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Saturday 6 April 2024

Kashmir: A Shark-Infested Heaven on Earth- Major General Mrinal Suman Part 3

 Finally As J&K has recently emerged from the decades-long turmoil, it enjoys high curiosity quotient. Understandably, tourists are rushing to Kashmir in lakhs. Once the novelty wears off and the current euphoria abates, people will become aware of the real ground situation. Then, Kashmir will be hard pressed to remain a favourite tourist destination. Air-fairs are sky-high. Srinagar-Delhi air-ticket is more than Delhi-Dubai. Hotels are charging exorbitant rentals. 

A young couple was frank enough to state that Thailand, Dubai and Malaysia were far better organised tourist destinations. All tourist places in Kashmir are in mountainous/high-altitude areas where the weather remains unpredictable. Bright sun-shine can suddenly turn into heavy rains or snowfall, and even blizzards. Not one place has any shelter or benches for such eventualities. There are no rescue teams or medical aid posts. 

It appears that the government has abdicated its responsibility totally and will wake up from its slumber only after a major tragedy. On the morning of our departure, our houseboat caretaker casually asked for the mobiles of two guests. Without their permission, he cleverly sent feedback on their behalf, grading every aspect as ‘excellent’. Never seen such deviousness. 

Despite all my patriotic feelings, I do not recommend a visit to Kashmir as yet. It is illorganised and ill-prepared to receive the rush of tourists. It lacks elementary infrastructure, basic amenities and essential facilities at present. Worse, the tourists are always at the mercy of the local mafia. They have to remain on guard at every step. Let the government get its act together and make sure that the tourists are not used as easy prey by the sharks that infest the tourism milieu in the much acclaimed ‘Heaven on Earth’.

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