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Tuesday, 23 May 2017

It is extremely heartening to note that General Bipin Rawat, COAS ( Chief of Army Staff ) ha awarded a Commendation card to Major Gogoi, for his bold, outstanding and most unconventional decision/action in J&K last month, and that too in the face of pending inquiries, and unwarranted adverse comments from certain irresponsible political personalities as well as stupid armchair type of Page-3 peaceniks.

A New Ethos in the Army It is extremely heartening to note that General Bipin Rawat, COAS ( Chief of Army Staff ) ha awarded a Commendation card to Major Gogoi, for his bold, outstanding and most unconventional decision/action in J&K last month, and that too in the face of pending inquiries, and unwarranted adverse comments from certain irresponsible political personalities as well as stupid armchair type of Page-3 peaceniks. Also, kudos to the COAS as well as the Army organisation as a whole, for fielding Major Gogoi himself today in front of the whole nation, on every major TV channel individually. He has given an extremely succint and vivid account of the situation and the incident -- and comes across as a very confident, mature and bold Young officer. His interview, especially to the News X channel, is particularly good and forthright, including what he said about Farukh Abdullah and the instigation by the mosques. 3 cheers to this brave and cool young man from the North East - we need more such active, honest , dedicated, aggressive within bounds, and quick thinking officers in the Army. (( A good lesson for our senior officers, who are generally cautious to the extent of being timid and hesitant, particularly to stand up to the Rights of the Armed Forces.)) Let us hope that a new face and new ethos of the Army shall come to fore under this new chief, and also that the age old tradition of the Organisation , of standing by the soldiers who take certain decisions in precarious situations, is revived, as exemplified by this incident.

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