुवारीला सिंहगड किल्ल्यावरती आनंदामध्ये आणि मोठ्या उत्साहाने पार पाडला. अनेक शिवप्रेमी, गडदुर्ग प्रेमी यांनी येथे विविध कार्यक्रम साजरे केले. यामध्ये लाठी काठे, दानपट्टा तलवार फिरवणे असे अनेक कार्यक्रम घेण्यात आले. त्याच दिवशी गडदुर्ग संवर्धन ट्रस्टच्या माध्यमातून मला म्हणजे ब्रिगेडियर हेमंत महाजन यांना "नरवीर सुभेदार तानाजी मालुसरे वीर रत्न राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार 2025" प्रदान करण्यात आले. हे पुरस्कार मी कश्मीर ईशान्य भारत या भागात केलेल्या दहशतवादी विरोधी कारवायांच्या संबंधात होते, ज्या करता मला भारत सरकारकडून युध्द सेवा मेडल याआधी देण्यात आले होते.

पुरस्कारामध्ये मानपत्र, नरवीर सुभेदार तानाजी मालुसरे यांची प्रतिमा आणि भवानी तलवार सामील होते.

सुभेदार तानाजी मालुसरे शूर होते आणि त्यांनी देशाप्रती आपली जबाबदारी निभावली. आपला इतिहास अभिमानास्पद आहे परंतु प्रश्न आज उठतो की आज आम्ही देशाकरता काय करत आहे किंवा रोजच्या जीवनामध्ये एक देशभक्त देशप्रेमी नागरिक म्हणून आम्ही देशाकरता काय करू शकतो. याविषयीचे माझे काही विचार खाली देण्यात आलेले आहेत.

स्वतःला विचारा, मी या देशासाठी काय करतो?

कुठलाही देश महाशक्ती बनण्यामध्ये, देशाच्या सामान्य नागरिकांचा वाटा अत्यंत महत्त्वाचा असतो . असे असेल तर भारतीय देशाप्रती आपल्या जबाबदाऱ्या पूर्ण पणे निभावत आहे का? तर उत्तर नाही ,असे  आहे.

जबाबदार नागरिक बना

अभिव्यक्ती स्वातंत्र्याच्या नावाखाली मी काहीही लिहू शकतो, बोलू शकतो, भडकावु पोस्ट सोशल मीडिया वरती टाकू शकतो ,त्यामुळे हिंसाचार झाला तरी पर्वा नाही.

भारतीय घटनेने प्रत्येक भारतीयाला जसे अधिकार दिले आहेत, तशीच काही कर्तव्ये सुद्धा दिली आहेत. बर्याच वेळेला या कर्तव्यांकडे अनेक  दुर्लक्ष करतात.

 सार्वजनिक मालमत्ता ही आपली आहे, तिची जपणूक करणे ही सुद्धा आपलीच जबाबदारी आहे, याचा बहुतेकांना  विसर पडतो. सार्वजनिक जागा स्वच्छ ठेवणं , जागा मिळेल तिथं मलमूत्र विसर्जन न करणं ,सार्वजनिक अस्वच्छता हा नवीन विषय नाही. कार मधून रस्त्यावर प्लास्टीक आणि शीतपेयांच्या बाटल्या भिरकावल्या जातात,  किनाऱ्यावर दारूच्या फुटलेल्या बाटल्यांचा खच असतो, हे आपल्यातलेच काही सुशिक्षित लोक करतात .परिसर स्वच्छ ठेवणे ही आपली जबाबदारी आहे,आपल्याकडील कचरा सर्रास रस्त्यावर, सार्वजनिक ठिकाणी आपण टाकतो.येथे स्वच्छता राखा, असे लिहिलेल्या पाटीखालीच कचर्याचा डोंगर असतो. म्हणजे नियम हे मोडण्यासाठीच असतात, अशी आपली धारणा आहे.

आपण इतके बेजबाबदार आहोत की काही झाले की लगेच या सगळ्यांसाठी सरकार जबाबदार आहेत, असे म्हणून त्यातून अंग काढतो. आज प्रत्येक नागरिकाने आत्मपरीक्षण करण्याची गरज आहे. नाले, गटार हे सांडपाणी वाहून नेण्यासाठी असतात, कचरा टाकण्यासाठी नाही, पण तरीही नाल्यांना डम्पिंग ग्राऊंडचे रुप आलेले दिसते. ओला कचरा आणि सुका कचरा वेगळा टाकावा, अशा सूचना वारंवार पालिकेकडून दिल्या जातात. तरीही हा नियम अनेक पायदळी तुडवतात. आपण जबाबदार नागरिक का बनत नाही?

