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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

दिल्लीतील उदारमतवादी मुलीने आपल्या वडिलांना पाकिस्तानने नव्हे तर युद्धाने मारले, असे म्हणत निदर्शने केली...!!! अशा लोकांच्या मागे एखादी देशविरोधी शक्ति असण्याची शक्यता आहे...!!! त्या मुलीला आणि तिच्यासारख्या अन्य उदार वगैरे भंपकबाजी करणाऱ्या लोकांना एका जवानाने दिलेले हे पत्र-उत्तर

...!!! *** शहीद की बेटी की पोस्ट के जवाब में कर्नल विक्रम का देश के नाम खुला खत! बेटे ने नहीं दिखाया होता तो शायद पुराने दर्द फिर से उभर कर सामने नहीं आते, 1965 हो या 1971 का युद्ध, 1947 से चली आ रही हमारी पालिसी अब नागरिकों के दिलों में भी घर करती जा रही है। ‘जूते खाओ, बर्दाश्त करो’, 7 दशक बीत जाने के बाद भी स्थिति में कुछ ख़ास बदलाव नहीं आया है। कैप्टन हैरी की बेटी की तस्वीर के साथ एक तख्ती देखी जिसपर लिखा था “पाकिस्तान ने मेरे पिताजी को नहीं मारा, युद्ध ने उन्हें मारा”. शब्दों के चयन से ही समझ में आ जाता है कि बिटिया को ‘शहीद’ क्या होता है किसी ने समझाया नहीं। खैर 20 साल की बच्ची इस पूरे विवाद की जड़ नहीं हो सकती ये आप सभी जानते हैं, कहीं न कहीं इस विचारधारा को बल देने और प्रचारित करने की साजिश हमेशा से होती आयी है। भारत को भावनाओं और दरियादिली का सागर कह दिया जाए तो गलत नहीं होगा। हम बांग्लादेश जीते और उन्हें वापिस कर दिया, ठीक वैसे ही जैसे भगवान राम ने लंका जीत कर भी लंका वापिस कर दी थी। पर सवाल ये उठता है कि इतने सालों बाद भी हमें इस दरियादिली वाले स्वभाव से मिला क्या है? खुद पर सवाल उठाने की आदत कोई नयी नहीं है, 1965 युद्ध के बाद जब हम कैंप वापिस लौटे थे तो कुछ लोगों ने हमसे भी सवाल किये थे, ‘आपने फायरिंग क्यों की?’, आजतक भारत उस स्वर्णिम इतिहास की व्याख्या करते वक़्त गर्वित महसूस करता है, पर कुछ थे जिन्हें तब भी आपत्ति थी। ठीक वैसे ही जैसे हाल में ही लोगों ने सेना से सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक के सुबूत मांग लिए थे। बेटी गुरमेहर अभी सवाल करने के लिहाज़ से बहुत छोटी है, पर मैं आज की पीढ़ी के युवाओं से कुछ सवाल करना चाहूंगा, जो मेरे मन में हमेशा उठते आये हैं। अगर राष्ट्रविरोधी नारों का विरोध करने वाले ‘गुंडे’ हैं, तो क्या उन्हें मारने वाले फौजी ‘आतंकी’ हैं? सेना से रहम की उम्मीद करने वाले लोग ही ‘बन्दूक के दम पर आज़ादी’ लेने की बात करते हैं, किसी ने सवाल उठाया? अगर देश नहीं युद्ध मौत का कारण है तो मैं पूछता हूँ इसकी शुरुआत कौन करता है? आतंकियों को पनाह देने वाले लोगों की ‘आज़ादी’ कहाँ तक तर्कसंगत है? सैकडों ऐसे शहीद परिवार हैं जो खुलेआम इन देशविरोधी गतिविधियों के खिलाफ है, उनके साथ शायद एक या दो हैं, पर मीडिया उन सैकड़ों को छोड़ कर एक या दो को ही क्यों हीरो बनाने के फिराक में है? कहीं ये कोई साजिश तो नहीं है? इतिहास पढ़ा हो तो आपको मालूम होगा, लाल बहादुर शास्त्री से लेकर इंदिरा गाँधी तक और इंदिरा गाँधी से लेकर नरेंद्र मोदी तक, भारतीय फौज फ्रंट-फुट पर तभी आती है जब देश की जनता के साथ सरकार भी खुल कर उनके साथ आये। गुरमेहर बिटिया के पिता शहीद कैप्टन मंदीप को मैं व्यक्तिगत तौर पर तो नहीं जानता पर कहानियां बहुत सुन रखी हैं। अपने कैम्प को बचाने के लिए खुद को समर्पित कर दिया, क्या आज के युवा ये चाहेंगे कि वो वहां पर किताबी ज्ञान देते और शांति की बातें कर आतंकियों को गौतम बुद्ध बना देते? देशविरोधी नारे लगाने वालों और आतंकवादियों में एक बात कॉमन है, दोनों को नहीं पता होता वो क्या कर रहे हैं, समाज का एक वर्ग उनका पूरी तरह से ‘माइंड वाश’ कर चुका होता है। पर अब जब यह विचारधारा शहीद के घर के दरवाजे तक पहुँच गयी है तो आवाज़ उठाना मजबूरी हो जाती है। मैं नहीं जानता सोशल मीडिया के जमाने में मेरे इस पत्र का युवा वर्ग पर क्या असर पड़ता है, पर अगर समझो तो एक बात जरूर कहूंगा “हर घर में कमियां होती हैं, पर जब उन कमियों की वजह से हम घर तोड़ने पर अमादा हो जाएँ, तो कहीं ना कहीं कमी हमारे ही अंदर है। जय हिन्द, जय भारत! कर्नल विक्रम

