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Thursday, 30 October 2014

पाकिस्तानचे पंतप्रधान नवाझ शरीफ यांना आमंत्रण , पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांना आमंत्रण टाळले

पाकिस्तानचे पंतप्रधान नवाझ शरीफ यांना आमंत्रण , पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांना आमंत्रण टाळले मुलाच्या दस्तारबंदी कार्यक्रमावरून शाही इमाम वादात दिल्लीतील जामा मशीदीचे शाही इमाम सय्यद बुखारी यांनी आपल्या मुलाच्या दस्तारबंदी कार्यक्रमाला पाकिस्तानचे पंतप्रधान नवाझ शरीफ यांना आमंत्रण देतानाच, पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांना आमंत्रण देण्याचे टाळल्याने वाद निर्माण झाला आहे. बुखारी यांनी आपला मुलगा शबान (१९) याला वारसदार म्हणून घोषित केले असून त्याला 'नायब शाही इमाम' घोषित करण्यासाठीचा हा कार्यक्रम २२ नोव्हेंबरला जामा मशिदीत होणार आहे. या सोहळ्याला परदेशातील पाहुण्यांसह अनेक धार्मिक नेते हजर राहणार आहेत. 'दस्तारबंद सोहळ्यासाठी अनेक भारतीय व परदेशी राजकीय नेत्यांना निमंत्रण आहे. पाकिस्तानचे पंतप्रधान नवाझ शरीफ यांनाही आमंत्रण आहे. मात्र पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांना आमंत्रण पाठवलेले नाही, कारण गुजरात दंगलींप्रकरणी मुस्लीमधर्मीयांनी त्यांना माफ केलेले नाही,' असे बुखारी यांनी सांगितले. या सोहळ्याच्या आमंत्रितांमध्ये गृहमंत्री राजनाथ सिंह, हर्षवर्धन, सय्यद शाहनवाझ हुसेन, विजय गोएल या भाजप नेत्यांसह प. बंगालच्या मुख्यमंत्री ममता बॅनर्जी, उत्तर प्रदेशचे मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव, काँग्रेस नेत्या सोनिया गांधी आणि राहुल गांधी यांचा समावेश आहे. 'हा वैयक्तिक संघर्ष नाही. मोदींनी कधीच मुस्लिमांना जवळ करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला नाही, त्यांनी मुस्लिमांना कायमच दूर ठेवले,' असे सांगत इमाम बुखारी यांनी आपल्या निर्णयाचे समर्थन केले. काही प्रतिक्रिया याना मोदी याना निमंत्रण द्यायचे नव्हते पण पाकच्या शरिफला कशासाठी बोलावले? खरेतर पाकिस्तान हे राष्ट्र नेहमी भारतावीरुद्ध कुरापती काढत असताना बुखारीचा हा निर्णय म्हणजे एकप्रकारचा देशद्रोहच समाजाला पाहिजे. ह्या बुखारीने भारताला कधी जवळ केले आहे का? हा हरामखोर खातो भारताच आणि गुणगान पाकीस्तानच! अश्या देशद्रोह्याला आश्रय देणारा भारत महान म्हणायचा की बावळट? पाकिस्तान मध्येच ठेव ना मग हा कार्यक्रम... इमामानी हे लक्षात ठेवावे की ते मोदी या व्यक्तीला बोलावत नसून पंतप्रधनाला बोलावित आहेत. त्यानी किमान या पदाचा मान राखणे गरजेचे होते. अतिशय दुर्दैवी. देशद्रोहिच आहे हा इमाम. बहिष्कार घालावा या कार्यक्रममावार. ह्याला आणि ह्याच्या पाक समर्थक समुदायाला चोपथ्ायची वेळ आली आहे. हा पंतप्रधानांचा अपमान आहे. आणि म्हणूनच तो 125 कोटी भारतीयांचा अपमान आहे. काँग्रेस ने फालतू महत्व देऊन वादवलेला साप आहे. यानी ज्या ज्या लोकाना बोलावले आहे ती लिस्ट सरकार ने पहिले पहिजे. कारण यात देशद्रोही आणि देशविरोधी,पाकिस्तानी,लोकांचा समावेश असु शकेल. आणि तसे जर असेल तर याला अटक केली पाहिजे. धार्मिक विदवेश बुखारी यांच्या नसा नसा मधे भरला आहे हा कार्यक्रम धार्मिक आहे मग तुमच्या सगळ्या मुल्ला आणि मौलवी लोकाना बोलवा, यात राजकारणी लोकांचे काय काम ? 19 वर्षाच्या पोराला ईमाम बनवता आहात, आता ह्याने माथेफिरू फतवे काढले नाही म्हणजे मिळवली ! बुखारीने भारताला कधी जवळ केले आहे का? हा हरामखोर खातो भारताच आणि गुणगान पाकीस्तानच! अश्या देशद्रोह्याला आश्रय देणारा भारत महान म्हणायचा की बावळट


बंगालमधील ज्वालामुखी तब्बल तीस वर्षांची डाव्यांची राजवट संपवून ममता बॅनर्जी यांच्या हाती पश्‍चिम बंगालची सूत्रे सोपवताना तेथील जनतेने जल्लोष केला होता. सुरवातीला मार्क्‍सवादी आणि इतर डाव्या पक्षांनी चांगला कारभार केला. ग्रामीण जनतेला त्याचा फायदा झाला. पण हळूहळू ग्रामीण भागात आपली पकड मजबूत करण्याच्या नादात डाव्या पक्षांच्या कार्यकर्त्यांनी गुंडगिरी सुरू केली. काँग्रेस आणि तृणमूल काँग्रेसला गावांमध्ये पाय रोवता येऊ नयेत म्हणून धमकावण्यापासून ते ठार मारण्यापर्यंत त्यांची मजल गेली. त्यातून रक्तरंजित चकमकी सुरू झाल्या. या प्रकारांमुळे डावे पक्ष लोकांच्या मनातून उतरू लागले. ममता यांच्या तृणमूल काँग्रेसच्या हाती राज्याची सत्ता सोपवण्याचे प्रमुख कारण डाव्यांची वाढती अरेरावी हे होते. त्या मुख्यमंत्री झाल्यानंतर हिंसाचाराला आळा बसेल, परिस्थिती सुधारेल अशी अपेक्षा होती. पण ममता यांच्या राजवटीत कायदा आणि सुव्यवस्था पार ढासळली असून, संपूर्ण राज्यच ज्वालामुखीच्या तोंडावर असल्याची स्थिती आहे. अलीकडेच राज्यात झालेल्या बाँबस्फोटांच्या घटनेतून ते दिसून आले. मात्र त्याकडे गांभीर्याने पाहण्याऐवजी ममता विरोधकांवरच टीका करण्यात धन्यता मानत आहेत. बालमृत्यूंचे प्रमाण वाढले, महिलांवर बलात्कार झाले, तरी आपल्याला बदनाम करण्यासाठी डाव्यांनी केलेले हे कारस्थान आहे, असा आरोप त्या सातत्याने करतात. शारदा चिट फंड गैरव्यवहारात अडकलेल्या ‘तृणमूल’च्या बड्या नेत्यांना वाचवण्यासाठी या प्रकरणाची चौकशी ‘सीबीआय’कडे देण्यासही त्या तयार झाल्या नाहीत. ममता यांच्या ‘हम करेसो...’ प्रवृत्तीचेच दर्शन यातून घडले आहे. अलीकडेच वर्धमान शहरात दोन ऑक्‍टोबरला, गांधी जयंतीच्या दिवशी आणि दुर्गापूजेची धामधूम सुरू असताना झालेल्या बाँबस्फोटांचे धागेदोरे बांगलादेशातील अतिरेकी संघटनेपर्यंत पोहोचल्याचे निष्पन्न झाले आहे. वर्धमानमधील बाँबस्फोटांत तिघे जण मरण पावले. ते बाँब तयार करीत असताना स्फोट झाला आणि ‘तृणमूल’च्या एका नेत्यानेच त्यांना घर भाड्याने दिले होते, ही बाब चौकशीत समोर आली. हे बाँब कशासाठी तयार केले जात होते, ते कोठे वापरले जाणार होते, त्याचे सूत्रधार कोण आहेत, या साऱ्याचा तपास केंद्रीय यंत्रणेमार्फत होणे गरजेचे होते. तरीही ममता अशा चौकशीस तयार नव्हत्या. नंतर घटनास्थळाजवळच आणखी ४० बाँब सापडले. त्यामुळे राष्ट्रीय तपास यंत्रणेने (एनआयए) चौकशी सुरू केली, तेव्हा बांगलादेशातील संघटनेच्या अतिरेक्‍यांनी बंगाल आणि आसपासच्या राज्यांत आश्रय घेतला असून, ते येथे बाँब तयार करून बांगलादेशात पाठवतात, असे आढळून आले. म्हणजे बांगलादेशातील अतिरेकी कारवायांसाठी भारताच्या भूमीचा वापर सुरू होता आणि राज्याचे गृह खाते, पोलिस यांना त्याची अजिबात माहिती नव्हती. राज्यातील गुप्तचर यंत्रणांचे हे ढळढळीत अपयश होते. ‘एनआयए’च्या तपासात अनेक नव्या बाबी समोर येत असून, त्यातून या बाँबचा वापर कदाचित भारतातही केला गेला असता, असा संशय व्यक्‍त झाला आहे. बांगलादेशाच्या पंतप्रधान शेख हसीना वाजेद यांच्या हत्येचा कट वर्धमानमधील अतिरेक्‍यांनी आखला होता, असेही तपासात उघडकीस आल्याने या प्रकरणाची व्याप्ती किती मोठी आहे, हे स्पष्ट होते. या पार्श्‍वभूमीवर ‘एनआयए’च्या प्रमुखांनी आणि नंतर राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सल्लागार अजित डोवल यांनी घटनास्थळी जाऊन पाहणी केली. डोवल यांनी या प्रकरणी राज्य सरकारच्या अपयशाबद्दल थेट ममता बॅनर्जी यांच्याकडेच नाराजी व्यक्‍त केली. त्यामुळे या प्रकरणाच्या तपासात आम्ही केंद्राला संपूर्ण सहकार्य करू, असे सांगण्याची वेळ ममता यांच्यावर आली. मात्र आक्रमक भाषणे करून, डाव्यांच्या नावाने थयथयाट करणाऱ्या ममता यांचा पोलिस आणि प्रशासनावर वचक राहिला नसल्याचेच या घटनांतून उघड झाले आहे. याआधीही राज्यात गेल्या वर्षी सुमारे नऊ हजार बाँब सापडले. त्यातील सात हजार बाँब एकट्या वर्धमान जिल्ह्यात आढळले. नक्षलवादी वा अतिरेक्‍यांचे हे कृत्य असू शकते. पण वर्धमानच्या घटनेतून दहशतवाद्यांना राज्यात मोकळे रान मिळाल्याचे जाणवते. एवढे होऊनही ममता बॅनर्जी यांची आणि त्याच्या कार्यकर्त्यांची अरेरावी संपलेली नाही. वीरभूममध्ये गेल्या आठवड्यात भाजप आणि ‘तृणमूल’च्या कार्यकर्त्यांमध्ये चकमक उडून तीन जण मारले गेले. याआधीही जूनमध्ये अशाच प्रकारांमुळे स्फोटक परिस्थिती निर्माण झाली होती. बांगलादेशातील मूलतत्त्ववादी गट सीमेलगतच्या भागात आश्रय घेत असून, मतपेढीच्या राजकारणातून ‘तृणमूल’कडून त्यांना पाठीशी घातले जात आहे, असा विरोधकांचा आरोप आहे. बंगाल सध्या ज्वालामुखीच्या तोंडावर दिसत असले तरी त्याचे चटके बांगलादेशाबरोबर आपल्या देशाच्या अन्य भागांनाही बसू शकतात. या साऱ्या घटनांची गंभीर दखल घेऊन अतिरेक्‍यांचा बीमोड करण्यासाठी ममता यांनी केंद्रीय तपास यंत्रणांना सहकार्य करण्याची भूमिका घ्यायला हवी. ते बंगालच्या, देशाच्या व त्यांच्याही हिताचे आहे