शहरांमधील वाहतुकीला शिस्त लावा

वाहतुकीचे नियम जितके आपल्याकडे मोडले जातात, तितके क्वचितच इतरत्र मोडले जात असतील. अस्ताव्यस्त पार्किंग करणे, ओव्हरटेक करणे ,अगदी छातीटोकपणे आपल्याकडे केले जाते. नियम मोडण्यात सुशिक्षित-अशिक्षित दोघेही आघाडीवर, हेच आपले दुर्दैव आहे. वेगवेगळ्या मिरवणुका काढून शहरांमध्ये वाहतुकीची कोंडी अजून कठीण करणे चालूच आहे. 

वाहतूक पोलिसांची मजबूत फळी असावी. वाहतूक नियम तोडणार्या नागरिकांना शिक्षा द्यावी.वाहतुकीचे नियम पाळुन आपण प्रचंड प्रमाणामध्ये पेट्रोल आणि डिझेलची बचत करू शकतो आणि देशाच्या ऊर्जा सुरक्षेला मदत करू शकतो. 

हिंसक आंदोलनाचा मोठा दुष्परिणाम देशावर

गेल्या काही महिन्यांपासून महाराष्ट्रात आणि देशात हिंसाचाराच्या घटना वाढल्या आहेत. या हिंसाचारात सर्वाधिक बळी जातात, ते सामान्य माणसांचे. स्त्रिया, लहान मुले, ज्येष्ठ नागरिक जे हिंसाचार घडत असलेल्या ठिकाणी अडकतात आणि ते मारहाण, जाळपोळ याला बळी पडतात. कामाकरिता बाहेर पडलेल्या लोकांना अचानक उसळलेल्या हिंसाचाराला बळी पडावे लागते. शहरात हिंसाचार , दूध आंदोलन, शेतकरी आंदोलन, यामध्ये सामान्य माणसांची सुरक्षा धोक्यात आली आहे. ज्यानी ही आंदोलने पुकारले, त्यामुळे देशाचे शेकडो कोटी रुपयांचे नुकसान झाले आहे.

राज्यातील महत्त्वाचे रस्ते बंद केल्यास अर्थव्यवस्थेचे प्रचंड प्रमाणामध्ये नुकसान होते. दिल्लीत झालेल्या तथाकथित शेतकरी आंदोलनामुळे दोन रस्ते बंद करण्यात आले होते. त्यामुळे ग्रेटर दिल्लीचे रोज हजारो कोटी रुपयांची नुकसान होत होते.एवढे नुकसान कुठल्याही प्रकारच्या दहशतवादामुळे झालेले नाही.

हिंसक आंदोलने हा  दहशतवादाचा प्रकार मानला पाहिजे. देशातील एखाद्या समाजावर अन्याय होत असेल तर त्या अन्यायाला प्रत्युत्तर म्हणुन हिंसा हा उपाय नाही. भारतीय कायदा हिंसाचाराचे समर्थन करत नाही. एखाद्या समाजाला, संस्थांना सरकारकडून कोणतीही मागणी मान्य करुन घ्यायची असेल ती कायद्याच्या चौकटीत राहून केली पाहिजे.

येत्या २०२5मध्ये अनेक निवडणुका होत आहेत. त्या पार्श्वभुमीवर या हिंसांचे, आंदोलनांचे प्रमाण वाढण्याची शक्यता आहे. हिंसाचाराला रोखून सामान्य माणसाचे रक्षण केले पाहिजे. गेल्या काही काळात झालेल्या हिंसाचाराला अनेक संस्था,अनेक राजकिय पक्ष जबाबदार आहे.मणिपूर मधल्या हिंसाचारामध्ये मैतेयी जमातीला कुकी जमातीचे नुकसान आणि कुकी जमातीला मैतेयी जमातीचे नुकसान भरण्यास भाग पाडले पाहिजे. टीव्ही मिडीया,सोशल मिडीया, वृत्तसंस्था अशा प्रकारच्या हिंसक आंदोलनांना विना कारण अतिरेकी प्रसिध्दी देतात .हिंसाचाराच्या बातम्यांना पान १ वरुन काढुन पान आठवर नेले पाहिजे.