मग, युद्ध हवे कुणाला इथे? March 1,

2017012 एक कन्हैया दिल्लीत उभा राहिला. देशाविरुद्ध काहीबाही बरळून गेला आणि हिरो झाला! मग ज्याच्या जातीचा आधारच पूर्णपणे खोटा होता, तो रोहित वेमुला तिकडे हैदराबादेत उभा राहिला. त्यानेही तोच तमाशा केला अन् देशभर भाव खाऊन गेला! आता ती संधी काश्मीरच्या गुरमेहर कौरने बळकावली आहे. डाव्या विचारसरणीच्या तमाम जनांना गोबेल्सचे प्रसिद्धितंत्र चांगलेच, अगदी खोलवर उमजले आहे. त्यामुळे, तमाम चांगल्या बाबी बाजूला सारून एखाद्या तद्दन फालतू गोष्टीला अवास्तव महत्त्व कसे द्यायचे अन् त्याच्याकडे जगाचे लक्ष कसे वेधायचे, यात ते अगदीच पारंगत झाले आहेत. १९९९ मध्ये शहीद झालेल्या या देशातील एका शूर सैनिकाची मुलगी असलेली गुरमेहर कौर नवी दिल्लीतील रामजसमध्ये शिकतेय्. पहिल्या वर्षाची विद्यार्थिनी असलेल्या गुरमेहरच्या भाग्यात सध्या प्रसिद्धीचे योग आहेत. बेताल बडबड केली की, आपल्या देशात प्रसिद्धी मिळवणे तितकेसे जिकिरीचे ठरत नाही, ही बाब सभोवतालच्या हुशार मंडळींनी व्यवस्थितपणे समजावून सांगितल्यानंतर तिने एक विधान केले. म्हणाली, ‘‘माझ्या बाबांचे प्राण पाकिस्तानने नव्हे, एका युद्धाने घेतले आहेत…’’ झालं. संधीच्या शोधातच असलेले लोक त्या विधानाने पेटून उठले. ज्यांना रान उठवायचे होते त्यांनी, त्यावरून रान उठविण्यात कुठलाच कसूर बाकी ठेवला नाही. मग म्हणे, या विद्यार्थिनीला अभाविपच्या कार्यकर्त्यांनी धमकी दिली. त्याची पोलिसांकडे रीतसर तक्रार करण्यापेक्षा गुरमेहरला ती बाब ट्विट करून जगाला सांगणे अधिक महत्त्वाचे वाटले. मग काय, आगीत तेल ओतायला तेवढे पुरेसे होते. आता तर सर्वांनाच मैदान मोकळे झाले एकमेकांवर तुटून पडायला. कॉंग्रेसच्या मनीष तिवारींपासून तर माकपच्या सीताराम येचुरींपर्यंत आणि राहुल गांधींपासून तर अरविंद केजरीवालांपर्यंत सारेच दंड थोपटून रणांगणात उतरले. डावे-उजवे म्हणत एकमेकांविरुद्ध दंड थोपटून उभे राहिले. असे आयते निमित्त गवसल्यावर उजव्यांविरुद्ध गरळ ओकण्याची संधी सोडतील ते डावे कसले? कॉंग्रेस आणि केजरीवालांची पिलावळही प्रसिद्धीचा लाभ एकट्या डाव्यांना कसा उठवू देतील मग? मग तेही सरसावले या हाणामारीत. गुरमेहरच्या शहीद पिताश्रींबद्दल या देशाला नितान्त आदर आहे. त्यांच्या प्राणांचे मोल अन् देशासाठी त्यांनी दिलेल्या बलिदानाची किंमत इथे कुणाच्याही लेखी कमी होऊ शकत नाही. पितृछत्र हरविलेल्या गुरमेहरबद्दलही तमाम भारतीयांच्या मनात आपुलकीचीच भावना असणार आहे. पण, म्हणून तिच्या आडून चाललेल्या घाणेरड्या राजकारणाचं समर्थन कसं करायचं? आजचा विद्यार्थी हा उद्याचा नागरिक आहे, तरुणांनी राजकारणात पडू नये तर उड्या घ्याव्यात… हे सारं मान्यच. पण, म्हणून विद्यापीठे आणि महाविद्यालये ही काय देशविरोधी कारवायांची केंद्रे व्हावीत? राजकारणाचे अड्‌डेे व्हावेत? काय सांगतो कन्हय्या अन् रोहित वेमुला प्रकरणांचा अन्वयार्थ? वडिलांच्या बलिदानाने व्यथित झालेली गुरमेहर काश्मीरसह सार्‍या देशात शांती नांदावी म्हणून युद्धविहीन जगाची कल्पना मांडत असेल, तर त्याचे स्वागतच आहे. पण, मग युद्ध हवे आहे कुणाला इथे? ज्या पाकिस्तानविरुद्धच्या सैनिकी कारवाईत गुरमेहरचे वडील शहीद झालेत, ती सैनिकी कारवाई काय भारताने स्वत:हून केली होती? की भारतीय सैनिकांनी स्वत:हून युद्ध छेडले होते पाकिस्तानविरुद्ध? गुरमेहर ज्याचा उल्लेख करतेय् ती शांती, अमनची गरज भारताने नाकारली कधी? खरं तर, ती भाषा ज्यांना कळायला हवी, त्यांना कळत नाही म्हणून तर अडचण आहे. तिच्या वडिलांना पाकिस्तानने नव्हे, तर एका युद्धाने मारले, अशी काव्यात्मक भाषा वापरल्याने काही वस्तुस्थिती बदलत नाही. सीमेवर कुरघोड्या झाल्या हे वास्तव आहे. आमच्या सैनिकांनी पाकड्यांना चोख प्रत्युत्तर दिले हे सत्य आहे. त्यात तिचे पितृछत्र हरवले, हे धगधगते वास्तव आहे. त्यानंतरही भारताविरुद्धच्या पाकिस्तानी कारवाया जराही थांबलेल्या नाहीत, हे विदारक सत्य आहे. याही परिस्थितीत शांतीच्याच कल्पना मांडायच्या असतील, तर मग सीमेवर तैनात असलेल्या आमच्या सैनिकांच्या हातात कुटायला टाळ देऊन मोकळे होऊ या आपण सारे! करू देत शत्रूला वार. चालवू द्या त्यांना बंदुकी, करू द्या त्यांना घुसखोरी… गुरमेहर म्हणते तसे शांतीचे गीत गाऊ मग आपण सारे. कॉलेजात पहिल्या वर्षाला शिकणारी गुरमेहर इतके प्रगल्भ विधान करते, ही खरोखरीच कौतुकास्पद बाब आहे. पण, त्या भावनात्मक वक्तव्याचा मेळ वास्तवाशी जराही खात नसताना, केवळ राजकारण करण्याची संधी मिळाली म्हणून या देशातले झाडून सारे राजकारणी लोक तळी उचलायला सरसावतात, आपल्याच सैनिकांवर शंका घ्यायलाही मागेपुढे बघत नाहीत, हा स्तर झाला राजकारणाचा? स्वातंत्र्याचे झाले, गरिबीचे झाले, अगदी इंदिरा-राजीव हत्येचेही झाले… अजून कशाकशाचे राजकारण कराल लेकहो? जराशी लाज वाटत नाही इथे कुणालाच आपल्या राजकारणाच्या घसरलेल्या दर्जाची? स्वत:ला सुसंस्कृत म्हणवणारे नेते काय काय बरळत सुटलेत या मुद्यावर. ही विधाने मागे घेतली नाहीत तर तुझ्यावर बलात्कार करू, अशा धमक्या काहींनी या विद्यार्थिनीला दिल्याची तिची बतावणी आहे. खरंच असं काही घडलं असेल, तर त्याचा शोध पोलिसांनी घ्यावा अन् भर चौकात उभे करून फटके हाणावेत त्यांना. पण, या कृत्याची पोलिसांकडे तक्रार करायचे सोडून, ट्विट करून त्यावर जाहीर चर्चा घडवून आणण्याची गुरमेहरची क्लृप्तीही समर्थनीय ठरत नाही. प्रसिद्धी तशीही स्वस्त झाली आहे आताशा या देशात. जीवनभर समर्पित भावनेने काही चांगले काम केले, तरी नाव कमावता येत नाही अनेकांना अन् असली वादग्रस्त विधाने केली की मात्र प्रसिद्धी लगोलग मागे धावत येते काहींच्या. कन्हय्या, रोहितसारख्या पिलावळीचे याच तंत्राने एका रात्रीतून जगभरात नाव होते अन् सीमेवर शहीद होणारे जवान मात्र अकारणच उपेक्षित राहून जातात. भगिनी गुरमेहरच्या साक्षीने संपूर्ण जगालाच आता हे ठणकावून सांगितले पाहिजे की बाबांनो, युद्ध करणे हा आमचा स्वभाव नाही. एकतृतीयांश जनता दारिद्र्यरेषेखालील जीवन जगते, त्या देशाला लक्षावधी सैनिकांची कुमक तयार करून त्यांच्यासाठी कोट्यवधींची रसद तयार करणे कसे परवडणार आहे? पण, करणार काय? हरामखोरी आमच्या सभोवताल ठाण मांडून बसली आहे. शांती अन् अमन त्यांनाच नको आहे. आज धुमसत असलेले काश्मीर हा त्यांच्याच दुष्कृत्याचा परिपाक आहे. कुठल्या देशाला आवडेल आपल्या सैनिकांचे प्राण गमावलेले? आम्हालाही ते नाहीच आवडत. गुरमेहरच्या कल्पनेतले युद्धविहीन जग हीच या देशाची कल्पना आहे. फरक फक्त एवढाच की, ही कल्पना कधीच वास्तवात उतरत नाही. आणि हो! या देशाचे आणखी एक दुर्दैव असे की, इथे सीमेवर प्राणपणाने लढणार्‍या सैनिकांपेक्षाही आपल्याच देशाविरुद्ध राजकारण करायला अन् गरळ ओकायला सरसावलेले लोक मोठ्या संख्येत निपजले आहेत

