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Thursday 5 May 2011

Osama - Another Viewpoint

Osama - Another Viewpoint as recieved



US knew that Osama was very sick and on his death bed. He was under OPD treatment at the Military Hospital at Abbotabad
2. He could not be allowed to die a natural death as it would be no good for USA or Pakistan. He had to be caught dead or alive. Alive was no good , so dead be it.
3. Pak was part of the plan, or - how did the choppers get through initially, and later after making all the blow ups and staying for over forty minutes, how did they get away undetected
- The operation took forty minutes on the ground, with a hepptr burning, firing taking place, and yet no reaction from the army camp next door- body language of Pak ldrs is not of ignorance, or let down, but of relief
US president Obama needed this capture of Osama, dead and dead only, before he died a natural death, to boost his ratings for the 2012 election
5 Pakistan could not afford to hand over Osama, and yet could not keep him where he was as US knew all along whee he was
6 Timing was more important and this is what has been worked out to coincide with Obamas campaign for next term
7 Pakistan can feign ignorance for his public, few effigies of Obama would be burnt and all will be forgotten
8. Abbotabad is a major Cantonment, supposedly secure.
9. Osama has been undergoing dialysis for nearly six years - under Pak military medical umbrella.
10. Obama's speech is riddled with "untruths". 
11. Why no journalists or other media person was there to report as is the normal case with American propaganda.
12. What was the hurry to dispose of the body without first exhibiting it? Was not Saddam Hussein shown as he was captured?
13. To keep the public opinion away from all the present problems this is the best ply to divert attention.
A lot of missing points are there. This is a total American propaganda and the Americans being naïve are willing to accept and believe it.
The real problem is that no one has challenged it just accepted it at face value. But then that is how propaganda works best

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