नागरिकांचा सहभाग

सामान्य माणसांनी पोलिसांचे कान डोळे व बनले पाहिजे.कायदा-सुव्यवस्था राखणे ही पोलिसांची जबाबदारी असली तरी नागरिकांच्या सहभागाशिवाय पोलिसांना ते सक्षमपणे करता येणार नाही. त्यामुळे कायदा-सुव्यवस्था राखण्याच्या कामात समाजातील सर्व स्तरातील नागरिकांचे सहकार्य घेतले जावे. संबंधित पोलिस ठाण्यांच्या हद्दीत राहणार्या नागरिकांमधून कायद्याचे जाणकार, सामाजिक समस्यांचे जाणकार, राजकीय जाणकार, वकील, डॉक्टर, शिक्षक अशा सर्व क्षेत्रातील नागरिकांना निमंत्रित करून त्यांची एक समिती नेमली जावी. त्यामुळे या समितीच्या माध्यमातून प्रश्नावर तोडगा काढण्याचा प्रयत्न करून कायदा-सुव्यवस्था स्थिती राखली जाऊ शकते.

स्थानिक नागरिकांना गुप्त माहिती देण्यासाठी एक टोल फ़्री फोन क्रमांक दिला पाहिजे. जेणेकरून सामान्य नागरिक त्यांच्याकडील माहिती जलद पोलिसांपर्यंत पोहोचू शकतात. त्यांच्या नावाची गुप्तता बाळगली पाहिजे. मोबाईल फोन वरून हिंसक घटनेचे चित्रण करुन पोलिसांकडे पाठवले पाहिजे. जेणेकरुन हिंसक आंदोलकांना पकडणे सोपे जाईल.

आपापलं काम व्यवस्थित करणं हीच देशभक्ती

रस्त्यावरील सिग्नल पाळणं , रस्त्यावर न थुंकणं , स्त्रियांचा आदर करणं , दिलेली वेळ पाळणं , भ्रष्टाचारास उत्तेजन न देणं ,  आपल्याआधी लोकांचा विचार, जात आणि प्रांतीयवादाचा पुरस्कार न करणं , सार्वजनिक मालमत्तेची काळजी घेणं ही देशभक्ती आहे.

मतदान करणं , योग्य उमेदवार निवडणं, ही देशभक्ती आहे,मात्र 50 टक्के भारतीय निवडणुकांमध्ये मतदान करत नाही आणि मतदान दिवस सुट्टीचा दिवस म्हणून मजा करण्यामध्ये घालवतात.

स्वत:च्या क्षेत्रामध्ये वैध मार्गानं यशस्वी होणं, वाद न घालता काम करणं ,ही देशभक्ती आहे, गतकालातील गोष्टींवर वाद न घालणं , स्वत:च्या कर्तव्यांप्रती जागरूक असणं , सार्वजनिक विकास कामांना अडथळा निर्माण करून देशाचा विकास थांबवणे, सध्या जोरात सुरू आहे. स्वत:पलीकडे पाहणं आणि खरं सांगायचं तर "सुजाण नागरिक' बनण्याचा प्रयत्न करणं ही देशभक्तीच आहे.

प्रत्येकाने आपापलं काम व्यवस्थित करणं हीच आजच्या काळातली देशभक्ती आहे.

Monday, 3 February 2025

How Chinese "Little Giants" Succeeded: Lessons for India's MSME Sector


Introduction: Contrasting Economic Narratives

As we approach 2025, India and China present contrasting economic pictures. India, despite liberalizing policies and increased funding for its 63 million small and medium enterprises (SMEs), faces challenges as these businesses struggle with rising costs, declining demand, and limited access to credit. Meanwhile, China has surpassed its 2025 goals, nurturing 14,600 innovative "little giants" driving strategic industries, including 5,000 in new technologies like AI and the low-altitude economy. This disparity raises a crucial question: What has China done differently to achieve such success?  