भारत-म्यांमासंबंधात काही आशेची किरणे…

February 28, 2017035 सर्वसाक्षी २०१२ सालच्या विजयादशमीचा दिवस होता. मंडाले शहरातील ईरावती नदीच्या घाटावरील दृश्य बघून असे वाटत होते की, आपण बंगाल किंवा आसाममधील एखाद्या नदीच्या काठावर तर नाही! नवरात्रीनंतर मूर्तिविसर्जनासाठी, मंडालेच्या सर्व भागातून सुशोभित तराफे तसेच ग्रामीण भागातील लोक घाटावर गोळा झाले होते. त्या संध्याकाळी कमीतकमी ५० हजार लोक तिथे जमले असतील. सर्वत्र उत्साही वातावरण होते. लोकही सणासुदीसारखे नटून-थटून आलेले. ढोल आणि नगार्‍याच्या ठोक्यांनी सारे शहर दुमदुमत होते. फुलांची सजावट आणि गुलाल यामुळे उत्साही झालेले वातावरण, ईरावती नदीवरून वाहणार्‍या थंड बोचर्‍या वार्‍यांमध्ये मिसळून गेले होते. म्यांमात बाहेरून आलेल्या कुणालाही हा दिवस आणि ते सर्व दृश्य अविस्मरणीय होते. माझ्यासाठी तर हा अनुभव खर्‍या अर्थाने स्फुरणदायी होता. हा संपूर्ण सोहळा कॅमेर्‍यात कैद करण्याचा तसेच मनाच्या कोपर्‍यात साठवून ठेवण्याचा मी प्रयत्न करीत होतो. मंडाले शहरात बंगाली आणि मणिपुरी लोकांची लक्षणीय संख्या आहे आणि नवरात्रीच्या समापन दिनी त्यातील बहुतेक जण नदीच्या घाटावर उपस्थित झाले होते. मंडालेचे मणिपूरशी घनिष्ठ सांस्कृतिक बंध आहेत. अनेक शतके मंडाले ही बर्माची राजधानी होती आणि येथील राजघराण्याची सोयरीक मणिपुरी राजघराण्याशी होत असे. कालांतराने राजघराण्यांची सद्दी संपली आणि या दोन प्रांतांमधील सांस्कृतिक व सामाजिक संबंध विरत गेले. नेपाळी वंशाचे हिंदू मंडाले शहरात तसेच म्यांमाच्या उत्तर भागात गेल्या शतकापासून वसले आहेत. नेपाळी गोरखा समाजाला ब्रिटिशांनी लष्कराच्या सेवेत घेतले आणि इथे वसविले. भारतातील हिंदूंपेक्षा या नेपाळी गोरख्यांची आर्थिक व सामाजिक स्थिती बरीच चांगली आहे. नेपाळी हिंदू लष्करात सहभागी असल्यामुळे त्यांना भारतीय हिंदूंपेक्षा चांगली वागणूक मिळाली. नेपाळी हिंदूंना नागरिकत्व देण्यात लष्करी राजवटीला काही हरकत नव्हती. असे असले तरी हिंदू समाजाचे हे दोन घटक- भारतीय आणि नेपाळी-आता आतापर्यंत मिळून-मिसळून राहू शकले नाही. यांच्यात समेट व्हावी म्हणून वेळोवेळी अनेक व्यक्तींनी, संस्थांनी प्रयत्न केलेत. पण व्यर्थ! मध्य बर्मात भारतीय लोकसंख्या असलेली ७० हून अधिक खेडी आहेत. ब्रिटिशांच्या राजवटीत, उसाच्या शेतीसाठी भारतातून स्थलांतरित झालेली ही मंडळी तेव्हापासून शेतीच्याच उद्योगात आहेत. काहींनी लहानमोठे व्यवसाय सुरू केले आहेत. त्यातील काहींनी मंडाले आणि यंगूनला व्यवसाय सुरू करून चांगलाच जम बसविला आहे. हा भाग चौतगा व जियावाडी या दोन गावांच्या नावांनी ओळखला जातो. दक्षिण म्यांमामधील तमिळांप्रमाणेच, येथील हिंदीभाषी लोकांना लष्करी राजवटीत भयंकर त्रास झाला. चौतगा येथील मोफत वसतिगृह आणि शाळा तसेच मंदिर, हे सर्व हिंदू संस्कृतीचे एक प्रकारे आधारस्तंभ म्हणून पुढे आले आहे. लष्करी राजवटीच्या कठीण दिवसांत, या प्रकल्पाला आजूबाजूच्या खेड्यांतून सतत मदत होत होती. हिंदी आणि संस्कृत शिकण्यासाठी विद्यार्थ्यांचा ओघही कायम राहिला. या शाळेतील परीक्षा खूप लोकप्रिय आहेत. मातृभाषेपासून वंचित असलेली मुले इथे मातृभाषा शिकू शकतात. आतापर्यंत येथून शेकडो विद्यार्थी हिंदी शिकले आहेत आणि त्यामुळेच आजही जियावाडी व चौतगा गावातील रस्त्यांवर हिंदी ऐकायला मिळते. ही काही कमी उपलब्धी नाही. सनातन धर्म स्वयंसेवक संघाच्या कार्यकर्त्यांद्वारा संचालित हा प्रकल्प आता हिंदी आणि हिंदूंसाठी एक प्रकारे प्राणदायिनीच ठरत आहे. बहुतेक कार्यकर्ते, मग ते कुठल्याही संघटनेत कार्य करणारे असोत, एकतर ते या संस्थेचे माजी विद्यार्थी आहेत किंवा कुठल्या ना कुठल्या रूपाने या संस्थेशी जुळलेले आहेत. सरकारकडून या संस्थेला कुठल्याही प्रकारची मान्यता नाही आणि तरीही, दरवर्षी या शाळेला चांगल्या संख्येत विद्यार्थी मिळत आहेत. असे असले, तरी भारतीय मुळाच्या विद्यार्थ्यांना महाविद्यालयीन शिक्षण घेण्याची अजून इथे सोय झालेली नाही. जगातील इतर देशांप्रमाणेच, येथील हिंदीभाषी जनता ब्रिटिश राजवटीत, उसाच्या शेतीसाठी येथे स्थलांतरित झाली आहे. अर्थातच, बर्मिज शेतकरी आळशी आहेत आणि त्यांना उसाच्या शेतीसाठी तसेच साखर उत्पादनासाठी आवश्यक असलेले कौशल्यही नाही. सर्वार्थाने, बर्मिज अर्थव्यवस्थेला गती देण्याचे काम भारतीय करीत आहेत. या भागात स्थलांतरित होणार्‍या पहिल्या भारतीय तुकडीने येथे आल्यावर जे काही भोगले, याची त्यांनी कल्पनाही केली नसेल. मलेरियाच्या डासांनी भरलेली घनदाट जंगले, उसाच्या शेतीसाठी कापावी लागली. यासाठी त्यांनी चिकाटीने प्रचंड परिश्रम केलेत. ब्रिटिश राजवटीत, भारतीय वंशाच्या लोकांनी सरकारी नोकर, व्यापारी, बँकर्स, कारकून, सावकार इत्यादी रूपात कार्य करून ते सरकार तसेच अर्थव्यवस्थेचे आधार बनले. १९३० मध्ये सुरू झालेल्या भारतीयविरोधी दंगली आणि जपान्यांनी बर्माचा ताबा घेतल्यानंतर झालेले सामूहिक पलायन तसेच १९६२ साली जबरदस्तीने झालेली हकालपट्‌टी, यामुळे मूळ भारतीयांचा बर्मा देशातील दबदबा बराच कमी झाला. म्यांमामधील बौद्धांसाठी भारत पुण्यभूमी आहे आणि भारतीयांसाठी हा त्यांच्या पूर्वजांचा देश आहे. पर्यटनाला प्रोत्साहित केले, तर सांस्कृतिक आणि धार्मिक बंध अधिक मजबूत होऊ शकतात. २०१४ सालचा नरेंद्र मोदींचा विजय इथल्या भारतीय समाजाने जाहीरपणे साजरा केला. कारण त्यांना आशा वाटली की, उदीयमान भारतामुळे त्यांच्या प्रयोजनाला बळ तसेच बदलत्या परिस्थितीचा फायदा मिळेल. आर्थिक आणि व्यापारासाठी मदतीची गरज असली, तरी चीनच्या विस्तारवादी भूमिकेमुळे आग्नेय आशियातील देशांमध्ये चिंता आहे. म्यांमामध्ये थोडाफार चिनी समाज आधीपासून अस्तित्वात असला, तरी लष्करी राजवटीच्या काळात चीनने म्यांमामध्ये चांगलाच शिरकाव केला. चिनी सरकारच्या प्रचंड गुंतवणुकीमुळे येथील चिनी लोकसंख्या आता चांगलीच वाढली आहे. चिनी सरकार खूष राहावे म्हणून म्यांमा सरकार स्थानिक चिन्यांशी चांगले संबंध ठेवून आहे. येणार्‍या काळात, बर्मिज समाज भारताकडे कसा बघतो, हे महत्त्वाचे ठरणार आहे. एक अनुभव सांगण्याचा मोह मला आवरत नाही. पूर्वीचे मेमियो आणि आताचे प्यिनोलविन, हे उत्तर म्यांमामधील रमणीय थंड हवेचे गाव आहे. इथे भारतीय बर्‍यापैकी संख्येत आहेत. या गावाच्या उत्तरेला नव्याने बांधलेल्या बौद्ध मंदिराला मी भेट दिली. गेल्या दशकातच याचे निर्माण झाले आहे. मंदिराचा परिसर प्रचंड विस्तृत आहे. याची एक कथा आहे. म्यांमामधे कुठेतरी एक प्रचंड व अत्यंत रेखीव बुद्ध मूर्ती तयार होत होती. ती मूर्ती विकत घेण्याची चीनची इच्छा होती. बर्मिज लोकांनी याला विरोध केला. परंतु, चीनच्या दबावामुळे म्यांमा सरकारने ती मूर्ती विकण्याचा निर्णय घेतला, तेव्हा लोकांमध्ये संतापाची लाट उसळली. मग लोकांनी काय केले? ही बुद्ध मूर्ती वाहून नेणार्‍या प्रचंड मोठ्या ट्रकला, या भागातील डोंगराळ घाटात उलटवून दिले. मूर्ती कुठलेही नुकसान न होता बाहेर फेकली गेली. चिनी ठेकेदाराने मूर्ती उचलण्यासाठी प्रचंड मोठ्या क्रेन्स आणल्या. पण, बुद्ध चीनच्या दिशेने एक इंचही सरकला नाही. नंतर मात्र या भागातील बौद्ध भिक्खूंनी या मूर्तीला डोंगराच्या शिखरावर वाहून नेले आणि तिथे एक सुंदर बौद्ध मंदिर बांधले. वाचकांना आठवत असेल, तर प्रसिद्ध चित्रपट नर्तकी हेलन ही म्यांमामधील आहे. तसेच म्यांमामध्ये जन्मलेल्या आणखी एका भारतीयाचे भारतात सर्वात लक्षणीय योगदान आहे. ते म्हणजे श्री सत्य नारायण गोएनका गुरुजींनी प्रस्थापित केलेली विपश्यना साधना. या महापुरुषाने ही ध्यानसाधना पुन्हा भारतात आणली आणि हिंदू व बौद्धांना एकत्र आणण्यासाठी अथक परिश्रम घेतले. या घटना, भारत-म्यांमामधील संबंध चांगले होण्यासाठी आशेचे किरण आहेत

Should have been sent earlier ! The Forgotten 54 !

