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Saturday 7 May 2011



Let us not let your guard down.  The drama is yet to unfurl completely. As I read today; after having stirred a hornets nest you should not be walking; the Americans had better run. What about India.

I am reproducing a point of view from a school mate
The whole thing reeks of having been stage-managed. In the background is a deal between the U.S. and Pakistan to get the (good) Taliban back into Afghanistan,as part of a final settlement. The CIA and the ISI  have a history of dirty tricks in Afghanistan. In fact, the  whole Mujahideen (which later morphed into the Taliban) war  against the Soviet Union was managed through CIA-ISI collaboration. That way it was never an open war and could skirt UN rules. Yet, the Mujahideen received limitless  funds and weaponry - including the famous shoulder-fired stinger missles.  
            Right now the Americans are unable or unwilling to acknowledge that the Taliban and the al-Qaeda are the offspring of the Mujahideen with almost identical DNA.  After launching the 'war-on-terror' in Afghanistan they allowed the Pakistanis to airlfit the top brass of the Taliban  as well as members of the al-Qaeda (totalling 6,000) to safe havens in Pakistans.  For e.g. Taliban chief, Mullah Omar, continues to live under CIA-ISI protection in Quetta. 
            This is why the details of Osama's assassination become important - to see if there was a CIA-ISI deal. Look at it this way. The Pakistanis could easily have mistaken the raid on Abbottabad for an  Indian operation (striking distance from the Indian  border)  and triggered off a war - even a nuclear one. They had to be taken into confidence at some stage.  
In these matters we consider a worst case scenario. The first lesson is that we should not be learning any wrong lessons here. The US is not going to become your ally very soon. Nor are they going to  handover or assist us in any kind of operation to get the wanted guys in Pakistan.

The more we keep in mind that we need to fight our own battles the better.  You will soon find that more aid is pouring into Pakistan to fight terror both monetary and military notwithstanding the noises in the Senate.

Geo-politics does not allow the US any other option.

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