The Rise of China's "Little Giants"

China's "little giants" are the result of a deliberate strategy under the "Made in China 2025" initiative. These often-unheralded companies specialize in products or expertise vital to China's strategic sectors, such as semiconductors, energy, advanced manufacturing, critical materials, and battery components. Over 90% of these 14,600 enterprises operate in manufacturing, with over 80% focused on "strategic emerging industry chains" like aerospace and semiconductors. Companies like B Plus New Material Technology, a manufacturer of ultra-thin amorphous nanocrystalline alloys used in various high-tech applications, exemplify the specialized expertise of these firms. This ecosystem of niche pioneers, including companies like PhaBuilder, Acoinfo, and Beijing Hanfei Aviation Technology, forms a powerful force driving China's technological advancement. China's focus has shifted from "becoming big and strong" to nurturing these small but strategically important "little giants" to revitalize the private sector and achieve technological breakthroughs. This focus on specialized SMEs is a core element of China's self-reliance doctrine, recognizing that technological innovation is crucial for survival.  

The State of India's MSMEs

India's micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a significant role in the nation's economy, contributing 30% to the GDP and employing 23.24 crore people. They account for a substantial portion of manufacturing output (35.4% in FY22) and exports (45.7% in FY24). However, despite their importance, Indian MSMEs face significant challenges.  

The Stagnation of India's MSMEs: A Crisis of Scale and Ambition

A key issue is the predominance of microenterprises, which constitute 99% of India's MSMEs. These small businesses often lack the ambition and resources to scale up, hindering their integration into global value chains and limiting their competitiveness. Studies show a significant productivity gap between micro and medium-sized firms, highlighting the importance of scale for innovation and growth. The Economic Survey 2024-25 acknowledges this issue, noting that MSMEs often remain small, limiting their access to capital, talent, and technology.  

The Policy Dilemma: A Regulatory Straitjacket

India's regulatory environment inadvertently discourages MSME growth. Labor laws, such as the Industrial Disputes Act, and compliance requirements often incentivize businesses to remain small to avoid regulatory burdens. This "dwarf mentality" limits growth and job creation. The Economic Survey 2023-24 recognized the "onerous burden" of regulations on businesses, particularly SMEs. The complex framework disproportionately affects smaller enterprises, hindering their ability to compete and grow. This is evident in sectors like Tirupur's textile industry, where many businesses remain micro to avoid formalization costs. The lack of tailored policies for medium-sized enterprises further exacerbates the problem.

China's Playbook: A Pyramid of Industrial Excellence

China's MSME success is built on a structured, pyramid-like system. This system involves rigorous selection and tiered support, where promising SMEs are identified and nurtured through various levels of recognition and assistance. "Innovative SMEs" at the provincial level progress to "specialized SMEs" and then to national "little giants," culminating in "manufacturing champions." This performance-based system ensures that state resources are directed towards the most promising enterprises. The rewards for advancing through this system include easier listing requirements on stock exchanges, providing access to capital. Success stories like Leader Drive demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. China's system combines entrepreneurial dynamism with state-driven precision to create a powerful industrial ecosystem.  

Lessons for India: The Road Ahead

India needs to address the challenges facing its MSMEs to realize the potential of the "Make in India" initiative. A national MSME strategy, acting as a startup incubator for industrial and hardware technologies, is crucial. This strategy should focus on integrating smaller firms into value chains, facilitating technology transfer, and improving market access. A structured framework with clear evaluation mechanisms and targeted support is essential. Addressing financing constraints and regulatory burdens is also critical. While MSME budget allocations have increased, the credit gap remains significant. India needs to leverage fintech solutions and implement regulatory reforms, drawing inspiration from models like the UK's "one-in, two-out" policy. Simplifying regulations related to land use, factory space, and compliance is crucial. India needs to cultivate its own "Mittelstand" – a group of specialized, globally competitive enterprises that can dominate niche markets. This requires strategic patience and a commitment to nurturing promising businesses, particularly in advanced manufacturing segments

Sunday, 2 February 2025

R Praggnanandhaa Triumphs Over D Gukesh to Claim Tata Steel 2025 Masters Title


 In a dramatic showdown at the Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2025, Indian grandmaster R Praggnanandhaa showcased exceptional resilience and strategic brilliance to defeat reigning world champion D Gukesh in a sudden-death tiebreaker, securing his maiden Masters title.

A Clash of Young Prodigies

The final match between these two chess prodigies was nothing short of spectacular, reflecting their unwavering determination and tactical acumen. Both players concluded the main rounds tied at the top of the leaderboard with 8.5 points out of 13, setting the stage for a nail-biting tiebreaker.