सहकारातील भस्मासुर कॉंग्रेसची सत्ता जाताच त्यांचे एकेक पितळ उघडे पडण्याला सुरुवात झाली आहे. इतके दिवस दाबून ठेवलेली काळी प्रकरणे आता एकामागून एक बाहेर येण्याची शक्यता आहे. या पर्दाफाशाची सुरुवात राज्य सहकारी बँकेच्या प्रकरणापासून झाली आहे. दीड हजार कोटींच्या राज्य सहकारी बँकेच्या घोटाळा प्रकरणी चौकशीसाठी नेमलेल्या अपर निबंधकांनी माजी उपमुख्यमंत्री अजित पवारांसह या बँकेच्या पन्नास संचालकांच्या नावे नोटिसा काढल्या आहेत. या पन्नासमध्ये एखादा अपवाद सोडला, तर सर्व मंडळी कॉंग्रेस आणि राष्ट्रवादी कॉंग्रेसची आहेत. सहकारी साखर कारखाने, सहकारी सूतगिरण्या यांना नियम मोडून कर्ज देणे, थकित संस्थांची कर्जे वसूल न करणे, विनातारण कर्जे देणे, थकित कर्जापोटी जप्त केलेल्या मालमत्ता कमी किमतीत विकणे, असे एक ना अनेक घोटाळे या महाघोटाळ्यामध्ये अंतर्भूत आहेत. कोळसा उगाळावा तितका काळाच, तशाच प्रकारे हा सहकार क्षेत्रातील या कॉंग्रेस संस्कृतीतील महाघोटाळा काढावा तितका खोलवर निघतच राहणार आहे. गेली अनेक वर्षे या लोकांनी सहकार क्षेत्राचा चराऊ कुरणासारखा वापर केला आहे. मुक्त अर्थव्यवस्थेतील अर्थिक स्वातंत्र्याचा अतिरेकी आग्रह आणि साम्यवादातील समतेचा अतिरेकी आग्रह या दोन व्यवस्थांमधील दोषांची वजाबाकी आणि गुणांची बेरीज करून बंधुतेच्या पायावर सहकार ही एक व्यवस्था उभी करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला होता. मात्र, आता बाहेर येत असलेल्या या भ्रष्टाचार आणि घोटाळ्यांकडे पाहता या कॉंग्रेसमधल्या सहकार सम्राटांनी साम्यवाद आणि मुक्त अर्थव्यवस्थेतील दोषांची बेरीज केली आणि गुणांची वजाबाकी केली, असेच दिसते आहे. इतका वैचारिक विचार न करता या लोकांनी ताब्यात आलेली प्रत्येक संस्था स्वार्थ, सत्ता यासाठी कशी राबविता येईल, असा एकच अप्पलपोटेपणाचा विचार करून हे लोक हम करे सो कायदा अशा पद्धतीने सहकारातून पैसा फस्त करत आले आहेत. गावोगावच्या सहकारी संस्था, जिल्हा मध्यवर्ती सहकारी बँका, कृषी उत्पादनावर आधारित सहकारी साखर कारखाने, दूध संघ, सूतगिरण्या व यांच्या सर्व व्यवहारावर नियंत्रण करणारी राज्य सहकारी बँक अशा सर्व संस्थांची मालिका या लोकांनी क्रमाक्रमाने मोडीत काढली आहे. आधी कोंबडीला स्वर्ग आणि मगच सोसायटीला अ वर्ग अशा या लोकांनी राबविलेल्या धोरणातून गावोगावच्या सेवा सोसायट्या पुढार्‍यांनी मेवा खाण्याच्या जागा बनल्या तेथून ज्या खाबूगिरीला सुरुवात झाली ती आज राज्य सहकारी बँकेत हजारो कोटींचा गैरव्यवहार करण्यापर्यंत येऊन पोहोचली आहे. राज्य सहकारी बँकेच्या घोटाळ्यात जी नोटीस या सर्व पुढार्‍यांना देण्यात आलेली आहे, त्यामध्ये यांच्या गैरव्यवहाराचे जे स्वरूप उघड झाले आहे, ते चीड आणणारे आहे. ९ साखर कारखान्यांना ३३१ कोटींचे कर्ज, सूतगिरण्यांना ६० कोटींचे कर्ज, २४ कारखान्यांना विनातारण कर्ज, त्यामध्ये २२५ कोटींची थकबाकी, २२ कारखान्यांना १९५ कोटींचे असुरक्षित कर्ज. कर्जवसुलीसाठी शेवटी या संस्थांच्या मालमत्ता विकूनही ४७८ कोटींची थकबाकी असा या भ्रष्टाचाराने बरबटलेल्या पुढार्‍यांचा सहकारातील काळा अध्याय आहे. सहकारी चळवळ ही सर्वसामान्य शेतकरी आणि शेतमजूर यांच्या जीवनात अर्थिक, सामाजिक क्रांती करत त्यांचे जीवनमान उंचावणारी चळवळ ठरली असती. साखर कारखान्यांच्या माध्यमातून गावोगावी रस्ते, बंधारे, शाळा, आरोग्य केंद्रे अशा गोष्टी पाहिल्या की त्याची चुणूक दिसते. मात्र, भ्रष्टाचाराची ही राजकीय वाळवी या संस्थांना लागली आणि सहकाराची चळवळ एक पाऊल पुढे आणि चार पावले मागे अशा पद्धतीने चालू लागली. कृषी उत्पादनांवर प्रक्रिया करणारे क्षेत्र ऊस आणि कापूस याच्या पुढे सरकलेच नाही. कांदा, टोमॅटो अशी कितीतरी उत्पादने चांगली पिकली की बाजारात भाव पडणार आणि शेतकर्‍यांच्या घरातून दलालांच्या कोठारात गेली की भाव कडाडणार, अशा दुष्टचक्रात अडकली. कृषी उत्पादनांवर प्रक्रिया करणार्‍या उद्योगांची मालिका दूध आणि कापसाच्या पुढे न गेल्याने हे घडले.सहकार खाऊन फस्त करणारे हे सहकारातील नतद्रष्टच त्याला कारणीभूत आहेत. अनेक ठिकाणी लिंबू प्रक्रिया, सीताफळ प्रक्रिया, टोमॅटो प्रकिया, व्होडका उत्पादन, इथेनॉल निर्मिती, शीतगृहे अशा उद्योगांची फक्त चर्चाच झाली, पण हे विषय पुढे सरकलेच नाहीत. सहकारी संस्था आणि सहकारी संस्थांना अर्थपुरवठा करणार्‍या संस्था भ्रष्टाचाराने पोखरण्याइतकाच यांचा अपराध मर्यादित नाही. या लोकांनी राजकीय सत्ता मिळविताना लोकांना भ्रमित करण्यासाठी हा सगळा भ्रष्टाचारातून जमविलेला पैसा पाण्यासारखा वापरला. दर पाच वर्षांनी होणार्‍या निवडणुकांना यांनी लिलावासारखे रूप आणले आणि भ्रष्टाचारात जमविलेला हा बेकायदेशीर पैसा या लिलावात बोली लावण्यासाठी यांनी वापरला. पैशातून सत्ता आणि सत्तेतून पैसा असे एक दुष्टचक्र या लोकांनी चालविले. जेव्हा सहकारी संस्था खाऊन फस्त झाल्या आणि त्यांना पतपुरवठा करणार्‍या संस्थाही डबघाईला आल्या तेव्हा या निर्लज्ज लोकांनी सहकार मोडीत काढत खाजगीकरणाकडे आपला मोर्चा वळविला. सहकारातील सभासदांच्या पाठीत भ्रष्टाचाराचे रक्त लागलेला खंजीर खुपसत सहकारी संस्था यांनी विकायला काढल्या. त्याही स्वस्तात. स्वत:च्या वेगवेगळ्या नावाने काढलेल्या कंपन्यांमार्फत कवडीमोल किमतीत विकत घेण्याचा कोडगा उपद्व्यापही करायला यांनी मागेपुढे पाहिलेले नाही. याबरोबरच आणखी एक घोर अपराध यांनी केला आहे. या सर्व जिल्हा मध्यवर्ती सहकारी बँका आणि गावपातळीवरच्या सहकारी सेवा सोसायट्या भ्रष्टाचाराने मोडीत काढल्यामुळे सर्वसामान्य शेतकर्‍यांना पतपुरवठा करणार्‍या या संस्था हतबल झाल्या. शेतकर्‍यांना पतपुरवठा होणारा मार्ग बंद झाला. हरितक्रांतीमुळे महागडी बियाणे आणि रासायनिक खते, कीटकनाशके विकत घेण्यासाठी कर्जाचा एकमेव पर्याय असल्याने शेतकर्‍यांना या लोकांच्या करणीने कर्जासाठी खाजगी सावकाराच्या दारात उभे केले. त्यात जर कर्ज काढून केलेली पेरणी वाया गेली, तर सावकारी कर्जाच्या दलदलीत बुडणार्‍या शेतकर्‍यांना फासाचा दोर जवळ केल्याशिवाय दुसरा पर्यायच शिल्लक राहिला नाही. शेतकर्‍यांच्या आत्महत्यांना हे सगळे सहकाराला बुडविणारे डोमकावळे कारणीभूत आहेत. प्रचंड गाजावाजा करत जी कर्जमाफी केली ती शेतकर्‍यांसाठी केली, असा जरी टेंभा हे लोक मिरवत असले, तरी ती शेतकर्‍यांसाठी नव्हती तर सोन्याची अंडी देणारी सहकारी बँकांची जी कोंबडी मरत चालली होती तिला जीवदान देण्यासाठीच ते ७५ हजार कोटींचे कर्ज माफ करण्यात आले. ती सगळी रक्कम बँकांना मिळाली. शेतकर्‍यांना काहीच मिळाले नाही. बँकांमधून एम टॉनिक घेऊन सत्ताबाजारात झिंगलेले हे मदमस्त झालेले पुढारी पुन्हा काही काळ मस्तीत डोलत राहिले इतकेच! सहकारी संस्था बुडवायच्या, शेतकर्‍यांना आत्महत्या करण्यासाठी मजबूर करण्यासारखी परिस्थिती निर्माण करायची, आत्महत्या करणार्‍या शेतकर्‍यांसाठी पॅकेज जाहीर करायचे, त्या पॅकेजवरही डल्ला मारायचा. कोणत्याही मार्गाने आपल्याच फुगलेल्या पोटात पैसा गेला पाहिजे अशी काळजी या लोकांनी सतत घेतली. महाराष्ट्राचे पार वाटोळे करून टाकले. कुठे नेऊन ठेवलाय् महाराष्ट्र माझा, असा प्रश्‍न विचारला तर यांना महाराष्ट्राचा अपमान वाटला. महाराष्ट्राला चारही बाजूंनी लुटून फस्त करताना यांना लाज वाटली नाही? महाराष्ट्राचा आपण अपमान करतो आहोत असे यांना कधीच वाटले नाही? महाराष्ट्राच्या गोरगरीब जनतेकडून ताकद मिळवून या जनता जनार्दनालाच भस्मसात करायला निघालेले हे भस्मासुर आहेत. यांच्या आतून, बाहेरून पाठिंब्याची चिंता न करता यांना सरकारने कसलीही दयामाया न दाखविता दंडित केले पाहिजे. या चळवळीने सर्वसामान्य शेतकर्‍यांच्या जीवनावर जो विपरीत परिणाम केला आहे, त्यामधून शेतकर्‍यांना बाहेर काढून शेतकर्‍यांना उन्नतीचा मार्ग कसा दाखविता येईल, याचा विचार भाजपाच्या सरकारने फडणवीस यांच्या नेतृत्वाखाली केला, तर महाराष्ट्र हे गतीने प्रगतिपथावर अग्रेसर होणारे राज्य ठरेल आणि शेतकर्‍यांचे जाणते राजे खरे कोण याची प्रचीती जगाला येईल

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

मतपेटीच्या राजकारणामुळे पश्चिणम बंगालमधे वाढता दहशतवाद

मतपेटीच्या राजकारणामुळे पश्चिणम बंगालमधे वाढता दहशतवाद पश्चिीम बंगालमध्ये १८० दहशतवादी, ७० दहशतवादी छुपे सेल ? पश्चिीम बंगालच्या बर्दवानमधील खागरागड येथे बॉम्बस्फोट झालेल्या ठिकाणाला सोमवारी राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सल्लागार अजित दोवल,गुप्तचर विभागाचे (आयबी) प्रमुख इब्राहिम, एनएसजीचे महासंचालक चौधरी,रॉ आणि एनआयएचे वरिष्ठ अधिकाऱ्यांनी भेट दिली.या वरुन पश्चिमम बंगालमध्ये फ़ोफ़ावल्या दहशतवादाची कल्पना यावी.श्री अजित दोवल यांनी पश्चिम बंगालमधे लपलेल्या १८० दहशतवाद्यांची, राज्यातील शेकडो मदरसामधील दहशतवादी ट्रेनिंग केंद्राची आ्णि ७० दहशतवादी छुप्या सेलची यादी पश्चिम बंगालच्या मुख्यमंत्री ममता बॅनर्जी यांना दिली. इतक्या मोठ्या प्रमाणावर आतंकी कारवाया ज्या ठिकाणी चालत असतील, तेथे स्थानिक प्रशासन, पोलीस यांना याविषयी माहिती कशी मिळत नाही ? कि माहिती मिळूनही पोलीस-प्रशासन त्याकडे कानाडोळा करते कि पोलीसही त्यात सामील असतात ? तृणमूलच्या नेत्याच्या घरी झालेल्या स्फोटाच्या प्रकरणात पोलिसांनीच पुरावे नष्ट केले आहेत.बंगलादेश ची राजधानी ढाका येथे मोठ्या प्रमाणात रक्तपात घडवून आणण्याची हुजी अतिरेक्यांची योजना असल्याची माहिती आहे व काही राजकीय नेत्यांना, नामवंत व्यक्तींनाही ठार मारण्याची हुजीची योजना होती, असे इतके दिवस झोपलेले पश्चिम बंगालचे पोलिस आता सांगत आहेत. बर्दवान,जर्मन बेकरी, पाटण्यातील बॉम्बस्फोटांत साम्य २ ऑक्टोबर रोजी वर्धमान जिल्ह्याच्या खागरागढ येथे तृणमूल नेत्याच्या घरी बॉम्ब बनविताना झालेल्या स्फोटात दोन दहशतवादी ठार झाले. एक जण जखमी झाला. यावेळी पश्चिटम बंगालच्या ‘सरकारने सर्वात पहिले कोणते काम केले असेल तर ते म्हणजे घटनास्थळावरून जप्त करण्यात आलेली स्फोटके आणि पुरावे नष्ट करण्याचे. मात्र घटनास्थळावरून वृत्त स्थानिक वर्तमानपत्रात फोटोंसह छापून आले.नंतर गृहमंत्रालय अधिकार्यां्नी खुलासा केला आहे की, प. बंगाल पोलिस या प्रकरणी अजीबात सहकार्य करीत नाही. आता जसजशी अधिक सखोल चौकशी होत आहे, तसतसे ममता बॅनर्जी सरकारचे जिहादींशी असलेले जिव्हाळ्याचे संबंधही उघड होत आहेत. ज्या तृणमूल कॉंग्रेस पक्षाच्या नेत्याच्या घरी बॉम्बस्फोट झाला, त्याचे बांगला देशातील दहशतवादी संघटना जमात उल मुजाहिदीनशी अतिशय निकटचे संबंध आहे. दहशतवाद्यांना पैसा पुरविण्यात देखील वरील नेत्याची मोठी भूमिका आहे. बर्दवानमधील खागरागड, पुण्यातील जर्मन बेकरी आणि पाटण्यातील बॉम्बस्फोटांत मोठे साम्य आढळून आले होते. बर्दवानमधील एका घरातून ५९ आयईडी, ५५ ग्रेनेड्‌स जप्त करण्यात आले. यामध्ये रशियन ग्रेनेड लॉंचर्सचाही समावेश आहे. आसाममधील बोडोंवर हल्ला करण्यासाठी,बांगलादेशातील दहशतवाद्यांसाठी आणि भारतात इतरत्र बॉम्बस्फोट करण्याकरता ही शस्त्रे तयार केली असावीत. वर्धमान जिल्ह्यात दहशतवाद्यांचे जाळे कुठपर्यंत पसरले आहे आणि त्यांची काय योजना होती, याचे पुरावे राष्ट्रीय तपास संस्था (एनआयए) च्या हाती लागले आहेत. खागरागढ स्थित घरातून एनआयएला लेड अलाईड या अतिशय शक्तिशाली रसायनांच्या रिकाम्या बाटल्या आढळून आल्या. या स्फोटकाच्या धमाक्यात हजारो लोकांचा बळी जाऊ शकला असता. एनआयएने दहशतवाद्यांच्या अन्य दोन अड्ड्यांवरून प्रचंड प्रमाणात आधुनिक शस्त्रास्त्रे आणि दारुगोळा जप्त करण्यात आला. दहशतवाद्यांच्या अड्ड्यावरून जप्त सिम कार्डच्या कॉल डिटेल्सवरून असे कळले की त्यांचा जम्मू-काश्मीर, उत्तरप्रदेश, आसाम, महाराष्ट्र, तामिळनाडू येथील राज्यातील सहकार्यांमशी सातत्याने संवाद होत होता. ‘आझमगढ आणि दरभंगा मॉड्यूल’ नंतर दहशतवादी बायका व मुलांबरोबर राहुन दहशतवादी कारवाया करत आहे. यामुळे अड्डे बनविणे सोपे होते आणि लोकांना कुठल्याही प्रकारचा संशय येत नाही. अनेक प्रांतातील युवक-युवती जिहादी संघटनांमध्ये सामील एनआयएला सिमुलियातील मदरशाविरुद्ध पुरावे मिळाले आहेत. दहशतवाद्यांना याच मदरशात जिहादी प्रशिक्षण देण्यात आले होते. रुमी आणि अमीना बीबी बांगलादेशच्या जमातुल मुजाहिदीनच्या महिला ‘हिट स्क्वाड’च्या सदस्य होत्या. या दोघींच्याही शोधात बांगलादेश पोलिस होती. चौकशीत दोघींनीही कबूल केले की, सिमुलिया मदरशात त्यांना शस्त्रास्त्रे चालविण्याचे आणि जिहादचा प्रचार-प्रसार करण्याचे प्रशिक्षण देण्यात आले होते. वर्धमान प्रकरणातील दहशतवाद्यांचा सूत्रधार आणि मदरसाचा संचालक युसुफ शेख २००७ ते २००९ पर्यंत उत्तरप्रदेशात होता, जेथे त्याला दहशतवादी प्रशिक्षण देण्यात आले. त्याने आझमगड मॉड्यूलच्या धर्तीवरच वर्धमान येथे जमातुल मुजाहिदीन बांगलादेशचे दहशतवादी मॉड्यूल बनवले होते. गेल्या वर्षी बोधगया येथील महाबोधी मंदिरावर दहशतवाद्यांच्या हल्ल्याची चौकशी करीत असताना लक्षात आले, की या स्फोटासाठी वापरण्यात आलेली साधने आसाममधील गुवाहाटी येथून आणण्यात आली होती. या दहशतवादी हल्ल्यात म्यानमारमधून हकालपट्टी झालेल्या रोहंगिया मुसलमानांचा(हे भारतीय नाहीत) हात होता. त्यांना स्वीकारण्यास बांगलादेश तयार नाही; त्यांना कोणतेही राष्ट्र स्वीकारायला तयार नाही. आसामची सरहद्द त्यांना प्रवेश करण्यास सुलभ वाटते, म्हणून त्यांनी आसामात आश्रय घेतला आहे. अशा तऱ्हेने ३० हजार रोहंगिया मुसलमानांनी आसामात आश्रय घेतला आहे. गेल्या दोन वर्षांत कर्नाटक, तामिळनाडू, आंध्रप्रदेश, पश्चिाम बंगाल, आसाम, उत्तरप्रदेश, बिहार इत्यादी राज्यांत मोठ्या संख्येत युवक-युवतींना जिहादी संघटनांमध्ये सामील करण्यात आले आहे. त्यांना प्रशिक्षणासाठी बांगलादेशमार्गे वजीरिस्तानमध्ये पाठवले जाते. तेथून परतल्यावर ते मदरशाच्या माध्यमातून अन्यना जिहादसाठी प्रेरित करतात. सिमुलिया स्थित मदरशातून एनआयएने प्रचंड प्रमाणात उर्दू आणि अरबी भाषेतील प्रकाशित जिहादी सामुग्रीचे ढीग जप्त केले. शेकडो जिहादी पुस्तके, पत्रके, प्रचार सामुग्रीने भरलेल्या १४ पेट्या आणि वाळूने भरलेली असंख्य पोती जप्त केली. मदरशातून एक नॅनो कारही जप्त करण्यात आली आहे. या कारच्या काचेवर नाशिक स्थित लष्करी छावणीत वापरण्यात येणारे स्टीकरही लावण्यात आले होते. मदरशाला गुप्त खोल्या आणि भुयारी मार्ग असल्याचेही आढळून आले आहे. एनआयएला बांगलादेशला अगदी लागूनच असलेल्या मुर्शिदाबादच्या लालगोला आणि बेलडांगा येथे दोन मदरशांची माहिती मिळाली आहे, जेथे दहशतवादी प्रशिक्षण दिले जाते. बांगलादेशचे ‘जनसंख्या-युद्ध’ आणी आपले मत पेटीचे राजकारण तिकडे आसाम पोलिसांनी बरपेटाहून सहा दहशतवाद्यांना अटक केली आहे. हे दतशतवादीसुद्धा जमातुल मुजाहिदीनचे सदस्य आहेत आणि यातील तिघांचे प्रशिक्षणही त्याच मदरशातून झाले, जेथे वर्धमान बॉम्बस्फोटातील फरार मुख्य आरोपी कौसरचे झाले होते. आज भारतातील अनेक जागा बांगलादेशी मजूरवर्गासाठी सुरक्षित वस्ती झाल्या आहेत. मुंबई आणि दिल्लीकडे त्यांची रीघ लागली आहे. हे बेकायदेशीर स्थलांतरण जर असेच काही वर्षे चालत राहिले, तर त्याचे परिणाम सार्यार देशासाठी भयानक होऊ शकतात. कारण प्राथमिक अवस्थेत मजूर म्हणून यांची ओळख देण्यात येत असली, तरीही अल्पावधीतच एका राजकीय शक्तीमधे/पक्षामध्ये त्यांचे रूपांतर होते. सध्या ज्या प्रकारे बांगला देशी घुसखोर आसाममधे प्रभावी बहुसंख्यक म्हणून स्वत:ला सिद्ध करू पाहत आहेत(त्यांचे ३ खासदार आणि १७ आमदार आहेत). याचीच पुनरावृत्ती नजीकच्या काळात मुंबई आणि दिल्लीमधेही घडू शकेल. भारतीय नागरिकाच्या मताचे जे मूल्य आहे तेच, भारतातिल घुसखोर बांगलादेशीचेही आहे आणि हा मताधिकार मिळविणे बांगला देशींसाठी या देशात किती सहज आहे, आहे हे समजवण्याची गरज नाही. बांगला देशातून भारताविरुद्ध एक ‘जनसंख्याआक्रमणाचे-युद्ध’ छेडलेले आहे, जे पाकिस्तान करीत असलेल्या सशस्त्र आक्रमणापेक्षा कितीतरी पटींनी भयावह आहे. बांगलादेशी घुसखोरीची समस्या आता नंबर एक राष्ट्रीय समस्या बनली आहे.ते आता दहशतवाद पण पसरवत आहे. पंतप्रधान मोदींनी गेल्या निवडणुकांच्या काळात या संबंधात कठोर भाषा वापरली होती, आता ते या संकटापासून सार्यात देशाचे रक्षण करण्यासाठी एक परिणामकारक कार्यवाही अमलात आणतील, अशी आशा वाटते.