On 16th of December 2016 India will c elebrate the 45th anniversary of a landmark event in its modern history. It will celebrate the day on which during the 1971 India Pakistan war, the Pakistani forces in the east agreed to a complete and unconditional surrender. It is the day on which the 1971 war ended. Well, it ended for most of the nation. But there are 54 families for whom the war and the waiting never ended. The agonizing wait goes on to this day. These are the families of the 54 Indian prisoners of war PoW who were never released by Pakistan after the war. Their names are as follows:- Indian Army 1. Major SPS Waraich IC-12712 15 Punjab 2. Major Kanwaljit Singh Sandhu IC-14590 15 Punjab 3. 2/Lt Sudhir Mohan Sabharwal SS-23957 87 Lt Regiment 4. Capt Ravinder Kaura SS-20095 39 Med Regiment 5. Capt Giri Raj Singh IC-23283 5 Assam 6. Capt Om Prakash Dalal SS-22536 Grenadiers 7. Maj AK Ghosh IC-18790 15 Rajput 8. Maj AK Suri SS-19807 5 Assam 9. Capt Kalyan Singh Rathod IC-28148 5 Assam 10. Major Jaskiran Singh Malik IC-14457 8 Raj. Rifles 11. Major SC Guleri IC-20230 9 Jat 12. Lt Vijay Kumar Azad IC-58589 1/9 G R 13. Capt Kamal Bakshi IC-19294 5 Sikh 14. 2/ Lt Paras Ram Sharma SS-22490 5/8 G R 15. Capt Vashisht Nath 16. L/Hv. Krishna Lal Sharma 13719585 1 JAK RIF 17. Subedar Assa Singh JC-41339 5 Sikh 18. Subedar Kalidas JC-59 8 JAKLI 19. L/Nk Jagdish Raj 9208735 Mahar Regiment 20. L/Nk Hazoora Singh 682211303 21. Gunner Sujan Singh 1146819 14 Fd Regiment 22. Sepoy Daler Singh 2461830 15 Punjab 23. Gnr Pal Singh 1239603 181 Lt Regiment 24. Sepoy Jagir Singh 2459087 16 Punjab 25. Gnr Madan Mohan 1157419 94 Mountain Regiment 26. Gnr Gyan Chand Gnr Shyam Singh 27. L/Nk Balbir Singh S B S Chauhan 28. Capt DS Jamwal 81 Field Regiment 29. Capt Washisht Nath Attock Indian Air Force 30. Sq Ldr Mohinder Kumar Jain 5327-F(P) 27 Sqn 31. Flt Lt Sudhir Kumar Goswami 8956-F(P) 5 Sqn 32. Flying Officer Sudhir Tyagi 10871-F(P) 27 Sqn 33. Flt Lt Vijay Vasant Tambay 7662 –F(P) 32 Sqn 34. Flt Lt Nagaswami Shanker 9773-F(P) 32 Sqn 35. Flt Lt Ram Metharam Advani 7812-F(P) JBCU 36. Flt Lt Manohar Purohit 10249(N) 5 Sqn 37. Flt Lt Tanmaya Singh Dandoss 8160-F(P) 26 Sqn 38. Wg Cdr Hersern Singh Gill 4657-F(P) 47 Sqn 39. Flt Lt Babul Guha 5105-F(P) 40. Flt Lt Suresh Chander Sandal 8659-F(P) 35 Sqn 41. Sqn. Ldr. Jal Manikshaw Mistry 5006-F(P) 42. Flt Lt Harvinder Singh 9441-F(P) 222 Sqn 43. Sqn Ldr Jatinder Das Kumar 4896-F(P) 3 Sqn 44. Flt Lt LM Sassoon 7419-F(P) JBCU 45. Flt Lt Kushalpal Singh Nanda 7819-F(N) 35 Sqn 46. Flg Offr. Krishan L Malkani 10576-F(P) 27 Sqn 47. Flt Lt Ashok Balwant Dhavale 9030-F(P) 1 Sqn 48. Flt Lt Shrikant C Mahajan 10239-F(P) 5 Sqn 49. Flt Lt Gurdev Singh Rai 9015-F(P) 27 Sqn 50. Flt Lt Ramesh G Kadam 8404-F(P) TACDE 51. Flg Offr. KP Murlidharan 10575-F(P) 20 Sqn 52. Sqn Ldr Devaprasad Chatterjee 53. Plt Offr Tejinder Singh Sethi Indian Navy 54. Lt. Cdr Ashok Roy Every single name that you read here is a soldier who fought for India. They were captured in action and spent the rest of their lives rotting in Pakistani jails. Can you imagine the type of mental agony that they must have undergone there? They must have lived in hope that one day they will be released and slowly the hope faded away. It has been 45 years. How many of them will be alive and in what condition? What kind of miserable existence they must have endured over there? What kind of physical and mental torture they must have endured there? Imagine a loved one from your family in that position. What do you feel? Multiply that feeling a thousand times over. That is what these 54 families have felt every day for the last 45 years. The evidence There is ample evidence for the existence of these 54 prisoners in the Pakistani jails. Consider some of the evidence:- · Then on December 26, 1974, R.S. Suri received a hand-written note dated December 7, 1974 from his son. The letter contained a slip in which his son had written, "I am okay here." The covering note read, "Sahib, valaikumsalam, I cannot meet you in person. Your son is alive and he is in Pakistan. I could only bring his slip, which I am sending you. Now going back to Pak." Signed M. Abdul Hamid. In August, 1975, he received another missive postmark dated ‘June 14/15/16, 1975, Karachi.’ The letter said, "Dear Daddy, Ashok touches thy feet to get your benediction. I am quite ok here. Please try to contact the Indian Army or Government of India about us. We are 20 officers here. Don’t worry about me. Pay my regards to everybody at home, specially to mummy, grandfather – Indian government can contact Pakistan government for our freedom." The then Defence Secretary had the handwriting confirmed as Ashok’s and changed the official statement from "killed in action" to "missing in action"! · Maj AK Ghosh’s photograph was published in Time Magazine dated 27-12-1971 The photograph is proof that Maj AK Ghosh was in Pakistani custody when the war ended on 17 December 1971. He did not return with the POWs in 1972 at the time of the Simla agreement. He may have died in the interim period in a Pakistani jail. Surely there must be some record of that. The Indian and Pakistan governments can work together to find out what happened to such men. Why were some names not included in the POW list is again a moot point. · Mohanlal Bhaskar repatriated on 09.12.1974 writes “Main Bharat ka jasoos tha” or “ I spied for India” Mohanlal Bhaskar, who was in a jail between 1968 and 1974 and repatriated on 09.12.1974 wrote a book in Hindi ( I was a spy for India) and gave a signed affidavit stating that he met a Col Asif Shafi of Second Punjab regt of Pakistan and a Maj Ayaaz Ahmed Sipra in Fort of Attock imprisoned for conspiring against Bhutto in the infamous “Attock conspiracy” . The Pakistani Major Ayaaz Ahmed Sipra spoke of his befriending a Gill of the Indian Air Force and a Captain Singh of the Indian Army as well as mentioning that there were around 40 Pows of the 1965 and 1971 wars in that jail who had no chances of release · In the Attock Conspiracy, several officers of Pakistan's army and air force were arrested on March 30, 1973, on charges of conspiring to overthrow the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The detainees included Major Farooq Adam, Major Nadir Pervez (who later became a federal minister in the Nawaz Sharif government), Brigadier Wajid Ali Shah, Colonel Hamdani, and Major Ayaz Sipra, and a total of 59 officers were declared conspirators. The case is well known as the Attock conspiracy. Fifteen army and four air-force officers were found guilty of conspiracy and were handed jail terms ranging from three months to life. In this conspiracy, 15 officers were sentenced to terms in prison – among them Maj Ayaaz Ahmed Sipra and Col Asif Shafi. Others such as Farooq Adam (a Gallian, i.e. from Lawrence school, Ghoraghali) were also sentenced in the Attock conspiracy. Ayaaz Ahmed and Shafi later apparently moved to the US where Shafi was again traced by Manish Jain (son in law of Sqn Ldr Jain, another Indian officer missing and believed to be in Pakistani jails since the 1971 war) and Shafi confirmed to Jain unofficially that he had met Wg Cdr Gill in Attock in 2000 in a telephonic conversation. · A Pakistani General, General Riaz, Governor NWFP who subsequently died in an accident informed Mr Ashwini Kumar, then IG of the Border Security Force as a personal favour to him at the Munich Olympics in 1972 that Major Waraich was being held in Dargai jail, NWFP. · In her biography of Benazir Bhutto, British historian Victoria Schoffield reported that a Pakistani lawyer had been told that Kot Lakhpat prison in Lahore was housing Indian prisoners of war from the 1971 war. They could be heard screaming from behind a wall, according to an eyewitness within the prison. · Pakistani media outlets have also alluded to the men’s existence. The shooting down of Wing Commander Heresen Gill’s Mig 21 on 3 December 1971 was followed that day by a radio broadcast in which military spokesperson claimed that an ‘ace Indian pilot’ had been captured. · An American general Chuck Yeager also claimed in his autobiography that during the 1971 war, he personally interviewed Indian pilots captured by Pakistan. The airmen were of particular inertest to Americans because at the height of the cold war the men had attended training in Russia and were flying Russian designed and manufactured aircraft. · The families also claimed that on the two occasions when they were allowed to visit the Pakistani jails, the jail guards privately attested to the men being alive – before being ushered away by the prison authorities. Why? The question is – Why were these men not released by Pakistan? Was it because Pakistan wanted to extract some sort of revenge for the loss in the 1971 war? Was it because these men had come to know of some secrets that Pakistan did not want the world to know? Did Pakistan want to use them as a bargaining chip of some sort for the future? Maybe it is all of the above reasons. But the biggest reason is that India forgot them. These men are the forgotten 54 of India. The ruling elite and the bureaucracy of the nation did not find it fit or suitable to keep these men and their release on their agenda. It was because this was not an issue strong enough to dictate the political, professional or financial fate of any politician or bureaucrat. Nobody in the decision making echelons had time for them. Who is responsible? What sort a nation are we that forgets it’s soldiers after the war is over? Was it not the collective responsibility of the nation to pressurize the governments to take this issue more seriously? After all, these PoW are somebody’s sons, brothers, husbands and fathers. Every nation and society is morally obliged to ensure that those fighting for it’s independence are looked after well in their hour of need. There can be no need more urgent than being released from the inhuman captivity of an enemy like Pakistan. After the war the ruling class and he elite got busy trying to ‘improve relations’, they very conveniently swept this issue under the carpet. Over the years the self appointed elite that has dictated the agenda of the nation has all but deleted this issue from the collective consciousness of the nation. We are too busy trying to prove that ‘art has no borders’ ‘sports has no borders’ and such nonsense that will never find any reciprocity from across the border. To uphold such thrash, issues like the prisoners of war had to be forgotten and they were forgotten. The military top brass too should have followed up more aggressively on this issue with the government. They were and are in a position to exert pressure on the government for this. Agreed, there were other pressing issues but this issue too is equally pressing and urgent. All in all, the entire nation is responsible for this and this is an unforgivable fault. Nothing can be done for these 54 now except making Pakistan acknowledge that such a thing has happened. But we can and must ensure that such a thing never happens again. Please do this Share this as much as you can till the entire nation knows about it. Share it till the 54 are no longer forgotten


