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Wednesday, 1 October 2014


"The Sarita Devi episode has put into stark relief the dismal absence of 'leadership culture' for the most part in our country. There is a terrible vacuum of leadership across all the layers of polity and public life. Sarita's show of 'disrespect' at the victory ceremony during the ongoing Asiads was but a manifestation of the angst accumulated in sports persons involved in games where judging tends to be subjective - such as boxing, wrestling, martial arts etc. Subjectivity can attract enticement, bias and even outright selling of one's integrity. These things are well known for a long time now. But AIBA and SAI have decided to go after the athlete for her show of defiance because they must be seen to be taking action. Much easier to 'take' action against an individual rather than against the cantankerous whole! Lest 'fairness' should suffer!! Talk about treating the symptoms? But the most disturbing issue that surfaces is of the demonstration of callous lack of communication by any official of the Indian Contingent to commiserate with and assuage the hurt athlete, and to find a way together to right the palpable wrong done, not only to the individual athlete, but to the country's interest and to the very cause of the sports. Secretary General of the IOA along with so many official representatives of Indian sports fraternity were present on the spot but chose to look away or slip away. What is it that would move these people to show concern, leave alone take immediate effective action? Obviously the interest and morale of their foot soldier (their very raison d'etre) didn't mean anything to them; nor did their 'love' for the country or the sport. What does it leave us with? That most of them are 'rent seekers' only concerned about their rent? What would they understand about leadership then? A leader connects with his team, believes in them and stands by them. He values their being as much as he values his own. Even a most innocuous disturbance in the team member's mental firmament makes him concerned; and here is a team member who has left no stone unturned in toiling for the country's glory and showing herself up as a role model in commitment, perseverance and patriotism. Today the Chef-de-mission has informed the world that each team should have a manager. Yes a manager because they have no idea whatsoever about leadership! And this dignitary has been an athlete himself. Didn't learn about leadership even in sports! Yesterday, immediately after the bout, the anguished Sarita went to the extent of even saying that the officials didn't support her because she was from Northeast. It was for the whole world to hear through our loud media. It should have raised everyone's hackles, even the very highest. Right signals should have emanated immediately and the entire Indian fraternity at Incheon should have rallied behind Sarita and her husband and expressed their unflinching solidarity. Obviously nothing like that happened for over twenty four hours, and the simmer reached the boil before spilling over on the podium. You mean, not one person could talk to her over this one day to make her see the folly of such an action that she might take howsoever right she might be in her consternation; retaining composure and circumspection would have only strengthened hers and country's cause. Not one person could demonstrate leadership quality and sagacity?! And even media has chosen to play up the issue after the 'drama' unfolded at the victory ceremony. Why not raised the issue yesterday itself while generating moral support, solidarity, and most importantly, the wisdom to handle the situation sagaciously. I am loathed to think that we as a country perhaps wanted this 'drama' to unfold with vicariousness of profane order. I would have naturally castigated Sarita and her husband given my 'maturity' for an irresponsible, immature, unsportsmanlike 'dramatic' behaviour! But I can't sit on judgment on one individual without judging the whole country for what we have shown ourselves to be. We know little about leadership, leave alone being one! Let's search for that latent leader within ourselves or seek help from someone else. Otherwise we,as individual and as a country will be doomed to smallness! I am with you Sarita and Thoiba, in all your impetuosity! That's the best thing I can do after having failed you as a fellow Indian!!"

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