Stroke has a new indicator just in case you have never seen this Stroke has a New Indicator - THIS IS A GREAT THING TO KNOW ABOUT......1ST 3 HOURS IS SO IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! Stroke has a new indicator They say if you e.mail this to ten people, you stand a chance of saving one life. Will you send this along? Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue I will continue to forward this every time it comes around! STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters..... S. T. R. STROKE IDENTIFICATION: During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ..she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the afternoon. Jane's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 8:00 PM Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this. A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn! Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions: S *Ask the individual to SMILE. T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (I.e. It is sunny out today.) R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediatelyand describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke. A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved. I have done my part. Will you?

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

49% FDI IN DEFENCE IS WORKING The Financial Express | Published: Oct 28 2014, 01:26 IST It is early days, but if the Times of India story on Airbus tying up with the Tata Group to produce military transport planes is correct, the government’s strategy of allowing 49% FDI in defence has just got a big boost. So far, most commentators have argued—and this newspaper has supported them—that few foreign manufacturers will be interested in coming to India to produce equipment if they are not given at least a 51% stake in the firm. That probably remains true of IPR-sensitive state-of-the-art technology, but for more routine equipment, the government probably got it right when it said that investors would be satisfied if they saw a steady order flow coming in—as for the state-of-the-art equipment, the government had allowed fully-owned units to come up through the FIPB route. While there is still no good reason why foreign investors should not be allowed a 51% stake in joint ventures, the past few months has seen more than R1 lakh crore worth of orders being cleared by the Defence Acquisition Council, and of this R80,000 crore worth of orders were cleared over the weekend. This is good news at various levels. For the defence forces, starved of equipment during the UPA years, this means a desperate attempt to play catch up when it comes to equipment supplies. In the case of submarines, where six stealth submarines were cleared for production on Sunday, India has added just one submarine in the last 14 years which means the navy will be desperately short of its original targets. Much the same kind of shortages apply to most other capital equipment, even supplies of vital ammunition.For the Make in India programme, this implies a big step forward; the submarine project means that several Indian shipyards, both public sector and private, will now be in the running. It helps that, along with the hike in FDI levels, the NDA government also lifted many of the pointless restrictions of the past that made it difficult for even Indian companies to participate in this growing sector—deciding not to allow FII holdings at any level meant, for instance, that large Indian manufacturers like Reliance Industries Limited could not participate; even Tata Advanced Materials could not develop bullet-proof vehicles for the army as it had a small FII stake. Given how India’s defence procurement industry is projected to grow from around $16 billion right now to over $80 billion annually by 2025, this represents a big thrust area for manufacturing. Indeed, given how other large drivers of the past decade —IT and infrastructure—have either settled down to a more sedate growth appropriate for mature industries or are in trouble, Indian industry desperately needs another big driver, and defence production is ideally suited to play this role. Which is why a CII-BCG study had projected 1 million jobs getting created in it over the next five years. The Defence Acquisition Council clearing projects, and them getting off the ground are, of course, two different things. The orders need to be cleared by Cabinet and effort has to be put in to ensure the defence forces cooperate with private players in terms of both current production as well as perspective planning/R&D—there are enough stories of how locally produced equipment is not even being tested while imports continue. At the end of the day, what will work is a process which allows the defence forces to import the equipment they need quickly while working on a medium-term plan to produce this indigenously

MODI PACKS HIS BAG & LOOKS EAST October 28, 2014, 12:02 AM IST Indrani Bagchi Prime Minister Narendra Modi is once again packing his bags to venture forth overseas. In what promises to be his longest stint away from home, he expects to break new ground in Myanmar, Australia and Fiji in November, hoping to build the same kind of enthusiasm for India in Southeast Asia that he generated in Japan and the US. Asia is an opportunity for India that successive governments in New Delhi have only partially acknowledged. An assertive China being India’s greatest long-term challenge it should have occupied greater mindspace in Indian economic and strategic planning. For years, Southeast Asian nations have bemoaned India’s “absence” in Asia. It is now imperative for India to reverse this. Certainly, we can begin the process this week during the ongoing visit of the Vietnam prime minister, Nguyen Tan Dung to New Delhi. Despite the lengthening frowns on Chinese faces, India has doggedly stuck to its stake in South China Sea, at the very least signalling that it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. But we can move forward on improving India’s investment profile in Vietnam. On the security front, India could be a little less conservative when it comes to defence cooperation or even nuclear cooperation with Hanoi. While Indian governments have been good at identifying the challenges, they have been less enthusiastic about exploiting the chances. Modi could make a difference. India has invested much in Myanmar in the past decade, which really should be stepped up. Possibly the only cloud in the Modi inauguration guest list was the glaring absence of the Myanmarese leadership. India, US and Japan have a unique opening in building greater east-west connectivity through Myanmar into Southeast Asia. It’s instructive here to look at China’s plans for its land and maritime silk roads — as Xi Jinping lists it, it involves economic partnership, road connectivity, investment, currency swaps etc. India obviously cannot match the Chinese juggernaut, being utterly lethargic on most of these counts. However, India has a better product to sell. Defence and security cooperation in Southeast Asia should be top and centre among our priorities. Quite apart from India’s growing capacities in this area, India is unique in being a non-threatening power in this region, a perfect counter to Chinese aggressiveness. It could tie in beautifully with Modi’s push to enhance India’s defence industry. At the G-20 summit Modi should not only showcase India’s return as a significant player in the global economy. He could also underscore that India’s recent actions in the WTO does not make it an international obstructionist (which has been India’s reputation), but that it’s willing to play a different game both on trade and climate change. Modi’s outreach to the Indian community in Sydney and Melbourne is less significant than his stopover in Fiji. The decision could be the beginning of India’s out-reach to the Pacific Islands, a move that could yield strategic dividends in future.

Monday, 27 October 2014


On the occasion of ‘INFANTRY DAY’ I am sharing with you excerpts of Notes of my father Col Harwant Singh MC (Retd). He is 94 yrs old, in good health and was actively involved in the fateful events of 1947-48 till the cease fire was declared on 01 Jan 1949. He was one of the leading Company Commanders of 1SIKH, when they landed in Srinagar on 27 Oct 1947. He was with 1 SIKH as a Coy Cdr, officiating Commanding Officer and 2iC and participated in all actions of the Battalion. Later he was Station Commander Srinagar before taking over command of 4 SIKH in Dec 48 in the Valley itself. 1.The Kashmir landings by the Indian Army in Dakotas commenced on 27 Oct 1947 from Palam airport at Delhi with the urgent task of protecting J & K State from being forcibly annexed by Pakistan with the help of thousands of raiders supported by their regular troops. The landings were spearheaded by 1 SIKH under the command of Lt Col Dewan Ranjit Rai. The first and second wave of Dakotas carried C Coy under Capt Kamaljit Singh and D Coy under Maj Harwant Singh MC,(my father) respectively. The Commanding Officer travelled in the leading aircraft. Rest of the battalion was to follow on 28 Oct. Air lift on 27 Oct went off smoothly except for one Dakota carrying Battalion Signal Platoon and wireless equipment, which force landed at Jammu and joined the Battalion in another aircraft after three days. 1 SIKH was devoid of any communication equipment for the first three days. Lt Col Dewan Ranjit Rai, MVC, Commanding Officer 1 SIKH, rushed his available troops comprising approximately 120 -130 men with a section of 3 inch Mortars to Baramula (a hill feature astride Mile 32) to hold the raiders well away from Srinagar despite orders to stay put at Srinagar airport. He was unfortunately killed at 1730 hrs on 28th Oct while fighting a rear guard action in an open area astride Mile 32, East of Baramula, after the troops had to start withdrawing due to the overwhelming strength of the raiders. He was posthumously awarded the MVC for gallantry. As rest of the battalion had not arrived, Major (later Col) Harwant Singh MC, who was D Coy Commander took over Officiating Command of 1 SIKH after Lt Col Dewan Ranjit Rai was killed in action . The CO had given orders for the available troops to withdraw and stop the raiders at the Shalateng Spill Channel 4 ½ miles from Srinagar. 2. During Night 28th / 29th Oct the operational situation was very fluid and there was no other help available. Maj Harwant Singh MC controlled the situation calmly and with courage, though he had only six years service. He took the tactically sound but a very risky decision to move the Battalion on Night 28/29 Oct from Shalateng Spill Channel 4 ½ miles from Srinagar to area Mile 17 near Pattan, almost half way between Srinagar and Baramula after realising that with the strength of troops available, the Spill Channel was not defensible and could be easily bypassed by the raiders. They had barely reached the hill features at Mile 17 and were preparing their defences when at dawn the raiders convoy heading towards Srinagar was ambushed. Repeated attacks were launched by the raiders to dislodge 1 SIKH from Mile 17 but the troops held their ground inflicting heavy casualties on the raiders. Had 1 SIKH not stopped the raiders at Pattan, Srinagar would have fallen on 29 Oct 1947. He thus caused most needed 48 hours delay on the raiders to enable own troop build up at the airport. GOC of 19 Infantry Division, Maj Gen (Later Gen and COAS) K S Thimayya, DSO had this to say to 1SIKH on the eve of their departure from the Valley. SPECIAL ORDER OF THE DAY BY MAJ GEN K S THIMAYYA, DSO (Later General and Chief of the Army Staff) GOC, 19 INFANTRY DIVISION 1ST BN THE SIKH REGIMENT This is to bid farewell to you Officers and men of the 1st Battalion The SIKH Regiment on the eve of your departure from 19 Division. You had the honour of being the first Battalion to arrive by air to Srinagar on the outbreak of hostilities and you reached Srinagar on the 27th October 47. The enemy was then at Baramula when you pushed forward. During this action you lost your gallant commander Colonel Rai. Owing to the lack of transport and reinforcements and the overwhelming strength of the enemy you were forced to pull back to the outskirts of the city until your whole Battalion was concentrated from India. From here, as part of 161 Brigade you made a brilliant advance and pushed the enemy all the way back to Uri causing heavy casualties to him. This speedy advance caused the enemy to break even run beyond Muzaffarabad and it was only because of the lack of transport and for other strategic reasons that prevented you from reaching Muzaffarabad itself. From then on as part of 161 Brigade you held a secure base at Uri and prevented the enemy from infiltrating into the Kashmiri Valley from the West. During this time you had some very fierce engagements with the enemy in which you proved your superiority over him in every way. You continued through out the winter. For many of you the sight of snow was a novel experience and the way you operated and stayed in that area under intense cold and in difficult terrain was a fine example of your toughness and high morale. Early in spring the enemy infiltrated into the Handwara Valley via the Nastachhun Pass. You were hurriedly sent there to push him back from Sopor and Handwara and there you held him in the hills and prevented him from making further advance. During this time, apart from the fighting that you carried out, you took the opportunity of befriending the local population and with them you gained great popularity and won the confidence of the peasants, which has been a deciding factor in the political stability of Kashmir. All this time you were part of J&K Force. In April 1948 Sri Division came into existence and you formed part of 163 Infantry Brigade. In May 1948 Sri Division took the offensive to the West and your Battalion as part of 163 Infantry Brigade took a most prominent part in these operations. On the night of 16 /17 May 1948 in a lightening advance from Handwara you surrounded the enemy HQ at Dogarpur and then continued to capture Chokibal, the Nastachun Pass and finally entered Tithwal on 23rd May 48. This was an amazing advance under very difficult conditions and in very mountainous country against a Pathan enemy who was highly skilled in mountain warfare. When you pushed trough the Nastachun Pass, snow and ice still lay all over it. From then onwards you held the most vital part of the Tithwal area for six months. You occupied a forward position which was constantly under enemy pressure and heavy mortar and artillery fire. The enemy made repeated attempts to drive you from this position and the last effort of the enemy on 13 October when he used over three Battalions accompanied by heavy Artillery and Mortar support, you beat him back causing very heavy casualties on him. The enemy knew who you were and decided that it was no use trying to flight a fine Battalion like yours. During all these operations you suffered the following :- Killed Wounded Missing Officers2 5 - VCOs 6 15 1 Other Ranks 101 349 15 You inflicted the following casualties on the enemy :- Killed Wounded Missing 1206 442 15 You captured the following arms and equipment’s from the enemy :- 3 Inch Mortars 3 Country Made Mortar 1 Bren Guns 3 Rifles 29 Pathan Rifles 5 Sten Guns 2 MMG 1 and plenty of kit, equipment and stores. Before the partition of the Indian Army your Regiment the SIKH Regiment, had earned for itself a great reputation for gallantry and efficiency in two World Wars in various theatres in the World and on numerous operations on the North West Frontier. During these 13 months in the Kashmir Valley, fighting for free India, you have surpassed all previous records and have further enhanced your traditions as a fighting unit. It has been a great privilege to have you in my Division in which you have helped to lay the foundations of a great tradition and it is with a great sorrow that I bid farewell to you officers and men whom I have come to love and admire. The Valley of Kashmir will always sing your praises and echo to the deeds of gallantry performed by you. Some of you who are present in the parade have lost all you owned in the West Punjab. You have had your homes uprooted and your families displaced and you are many of you, still without a home. In spite of all this you have fought hard and kept your morale high and enhanced the reputation of the Indian Army. I hope you will all in a very short time be able to take your well earned leave and that you will find your families in great cheer and happiness and I wish you all a well earned rest and may God be with you! JAI HIND

WEST BENGAL TERROR-180 BANGLADESHI TERRORIST HIDING IN WEST BENGAL Sumanta Ray Chaudhuri and Bibhas Bhattacharyya, Hindustan Times Kolkata/Burdwan, October 27, 2014 National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval told the West Bengal chief minister on Monday that the border district of Jalpaiguri had emerged as a new terror hub in the state, sources said, suggesting the terror network extends beyond the southeastern town of Burdwan and neighbouring areas. Sources said Doval handed a list of 180 Bangladeshi militants hiding in West Bengal to the government after visiting the site of the October 2 blast in Burdwan. The NSA and other members of a delegation of top security and intelligence chiefs told chief minister Mamata Banerjee about how operatives of the Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) had used the state as a safe haven over the past two years. “Besides pointing out that Jalpaiguri has turned into yet another terror point for JMB, the central representatives also handed over a list of unrecognised madrasas in the state operating as terror-breeding hubs,” said a state government source on condition of anonymity. “The central team also informed the chief minister on how during the last couple years the number of terror modules in West Bengal has gone beyond 50.” The Mamata Banerjee government said it would cooperate with a central investigation into the Burdwan blast, in which two JMB operatives were killed while making bombs in a house. The chief minister initially resisted a National Investigation Agency (NIA) probe into the incident that exposed a terror network of Bangladeshi infiltrators spread over several West Bengal districts. “The chief minister and the West Bengal government have assured that the Centre and the state will work together in unearthing the entire case,” Prakash Mishra, special secretary for internal security in the Union home ministry, told the media after the meeting with Banerjee. The NSA and his team also referred to the alleged links of a Rajya Sabha member from West Bengal with two Bangladeshi militant groups – JMB and Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh (JIB). An NIA report says that the JMB, a shadowy organisation formed in 2005, has plans to establish an Islamic state encompassing Bangladesh and Murshidabad, Nadia and Malda districts of West Bengal. Three people, including two women, were arrested in the Burdwan case and questioned by the NIA that took over the probe after the state government faced a barrage of criticism for allegedly mishandling the investigation. Opposition parties have accused Banerjee of allowing extremist elements to flourish in the state for vote-bank politics. “It is clear that Trinamool Congress is allowing jihadi elements in Bengal. Mere assurances will not drive them out,” said state BJP president Rahul Sinha. Apart from SIM cards, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), detonators and watch dials, some leaflets and papers with names of al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri and Chechen rebels were reportedly recovered from the Burdwan house, which the suspected militants had rented a few months ago. The central delegation’s visit comes as the Union government prepares to send a report on the issue to Bangladesh following a request from the Sheikh Hasina government.