Two weeks ago, I attended the ‘The Huddle’ by the Hindu in Bangalore. It was actually a conclave named as Huddle, probably for poetic alliteration. ‘Terror Proofing India’ was one of the sessions. The anchor asked: Should India project her armed forces in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and Gen Halagali responded that India, to be called a global power need to project her armed forces in trouble spots, if it serves the interest of the nation. He also said that the defensive strategy for cross border attacks from Pakistan had failed and the surgical strike conveyed the right message. The anchor reacted by telling that the surgical strike has not stopped the ‘cross border terrorism’ to which the General replied that after each cross border strike, we need to strike back to raise the cost of ‘cross border terrorism’ to Pakistan. He also said that Pakistan understands only one language; a bullet should be replied with a bullet. It was a statement well appreciated by the audience and he was applauded couple of times. The matter rested there and at the end of the question answer session the Chairman of Kasturi & Sons Ltd, gets up and thanks the constitution makers for keeping the Army where it is? Though, I do not recollect his exact words but the spirit of his statement was that the constitution makers were wise to keep the army outside the decision making. His archaic views are really a result of Nehruvian distaste for the army. All, should do well to read the analysis of Ravindra W Pathak on the legal status of the Armed Forces: Article 34 of the constitution envisages martial law. It gives the armed forces the political authority to restore democracy. The Armed Forces owe their allegiance to the Constitution of the country. Article 52 gives the powers to the President, who is the supreme commander of the armed forces. Article 74 enables him to function on the advice of the Council of Ministers and Prime Minister. In this way, the Armed Forces take political directions from the office of Prime Minister and the constitutional head remains the President. The Armed Forces have been placed in such a way that they are not a part of the Government. It is basically to ensure that the Armed Forces perform their constitutional role to defend the constitution. An officer of Indian Armed Forces also take oath; that he will observe and obey all the commands of the President of the Union of India and the commands of any officer set above him, even to the peril of his life. Please note the command he obeys is not of the Defence Minister or the Prime Minister but of the President of India and any senior officer placed above him. Instead of giving credit to the Armed Forces for ensuring the integrity, sovereignty and democracy of the country since its independence and strictly remaining professional and apolitical, he gloats over the side-lining of the Armed Forces. Sad; that we have such people, who brook no opportunity to throw barbs at the armed forces, while enjoying the security and freedom at their behest. I am reminded of what Voltaire said in the French parliament “I disapprove of what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say”. I also defend to the death your right to belittle the Armed Forces as there are many of your likes, among the Indian intelligentsia, who have enjoyed the liberty, freedom, security and opportunities guaranteed by the armed forces that enabled them to be what they are today. We also just saw how the politicians of all hues pounced on the Army Chief, when he said that the stone pelters, who interfere with army operations in the Valley would be dealt strictly. The politicians and bureaucrats do not understand the pain of the Army Chief, who lost his four sons in that operation. His anguish and his response should be well appreciated by any, who has his heart in the right place. Now we have a previous home minister of UPA castigating the Army Chief for intemperate remarks? Isn’t it a live comedy, when he himself is alleged to have modified the second affidavit on Ishrat Jahan’s encounter to the detriment to the nation? He also violated the rules of Foreign Investment Promotion Board to facilitate the Maxi-Aircel deal? That’s not over yet; his son, a failed politician owning ‘Advantage Strategic Consulting Pvt Limited’ that facilitated the very same deal. Just see how the father and son duo work seamlessly to amass wealth? It is a model case study for Management Institutes? The son has also been accused of money laundering and has been sought after by Income tax, ED and CBI. The wife of the same minister is accused of taking 1.26 crores as lawyer’s fees from poor people, who had put their money in Sharadha Chit Fund. She is also sought both by CBI and ED. Here, the entire family is minting money breaking the law seemingly with unadulterated patriotism? No wonder; he speaks for those youths in the Valley, who were obstructing anti terrorists operations of the Security Forces. He does not speak a word for an officer and three soldiers, who were killed during that operations. In our Country even such persons can masquerade as leaders and the media instead of blanking out such criminals from public eye, report every sordid comment they make? I try my best not to harp on Pundit Nehru, who unfortunately nursed a deep seated distrust towards the Armed Forces of his own country, till he was chastened by the Chinese invasion. Somehow, however much I try not recalling his naivety, I just cannot help but remembering it with great discomfort, as he had brought my country to her knees in front of the Chinese. I wish to rub this point home on each and every occasion, as I cannot ever forgive him. His inherent disdain towards the Armed forces was greedily and conveniently lapped by the bureaucracy, who berated the Armed Forces with glee, while they bartered their professionalism and integrity to please those in power. Now let us look at USA: 31 of her 45 presidents have been veterans. There are no qualms of retired Veterans holding important posts in the Government. Now let us take President Trump, who has taken Gen James Mattis as secretary of defence, Gen John Kelly as homeland secretary, Lt Gen Michael Flynn as his national security adviser, who has now been replaced by Lt Gen Mac Master. Veteran Ryan Zinke has been nominated as Secretary Interior and Veteran Stephen Bannon as Chief Strategist. Many, in the past like Gen Colin Powell and Veteran John Kerry were Secretaries of State. It is not my intention to name all but suffice to say that great and stable democracies do not fear soldiers. I can understand the people being weary of military, if India was a banana republic under a tin-pot dictator! Why should the biggest democracy in the world fear the soldiers? The web of distrust weaved by Pundit Nehru has been made more dense and sticky by the self-exalted and self-opinionated bureaucracy. It is also in the ‘deep state’ of the Indian Government. It really does not matter who gets elected as the deeply entrenched bureaucracy would ensure the marginalisation of the Armed Forces; the interest of the nation be damned: The bottom line is that they should rule the roost. Even President Trump is fending off opposition from his bureaucrats, as they are doing selective leaks to undermine his policies. The India bureaucracies does the same with subtlety, where they would feed falsehood, manipulate and prevaricate to enable a decision, which they consider meet their ends. Disgruntled soldiers from BSF, CRPF and Army, put their travails on the Facebook and the media has suddenly put springs in their boots and have become ‘jumping jacks’ to save the country from the corrupt top brass? Playing and replaying their ‘Facebook downloads’ and showing a burnt chapatti again and again enables the media to take cudgels for the downtrodden and become messiahs of these undisciplined soldiers. Just to put the matters straight; the army, BSF and CRPF would be making about six million chapattis per day and the naïve TV anchors go gaga with one burnt chapatti. Even if one percent of chapattis are burnt, then there would be 60,000 burnt chapattis on every single day. Why is the media not showing them every day? Even in their houses they would find them occasionally and indeed does it call for a national debate? The Armed Forces have well streamlined channels for grievances and only those, who let down their forces go public with the complaints. Instead of letting the forces finding answers from within; the unemployed panellists, untrained journalists and desperate editors with a focus on TRPs burn their midnight oil to let down the forces that protect them. We call it ‘Freedom of the Press; indeed an exalted thought for thoughtless greenhorns’ trying to lower the morale of their own armed forces. For one bad sheep there are countless white ones; you really do not have a right to paint all of them in one brush under the notion of ‘freedom of press’? Magazines like ‘Outlook’ have survived the system by serving one family that has wrecked the country since independence. Just look at the generic heading given on the cover page ‘Officer and a rogue’. Look with how much pleasure our enemies across the border would have savoured the magazine? Dear Editor! I will not give you the pleasure of reading it and wasting my time. I am sure you will have roaring sales in Pakistan. The Chinese embassy would have bought hundreds of copies of your magazines and sent it across. I am still not angry with you as you are doing it for your belly. You have always been doing it by kowtowing to the undeserving and sacrificing your professionalism at the altar of expediency. It has been your trait that has enabled your yellow journalism to survive. Good luck to you! The Armed Forces are no means an independent entity. They are accountable to the people. Even its worst detractors in their quiet and sombre moments cannot help but appreciate their contribution to the country. We look for no thanks and gratefulness from the public as we have taken an oath to defend this nation and its core values to the peril of our lives. We have willingly surrendered parts of our fundamental rights to strengthen the organisation. All we ask from our countrymen is not to undermine our pride

