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Thursday 8 August 2024

Left-Liberals, Don’t Confuse Morality with National Interest: Why India Should Maintain Its Defense Ties with Israel


The Controversial Letter from Left-Leaning Intellectuals

Amid global outrage over Iran and its proxies supporting terrorist activities against Israel, an intriguing letter has surfaced in the Indian media. This letter, published on a Left-leaning portal, urges the Indian Ministry of Defence to cancel licenses for defense manufacturing firms that export weapons to Israel. The letter has been signed by a group of self-proclaimed ‘eminent citizens,’ including politicians, activists, academicians, and social scientists. They argue that India’s continued export of arms to Israel, especially during its conflict with Gaza, contradicts the country’s obligations under international law and violates Articles 21 and 51(c) of the Indian Constitution.

Misinterpreting the Constitution for Political Ends

Article 21 refers to the "Right to Life," a provision that applies strictly to Indian citizens. However, the signatories, including some retired Supreme Court judges, seem to believe that these constitutional protections should extend to people in Gaza, an interpretation that is both legally and logically flawed. This overreach not only misrepresents the Constitution but also sets a dangerous precedent of mixing national interest with misplaced morality.

The Strategic Importance of India-Israel Defense Ties

If India were to follow the advice of these ‘eminent citizens’ and halt arms exports to Israel, it would cripple the country’s budding military-industrial complex at a crucial stage. Israel has proven to be one of India’s most reliable partners in developing a robust defense industrial base. The collaboration between the two nations has been instrumental in enhancing India’s military capabilities, particularly in facing the two-front challenge posed by China and Pakistan. Undermining this relationship would be a significant setback for India’s defense sector and national security.

The Hypocrisy of Selective Outrage

What is particularly condemnable is the silence of these ‘eminent citizens’ on China’s support for Hamas, which is aiding the targeting and evasion tactics against Israel. Moreover, a weapons trail linked to the violence in Manipur in India’s northeast was traced back to China, with arms being supplied via Myanmar to foment unrest in the region. Despite this, the same intellectuals have not condemned China’s actions. Nor have they spoken out against Pakistan’s ongoing support for terrorism in Jammu, which has resulted in the deaths of numerous Indian citizens.

The Real Motive Behind the Criticism

The Left-liberal intelligentsia appears to reserve their criticism exclusively for the Indian state, disregarding external threats. Their discomfort with India’s growing defense cooperation with Israel stems from a deeper unease with India’s rising military capabilities. By injecting moral and humanitarian concerns into matters of national interest and defense, they are attempting to undermine India’s strategic partnerships and weaken its position on the global stage.

Conclusion: National Interest Must Prevail

India’s defense cooperation with Israel is not just a commercial venture but a strategic necessity. It equips the nation to deal with the very real and present threats posed by neighboring adversaries. Mixing morality with national interest, as suggested by the Left-liberal intellectuals, is not only misguided but dangerous. In matters of national security, India must prioritize its interests and continue to strengthen its defense ties with reliable partners like Israel.

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