I WAS SENSORED BECAUSE I SPOKE ABOUT KASHMIRI PANDITS-ANUPAM KHER Chitra Subramaniam| The News Minute| October 26, 2014| 8.00 pm IST Bollywood actor Anupam Kher says he is “astounded” by the censoring of his reference to the plight of Kashmiri Pandits in a programme on Zee television that was telecast today to raise awareness and resources for the devastating floods in Kashmir. “We were talking about human suffering, about what happens when people are uprooted as has happened with the floods – in that context I raised the suffering of Kashmiri Pundits and I don’t see any contradiction in what I said,” Kher told The News Minute (TNM) in an exclusive interview. “Speaking about one tragedy does not take away from the other,” he added. The programme entitled #UmmeedEkashmir had guests which included other Bollywood stars like Aamir Khan and Farhan Akhtar. Read: Why the Rs 500 crore package for Kashmiri Pandits is laughable, insulting as well “What makes it worse is that I had informed the producers of the programme that I would be reading a small portion from the book “Our Moon has Blood Clots” (by journalist Rahul Pandita) which detailed the terrible events that occurred 24 years ago,” he added. The Kashmiri Pundits are an exiled community that has not been able to return home due to political instability and Hindu-Muslim riots in the valley. Kashmir is one of India’s deepest wounds, one that has evaded a political solution due to commission and omission by India’s political leaders playing to the galleries. Read: Haider has "militants" not "terrorists", but Kashmir has "terrorists" not "militants" Kher said he was given eight minutes to speak and he spoke for nine. But, the programme clipped just the portions where he reads from the book. “It was very clumsy,” he said. At the time of writing it is not clear if the editing was done by the producers of the programme or Zee Television. The actor has tweeted his interview which includes the edited portions. “If Vishal Bharadwaj can film a devil’s dance sequence on the Martand temple dedicated to the sun god and if that goes uncensored by the department of archeology as well as the film censor board what are we talking about – can someone film a similar dance sequence on a masjid?” asked Kher who is not known for mincing his words. That reference is to the film Haider which is shot in the Martand Temple in Kashmir dedicated to the Sun God. See deleted part here.

दिवाळीच्या फटाक्यांमध्ये ड्रॅगनने धमाका उडविला

श्रीगणेशाच्या मूर्तीही आजकाल चिनी बनावटीच्या मिळू लागल्या, तिथे दिवाळीच्या फटाक्यांमध्ये ड्रॅगनने धमाका उडविला नसता, तरच नवल. वर्षानुवर्षे भारतात फटाके म्हटले की, तामिळनाडूच्या शिवाकाशीचे नाव घेतले जायचे. परंतु ड्रॅगनच्या फटाक्यांच्या आवाजाने सहा हजार कोटींची उलाढाल असलेली आणि पाच लाख रोजगार देणारी शिवाकाशीही हादरली. केंद्र सरकारने या चिनी फटाक्यांच्या आयातीवर गेल्यावर्षीच बंदी घातली, तरीही यंदा सर्रास चिनी फटाक्यांची आतषबाजी होत राहिली. चीनच्या कोणत्याही वस्तूंप्रमाणेच फटाकेही आपल्या फटाक्यांच्या तुलनेत ५० टक्के स्वस्त आहेत. चिनी कारागिरांची कल्पकता त्यात होती आणि त्यामुळे भारतीय कलाकारांच्या नावापासून ते वेगवेगळ्या रंग-रुप घेतलेले हे फटाके भारतीयांना खुणावू लागले. चिनी फटाक्यांमध्ये पोटॅशिअम क्लोरेट हा घटक असतो. पोटॅशिअम नायट्रेट आणि अॅल्युमिनिअम पावडर या भारतीय फटाक्यांमधील घटकांपेक्षा ते कित्येकपट स्वस्त असते. परंतु आरोग्यास आणि सुरक्षिततेच्या दृष्टीने ते अधिक घातक असते. त्यांचा आवाजही मोठा असतो. याच कारणाने भारताने चिनी फटाक्यांवर बंदी घातली. परंतु कधी नेपाळमार्गे तर कधी समुद्रमार्गे कंटेनरच्या कंटेनर आणून ही तस्करी सुरू राहिली. गेल्या महिन्यात नवी मुंबईत कळंबोली येथे महसूल गुप्तवार्ता संचालनालयाने साडेतीन कोटींच्या फटाक्यांचे कंटेनर पकडले. कंटेनर फ्रेट स्टेशनवर बोगस बिल ऑफ एन्ट्री सादर करून हे कंटेनर ताब्यात घेण्याची या टोळीची कार्यपद्धती उघड झाली. मुंबईप्रमाणे कांडला, कोलकाता, तुतीकोरीन या बंदरांमध्येही तस्करीच्या मार्गाने चिनी फटाके येतात. दोन हजार कंटेनर्समधून सुमारे ६०० कोटी रुपयांच्या फटाक्यांची तस्करी झाली असावी, असा अंदाज होता. चोरवाटांनी किंवा काही ठिकाणी तर राजरोस मिळणारे चिनी फटाके तस्करीचा प्रभाव दाखवतात. एकूणच चिनी मालाच्या तस्करीविषयी आपल्या यंत्रणा निद्रिस्त आहेत. त्यामुळे खेळणी, कपडे, मोबाइल, बॅटऱ्या, पंखे याऐवजी फटाके एवढाच काय तो मामला. फटाक्यांच्या किरकोळ विक्रीतही सुरक्षेच्या नियमांबाबत आपल्या यंत्रणा उदासीन आहेत. त्यामुळे एकूणच तस्करी रोखणारी यंत्रणा प्रभावी केली, तरच फटाक्यांच्याही तस्करीला आळा बसू शकेल. अन्यथा चिनी आक्रमण इथेही चालूच राहील.


By Arjun Subramaniam Published: 27th October 2014 Bharat Karnad’s article, “Impending MMRCA Waste”, published in The New Indian Express on October 3 is a clear attempt to keep the MMRCA (medium multi-role combat aircraft) pot boiling—it warrants a response only to sensitise the environment of the truth, just as the learned professor tries to undermine it with his needless ranting on the MMRCA. There seems to be a desperation that merits serious scrutiny—who or what is the guiding beacon behind his sustained attempt to force policy makers to take a re-look at an acquisition, the need for which was felt as far back as 2001? Is he batting for an outsider who is looking for a “window of opportunity” as the new government settles down, or is he pitching for an ill-informed brigade that seems to think that a “whatever there is to offer” approach, which will cause the IAF to dangerously slip into the “operational red” in a hostile environment is okay just because it gives a fillip to indigenisation. The IAF has been trying to plug operational gaps over the past few years despite assiduous attempts by the likes of Karnad to throw in a spanner at regular intervals. In November last year, a few months after the new Basic Trainer Aircraft (BTA) was acquired by the IAF, the Pilatus PC-7 commenced operations at the Air Force Academy in Dundigal after years of attempting to set the HPT-32 right. Along comes an article from Karnad questioning the Pilatus deal. Worse still, despite numerous crashes on the HPT-32 and a gaping hole in our training preparedness, he wanted the IAF to buy a platform which he called the HJT-44 (actually the HTT-44) whose prototype had yet to be proven. One year down the line, cadets at the Air Force Academy are raving about the Pilatus PC-7, instructors no longer have to worry about extricating themselves from too many life-threatening emergencies and technical glitches, and more importantly, its operational impact will soon be seen when pilots trained in it make the transition to more sophisticated aircraft like the Hawk, Mirage-2000 and SU-30 with ease. Apart from its operational impact, the Chief of Air Staff (CAS) also wants to see less worry in the eyes of parents who send their young adult-kids into the tough world of military aviation—I wonder Mr Karnad if you have ever served as a pall-bearer and heard the last post sounded after a fatal crash involving a cadet under training and/or his instructor. The CAS did some plain talking at his traditional pre-Air Force Day press conference and clearly highlighted the operational gaps that existed with the IAF’s current force and capability levels, particularly in the offensive domain. The main punch of the IAF revolves around the swing role capability of the SU-30 MKI which is experiencing some maintenance problems that are under resolution. The Mirage-2000 and MiG-29 are in the midst of major upgrades which have long implementation periods to fructify into contemporary capability. Our western adversary has acquired aerial weapons systems that allow it to punch above its weight, and the only way that the IAF can retain its decade-old aerial edge and counter it is by swamping it with a combination of SU-30 and an equally good or better platform. The Rafale emerged as a clear winner along with other ingredients (combination of pricing, life-cycle costs, technology transfer, etc.) that gave it a clear competitive edge over other contenders for the 126 aircraft MMRCA deal in what was an impeccably transparent evaluation process. Prof Karnad’s contention that the procurement of 12 upgraded Qatari Mirage-2000s in the early part of the last decade was shelved to pave the way for a global tender for an MMRCA that would last well beyond the middle of the century; of course it was and why not if the IAF was getting a significantly superior platform? Karnad would like the public to believe that the purchase decision of the Qatari Mirages was scuttled by the then CAS. Technically, the CAS is not part of the procurement process which has embedded checks and balances at every level. He is not an “approving authority” in any procurement process and to attribute such influence to him is amazing, particularly when it comes from someone like Prof Karnad, who not so very long ago was part of government advisory bodies like the National Security Advisory Board and numerous other quasi-official committees. The accusation, unless proven, could rightfully be tantamount to mud-slinging. Prof Karnad also attempts to frighten the daylight out of us by predicting a grounding of fleets and closure of manufacturing lines of aircraft like the Eurofighter (EF). How does the Eurofighter suddenly emerge in your target zone, prof? I thought you were targeting the Rafale! Inclusion of Eurofighter in this debate is a canard by Karnad. He rambles along disjointedly in his article about Raytheon, a US company being the manufacturer of the Eurofighter’s data fusion system and the probability of the US pulling the plug whenever they want and grounding the fleet. I think we have come a long way in our relationship with the US. Air power in modern warfare is not just physical destruction of targets; it is more about affecting the mind of your adversary with coercive capability. A combination of the SU-30, MMRCA (Rafale) and upgraded M-2000 and MiG-29s as your frontline offensive punch is an intimidating mix by any standards. The flexibility that it will afford to mix and match between offensive and defensive missions will offer great security, particularly to the Indian Army as it increasingly looks to the IAF to clear the skies and cause significant attrition to the enemy’s combat potential before it comes into contact with own forces in the Tactical Battle Area (TBA). Smaller and legacy platforms like the LCA, Jaguar, Hawk and the remaining MiG variants will then contribute significantly to the joint battle as they put pressure on the enemy and cause destruction in and around the TBA. That, Mr Karnad, is how a battlefield is shaped if you have the necessary wherewithal—you cannot do it if you remain with 34 squadrons or less for much longer, or opt for platforms that do not meet the requirements of operational commanders. The IAF has always welcomed constructive criticism, but when Karnad dishes out such disruptive writing, he needs to be suitably countered

Sunday, 26 October 2014


As of now, the man can do no wrong. He is here, he is there, he is everywhere! After 10 years of putting up with a prime minister who was in permanent mute mode, and hardly moved out of the confines of his daftar, perhaps it is a good thing that we now have a guy who is garrulous and voluble, hyperactive and on the go. Critics are saying Narendra Modi is blindly aping American presidents who always made it a point to spend time with their troops over Thanksgiving and X’mas breaks. If that is the case, and our NaMo is indeed doing a `me too’, so be it. There he was pumping hands with our soldiers stationed at Siachen, sharing homilies, bonhomie and mithai with lonely men stuck in an icy , hostile post, miles away from their loved ones. It was a gracious gesture, even if the idea was to create extra goodwill, milk the photo ops and generate more votes. That’s what smart politicians do! It is an inseparable part of their job description. As strategies go, this one was superbly timed, as was his visit (and a hefty Rs 750-crore relief package) to Srinagar. Leaders are picked for these very qualities. And even at the risk of sounding cynical, it must be said, a Modi-on-the-move is better than a Modi-sitting-tight. A while ago, I happened to be sitting next to a fauji wife on a plane. Here was a young, modern woman, bright as a button, well-informed, articulate, outspoken and feisty. She spoke about her life as an Army wife with incredible fervour and pride. The mehendi on her hands told me she had observed Karva Chauth. So had her dashing husband, she informed me! It was that kind of a marriage, she said with a twinkle in her eye. They did everything together — they always had. From the time they’d married 20-odd years ago, after a whirlwind romance. I asked about long separations, anxieties and uncertainties. How did she cope when he was away? As it turns out, he had served in Siachen. And in J&K during the worst skirmishes. Being a Military Intelligence man, she never knew where he had been sent or for how long. By then, they had a young child, and any form of direct communication was out of the question when her husband was on a special mission. She had trained herself to wait… to pray… to never give up hope. Like thousands of young fauji wives who believe the Army is their extended family, no matter what happens. Late one night, her husband came back from a secret assignment and knocked lightly on the bedroom window so as not to wake up the sleeping infant. He was wounded on his right arm and face. He had taken a bad hit and could barely move or speak. For the next few weeks, he stayed home to recuperate — even though he was injured, she was just glad for their time together as she nursed him back to health. She talked about another incident when militants in the Valley attacked the home of another Army officer, who returned the fire but was grievously injured. As the militants closed in, two young daughters pleaded with their mother to kill them first, before the militants could get them. Listening to her deeply stirring stories of valour and faith, I thought about our safe, protected city lives. This gutsy, proud woman’s narrative is just one of many. Today, she said emphatically, she has confidence in the new Prime Minister’s ability to motivate a tired and demoralized Army. For far too long, she insisted, our soldiers were made to heedlessly sacrifice their lives, because of political interference and an appalling level of corruption that had left the country vulnerable and weakened. She was glad Modi was taking a tough, aggressive stand. She felt reassured and confident that a zero-tolerance position was being established against those using force against India. And then she told me something pretty chilling. “They were told to DUCK bullets and not fire back! Can you imagine any trained, self-respecting soldier ducking enemy bullets?” she said, her eyes were burning with outrage. Was that the reason her own husband had finally quit the Army…in disgust? She denied it. But it left me wondering…. We treat our armed forces with scant respect. We have consistently ignored the demand for introducing the overdue OROP scheme (One Rank, One Pension). Fauji veterans have waited in vain for its implementation by the newly minted BJP-led government at the Centre, after previous administrations consistently ignored their appeals. It was a black Diwali for them this year. Hapless, frustrated veterans went so far as to return gallantry awards and medals to register their protest.Despite these setbacks, our men in uniform are stoically carrying on. Narendra Modi thanked our brave jawans on behalf of 125 crore Indian citizens, telling them we could sleep well at night only because it was they who were keeping us safe. It is true. It needed to be said. Strange and sad nobody thought of saying it earlier.