The Tiebreaker: A Battle of Nerves

The tension escalated as the tiebreaker began. Gukesh seized the advantage in the first game, capitalizing on a rare blunder by Praggnanandhaa. However, the latter demonstrated remarkable tenacity in the second game, opting for the Trompowsky Opening. He meticulously navigated the complexities of the position, forcing the match into a sudden-death decider.

Sudden Death: Praggnanandhaa’s Unyielding Focus

In the sudden-death game, Gukesh initially dominated with creative play on the queen's side, securing a pawn advantage. Despite facing immense time pressure and a seemingly inferior endgame position, Praggnanandhaa’s technical prowess and unwavering focus turned the tide. As the game progressed, Gukesh faltered under the mounting pressure, blundering a crucial pawn and eventually losing his last knight. Realizing his imminent defeat, Gukesh leaned back in his chair, visibly devastated and frustrated by the outcome.

A Maiden Victory for Praggnanandhaa

Praggnanandhaa’s composure and precision secured him the full point, marking his first victory at the prestigious Masters level. For Gukesh, the loss was a bitter pill to swallow, as he once again tied for first place but fell short in the tiebreaker, mirroring his previous year's defeat to Chinese grandmaster Wei Yi.

A Showcase of Talent and Determination

This thrilling finale underscored the exceptional talent and competitive spirit of these young chess stars. Their strategic mastery and resilience captivated audiences worldwide, further cementing their places among the elite in the chess world

ब्रिगेडियर हेमंत महाजन युद्ध सेवा मेडल आणि त्यांच्या परिवाराची वीरगाथा ...

Brigadier Hemant Mahajan, YSM: Brief Bio data

Awards and Decorations

Throughout his military career, Brigadier Mahajan received several prestigious awards, including:

  • GOC-in-C Central Command Commendation Card
  • Yudha Seva Medal,Gallantry (YSM)
  • Chief of Army Staff Unit citation during his command.
  • GOC-in-C Northen Command Unit Appreciation during his command.
  • As a brigade commander COAS Unit citation to one unit
  • India’s highest gallantry award to an officer in his brigade

Military Service and Academic Achievements

Brigadier Hemant Mahajan, YSM, holds a Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Defence Studies. He began his distinguished military career at the Indian Military Academy (IMA) in Dehradun in July 1973, and was commissioned as an officer on 15th June 1975 into the 7 Maratha Light Infantry. Throughout his service, Brigadier Mahajan was actively involved in counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism operations in some of India's most volatile regions, including Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Indo China border, Indo Pakistan Border. and the North East. He participated in all major operations conducted by the Indian Army since 1975.

Key Operational Achievements

Brigadier Mahajan commanded his battalion, the 7 Maratha Light Infantry, during Operation Rakshak in the challenging terrains of Poonch and Rajouri at the peak of militancy. His leadership was instrumental in thwarting terrorist infiltration from Pakistan into Jammu and Kashmir. Under his command, his unit received a Unit Citation and 18 gallantry awards, including the Yudha Seva Medal (YSM) for Brigadier Mahajan himself.

During 'Operation Parakram,' the largest military mobilization by the Indian Army, which nearly led to war with Pakistan, Brigadier Mahajan played a critical role in the movement and administration of troops. His exceptional contributions were recognized with the Army Commander's Commendation award.

Later, as a Brigade Commander in Operation Rakshak, he oversaw operations in the terrorist-ridden areas of Poonch, Krishna Ghati, Surankot, and Rajouri in Jammu and Kashmir. His command included two battalions of the Border Security Force (BSF), with one unit earning a Unit Citation, and a BSF battalion being recognized as the best in the country in 2006. The highest gallantry award “Ashok Chakra” for that year was bestowed upon an officer under his command.

Faculty Role at Army War College

Most of his students achieved the rank of Brigadier and Major General, with many advancing further to become Army Commanders and even the Chief of Army Staffs.

In February 2006, Brigadier Mahajan joined the faculty of the Higher Command Wing at the Army War College, where he served with distinction for three years. As a Directing Staff member, he was responsible for mentoring senior officers of the rank from the Army, Navy, and Air Force in various facets of national security. His expertise extended to a wide range of subjects, including management, nuclear biological and chemical warfare, insurgency in Kashmir and the North East, left-wing extremism, terrorism, and maritime infiltration.

Post-Retirement Contributions

Academic and Advisory Roles

Brigadier Mahajan heads the Strategic Study Centre at the Rashtriya Swatantra Veer Savarkar Smarak in Mumbai.