12 Fearless Women Of The Indian Armed Forces Who Inspired A Generation Of Soldiers Vinay Devnath - 25th February 2017 “Service before self” This is the motto of the Indian Armed Forces and something every woman understands deeply. Sacrifice and service before self is something that is quite innate to women in general – be it mothers or sisters or up until now, wives. Then it is not a surprise that they have excelled in the armed forces – a profession that is largely dominated by men. Women have broken the glass ceiling way back in the 70s. And since then there’s no looking back for them. They have excelled in all three services – Army, Navy and Air Force. And that is why they inspire a whole generation of women to give up a simple life and aspire for a life that is extraordinary every day. Let’s take a look at some of the first women who shattered the stereotypes and etched a name for themselves in the pantheon of bravery. {{ Their Photos are attached below seperately }} 1. Punita Arora – the first woman to become a Lt General AND Vice Admiral Image source Fondly called ‘General in a Sari’ she was one of the officers who inspired other women to join the Indian Army. She graduated from AFMC, Pune and still remains one of the most iconic women officers the Indian Armed Forces has ever had. 2. Captain Divya Ajith Kumar – the first woman to lead an all-woman contingent in the Republic Day parade And if you thought this is special, she has more feathers in her cap. She was also named the best NCC cadet in the Republic Day Parade in 2008. She also created history by becoming the first woman in the army to receive the ‘Sword of Honour’. And that’s not all, she is an accomplished Bharatnatyam dancer, a percussionist and loves to play basketball. Keep a look out for her in the newspapers because she is going places with a personality like this! 3. Padmavathy Bandopadhyay – the first woman Air Vice Marshal of the Indian Air Forces She is to Air Force what General Punita Arora is to the Army. She joined the Air Force way back in 1968 when women were still thinking of getting jobs. Her list of achievements is nothing short of inspiring. She is first the woman to become a Fellow of the Aerospace Medical Society of India and is also the first woman from India to conduct an experiment on the North Pole. She was also awarded the Vishisht Seva Medal for her services during the war of 1971. 4. Flight Lt. Harita Kaur Deol – India’s first female pilot in Indian Air Forces Harita Kaur became one of the first women to be inducted into the Air Force as a pilot. She flew many missions and did something no other Indian woman had done before – she flew an Air Force plane solo. She was inducted into the IAF back in 1993 and today, she would have been one of the top officers; but she passed away tragically in an air crash near Nellore in 1995. 5. Lieutenant Ganeve Lalji – first woman officer to become an aide-de-camp to an Army Commander Lieutenant Ganeve Lalji was commissioned into Military Intelligence Corps and is a third-generation Army Officer. She became the first female aide-de-camp in the Indian Army. Aide-de-camps are personal assistants to the General officers in the Indian Army. And in her case, she was assisting the then Central Army Commander Lt Gen Rajan Bakshi. The selection procedure of an ADC is extremely tough. You have to prove your motivation and aspiration to assist the top commanders in the Indian Army. She definitely proved her mettle. 6. Lieutenant Colonel Sophia Qureshi – first woman officer to lead India to a multi-national military exercise When India participates in an international military exercise, the reputation of the Indian Army is at stake. And that is why the commanders of the Indian contingent are selected based on their sheer leadership skills. And that is what makes Col. Sophia Qureshi so special. She led a 40-member Indian Army contingent at the ASEAN Plus multinational field training exercise. Back then it was the largest military exercise of its kind with countries like China, USA, Russia, Japan and South Korea participating. The whopper – she was the only woman contingent commander among all the participating countries! 7. Indian Army All Women Expedition team to Mt Everest Climbing Mount Everest is tough, even brutal. And in these women’s cases even horrific. Because on their way to the top, they encountered four dead bodies. They were among the people who had left just one day before them. They trained hard in Siachen and Manali for one year before taking up the heroic expedition. India cheered their achievement when they accomplished what seemed impossible. 8. Mitali Madhumita – first woman officer to receive the Sena Medal Gallantry awards are extremely coveted by the Indian Armed Forces. You get one if you die fighting or do something so exceptional that would even impress the battle hardened soldier. Mitali Madhumita saved 19 people from a terrorist attack in Afghanistan. She was posted in the Indian Embassy in Kabul when the terrorist attack happened. She valiantly saved 19 people risking her own life. In addition to giving her a Sena Medal, she was also one of the few hundred women at the time who was offered a permanent commission in the Indian Army. 9. Flight Officer Gunjan Saxena and Flight Lieutenant Srividya Rajan – first women pilots to fly into a combat zone during the Kargil War Image source They flew armorless Cheetah helicopters into the combat zone, providing assistance to the forces fighting on the ground. One of their main roles was to evacuate casualties from the war zone. That meant she had to fly very close to the place where actual fighting was going on. As a good pilot pair, both the women pilots ended up saving lives of many injured soldiers, even when Pakistani soldiers loved to fire at helicopters. 10. Wing Commander Puja Thakur – first woman to lead the guard of Honor when President Obama visited India Image source “I AM PROBABLY THE FIRST WOMAN TO COMMAND A JOINT SERVICES GUARD OF HONOUR, SO I AM PROUD AND HONOURED.” And like her other counterpart, she too was offered the choice of permanent commission by the Indian Air Force. 11. Lt. Anjana Bhaduria – first woman officer to receive a gold medal in Indian Army She was one of the first women to be inducted into the Indian Army and she excelled as a cadet during her training. That’s why she passed with a gold medal, effectively topping her batch. When she got the news that she was selected for the Indian Army, her brother straight up refused to allow her to join. But her commitment to the country was far more intense and that is what made her excel. 12. Priya Jhingan – first ever lady cadet to join the Indian Army Although the Air Force and the Navy were recruiting women as officers, the Indian Army was a bit late in realizing their potential. Priya Jhingan became the first woman to join as a cadet in the Indian Army back in 1992. Back then she was so desperate to join the Indian Army that she actually wrote a letter to the Chief of Staff back then asking whether she can join. And you know what, she did get a reply back! The reply letter remains one of her most valued possessions. She retired in 2002 after 10 years of meritorious service. These women proved that when it comes to serving the country, they are not far behind in excelling. Thank you for your services, officers! You have made the country proud with your achievements. "To fight the darkness do not draw your sword, light a candle" "You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Two Disappointments in the Aftermath of Army Chief's Statement Lt Gen (Retd) DS Hooda |