Friday, 24 October 2014


A Soldier Reviews ‘Haider’ movie October 19, 2014 By Agniveer I am an ex-armyman. I was stationed in Kashmir in mid-nineties. This was the same period when hordes of militants from across the border infiltrated in Kashmir to spread terror. Lashkar-e-Taiba, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen and scores of other terrorist groups were having a free-for-all rampage in Kashmir. They would infiltrate from Pakistan, recruit cadre, take them to Pakistan for training, bring them back and perform heinous acts of terror. This was the same period when half a million Kashmiri Hindus and Sikhs were massacred and forced to flee the valley. This was the same period when Kashmir burnt under fundamentalism. It was next to impossible to differentiate between a peaceful nationalist and a killing-machine. Whenever a cricket match would happen between India and Pakistan, Pakistani flags would wave across the valley as if we were sitting in heart of Pakistan. Any minority voice who dared to wave the Indian flag would be silenced immediately by militants. It was during such a reign of terror, that Indian Army had to douse the fire in Kashmir with their own blood. If someone suffered most severe human-rights violation in history of mankind, it was the Indian Army in Kashmir. We left our families in different parts of India and survived under harshest of conditions. For days we would sleep over guns in harsh climate and remotest locations just to keep tab on infiltrating militants. Anyone of us could be bombed away in a sudden attack of fundamentalism. Innumerable among us lost our lives. I lost my hand like so many others who lost their limbs or eyes. To die in a bomb blast was considered lucky. Because if you chanced to be captured by the militants, you would be slowly and mercilessly tortured to death. Militants and their supporters took pride in this gruesome ‘halal’ ritual. Remember Saurabh Kalia? He is definitely not as popular as Vishal Bharadwaj or Shahid Kapoor. Because he was not a film star who made money by exploiting national interests. He was a humble Indian soldier who gave his life for motherland. He was captured by fundamentalists along with 5 more soldiers. They were taken across Line of Control and tortured as a religious ritual. Pakistan army tortured their prisoners by burning their bodies with cigarettes, piercing ear-drums with hot rods, puncturing eyes before removing them, breaking most of the teeth and bones, fracturing the skull, cutting the lips, chipping the nose, chopping off limbs and private organs of these soldiers besides inflicting all sorts of physical and mental tortures and finally shooting them dead after twenty-two days, as evidenced by the bullet wound to the temple. This made the killers “Ghazi” – who as per these fundamentalists gets highest number of most beautiful virgins in Heaven. All you need to do to be a Ghazi is to celebrate killing of a non-believer. These five soldiers were after all the worst of creatures in world in eyes of jihadis. They were Indians, soldiers and idol-worshippers. What could be greater sin! I was lucky because I could have been in Saurav’s place. Had I not lost my hand, instead of Saurav Kalia, I would have been ‘halal’ed to make someone Ghazi. This was the same period when Indian Army made greatest sacrifice to save India and humanity from reign of death and blood. And it is the same period around which the film “Haider” by Vishal Bharadwaj, Shahid Kapoor and anti-India jihadi writer Basharat Peer has been made and adored by “critics”. No struggle for liberation in Kashmir Everyone on ground knows that there is no struggle for liberation of Kashmiris in Kashmir. If that had been so, why native Kashmiri Pandits would have been massacred? You need to spend just a few days in the valley to understand the true nature of struggle that lies hidden under this garb of Kashmiriyat. It is simply a ploy to extend the reaches of Islamic fundamentalism. The same fundamentalism of Al-Qaeda and ISIS that is shaking the entire world. Kashmiri militants are brainwashed to believe that they will go to Paradise only after India is conquered by an army of Jihadis. Listen to speeches of Masood Azhar, founder of Jaish-e-Muhammad. He talks of Ghazwa-e-Hind prophecy where Prophet made conquest of India a precondition for opening doors of Heaven. In name of religion, the same poison is spread in minds of Kashmiri youth to make them militants. Go and ask opinion of any Kashmiri liberation member. No one will say that idol-worshipper can also be a good human blessed by Allah. On contrary, they believe that idol-worshippers are worst of creatures. The real hatred is against non-Muslims because as per them, Islam is the only acceptable religion. All non-Muslims must convert to Islam or deserve hatred. This is exactly the same ideology that ISIS and Al-Qaeda follow. The war against terror is a war against this fanatic mindset. None other than the Indian Army has sacrificed more to fight this war. We fought not only with arms but with love and service. The flood relief efforts in Kashmir in recent past is a clear example of the same. Enemy within and outside Yet Indian Army continues to face bullets from enemies and abuses from family. Today, on one side Pakistan is targeting Indian Army and minority locations in Kashmir with bullets. And around the same time, our own country-men create a film like “Haider” that paints Indian Army a villain. On one hand, flags of ISIS are waved in Kashmir, and at same time, “critics” laud anti-nationalism of Haider as marvel of art. Such co-incidences give ample evidence that somehow our enemies and certain elements from within our country consistently orchestrate great timing and coordination among each other that it is hard to believe that it was just a mere coincidence. In Army, we are trained to observe such remarkable coincidences, understand what goes behind, and yet silently sacrifice ourselves for the mission of nation. Haider shook me to core I have myself faced irrepairable loss in saving motherland from anti-national militants. And my fellow armymen have made much larger sacrifices for the same cause. Thus the film Haider shook me to core. It made me question for the first time – Whom are we fighting for? Whom are we defending? The same people who could make this film because of Army’s protection collude with an anti-national Jihadi writer to make a villain of Indian Army? Is this the reward of our sacrifices that we continue to make? Are commercial gains and so-called artistic expression more important than motherland and humanity? What if we had not fought terrorism by tooth and nail in nineties? What if we had not arrested the spread of terror to other parts of country through our own lives? With friends like this, who needs enemies? This is not a film-critics review. This is a review from perspective of an armyman, a lover of humanity and a son of India. A true secular who refuses to believe that God hates idol-worshippers so much that they will go to Hell. And aspires to fight against ideology that directly or indirectly nurtures such fundamentalist elements. This is not rhetoric in jingoism Unlike Haider, which is an experiment in fundamentalism, don’t consider the article to be a rhetoric in jingoism. Yes, I love my country. I love my country more than I love anything else in life. I love my country not because I was born here or I am a native of this nation. It is not because I love the design of the map of India. It is because its timeless cultural and philosophical heritage that is built on core foundations of tolerance, acceptance and justice. So jingoism has no place for a nationalist and son of soil. My nationalism does not make me aspire to conquer the whole world. It inspires me to enlighten the whole world. It inspires me to promote brotherhood across the globe and strive for “One World, One Family.” It inspires me to make India lighthouse of the world. I joined Indian Army not to conquer the world, but nurture and protect Peace that defines foundation of India. I am not a movie-watcher. My mission never allowed me the luxury to fit movies or serials in my priority-list. But I made an exception for Haider. Summary Review of Haider While I will provide details later, let me state upfront – I find “Haider” to be a shameless commercialization of anti-nationalism. No its not a rhetoric. This is the most “polite” way in which I can summarize the review of this film. The more “practical” review summary is already being demonstrated by my Indian Army by appropriate retaliation to Pakistani misadventure of cross-border firing. Salutes to my Army for this. Am proud to lose my arm for you. And regret that I could not gift my life for you. The Detailed Review of Haider A. This is perhaps the first anti-Indian film that has been produced in India by Indians. Just as the film producers chose to showcase Army as criminals, I would prefer to call the film-maker and its sympathizers Jaichands. B. The film has been written by Basharat Peer – a Kashmiri separatist based out of New York. Basharat Peer is well acclaimed for his hatred of India. He lived, studied and made career from what India gave him. But in influence of fanaticism, fundamentalism and perhaps some money, he chose to hate India. He openly claims that he holds an Indian Passport only due to compulsion. Of course it is a pity that Vishal Bhardwaj and Shahid Kapoor and the rest of the gang who eat their bread from India chose to select a vocal anti-national to write their plot. No, Basharat Peer is not a professional film writer. On contrary, this is his first such project. In garb of producing Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the film team has done what Jaichand or Mir Zafar did, all for petty commercial gains. C. The film has a clear anti-India tone. The protagonist is son of a doctor who also is a member of militant gang of Kashmiri separatists. The wife and brother of the doctor report presence of terrorists in home to military. Military catches the doctor and kills all the militants. The hero “Haider” is supposed to take revenge for this. In entire film, all dialogues and all characters make one clear assumption – that anything and anyone who supports India is a bad guy. Anything and anyone who hates India or Indian Army or is a militant is a good guy. The greatest crime of bad guys is that they believe in Indian democracy or chose to support Indian Army instead of militants. D. Indian Army is shown to be tyrants. They torture even innocents brutally. In one scene, they castrate a young man during torture even though they knew he was innocent. E. In one scene, Army asks all militants to shout “Jai Hind”. The father of Haider refuses to shout so, and hence is punished. In anger, he asks his companion to inform his son that he must take revenge for all this. Thus a “hero” is born For once, a film review moved me into sharing it. I for one have no intention of seeing Haider, especially after this review. There should be limits to freedom, especially the freedom to demonise the very men and women who lay down their lives to give it to you. Though this is about "yesterday's news", yet, I feel this review by an Army man who, in the line of duty for the nation has sacrificed one arm is very important to read and understand. There is, after all, a limit to where 'artistic license' must be deemed to have crossed all limits of decency!


A German’s View on Islam Hard to argue with this: A German's View on Islam - worth reading. This is one of the best explanations of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read.. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is Dr. Emanuel Tanya, a well-known and well-respected psychiatrist. A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism. 'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care.. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come.' 'My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.' 'We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is a religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.' 'The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.' 'The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent majority,' is cowed and extraneous. Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China 's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.' 'The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet. And who can forget Rwanda , which collapsed into butchery? Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'? 'History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany , they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.' 'Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.' 'Now Islamic prayers have been introduced in Toronto and other public schools in Ontario, and yes, in Ottawa, too, while the Lord's Prayer was removed (due to being so offensive?). The Islamic way may be peaceful for the time being in our country until the fanatics move in.' 'In Australia , and indeed in many countries around the world, many of the most commonly consumed food items have the halal emblem on them. Just look at the back of some of the most popular chocolate bars, and at other food items in your local supermarket. Food on aircraft have the halal emblem just to appease the privileged minority who are now rapidly expanding within the nation's shores.' 'In the U.K, the Muslim communities refuse to integrate and there are now dozens of "no-go" zones within major cities across the country that the police force dare not intrude upon. Sharia law prevails there, because the Muslim community in those areas refuse to acknowledge British law.' 'As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts - the fanatics who threaten our way of life.' Lastly, anyone who doubts that the issue is serious and just deletes this email without sending it on, is contributing to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand.. Extend yourself a bit and send this on. Let us hope that thousands world-wide read this, think about it, and send it on before it's too late, and we are silenced because we were silent!!!

Thursday, 23 October 2014


दिवाळीची खरेदी करण्यापूर्वी नुकतीच नवरात्रीची धामधूम व गडबड संपली. नवरात्राचे दिवस कसे भारावल्यासारखे निघून जातात कळतच नाही. आता सगळ्यांना वेध लागलेत ते दिवाळीचे! नुकतीच मी दिवाळीसाठी काही सामान खरेदी करण्यासाठी बाजारात गेली होती तेथील सुसंवाद- ‘‘ए, या पणत्या कशा दिल्यात रे! काकू, मोठ्या ६० रु. डझन व लहान ५० रु. डझन.’’ ‘‘बापरे, काही भाव सांगतोस का रे. ४० व ३० रु. डझन दे.’’ हो, नाही करता करता त्याने बिचार्याने ३० रु. डझन या भावाने त्या पणत्या दिल्या. या प्रसंगाने माझ्या मनात विचारांचे काहूर माजले. खरेच हे योग्य आहे का? आपण सोफिस्टिकेटेड म्हणविणारे लोक, बाजारात लहान दुकानदारांशी घासाघीस करतो. हेच बिचार्यांचे कमाईचे दिवस आहेत. आपल्याला महागाई जाणवते; ते तर गरीब व कष्टाळू लोक आहेत. त्यांनी या दिवसात थोडे पैसे जर कमविले तरच ते दिवाळी साजरी करू शकतील. दुसरा एक प्रसंग. मी भाजीबाजारात गेली होती. दोन बायका एका महागड्या गाडीतून उतरल्या व भाजीवाल्याशी भाव करू लागल्या. ६० रु. किलोचे टोमॅटो त्या ४० रुपयात मागत होत्या. शेवटी दुकानदाराने ५० रु. किलो या भावाने टोमॅटो त्यांना विकले. अशा कोत्या वृत्तीला काय म्हणावे आपण? स्टेटस् जपणार्या बायका मोठ्या मॉल्समध्ये जाताात तेव्हा फिक्स रेट व महागडे कपडे खरेदी करतातच ना? तेथे भाव करतात काय? मोठ्या हॉटेलमध्ये गेल्यावर वेटरला ५० ते १०० रु. टीप पटकन देऊन टाकतो आपण. मग या गरिबांशी घासाघीस का? ऑटोवाल्यांना मीटरप्रमाणे किंवा तसेच भरमसाट पैसे मोजतो, पण रिक्षावाल्यांशी कटकट करीत असतो. याला सोफेस्टिकेटेड म्हणायचे का? आता दिवाळीपूर्वी खरेदी करण्यासाठी बरीच गर्दी वाढत आहे. माझी सगळ्यांना नम्र विनंती आहे की, त्यांनी दिवाळीसाठी खरेदी करताना खालील बाबी लक्षात ठेवाव्यात : १) कृपया, ‘चायना मेड’ वस्तूंची खरेदी करू नका. त्याऐवजी आपल्या कारागिरांनी बनविलेल्या वस्तूंचीच खरेदी करा. २) लवकरात लवकर खरेदी करा, जेणेकरून नंतर बाजारात अफाट गर्दी झाल्यावरचा त्रास वाचेल. ३) कृपया, अधिक घासाघीस करू नका. कारण मोठ्या मॉल्समध्ये आपण फिक्स रेटच्या वस्तू खरेदी करतोच. ४) इको फ्रेंडली दिवाळी साजरी करा. ५) फटाके कमीत कमी फोडा किंवा काहीच न फोडलेत तर अतिउत्तम. कारण त्यामुळे प्रदूषणाचा त्रास वाचेल. ६) आपल्या घरी काम करणार्या माणसांना त्या महिन्याचा पगार तेवढाच अधिक द्या. वर्षांतून एकदा त्यांना अपेक्षा असणारच. ७) जवळच्या एखाद्या झोपडपट्टीत गरीब मुलांना फराळाचे, कपडे व फटाके द्या. बघा, आपल्याला किती आत्मिक समाधान मिळते ते! आपल्या मुलांना पण चांगले वळण लागते व योग्य संस्कार होतात. ८) मिठाईऐवजी ड्रायफ्रुट दिल्यास ते पौष्टिकही असतात व टिकतात. कारण या दिवसात खव्यात जास्त प्रमाणात भेसळ असते. ९) मिठाई चांगल्या दुकानातूनच घ्यावी व लगेचच संपवून टाकावी. १०) दिवाळीत आपल्या भागातील सफाई कामगारांनासुद्धा काहीतरी भेटवस्तू व मिठाई अवश्य द्या, जेणेकरून वर्षभर ते व्यवस्थित स्वच्छता ठेवतील. ११) शक्य असल्यास घरीच फराळाचे बनविल्यास दर्जा व वस्तुमानात तडजोड करावी लागणार नाही. १२) फराळाचे पदार्थ खाताना गोड पदार्थाचे कमीत कमी सेवन करण्याचा प्रयत्न करावा, जेणेकरून आपल्या प्रकृतीवर ताण पडणार नाही. १३) फटाके उडवीत असताना मुलांजवळ स्वत: उभे राहून लक्ष ठेवा, जेणेकरून अपघात टाळले जातील. १४) रस्त्यांवर फटाके उडवीत असताना येणार्या-जाणार्या वाहनांवर लक्ष ठेवा. १५) पणत्या व दिव्यांच्या माळा लावल्यावर घरचे मोठे ट्युबलाईट कमीत कमी वापरा, जेणेकरून विजेची बचत होऊ शकेल. १६) दिवाळीत फक्त ‘स्वदेशी’ वस्तूंचाच वापर करा. माझी सगळ्यांना नम्र विनंती आहे की, सगळ्यांनी गरिबांशी खूप मोलभाव न करता, दिवाळीत चायना मेड वस्तूंचा वापर टाळावा. सगळ्यांना दिवाळी आनंदाची व सुखाची जावो व नवीन वर्षात भरभराट होवो, हीच ईश्वरचरणी प्रार्थना! चैत्र पाडव्याची गुढी असो अथवा दिवाळीतील आकाशकंदील, पणत्या अन्‌ शुभेच्छा पत्रके बहुतेकांना या सर्व वस्तू "मेड इन चायना'च हव्या असतात. स्वस्त, मस्त आणि आकर्षक या वैशिष्ट्यांमुळे "चायनीज वस्तू' ग्राहकांच्या पसंतीस उतरत असून, भारतीय बाजारपेठांवर त्यांनी आक्रमण केले आहे. "चायनीज फास्टफूड' आणि "चायना मोबाईल' भारतीयांच्या अंगवळणी कधीच पडले आहेत. अगदी खेड्यापासून महानगरापर्यंत प्रत्येकाच्या ओठावर "चायना' नाव पोचले आहे. भारतीय सण, उत्सवांचे महत्त्व ओळखून त्यानुसार चायना कंपन्यांनी आपली उत्पादने तयार केली आहेत. पुणे, पिंपरी-चिंचवड सारख्या शहरात "चायना बाजार' नावाने स्वतंत्र दालनेच आहेत. चिनी बनावटीच्या गुढ्यांचे चैत्र पाडव्याला, तर गणेश मूर्तींचे गणेशोत्सवात जोरदार स्वागत झाले. आता दिवाळीच्या पार्श्वठभूमीवर प्रत्येक दुकानामध्ये चायना मेड वस्तू बघायला मिळत आहेत. आकर्षक व भडकपणामुळे चायनीज आकाशदिव्यांनी ग्राहकांना वेड लावले आहे. त्यांची विक्री जोरात सुरू आहे. "देशी बनावटीच्या कापडी व प्लॅस्टिकच्या आकाशदिव्यांची जागा आता चायनीज दिव्यांनी घेतली आहे. आकर्षक, टिकाऊ व घडी करून ठेवण्याची सोय यामुळे त्यांना ग्राहकांची पसंती मिळत असल्याचे सांगितले. चायनीज फटाके, पणत्या व शुभेच्छा पत्रकेही बाजारात उपलब्ध आहेत. कमी आवाज करणारे, स्वस्त आणि फुटल्यानंतर आकर्षक दिसणारे म्हणून ते ग्राहकांच्या पसंतीला उतरले आहेत. विद्युत रोषणाईची नवनवीन तोरणेही विक्रीसाठी आली आहेत. फळे, फुले व पानांच्या आकाराच्या पणत्या स्वस्त आणि चकचकीत असल्यामुळे त्यांनाही मोठ्या प्रमाणावर मागणी आहे. याखेरीज रांगोळी काढण्याचे वेगवेगळ्या आकारांचे साचे, रंगसंगतीचे छापे, प्लॅस्टिक फुलांच्या माळा व तोरणेही बाजारात विक्रीसाठी आले आहेत. चायनीज "म्युझिकल' शुभेच्छा पत्रेही ग्राहकांच्या पसंतीला उतरली आहेत. मराठी, हिंदी व इंग्रजी भाषेतील "दिलखेचक' मजकूर आणि दीर्घकाळ टिकण्याची हमी यामुळे या शुभेच्छा पत्रांनाही चांगली मागणी आहे. • येथील वस्त्रनगरी दिवाळीसाठी सज्ज झाली आहे. बाजारपेठेत रंगीबेरंगी आकाशकंदील, शोभेच्या वस्तू, रांगोळी, कपडे यांचे स्टॉल उभारण्यात आले आहेत. बाजारपेठेत सरासरी वीस टक्क्यांनी महागाईमध्ये वाढ दिसत असून, ७५ टक्के चायना मालाने बाजारपेठेवर वर्चस्व निर्माण केले आहे. निवडणूक निकालानंतर बाजारपेठेत खरेदीसाठी गर्दी दिसत आहे. तर दिवाळीच्या पूर्वसंध्येला बाजारपेठेत मोठी गर्दी झाली होती. इचलकरंजी शहरातील मेन रोडसह जनता चौक, गांधी पुतळा चौक, डेक्कन चौक या परिसरात स्टॉल उभारण्यात आले आहेत. यामध्ये आकर्षक आकाशकंदील, रांगोळी, शोभेच्या वस्तू, पणत्या, मेणबत्या, रंगीबेरंगी हार, लहान मुलांसाठी खेळणी, किल्ल्यावरचे साहित्य, तयार किल्ले, सैनिक यांसह कपड्यांचे स्टॉल यांचा समावेश आहे. कापड मार्केट, बीजेपी मार्केट या परिसरातही कपड्यांची दुकाने सजली आहेत. बाजारपेठेमधील वस्तूंमध्ये सुमारे ७५ टक्के वस्तू चायना मेड आहे. स्थानिक तयार झालेल्या वस्तूंपेक्षा या वस्तूंची किंमत तुलनात्मकरीत्या खूपच कमी असल्याने ग्राहकही त्याकडे आकर्षित होत आहेत. बाजारपेठेमध्ये वीस ते पंचवीस टक्क्यांनी सर्व वस्तूंमध्ये वाढ झाली आहे. वस्त्रनगरीमध्ये मालक व कामगार असे दोन मुख्य वर्ग असल्याने बोनस वाटपानंतरच खऱ्या अर्थाने खरेदीला सुरुवात होते. गत चार दिवसांपासून बोनस वाटप झाल्यामुळे बाजारपेठेत गर्दी फुलू लागली आहे. दरवर्षी दिवाळीला वस्त्रनगरीत करोडो रुपयांची उलाढाल होते. त्या पार्श्वभूमीवर दुकानदारांनी व स्टॉलधारकांनी मोठ्या प्रमाणात माल भरला आहे. (प्रतिनिधी) आजरा बाजारपेठेत खरेदीसाठी गर्दी आजरा : पावसाने लावलेली समाधानकारक हजेरी, नुकत्याच पार पडलेल्या विधानसभा निवडणुका याचा परिणाम आजरा तालुक्यात दिवाळीच्या खरेदीवर दिसत असून, बाजारात मोठी गर्दी दिसत आहे. प्राधान्याने कपडे, आकाशकंदील, सोन्याचे जिन्नस, खरेदीकरिता मोठ्या प्रमाणावर गर्दी दिसत आहे. बहुतांशी सहकारी संस्थांनी सानुग्रह अनुदान व बोनस स्वरूपात कर्मचारी वर्गास दिवाळी भेट दिल्याचा परिणाम बाजारात जाणवत आहे. व्हॉटस अॅप, फेसबुकवरून खरेदीचा संदेश देशामधील चायनाची गुंतवणूक कमी व्हावी. त्याचबरोबर देशाला आर्थिक बळकटी मिळावी, यासाठी चायना वस्तू वापरापासून दूर राहा व स्वदेशी वस्तू वापरा आणि पणत्या व दिवाळी शोभेसाठी लागणारे काही साहित्य, फळे या वस्तू रस्त्याकडेला बसलेल्या गरीब व गरजूंकडून खरेदी करा. मोठ्या व्यापारी व दुकानांतून खरेदी करणे टाळून गरजूंना आर्थिक लाभ होईल यासाठी प्रयत्न करा, असे सामाजिक संदेश आजकाल व्हॉटस अॅप व फेसबुक या सोशल मीडियावरून फिरत आहेत. त्याला काही प्रमाणात प्रतिसादही मिळत असल्याचे दिसत आहे.