He also served as the Chair Professor for the Swatantra Veer Savarkar Chair of National Security at Pune University from 2018 to 2021.

Additionally, he was a security advisor to the government of Daman and Diu from 2017 to 2019.

Writing and Media Engagements

Since retiring, Brigadier Mahajan has continued to contribute to national security discourse through his prolific writing. He has authored over 5,000 articles, regularly featured in leading Marathi newspapers such as Sakal,Loksatta,Maharashtra Times,Tarun Bharat, Samna, and Pudhari, as well as in English publications like Cass Journal,  News Bharati  Organizer. Etc

He also contributes to many national level magzines.

He is also a frequent participant in television debates, appearing on numerous channels across Marathi, Hindi, and English, including IBN Lokmat, Zee 24 Taas, ABP Majha, Times Now, and Mirror Now.

Brigadier Mahajan reaches a broad audience through his online presence, including a popular e-lecture series on

(a)Facebook, which has garnered over 5 million views.

(b)his YouTube channel focused on national security,

 with over 2.35 lakh views.

(c) his blog at

With 10 lakh views.

Publications and Thought Leadership

Brigadier Mahajan has authored several books on national security, focusing on critical issues such as China's covert warfare against India, the proxy war in Jammu and Kashmir, and India's coastal security challenges. His works include:

1.नक्षलवादाचे आव्हान: चीनचे भारताशी छुपे युध्द -ब्रिगेडिअर हेमंत महाजन - नचिकेत 

Friday, 31 January 2025

Tata Steel Chess 2025: D Gukesh Climbs to World No. 3 as R Praggnanandhaa Defeats Fabiano Caruana in Round 11

Gukesh Secures World No. 3 Ranking After Draw with Wei Yi

NEW DELHI: India's chess sensation and the youngest-ever World Chess Champion, Gukesh Dommaraju, has risen to World No. 3 following a hard-fought draw against China’s Wei Yi at the Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2025 in Wijk aan Zee. This result solidified Gukesh's standing at the top of the Masters leaderboard, making it a remarkable day for Indian chess on Dutch soil.

Fresh off a rest day, Gukesh faced a stern challenge against the defending Masters champion. With the white pieces, Gukesh opened with a King’s Pawn, steering the game into a classic Italian Game. The early stages were sharp, with both players castling by the fifth move, setting the tone for an intense middle game.

A critical moment arose when Gukesh executed a bold sacrifice with Qxd8, forcing Wei Yi to respond immediately with Rfxd8. As the game transitioned into the endgame, both players were left with a rook each—Gukesh relied on his bishop, while Wei Yi sought to complicate matters with his knight. Despite their strategic maneuvers, neither player could break the deadlock, leading to a handshake and a draw.

With this result, Gukesh maintained his lead in the tournament with 8/11 points, overtaking some of the biggest names in the chess world.

Praggnanandhaa Stuns Top-Seed Fabiano Caruana

The highlight of the round, however, was Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa’s sensational victory over top-seeded Fabiano Caruana. Playing with the black pieces, Praggnanandhaa responded to Caruana’s English Opening with the Agincourt Defense, steadily gaining control of the board.

The game remained evenly balanced until Caruana blundered on move 32 with Qe3, allowing Praggnanandhaa to unleash a decisive knight maneuver. Capitalizing on this error, Praggnanandhaa closed out the game in just five more moves, securing a stunning 37-move victory. This defeat added to Caruana’s turbulent run in the tournament, marking another unexpected setback for the American grandmaster.

Impact on Live Ratings: Gukesh Surpasses Caruana

Following these results, Gukesh overtook Caruana in the live world rankings, securing the World No. 3 spot with 2793.2 Elo points, while Caruana slipped to 2792.4. Praggnanandhaa’s victory further solidified his growing reputation as one of the brightest young stars in the chess world.

Leon Luke Mendonca Scores First Win

Adding to India’s triumphs, Leon Luke Mendonca clinched his first victory of the tournament by defeating Vladimir Fedoseev of Slovenia. This win marked a significant personal milestone for Mendonca and further highlighted the dominance of Indian players in this prestigious tournament.

The Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2025 continues to witness thrilling performances, with Indian players making a strong mark on the global stage. As the final rounds approach, all eyes will be on Gukesh and Praggnanandhaa to see if they can maintain their momentum and bring further glory to Indian chess