3-MIN READ Updated: February 25, 2017, 9:51 AM IST facebook Twitter google skype Two Disappointments in the Aftermath of Army Chief's Statement File photo of Lt Gen (Retd) DS Hooda speaking to CNN-News18. The clamour over General Bipin Rawat’s statement has finally calmed down. To me, there were two disappointments. The first was natural — avoidable politicisation would take place and the media would take it up with fervour, some questioning the statement and some vociferous in their support. This would also die a ‘news death’ as other stories took centre-stage. The second disappointment was more worrisome in its long-term implications. Both security experts and amateurs, who know little about the ground situation in Jammu and Kashmir, called for a review of the Army strategy. I saw constant chatter in the social media about the velvet glove now being off the iron fist, the outdated ‘hearts and mind’ approach of the Indian Army — the Americans simply devastate nations and bomb terrorists, and other hard steps. I know the intention of those who aired their views was not to target the innocent population and was focused on the instigators, but in a situation where sentiments run high, the messaging was unhelpful. In the outpouring of our sentiment, we forget some basic, hard facts. America has bombed Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, but lost each of these wars. By the time the last helicopter flew out of Saigon, 50,000 soldiers had been martyred. The Soviets had lost 30,000 soldiers in a brutal, no-holds-barred campaign in Afghanistan as they limped back across the Afghan-Uzbek Bridge. There are numerous other examples — the British in Palestine and Kenya, Belgium in Congo, and the French in Algeria. In the modern history of counter-insurgency, if there is one success story, it is that of the Indian Army. Insurgencies in Mizoram, Tripura, Assam, Punjab and Nagaland are now largely behind us. Manipur and J&K still persist but are way below their peak levels. All this has happened because the Army has had a consistent military strategy centred on a people-centric approach and a strong ‘hearts and minds’ campaign. This has never wavered. I remember, 35 years ago as a young Captain, attending every Sunday church in a small Naga village, just to show that I was a part of their community. It was embarrassing to sneak in and sit on the last aisle, and understand little of the language, but I persisted because it was the right thing to do. There are thousands of soldiers on ground in J&K doing a very difficult and somewhat thankless assignment. While they need our support, it must also be clearly understood that they are experts in their field and know what to do. The situation is complicated but crowd interference is not a brand new phenomena. Last year, procedures had been put in place for a dedicated law and order component to accompany Army teams for dealing with crowds. This is now being further refined and I am sure that our military leadership in Kashmir will find an appropriate solution. There is no need to change our basic approach to counter-insurgency. There are shortfalls which need to be addressed to minimise casualties. Better individual protective gear is essential, though, to be fair, new bulletproof jackets and ballistic helmets are now making an appearance. There is no immediate replacement for mine-protected and light bullet-proof vehicles, both key to operating in the urban terrain of Kashmir. The CRPF and police also need better protective and state-of-the-art riot control equipment. They have suffered too many injuries in stone pelting. Today, voices have grown louder, and Twitter and WhatsApp provide instant gratification by the number of likes. Let us all raise the flag, clap our hands, raise the morale of soldiers, but let them do the battle as they know best

Friday, 24 February 2017

The Army Chief’s statement on stone-pelters an obligation to troops; Any objections?-V Mahalingam-It is time we realise that a soldier’s voice is no less important than that of the people of the country.

February 21, 2017, 9:04 pm IST V Mahalingam in In Search of Propriety | India | TOI Hours after General Bipin Rawat, the Chief of the Army Staff, warned the Stone – pelters against interfering with Army’s operations and endangering soldiers’ lives, a few selected politicians with vested interests and some pseudo – intellectuals masquerading as literati managed to twist a straight forward statement to discover faults and raise a controversy. Criticism an instrument to hide failure The most disgusting comment came from the erstwhile Home Minister P Chidambaram who in a TV show called the General’s statement the “wrong approach” and the statement ‘intemperate’. He owes it to the people of the country to explain as to why knowing fully well the ‘right approach’ he failed to apply his so called ‘approach’ to solve the Kashmir problem while he was the Home Minister of the country. Did he ever even attempt to warn the local people or show any concrete action on ground to deter the militants and their supporters from anti – national activities including the waving of the Pakistani flags? What if at all has his approach achieved in the valley in the last ten years? Pray do educate us as to what was ‘intemperate’ in the Chief’s statement and how has his own ‘temperate’ statements helped bring about peace in the valley all these years? Unfortunately when soldiers lost their lives in the valley and body bags were brought back, it was apparent that the ‘temperate’ statements had failed the country. How did it matter to the powers that be, when wives lost their husbands, parents their son and children their father and that too at such a young age and forever? Did his ‘temperate’ words make any impact on the ground situation in the Valley or solve the Kashmir problem? His present utterances only confirm his long standing attitude to the soldiers. Despite periods of relative peace in the valley any number of times, what has been done or achieved in the last ten years or so? We need to introspect rather than criticising someone who is taking an approach, right or wrong. Does India need politics which provides legitimacy to anti – nationals? The Army Chief made a few specific points which were aimed at the stone – pelters who try to disrupt anti – terror operations. Are they not “over ground workers of terrorists” whether they do it willingly, for a remuneration or otherwise? What would you call those waving Daesh and Pakistan flags, the symbols of terror and violence, who seek to undermine a democratically elected government other than as ‘anti – nationals’? Should the Army chief compliment those stone-pelting youths if they tried to thwart anti-terror operations? Wake up; it is time we stopped providing legitimacy to these ‘anti – nationals’. Decency is being taken as weakness and the people of this country are being taken for a ride. Let us for once stop squandering the tax payers’ money to keep these separatists safe from the terrorists whose agenda they are championing. Till date not a single politician, separatists posing as leaders, or the so called intellectuals supposedly speaking and working to safeguard the interests of the people and the state have come out and warned the people of the harm that they will cause to themselves, their families and children by getting involved with militants or their activities. Why can’t those who move around the valley seeking votes to grab power also go to villages and tell them what is right and what is wrong? Will that not be in peoples’ interest? Since those who ought to warn people have either no sense or the moral courage to so, what is wrong in the Army Chief advising and forewarning the locals? Even after the Army Chief has spoken out, none of these so called well-wishers have considered it appropriate to advice the people but have remained mere spectators to the goings on in the valley and have only criticised the General. Or is it that they want these flash mobs to continue interfering with the Army’s operations and prevent terrorists being apprehended and brought to book? Doesn’t it suggest that these are people who are thriving on the unrest and loss of blood in one part of our country? Bipin RawatArmy Chief General Bipin Rawat These silent onlookers have no stakes in whatever happens either to the people of the valley or to the soldiers. None of their children or relatives serve in the Armed Forces and are well away from the troubled spots. How does it matter to any of them if lives are lost or the valley remains disturbed? The context to Army Chief’s comments As in a number of incidents earlier, in this case too an Army’s task force was about to launch an operation to apprehend militants holed up at Parray Mohalla of Bandipore in North Kashmir when they were confronted by a heavy stone pelting congregated mob. Alerted by the stone – throwers, the holed up militants opened fire with their AK – 47 rifles and threw hand grenades at the troops resulting in the death of three jawans including a few others. The Commanding Officer of the CRPF was also injured. Under such circumstances should the soldiers not have opened fire to disburse the mob and thus saved their comrades? Had they done that, these very spokespersons for the terrorists would have raised a din to blame the army for all the trouble in the valley. There is a context to what the Army Chief had said. Unlike some of these politicians and fake intellectuals who are accountable to none, the Chief is accountable to the soldiers and the Army that he commands. The soldiers’ willingness to go into battle hinges on their belief that the cause for which they are fighting is just and that their Chief will not launch them in to battle without making sure that their lives will not be sacrificed without making sure that they have a fair chance to win and survive in the battle. If the Army Chief fails to gain that confidence of troops, the troops will refuse to go into battle. Today a number of junior officers and men are questioning the very concept of ‘people friendly operations’ which the army has directed its units and formations to carryout in insurgency affected areas. As it stands today the fatality ratio between the militants and troops has risen up to 1:1. Troops believe that these soft operations without any reciprocal measures or understanding by the political class have put their lives in great danger. The operational setting – what are the troops expected to do? Task Force carrying out raids to apprehend terrorists consists of four components – a thinly laid cordon deployed around the area of focus, usually a village, at a distance of over 300 meters. The intention is to prevent cross fire hitting civilians inadvertently getting into or interfering with operations within the designated area as also to foil terrorists evading the dragnet. The second component consists of few soldiers deployed well away from the area of operations as stops to block terrorists, over ground workers and abettors who might have been hiding at locations away from the target area at the time of the launch of operations and may flee the area to evade detection and arrest. There are no physical barriers to stop movement of civilians from one side of the cordon to the other. The force depends on the deterrent value of the soldier with the gun for accomplishing the task. To be able maintain deterrence, the people will have to believe that the troops will fire for effect if the red line is violated. The third element is the raid party and the fourth the reserves to cater for unforeseen contingencies. Taking advantage of the ‘people friendly operations’, conscious of the fact that troops will not open fire on mobs, women and children, terror agents unleash assembled flash mobs as shields to foil the operations and distract the troops from their mission. This facilitates the escape of the holed up terrorists. Stone pelting mobs injure unsuspecting troops involved in carrying out their mission. Those in the thinly deployed ‘stops’ and ‘cordon’ risk being lynched by these mobs. The question is what is the soldier expected to do under such circumstances? Refuse to go for the operations pointing out the unjustifiable danger that he would be exposed to? Abandon the ‘cordon’, the ‘stop’ positions and the mission at hand and run for life? Get one self killed in the hands of the mobs? Fire and kill those men who defy his caution and suffer in silence, the harassment that goes on in the name of enquiry? While the dead civilians will have any number of sponsored men and women to give evidence against the soldier, who will render a supporting voice to the soldier in an enquiry? Those criticising the Army Chief need to speak up and enlighten the soldiers as to what is expected of them. Let us have no illusions – the soldier is not a cannon fodder to be used as a tool to enable traitors achieve their hidden agendas. The villagers, women and children in the game are not spontaneous supporters of the protests but are helpless citizens who follow the dictates of the militant supporters for fear of reprisals as they have no option but to live in the same village dominated by the very same over ground workers after the army leaves the venue. Incidentally, the British Government has suspended human right laws on the battle field. Speaking on the subject the British Prime Minister Teresa May said it will give British troops the ‘confidence when they go out into combat for us that they are able to do what is necessary to keep us safe’. Why don’t Indian leaders have similar sentiments for the Indian Soldier? Conclusion Let us be clear – it is not the Army which keen to stay on in the valley or in any other insurgency affected area where things have been messed up by the politicians and the administration. It has been called to do a job. Have the grace to allow them to do that. The army’s role in an insurgency is limited to bringing violence to an acceptable level and thereafter it is for the political leadership to bring about peace in the troubled area through political initiatives and intervention. The dialogue, a part of the political process cannot be held in an atmosphere of violence. Violence cannot be brought down and controlled without conducting operations and restricting the free movement of militants, their supporters, arms and other war like stores within the affected area. Periods of inactivity on the part of the security forces are utilised by the terror groups to regroup and organise themselves and where necessary to shift focus areas and change operational tactics. It is for the Government and not the military to decide if military operations are required to be conducted or not. But make no mistakes – if military operations are to be conducted it cannot be at the cost of soldiers’ lives. That entails putting in place necessary safeguards and enforcing certain ground rules and making sure that the soldiers have a fair chance to survive and accomplish their mission. That precisely is what General Rawat was trying to do when he made the statement on stone throwers. As for talks, if anyone thinks that dialogue needs to be conducted with the separatists don’t be fooled into believing that it will yield results. It has not done so in the last 25 years. Terrorism is a profit making industry for some and keeping the valley in the present state helps them and their unspoken agenda. Things will not change till such time costs are imposed and the loss to the industrialists and their coconspirators is unendurable. As of now we are only providing legitimacy to the illegitimate. The ‘people friendly operations’ degrades the deterrent value of the military. The restraining effect, the very purpose of employing the Army in counter insurgency operations is lost. A blunted army will be nothing more than a police force and will fail to prove effective at a critical moment to the detriment of the nation’s security. The Indian Army’s Chief represents 1.4 million troops – numerically much more than most of the parliamentarians and the ministers do. He may not have been voted to power by the soldiers or be sitting in the Parliament but in a democracy where the soldiers have been rendered voiceless by the Constitution and have been debarred from collective bargaining or from communicating with the press, it is he who has the onerous responsibility of sharing the soldiers’ views and problems with the Government and the people of the country. He therefore cannot be a silent dummy or a ‘yes man’. Unwilling to pay heed and criticising him without even attempting to comprehend his dilemma is nothing but showing contempt to 1.4 million soldiers. It is time we realise that a soldier’s voice is no less important than that of the people of the country.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017