सणांच्या बाजार पेठा्वर चीनी आक्रमण

सणांच्या बाजार पेठा्वर चीनी आक्रमण गेल्या दोन दशकांपासून चिनी घुसखोरी ही फक्त सीमेपुरतीच मर्यादीत नाही तर त्यांनी भारतीय बाजारपेठाही काबीज करायाला सुरूवात केली.सणातील फटाक्यांची मागणी लक्षात घेऊन चिनी फटाके मोठय़ा प्रमाणावर भारतीय बाजारपेठांमध्ये विक्रीसाठी दाखल झाले आहेत.भारतीय फटाक्यांच्या तुलनेत चिनी फटाके सुरक्षिततेच्या तसेच पर्यावरणाच्या दृष्टीने अधिक धोकादायक आहेत. त्यामुळे हे फटाके आपण टाळावेत.चिनी फटाके भारतीय फटाक्यांपेक्षा स्वस्त आहेत.परिणामी आपल्या फटाका उद्योगाचे १ हजार कोटींचे नुकसान होते. बेकायदेशीररीत्या चिनी फटाक्यांची आयात चिनी बनावटीचे फटाके स्वस्त असल्याने ग्राहकांचा ओढा त्याकडे आहे. फटाक्यांच्या बाजारपेठेतील चिनी घुसखेरीला अटकाव करण्यासाठी शिवकाशीतील फटाका उत्पादकांनी आपले कारखाने बंद ठेऊन निषेध नोंदवला. या संपाची दखल घेऊन केंद्र सरकारने चिनी बनावटीच्या फटाक्यांवर बंदी घातली.असून कठोर कारवाईसह शिक्षेची तरतूद केली आहे. याची काटेकोर अंमलबजावणी व्हावी.समुद्रमार्गे बेकायदेशीररीत्या आयात होणाऱ्या या फटाक्यांामुळे फटाका उद्योग धोक्यासत आ्ला आहे.भारतात फटाके कोणत्या मार्गाने आले, याचाही शोध घेतला जाईल,असं निर्मला सीतारामन यांनी म्हटलं आहे.भारतीय फटाक्यांच्या तुलनेत चिनी फटाके सुरक्षिततेच्या तसेच पर्यावरणाच्या दृष्टीने अधिक धोकादायक आहेत. भारतीय फटाक्यांनी जागतिक उत्पादनांशी स्पर्धा करावी आपले फटाके गुणवत्ता आणि सुरक्षिततेच्या दृष्टीने चिनी फटाक्यांपेक्षा निश्चित चांगले आहेत. चिनी फटाक्यांमध्ये क्लोरेट आणि पर-क्लोरेटचा या विषारी केमिकलचा वापर करण्यात येतो.एकूणच चिनी फटाके बनवताना हलक्या प्रतीचा व हानिकारक कच्चा माल वापरला जात असल्याने ते आपल्या फटाक्यांच्या तुलनेत स्वस्त आहेत. परिणामी आपल्या फटाका उद्योगाचे विक्रीचे १ हजार कोटींचे नुकसान होते.चिनी फटाके जास्तकाळ टिकत नाहीत.त्या तुलनेत भारतीय फटाके वर्षभर टिकतात.'एरिअल' प्रकारात हे चिनी फटाके वरचढ ठरतात. भारतात फटाक्यां ची निर्मिती करताना पोटॅशिअम परक्लो्रेटचा वापर करण्यावर बंदी आहे. या कायद्यात काळानुसार बदल होण्याची गरज आहे. जेणेकरून भारतीय फटाके जागतिक उत्पादनांशी स्पर्धा करू शकतील तस्करी रोखा परदेशातून येणा-या कंटेनरची चौकशी करण्यासाठी पुरेसे मनुष्यबळ नसल्याचे कस्टम विभागाचे रडगाणे असते. तामिळनाडूमधील तुतिकोरीन बंदरावर येणा-या ५०० पैकी फक्त २० कंटेनरचीच तपासणी केली जाते. मागच्या महिन्यात शिवाकाशीमध्ये चिनी फटाके जप्त करण्यात आले होते. काही दिवसांपूर्वी नेपाळमधून देशात आलेले ६०० कंटेनर पकडण्यात आले होते. बहुतेक माल नेपाळमार्गे किंवा समुद्रमार्गे भारतात येतो . देशातले इलेक्ट्रॉनिक वस्तूंचे मार्केट चीनने पुर्णपणे कॅप्चर केले आहे. मोठ्या शहरांपासून छोट्या गावापर्यंत चीनच्या वस्तुंना मोठ्या प्रमाणावर मागणी असते. भारतातील ग्राहकाची मानसिकता आपल्यापेक्षा चीननेच चांगली ओळखलेली दिसतेय. चिनी प्रचारसाहित्याला सर्वाधिक पसंती पंतप्रधान 'मेक इन इंडिया'चा नारा देत आहेत, असे असतानाही अनेक राजकिय पक्षांनी चिनी बनावटीच्या प्रचारसाहित्याला सर्वाधिक पसंती दिल्याचे निदर्शनास येत आहे. निवडणूककाळात वाढणाऱ्या प्रचार साहित्याच्या मागणीचा पुरवठा करण्यासाठी चीनने याही क्षेत्रात घुसखोरी करत भारतीय बनावटीच्या प्रचार साहित्याला केव्हाच मागे टाकले आहे. निवडणूक प्रचार साहित्यात चायना टोप्यांना सर्वच राजकीय पक्षांकडून अधिक प्रमाणात मागणी आहे.भारतीय टोप्यांच्या तुलनेत चायना टोप्या स्वस्त असल्याने त्यांना जास्त मागणी आहे. आपण या चीनी मालावर बंदी का घालत नाही? सर्व वस्तूंमध्ये चीनी घुसखोरी भारत हा सणांचा देश आहे.या वर्षी रक्षाबंधनाकरता ७५% राख्या चीनी बनावटीच्या होत्या. गणेशमूर्तीच्या बाजारपेठेत चीनने घुसखोरी पूर्वीच केलेली आहे.मोठय़ा प्रमाणात साजर्या केल्या जाणार्या उत्सवांना हेरून, आकाशकंदिल, दिवे, विविध भेटवस्तूंनी भारतीय बाजारपेठ चीनने व्यापली आहे. मागच्या दिवाळीत चिनी विक्रेत्यांनी भारतीय बाजारपेठेत १८०० कोटी रुपयांचा नफा कमावला. फराळाचे पदार्थ वगळता दिवाळीच्या सर्व वस्तूंमध्ये चीनने घुसखोरी केली आहे. चिनी आकाश कंदिलांनी बाजारपेठेवर कब्जा केला आहे. हे कंदील भारतीय कंदिलांच्या तुलनेत अतिशय स्वस्त असल्याने ग्राहकांचा ओढा त्यांच्याकडे असतो. चिनी तोरणांनी घर/बाजार सजतो. प्लॅस्टिकच्या दिव्यांच्या माळांना मोठी मागणी आहे. देशप्रेमी नागरिकांनो यावेळेस तरी देशी वस्तूच विकत घ्या. आपले लहान, मध्यम उद्योग बरबाद चीनच्या `मेड इन चायना’ वस्तूंनी भारतात जम बसवला आहे. त्यांनी आतापर्यंत देशी बाजारपेठेतील २०-२५ टक्के वाटा पटकावला आहे. किंमती कमी असल्याने भारतीय विक्रेते व ग्राहकांची चिनी वस्तूंना पसंती लाभत आहे. भारतीय बाजारपेठेत मोबाईल, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक वस्तूंपासून देवांच्या तसबीरी ते पूजेच्या साहित्यापर्यंत चीनची घुसखोरी आहे. आपली बाजारपेठ चिनी वस्तूंनी ओसंडून वाहते आहे. चीन खास भारताकरता वस्तू बनवून आपल्या लहान, मध्यम उद्योगांना पध्दतशीरपणे बरबाद करत आहे हे आपण लक्षात का घेत नाही? चिनी खेळण्यांवर बंदी घाला रंगीबेरंगी बाहुल्या, बॅटबॉल, चावीची खेळणी, टेडीबेअर या सगळ्या आपल्याकडच्या खेळण्यांमध्ये चीनने घुसखोरी करत वर्चस्व निर्माण केले आहे. त्यामुळे भारतीय खेळण्यांची मागणी घटली आहे. खेळण्यांचे मार्केट ८० टक्के चिनी बनावटीच्या खेळण्यांनी भरले आहे. `सेंटर फॉर सायन्स अँड एन्व्हायर्न्मेंट’ प्रमाणे चिनी बनावटीच्या ५७ टक्के खेळण्यांमध्ये प्रमाणाबाहेर विषारी रसायने आढळली होती. लहान मुलींच्या ज्वेलरीत शिसे वापरले जाते. त्यामुळे शरीराला धोका असतो. मागच्या वर्षी सांगली जिल्ह्यात एका पाच वर्षांच्या मुलाचा खेळण्यातल्या व्हिडिओ गेमचा स्फोट झाल्याने मृत्यू झाला. हे खेळणे `मेड इन चायना’ होते. भारतात अशा खेळण्यांवर नियंत्रण ठेवणारी कुठलीही स्वतंत्र यंत्रणा नाही. त्यामुळे नियंत्रण कसे ठेवणार? पालकांनी एकत्र येऊन या खेळण्यांवर बंदी घालण्यासाठी दबाव आणला पाहिजे. बाय स्वदेशी भारताचे याआधीचे `बाय चायनीज’ धोरण त्या देशाच्या पथ्यावरच पडत आहे. भारतातील वीज क्षेत्रातील कंपन्या चिनी उत्पादकानुसार बदल करीत आहेत आणि ते भारतीय उत्पादकांकडे दुर्लक्ष करीत आहेत.चिनी कंपन्यांसाठी भारत ही मोठी बाजारपेठ बनली आहे. स्वदेशीची भाषा नष्टच झाली आहे. लोकहो, स्वदेशी मालच खरेदी करा. चिनी नको.जे आपल्या देशात चांगले पिकते / बनते, ते खरेदी करू या. सरकारने चीनकडून आयात होणार्या राख्या, दिवाळीत येणारे आकाश कंदिल, पणत्या, लाइटच्या शोभीवंत माळा, रंगपंचमीमध्ये येणार्या पिचकार्या पूर्णपणे थांबवल्या पाहिजे. चिनी वस्तू या लघु उद्योगांतून बनविल्या जातात.चिनी स्त्रिया या वस्तू घरी बनवतात. त्यामुळे त्यांची किंमत अत्यंत कमी आहे.आपल्या उद्योजकांची मानसिकताच बदलली आहे.चिनी वस्तू जर स्वस्तात मिळतात तर आपण त्या वस्तू कशाला बनवायच्या? या विचाराने आपण चिनी वस्तूंचे कंटेनरच्या कंटेनर खरेदी करतो वा स्मगल करतो, त्यावर आपले लेबल लावतो आणि बाजारात विकतो. त्यात भरपूर पैसे कमावतो. पण यामुळे आपण चिनी अर्थव्यवस्थेला हातभार लावतो आहोत. आपल्याकडे बेकारी वाढलेली आहे. सामाजिक सुरक्षितता धोक्यात येत आहे. चीनशी जर आपल्याला मुकाबला करावयाचा असेल तर आपणही त्यांच्याप्रमाण लघुउद्योग निर्माण करावयाला पाहिजे. त्यासाठी स्वस्तात जागा, भांडवल, कच्चा माल उपलब्ध करून दिले पाहिजे. कर कमी केले पाहिजेत. यामुळे आपणसुद्धा दर्जेदार वस्तू बनवू शकू.मागचे सरकार या बाबत पूर्णपणे निष्क्रिय होते. आता हा सर्व प्रकार रोखण्यासाठी सरकारनेच पुढाकार घेऊन, भारतीय लघुउद्योग उत्पादनाला चालना देण्याची गरज आहे.भारतामध्ये तामिळनाडू मधिल शिवकाशी हे फटाके निर्मितीचे मोठे क्रेंद्र आहे.२०/१०/२०१४ला तेथे झालेल्या स्फ़ोटात १७ कामगार मारले गेले.आपण दिवाळी कमी फ़टाक्याने का साजरी करत नाही?

