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Friday, 17 October 2014


When foreigners are offered a permanent job at NASA, the condition is that they should apply for and get a US Citizenship. Arun. P.V. who hails from from Manimala in Kerala, got an invitation from the American space research center NASA to work as scientist there. He had completed his M.Tech from Bhopal NIT and after a stint at the renowned Bhabha Atomic Research Center, he completed a PhD at the Masachussetts Institute of Technology. While at the MIT, NASA Extended the invitation. Arun joined work on a fixed term contract.His exceptional caliber and genius led to an offer of a permanent position at NASA. All other candidates who were invited by NASA for a permanent position, accepted US Citizenship, and joined NASA. However, Arun was adamant that he would not give up his Indian Citizenship for the job. His stand was that if that was the condition, he was more than willing to forego the offer from NASA. He informed NASA that he was willing to quit and return to India if his condition was not acceptable by NASA. NASA and the US Government must have been very impressed by his patriotism as well as his scientific caliber from what happened afterwards. Arun, a very junior scientist, was included in a high level science and technology co-operation delegation from the US to India that arrived two weeks ago. It was renowned computer scientist Dr. Barbara Liskov, who was also on the delegation, who informed Home minister Rajnath Singh about the courageously patriotic stand that Arun had taken. Rajnath Singh updated PM Narendra Modi about this, and the PM invited Arun to his official residence for a half hour chat. He told Arun that the doors to the Indian Space research programme will forever be open to him. We Salute the patriotism of this True Indian. Hats off to you, Arun!

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