बांगला देशी घुसखोरांचा डोळा आता दिल्लीवर!

बांगला देशी घुसखोरांचा डोळा आता दिल्लीवर! बांगला देशी नागरिकांच्या अवैध घुसखोरीचे अंतिम लक्ष्य आता देशाची राजधानी दिल्ली महानगर आहे, असे ध्यानात येऊ लागले आहे. प्रारंभी ईशान्येकडील कुण्या एका राज्यात, विशेषत: आसाममधे घुसून हे परकीय घुसखोर स्वत:साठी भारतीय नागरिकत्व मिळवितात. त्यानंतर काही निर्दिष्ट दलाल त्यांना देशातील निरनिराळ्या जागी पाठविण्याची व्यवस्था करतात. हा सारा कारभार अत्यंत पूर्वनियोजित पद्धतीने अमलात आणला जातो, ही बाब आता उघडकीला आलेली आहे. राष्ट्रसंघाच्या लोकसंख्याविषयक अहवालातून बांगला देशींच्या या कारस्थानाची रूपरेखा स्पष्ट दिसून येते. उपलब्ध माहितीनुसार, बांगला देशातून दरवर्षी दीड ते दोन कोटी लोकसंख्या लुप्त झालेली आढळते. मग हे जातात तरी कुठे? आज बांगला देशी नागरिक जगाच्या कानाकोपर्यात पसरले आहेत, हे नि:संशय! पाश्चिमात्य इंग्लंड, आयरलँड, फ्रान्स आदी देशांमधून बांगला देशींच्या मोठमोठ्या वसाहती उभ्या झाल्या आहेत. या सार्या वसाहती अवैध आहेत हे सांगायला नकोच, परंतु संबंधित देशातील राज्यकर्ते अनेकदा कठोर कारवाई करूनही त्यांना घालवू शकलेले नाहीत. त्यासाठी सांगण्यात येणारे मुख्य कारण म्हणजे अत्यंत असहनीय अवस्थेतही टिकून राहण्याची बांगला देशींची क्षमता! मग समस्या उभी राहते त्यांच्या उपजीविकेची. कोणत्याही शिक्षणाची तोंडओळखही नसलेल्या या अवैध घुसखोरांसाठी त्यांचे हे वैगुण्यच कामी येते. कारण त्यामुळे कसल्याही शारीरिक श्रमांसाठी त्यांची तयारी असते. त्यामुळे त्यांना एक अमर्याद कर्मक्षेत्र उपलब्ध होते. कमी मोबदल्यात परिश्रम करण्यासाठी उपलब्ध मजुरांसाठी त्यांचे महत्त्व जाणणारे तयारच असतात. कोणताही देश याला अपवाद नसावा. त्यामुळे संबंधित शासनकर्त्यांनी बांगला देशींच्या निर्मूलनासाठी जंग जंग पछाडले तरीही हा विषवृक्ष मुळासकट उखडून फेकणे त्यांच्या क्षमतेबाहेर ठरते. अाज भारतातील अनेक जागा बांगलादेशी मजूरवर्गासाठी सुरक्षित वस्ती झाल्या आहेत. यापैकी मुंबई आणि देशाची राजधानी दिल्लीकडे तर मुंगीसारखी त्यांची रीघ लागली आहे. अर्थात, हे बेकायदेशीर स्थलांतरण जर असेच काही वर्षे चालत राहिले, तर त्याची परिणती सार्या देशासाठी भयानक ठरू शकते. कारण प्राथमिक अवस्थेत मजूर म्हणून यांची ओळख देण्यात येत असली, तरीही अल्पावधीतच एका राजकीय शक्तीमधे त्यांचे रूपांतर होते. सध्या ज्या प्रकारे बांगला देशी घुसखोर आसाममधे प्रभावी बहुसंख्यक म्हणून स्वत:ला सिद्ध करू पाहत आहेत, याचीच पुनरावृत्ती नजीकच्या काळात मुंबई आणि दिल्लीमधेही घडू शकेल. लौकिकदृष्ट्या प्रत्येक वैध भारतीय नागरिकाच्या मताचे जे मूल्य, बांगला देशी नागरिकाच्या मतालाही तेच मूल्य असते आणि हा मताधिकार मिळविणे बांगला देशींसाठी या देशात किती सहज आहे, त्याच्या अधिक स्पष्टीकरणाची येथे गरज नाही. आतापावेतोच्या विवरणातून हे स्पष्टत: ध्यानात येते की, अस्तित्वात येण्याच्याही आधीपासून बांगला देशातून भारताविरुद्ध एक ‘जनसंख्या-युद्ध’ छेडलेले आहे, जे पाकिस्तान करीत असलेल्या सशस्त्र आक्रमणापेक्षा कितीतरी पटींनी भयावह आहे. बांगला देशी घुसखोरीची समस्या आता केवळ आसामपुरती मर्यादित राहिलेली नाही, ती आता राष्ट्रीय समस्येचा आकार धारण करू लागली आहे. आम्हाला वाटते की, अशाप्रकारे दरवर्षी कोटी-दीड कोटीच्या संख्येत चालू असलेल्या बांगला देशी घुसखोरांविषयी केंद्र शासन अंधारात नसावे. त्यामुळे याचा शेवट कसा होईल, याविषयीही वेगळे काही त्यांना सांगणे आवश्यक नाही. या संदर्भात पंतप्रधान मोदींनी गेल्या निवडणुकांच्या काळात या संबंधात जी कठोर भाषा वापरली होती ती प्रत्यक्षात आणण्यासाठी ते काहीच करणार नाहीत, असे आम्हाला म्हणावयाचे नाही. अर्थात, हेही योग्यच आहे की, बांगला देशींच्या घुसखोरीसारख्या जटिल व जुन्या समस्येचे निराकरण एका रात्रीतून होईल अशी अपेक्षा बाळगणे उचित ठरणार नाही. सध्या ‘राष्ट्रीय नागरिक पंजीकरणा’च्या अद्यावतीकरणाची जी प्रक्रिया सुरू आहे ती पूर्णावस्थेत पोहोचताच, बांगला देश तसेच पूर्व पाकिस्तानातून अवैध प्रकारे भारतात प्रवेश केलेले नागरिक व त्यांची संतती यांची ओळख पटेल. याशिवाय बर्याच पूर्वीपासून आम्ही भारत-बांगला सीमेसाठी इस्रायलसारखी एक कडेकोट व्यवस्था निर्माण करण्याचा आग्रह करीत आहोत. परंतु, गेली १० वर्षे केंद्रात एक असे शासन होते जे बांगला देशींच्या अवैध घुसखोरीचा फायदा कसा घेता येईल, याच स्वप्नांमध्ये मशगूल असे. परंतु, राष्ट्रीय स्तरावर परिस्थिती आता बदलली आहे. भारतीय जनगण व समाजाविषयी वर्तमान मोदी शासन अंत:करणपूर्वक कर्तव्यबोधाची जाण ठेवणारे आहेत, असा आमचा ठाम विश्वास आहे. तेव्हा निकट भविष्यात बांगला देशींमुळे उत्पन्न झालेल्या संकटापासून सार्या देशाचे रक्षण करण्यासाठी एक परिणामकारक कार्यवाही हे सरकार अमलात आणील, याविषयी आम्हाला फार मोठी आशा वाटते. तसेच बांगला देशी घुसखोरीपासून आसामचे रक्षण करण्यासाठी मोदींनी आतापर्यंत काहीच न केल्याने, त्यांनी निवडणुकीच्या काळात दिलेले आश्वासन पाळले नाही, या निष्कर्षाला पोहोचणेही घाईचे ठरेल.

BARRAK MISSILE DEAL WITH ISREAL ONE MORE STEP TOWARDS DEFENCE PREPAREDNESS Thursday, October 23, 2014 By : TNN India will take possession of hundreds of Israeli-made Barak missiles for its battleships late next year, following approval of a weapons deal between the two countries that had been delayed for years. The purchase deal was approved by India’s cabinet committee on security matters, headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, according to the Times of India. Under the plan, India will take delivery of 262 Barak 1 missiles over the course of about five years, starting in December of 2015. These will be deployed on the country’s 14 battleships, which have suffered from dwindling missile supplies in recent years, according to the Indian navy. The Israeli Defense Ministry refused to comment on Israel’s extensive military relationship with India. However, an Israeli source defined India as “a strategic state” with respect to Israel’s military exports and confirmed that the deal is indicative of the close relations between the two countries. Israel sees the Barak missile deal as a significant step by the new government in India; one which could advance diplomatic relations as well as military ties. The newly-elected Modi is considered to hold pro-Israel views. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Modi in New York last month and invited him to visit Israel. It was the first meeting between the prime ministers of the two countries in more than a decade. Among other things, Netanyahu proposed to Modi that the two countries expand relations in the cyber field. “We are excited about stronger and stronger relations with India, and the sky is the limit,” Netanyahu told the press after the meeting. The Barak missile deal was at the center of a scandal in 2006, when suspicions arose of corruption on the part of Indian politicians in return for advancing weapons deals in the country. Indian opposition parties demanded an investigation of the Barak deal following allegations that Israel Aerospace Industries (then called Israel Aircraft industries) had bribed an intermediary in the deal in order to ensure the signing of the contact. The case was closed due to lack of evidence, according to the article in the Times of India. Israel has extensive security relations with India and is considered a major arms supplier to several south Asian countries. With a staff of six, its military delegation in India is second only to that of the United States. The Barak missile deal is estimated at $144 million. The Indian minister of defense visited Israel for three days last July and talked with top Israeli officials about additional weapons deals, among them a control system for the India air force. Israel is also interested in selling India Israeli defense systems, such as Iron Dome, though it has not been successful so far. Last year, the Indian government approved the purchase of 15 Heron unmanned aerial vehicles produced by IAI. Israel is currently developing a more advanced model of the Barak missile, the Barak 8, in cooperation with India.


Full Headers Printable View OCTOBER 23, 2014 This was sent to us by IF reader Nikhil Koul] In his review of D.W. Griffith’s iconic film “The Birth of a Nation”, the late great American film critic Roger Ebert wrote: “….But it is possible to separate the content from the craft? Garry Wills observes that Griffith’s film “raises the same questions that Leni Riefenstahl’s films do, or Ezra Pound’s poems. If art should serve beauty and truth, how can great art be in the thrall of hateful ideologies?” The crucial assumption here is that art should serve beauty and truth. I would like to think it should, but there is art that serves neither, and yet provides an insight into human nature, helping us understand good and evil……… “ Vishal Bhardwaj’s film “Haider” is partially art in the thrall of the most hateful ideology of mankind -Leftism. While the film does serve beauty in a way, the beauty part is borrowed from both Shakespeare’s magnum opus ‘Hamlet’ as well as the beauty of the Kashmir valley. The film possesses a well concealed sense of anathema against the truth. Haider is more Basharat Peer’s ‘Curfewed Nights’ than Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’. In two separate interviews to ‘The Hindu’ and ‘Times of India’, Vishal Bhardwaj has made the following statements : “I’m not anti-national, but I will comment on what is anti-human” and ” If I am not a leftist, I am not an artist”. These statements give a general outlook of Bhardwaj’s politics and worldview. It is also clear from his interviews that he did not know much about Kashmir before making this film, so Basharat Peer and Peer’s book was his lens into Kashmir. In that sense, Bhardwaj’s independent views on Kashmir are no more important than that of an occasional foreign tourist to Kashmir before whom an uninterrupted picture of victimization is painted by resident Kashmiris, because the other side of the story (the heartrending plight of Kashmiri Pandits) is not present to debunk the lies. Interestingly, in Bhardwaj’s earlier movie “Matru ki Bijli ka Mandola,” a 45-crore big budget Bollywood film with popular stars, the lead hero is a JNU product who in his alter-ego as the emancipator of the poor farmers is a superhero-like figure with the name ‘Mao’! This more than anything else shows the degree of comradeship Bhardwaj is affixed to in the domain of leftism, glorifying a mass murderer like Mao. It should have caused outrage in India, unfortunately it didn’t, perhaps because like every radical, subversive leftist thought, it was cloaked in too much distraction. Besides that, the film had multiple allusions to the usual objects of leftist rhetoric and jargon. One wonders why Bhardwaj did not chose to make his fashionable statement on the relation between his allegiance to leftist ideals and his art when it would have been apt for him to do so considering that the film had those themes. Also, it was an original film by Bhardwaj. The answer is simple – a 45-crore film cannot afford to alienate its audience and even the staunchest of leftist-artist souls have to bow to the market and moolah. Coming back to Haider, there are a few remarkable scenes which reveal its maker’s point of view. In one of the early scenes of Haider’s arrival in Kashmir, he is detained by the Army for calling Anantnag as Islamabad and is later let off after being reminded that there is only one Islamabad. There is a cursory reference by an Army officer on Kashmiri Pandits and also the abandoned house of a Pandit being used to hide the ‘disappeared’ and to kill them later, which is all that Bhardwaj mentions about Pandits of the valley. The symbolism that Bhardwaj paints is pure propaganda because all the agents of the Indian state or individuals depicted as having favourable disposition or contact with India/Indian Army like Haider’s uncle Khurram who is an advocate and later MLA. Haider’s fiancé’s father Pervez Lone, who is a senior official of the Police, the actors playing Rosencrantz and Guildenstern who are Haider’s childhood friends and to an extent even Haider’s mother Ghazala are all depicted as being deceitful and cunning. Vishal Bhardwaj’s portrayal of them is a little better than two-faced Januses, thereby casting them in the leftist mould. Only Haider’s father Hilal who treats a wounded terrorist at home is shown as being a compassionate Kashmiri who ‘disappears’ while Haider’s grandfather is seen as a man who wants Kashmiris to achieve independence, but through Gandhian means! These are the only two personas in the film that Vishal Bhardwaj wants people to see as emblematic of good Kashmiri and Kashmiriyat. The high point of the film is a monologue by Haider in where he reads the provisions of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act(AFSPA) before an amused audience and then utters the following lines in a state of borderline lunacy “India Pakistan nemilkar; khela hamarey saath border-border, Ab na humey chhodeyHindustan; Ab na humey chhodey Pakistan, Arrey koi hum se bhipoochey; hum kya chahtey; ‘AZAADI’ “. The Azaadi slogan is something whose relevance should have been clear to Bhardwaj before he chose to film it in such a nonchalant and pedestrian manner. The word Azaadi carries a barbaric and horrendous context from the forced exodus of Pandits in 1989 which even if Bhardwaj wants to, cannot choose to ignore. It is not as if Bhardwaj is ignorant of facts. Vithal Chowdhary on ‘Youth for Panun Kashmir’ blog says that Bhardwaj met him near Chakrishwar Temple at Hari Parbat in Kashmir, heard the stories of Pandits and assured them that their stories will find a place in his film. So what exactly did Bhardwaj want to retain about the Pandits in that movie which his fellow scriptwriter Basharat Peer did not want? Or perhaps both omitted the mention of Pandits deliberately? Since none of them is willing to make their responses public,their silence must be construed as an admission of ideological bias. History has always been the blind spot of leftists and Kashmiri separatists, which is why the action begins in 1995 and not before. Bhardwaj with this film has blindly and blatantly toed the line of the separatists to the extent that he tries to evoke audience sympathy for the terrorist as a ‘freedom fighter’. How does Bhardwaj explain the fact that his heroes, the ordinary Kashmiri Muslims who today claim that both India and Pakistan betrayed them, were shouting “Asi gacchei Pakistan, battawrostiy; battaneo saan” [We want Pakistan, without Pandit men; with Pandit women] in 1989-90 while cleansing the valley of its 5000 year old native civilization of Kashmiri Pandits? When the choice for Kashmiris was ‘crystal clear’ for Pakistan in 1989, why doesn’t Haider, who is going across the border, reveal his love for Pakistan openly in 1995? Maybe Vishal Bhardwaj could ask some of the separatist sympathizers and his research subjects where they see the future once they become ‘Azaad’ – Shariah or Democracy? Most importantly, Bhardwaj should know that the persecution of Hindus and Buddhists in Kashmir is a bloody chapter in history which even the mightiest of brave heart storytellers will feel shaky to adapt to celluloid. The persecution was such that there were only 11 families of Pandits left in Kashmir at one point and they had to stay alive by spending their days incognito in villages. Or the fact that there was an infamous spot in Dal Lakecalled ‘Bat Mazar’ [ Graveyard of Pandits] where Hindus who refused to convert were physically tortured, put into sacks and drowned, and their womenfolk were paraded naked to be humiliated even as they were grieving. Let’s leave the innumerable events of history of centuries aside. In 1979, Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister was addressing a rally in Iqbal Park, Srinagar where the crowd of Kashmiris stripped themselves, waved their genitals and performed other unmentionable acts without any fear of the sovereignty of law or sense of dignity. That such people would claim victimhood at the altar of the Indian state in mere decade is one of the miracles of the 20th century. There is a lot of spiel in Haider about AFSPA where he tries to rhyme it with ‘chutzpah’ in the monologue; one wonders when they are pushing artistic limits on AFSPA. But what stops Bhardwaj and Peer from mentioning Article 370? The last commercial film on Kashmir was in 2010 by Rahul Dholakia named ‘Lamhaa’. That film was sympathetic to the cause of Kashmiri Muslims in the post-1990 scenario. It clearly identified the separatists as the root cause of the problems in Kashmir. This was reason enough for Syed Ali Shah Geelani to ban the film in Kashmir. In fact, cinema halls were closed in Kashmir owing to the diktats of separatists, the Grand Mufti and other assorted torchbearers of Islamism. However, after watching Haider, the same Syed Ali Shah Geelani said that he plans to reopen cinema halls in Kashmir if more films like Haider are made. There must be a clause for ‘conditional’ and ‘suitable’ Freedom of Expression in the books of Islamists and their leftist apologists everywhere. Even if that is brushed aside as an aberration, what explains the fact that the leftists and liberals, lovers of free speech et al ganged up and got the 2011 ‘Harud’ literature fest in Kashmir cancelled because it would give the idea, that Kashmir was peaceful and free? Their separatist cousins and associated ilk banned music, cinema and everything unacceptable to their twisted sense of morality—from a fatwa by the Grand Mufti against the all-girl band ‘Pragaash’ to covertly removing Rahul Pandita’s book ‘Our Moon has Blood Clots’ from bookshops in Kashmir. That unfurling the Indian tricolour is not acceptable in Kashmir is an affront that all Indians have been tolerating since the time of Syama Prasad Mookerjee. The closest analogy to the behavior of separatists is that of Neo-Nazi holocaust denierswho have persistently tried to erase the history of Kashmiri Pandits after 1989-90. I want to ask Vishal Bhardwaj that given his cinematic insistence on ‘let there be peace in the valley’, does peace have any room for Kashmiri Pandits? If it has, with what guarantee should Kashmiri Pandits return when all the houses they owned were purchased on various pretexts by the Muslims at dirt cheap rates knowing fully well that the exodus has robbed the Pandits of everything and they would need money badly. With what cheek does Vishal Bhardwaj paint the separatists as victims? Even if some injustice has been done to them, surely Bhardwaj should know about conflict zones like Kashmir and how things operate there. And in this case, the people he is painting as victims were the first aggressors and marauders. There is also a song and dance sequence on the celebration of Ghazala, and Khurram’s wedding has been filmed in the ruins of the Martand temple which may have been a good location for shooting but it has only rubbed salt on the wounds of Kashmiri Pandits. It took the Islamic zealot Sultan Sikandar Butshikan one year to break and desecrate the majestic temple, and just a few days for Vishal Bhardwaj to film it in a vaudevillian manner. It is pertinent to ask Vishal Bhardwaj and his co-writer Peer, how the celebration of an Islamic wedding is being held in a Hindu temple? More so, the ruins of a temple destroyed by a genocidal mass-murderer who gave options to Pandits they were to get again and again till the last one in 1989-90—exactly the same the Yezidis are getting now from ISIS—convert, flee or die. A Sultan whose rule in Kashmir was unparalleled in brutality and oppression of the Pandits. A barbarian who burnt about 300 Kgs of sacred thread of Kashmiri Hindus as a celebration of his brutality over Kaffirs. If Bhardwaj’s leftism does not behove him to mourn the temple and other ruins and the plight of Pandits, the least he can do is to refrain from making a mockery of their genocide. As a matter of fact, there have been over 600 temples destroyed and vandalised in Kashmir. Even the official government figures place the number conservatively at about 300 temples. But Vishal Bhardwaj would not have filmed his song and dance in a studio or outside Charar-e-Sharief or Hazratbal mosque. The reasons for which are understandable at large. The least one could have expected of Bhardwaj was that he could have respected the sanctum-sanctorum by not shooting the dancers with their footwear on. Alas, to expect dignity for Hindu sentiments and shrines from leftist ideologues is a huge exercise in futility. Frankly speaking, if there is an element that defines the resident Kashmiri Muslim and his ‘Kashmiriyat’ which he waves at India just like he waved his genitals it is one word: hypocrisy. He will cry hoarse about removing AFSPA but will complain should there be a talk of withdrawing article 370. Has anyone ever noticed Kashmiri Muslims criticizing Pakistan that it should talk to India and stop terror activities and pressing it for the demands that it troubles India with? The demands, the funds everything except Islam should come from India but should Indians chose to unfurl the tricolour there, they are unwelcome. On TV and print and elsewhere, the spokesmen of Kashmiris, political or otherwise, shed crocodile tears over the fact that they want Kashmiri Pandits back, but when an Amarnath land row or Kousarnaag Yatra happens, they say don’t Hinduise the valley! The Kashmiris could not protect their own minorities in 1990, but will cry for minorities, in case they are from Gujarat or UP. 600 temples destroyed in Kashmir by Kashmiris, yet the question that pervades his mind is that of Babri Masjid and Hindutva. What else explains that barely six years after Babri Masjid demolition, Omar Abdullah was ready to accept a ministership in the BJP Government. Or the treacherous act ofSaifuddin Soz in Lok Sabha in 1999. Other than hypocrisy, it is an established fact that the pampering of Kashmiris has led to their weltanschauung being so obstinate that no streak of reason can permeate the veil of deliberate ignorance. Rahul Pandita and Neelesh Misra’s book “The Absent State” gives a good insight into this historical aspect of pervasive hypocrisy in Kashmir. A year ago, as the CM, Omar Abdullah slammed the BCCI for not including Kashmiri cricketer Pervez Rasool in the playing team, the reason being he was the first Kashmiri cricketer in the Indian team. Did Abdullah forget that there was a Vivek Razdan or Suresh Raina in the Indian team? This gesture although seemingly innocuous, is indicative of the psyche of the mainstream Kashmiri and how he has been shown the way to live a good life just by creating ruckus and throwing tantrums and fits. That the political establishment that is in cahoots with separatists and carries out more or less the same deeds in the guise of democracy is perhaps the bane of Kashmir. Kashmiris like all good sophisticated Islamists, have standard operating procedures. In 1989 they needed a person who they could blame the Pandit exodus on. The secularists gave themJagmohan, the then governor. Fortunately, Jagmohan, who managed to save Kashmiri Pandits, much to the dismay of Islamists, came out clean on this and exposed each culprit in his important book – ‘My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir’ and needless to say, his narrative has till date been unchallenged by secularists. After that, the search for the next villain brought them to the Indian Army. The premise of this is not very difficult to comprehend. The resident Kashmiris pelted stones at Indian Army barely two days after flood relief operations were initiated. The customary ‘thank you Indian Army’ placard at the end of the movie is a mere balancing act just like asking Pandits to return is. Even more disgusting is the fact that some Kashmiris allegedly refused to help Hindus and Sikhs during floods in Kashmir saying ‘Modi will help you because you are Hindu, we need to help our own’. Even that aside, do Bhardwaj’s leftist leanings allow him to make a rapist and murderer like Yasin Malik, a victim and freedom fighter? Or even an Asiya Andrabi or Bitta Karate for that matter. Or does Bhardwaj agree with what is every leftist’s favourite conspiracy theory that the plan to resettle Kashmiri Pandits in valley is a Zionist plan with Mossad backing, something that Syed Ali Shah Geelani has said on more than one occasion? The facts in the case of Kashmir are not highlighted here because the usual culprits brush them under the carpet or cover them up zealously so that their narrative is maintained. There are stories of the real Kashmir perhaps the most serious of artists, filmmakers and writers cannot tell or maybe do not want to tell. They will not tell you that Kashmiris indulge in everything from drugs to pornography to prostitution, but will defend the intolerant diktats of separatists, Grand Mufti and their ilk. Vishal Bhardwaj perhaps does not know the real story of a young Muslim Army Officer from Pune stationed in Kashmir who while offering prayers at the local mosque was invited to a gathering by the local maulvi and was asked to choose for himself from a bevy of underage girls they had lined up for him. That proud patriotic officer later had to evacuate those girls to safety and bomb the entire shelter where the maulvi and his sidekicks were partying in an un-Islamic manner. Or perhaps that of a Tamil liberal documentary filmmaker-activist who while shooting in a remote area of Kashmir collected funds for the village head to purchase a van for medical emergencies and later came to know that the money had been embezzled by the same folks who were feigning victimization and friendliness. When the filmmaker asked too many questions, he was threatened to leave Kashmir and never return again. The modern day English speaking, Azadi-loving Kashmiri is someone who studies in elitist Delhi Universities and SOAS, works as an editor in mainstream Indian publications, still has his/her own home in Kashmir apart from the home of the Pandits that he has acquired, wants freedom for Palestine and Kashmir, gets almost 130 times more (taxpayer) money from India than a poor farmer from Naxal-ridden Bihar, but still badmouths India. Deep down, some of them know the day Kashmir is resolved as an issue, all those special doles stop, they shall be rendered insignificant. Therefore, the cauldron must be kept boiling. If someone thinks that this account is a fantasy, investigate who paid Syed Ali Shah Geelani’s medical bills in AIIMS Delhi while the ordinary migrant Pandit in Jammu was battling snakebites, sunstrokes and other severe ailments without any assistance from anyone. Should one want to know the state of how the Azaadi lovers are doing, visit the Taj Hotel in Srinagar on a weekend night and find out first hand. Compare this with the plight of the Kashmiri Pandits in Jagti Camp in Jammu and take notes and then decide the truth. While it is true that the Indian Government, both centre and state, of varied secular hues was mostly apathetic to the cause of Kashmiri Pandits, it is imperative to add that this encouraged the militants and their associates. And it is not just Hindus but Sikhs and Christians too have borne the brunt of Islamist violence in Kashmir. A Kashmir which the Islamists want wholly for themselves cannot and will not remain a paradise by any means. If that was not enough, the separatists have been making poor Kashmiri Muslims beg in various cities of India by telling them to masquerade as Kashmiri Pandits and ask for alms. I carry ample proof of this personally. But what is Bhardwaj’s object of attention? His heart bleeds for those who disappeared but not for school teacher Girija Tikuwho was raped by her own students, neighbours and colleagues and was later sawn alive. The artist in Bhardwaj might not have the spine to stand for Sarwanand Kaul ‘Premi’, the 80 year old Kashmiri poet who along with his son was kidnapped, their eyes gouged out and later their bodies found hanging with nails hammered in their forehead. If not even that, then surely, Vishal Bhardwaj can introspect and answer as to why did the Communist Party Leader the late Harkishan Singh Surjeet, a secular man who was aghast over 1984 riots, commented on the Pandit Exodus by saying “Aisi baatein tohchalti rehti hain“! Lest we forget, Bhardwaj was also a signatory to a petition against PM Narendra Modi. It should interest Bhardwaj that unlike Gujarat 2002, there has not been a single chargesheet or arrest or any action against the perpetrators of 1989-90. The same people who were never prosecuted are his heroes and the victims of his story. The same people of their own volition, crossed the border, took to guns, raped, killed, assaulted, and maimed innocent people. They never faced a trial and were even provided monetary relief under the Appeasement Policy by the government after showing them as ‘reformed’. That these people were on camera years later for other films directed by left-liberals like Sanjay Kak’s ‘Jashn-e-Azadi’ and Ashwin Kumar’s ‘Inshallah Football’ only to be rechristened as innocent victims and misguided youth is surely the most abject scenario of humiliation through irony. It is almost as if Kashmiri Pandits never existed and their killers were victims from day one. It will not perhaps be too difficult to imagine that years and months from now, some jehadi training outfits will be showingHaider to indoctrinate children to make them avenge their honour and ‘Kashmiriyat’ from the Indian State. In that perverse sense of appeal, Vishal Bhardwaj stands vindicated at the altar of true leftism. But wait, it is also interesting to note that other than the “if I’m not a leftist, I’m not an artist” kitschy sentimentalism, Vishal Bhardwaj’s interview in ‘The Hindu’ reveals something else which startling: “it is like I have been told that your films don’t make 100 crores because your cinematic vision doesn’t appeal to the popular taste. And I say is janam mein hi 100 crore bana kedikhayenge.”…..“I don’t care about the audience…Why should I? The audience hasn’t given me anything. I have been appreciated by the intellectuals, the critics and the connoisseurs of cinema. And it is because of them what I am. I don’t follow the popular taste. I want to hold out the hand. It’s up to them whether they want to hold it or not. I don’t make something that I won’t be able to own publicly.” So there you go, a leftist has love for the capitalist milestone of a 100 crore grosser and in doing so he is willing to insult his audience by dividing them into masses and classes. In Marxist terms, this would be akin to siding with the bourgeoisie and not the proletariat, thus making Bhardwaj somewhat of a renegade and a non-believer. But then there is ample evidence in history that doublespeak has always been the most perfect skill set of the Left. I infer Bhardwaj is not a very faithful leftist considering the aforementioned statements. Therefore it is quite natural to assume that he is not an honest artist as well. There have been ample evidences in history when Pandits, the original victims of Kashmir, have been insulted and abused. In 1947, my maternal grandfather who along with his family migrated from the village to the main Srinagar city after the infamous tribal raid heard the “Qabail ho aaye, Qabail ho aaye;Aseiy ne parvaiye; Qabail ho aaye” [ The raiders are here, The raiders are here: What do we have to fear?; the raiders are here] from fellow Kashmiris. Years passed, and abuses turned into stone pelting when India won matches against Pakistan. One fine day in 1989 the abuses were accompanied with “Yahan kyachalega, Nizam-e-Mustafa, La Sharqiya; La Garbiya, Islamia,Islamia” [ What will work here? The rule of Mustafa; No eastern, no western, only Islamic, only Islamic ], “Zalzala aaya hai kufr kemaidaan mein, Lo mujahid aa gaye maidaan mein” [An earthquake has occurred in the realm of the infidels, The mujahids have come out to fight] ,”Ae Kaafiron, Ae Zaalimon,Kashmir hamara chhod do“, “Dil mein rakho Allah ka khauf aurHaath mein Kalashnikov“. Almost two decades later, as recent as 2010, when a few Pandit girls returned to the valley to take up jobs offered by the State Government, the insults were laden with sarcasm “Battye gayeiytaapas, koeriy suzukh waapas” [Them Pandits have chosen to stay in the sweltering heat of the sun, and they have sent their daughters back in the shade! ]. Backhanded insults have been hurled at Pandits since long and still are, only the form and medium changes. However, insults on celluloid are a new one and it needs to be said that Vishal Bhardwaj has been highly innovative. For that and that alone, he deserves an applause. Anybody with a little love and knowledge of literature can adapt Shakespeare, and turn it into magic on celluloid. However, it takes a special degree of ideologically bent talent and heartlessness to recreate Kashmir like Bhardwaj has. As an aside, imagining that Bhardwaj’s Hamlet was a Kashmiri Hindu in a parallel world, perhaps he would have uttered “For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay, The insolence of office and the spurns….” The response would be the same: Haider tells the amused Kashmiris in that infamous monologue scene “Hamarey saathchutzpah hua hai“. [Storified tweets about specific incidents mentioned in this article are available here.]