The Enemy Within Wants The Sword-Arm Of The Indian Republic Mothballed

For a number of years, this writer has studied the intricate issue of why certain countries, civilisations and regimes implode and / or self-destruct over a period of time. After many analyses and assessments, carried out over hundreds of years, all these civilisations were diagnosed as having suffered from severe and debilitating weaknesses in their basic structure. This was the essay I wrote in 2014, a few months before the tsunami that swept away the Congress juggernaut: Basically, I studied the parallels between pre-revolutionary France in the 18th century, Tsarist Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, and the creaking structure on Raisina Hill that reeked of decay and disease. Even when the rotten and well past its sell-date Congress-UPA regime was practically obliterated by the Indian electorate, the oligarchy of the Gandhi-Nehru-Gandhi cabal made sure that the new government would have its work cut out. The new kids on the block were absolute bacchas when compared to the old bandicoots. The outgoing lot did not carry out a scorched –earth policy but something that was much more sinister, diabolical and effective. The Congresswallahs left behind carefully planted land mines, 5th columnists (in the true sense of the term) and moles in every branch of the national administration. The financial resources at the command of the embedded agent provocateurs are humongous – the bhakts and the saffronwallahs (as the nationalist forces have been contemptuously labelled by storm-troopers of the earlier junta) had absolutely no idea about what they would have to contend with, after May 2014. The basic problem that our ancient Indic civilisation grapples with is a societal fault-line that is appallingly dangerous – one that many Indians (of great sagacity and insight) do not want to face or acknowledge. This is the wedge of Islamic terror that history has bequeathed to us after Pax Britannica left our shores unceremoniously and in ignominy. ln fact, it was worse – it was a devil’s pact between the Congress and the British Government which ensures that independent India (despite its enormous progress in many fields) is viciously handicapped by a demographic time-bomb. Bhadralok Indians find it beneath their dignity to look at what is ticking below their bed. A century of Gandhian brainwashing and indoctrination has left our elite trying to whitewash the stains and to put up curtains behind which murder, mayhem, treachery and sell-outs are being planned. The entire Indian body-politic is a rotting carcass with the maggots crawling everywhere. The only institution that prevents this ancient civilisation from complete collapse is something that very few social scientists would or could have predicted – the country’s armed forces. This is a phenomenon that defies logic. How does an institution staffed by people with the same DNA and socio-cultural roots as the rest of the population resolutely manage to stay clear of the deadly (and spreading) virus that afflicts the vast majority of the other citizens? Can 5-7 years of rigid and dedicated training and indoctrination in isolated environments produce a Homo Indicus so markedly different from, and superior to, the rest of the population? The mystery is compounded by the fact that the Services are basically a colonial residue that the Anglo-Saxon rulers of Hind bequeathed to us. Somewhere down the line, they mutated into a different species. Yes, the surface symbols of the old Raj continue but there is a marked change. The professionalism and élan survive, although the overwhelming ethos, now, is a mixture of service to the nation and a lasting commitment to protect it against all dangers. In theory, the dangers that the armed forces are trained to combat and neutralise are external threats from India’s enemies. In practice, what our sword-arm is confronting is the enemy within – a scenario that is the soldier’s worst nightmare. It does not require rocket science to identify the main elements that comprise the domestic enemy. They are the bureaucracy, the 4th Estate (primarily the English MSM), the country’s Anglophone intelligentsia, the political elements allied to the old Gandhi-Nehru-Gandhi gang and others venomously opposed to the entire Indic civilisational ethos. To this explosive cocktail, we must add the commercial and economic actors who are always looking at additional profit opportunities they can extract from the unstable national scenario. Per se, this listing does not have any ranking, based on threat capabilities or risk. Let me put it in another way – all these termites are working in tandem or in a spirit of understanding. I must add a caveat at this stage or I will be accused of unprofessional exuberance about our men and women in olive green, blue and white. There are those in our armed forces who have succumbed to the lure of money, rank, privileges and position. However, this is still a minuscule and microscopic percentage compared to those on civvy street. And now, it is high time to discuss the ground realities. The key elements in the current canvas that we need to focus on are Kashmir, the North East, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, Islamic terror from across the border and within, and the rules of engagement that the anti-terrorist operations must adopt. Let me spell out once again what is the actual situation: India, today, is facing an existential threat. If you don’t realise this, you are living in cloud-cuckoo land and you don’t need to read this essay further. Pakistan and its 5th columnists in India are using every trick in the trade to ensure continuous ferment and terror in the Kashmir valley and also in the rest of the country. There are districts and regions in the Indian Republic that have become virtual no-go areas for the agents of the Indian state. Without going into details that are available readily in the public domain, we have 5 districts in West Bengal, a number of regions in Kerala (with Mallapuram in the lead), a huge swathe in western UP, three districts in Assam, and some parts of Tamil Nadu and Bihar, where the mosque, the minaret and the mullahs rule the roost. Similarly, in large parts of the North-East, it is the gospel and the church pulpits that are more important than the Constitution and the laws of India. In the Kashmir Valley and in some areas of the North-East, the guns and the bombs are the ones doing the speaking. And what are the desi politicos, the scribes and the jholawallahs (in JNU etc) doing while this savage attack on our nation-state is being perpetrated? The Congresswallahs in 24 Akbar Road and 10 Janpath have been in a frenzy ever since General Rawat, the Army Chief, announced a few days ago that civilians who pelt stones and throw petrol bombs on Army units will be treated as terrorists. The junior partners in crime of the Congress, assorted little political groups, have also joined the chorus. In no other modern democracy do we see such obscene posturing when it comes to national security Never mind that this policy enunciated by Gen. Rawat should have been implemented two decades ago and without the Army Chief announcing it in public. A little later on, I will briefly refer to the way that other countries in recent times have dealt with fundamental threats to their nation’s social and political fabric. The 4th Estate had to weigh in, sooner or later. There is this female pen-pusher who came out with an obscene rant about the Army targeting “its own citizens” or some such drivel. Not to be outdone, a disgraceful weasel (most regrettably a retired Army officer) also joined the fray. This fellow has spent his last few years cavorting with a Pakistani front organisation in the U.S. and Canada to campaign for India to withdraw from Siachen. Earlier, he was pushing for the IAF to buy an American aircraft in the MMRCA deal, though it was not at all clear how he was qualified in any way to talk about fighter aircraft, since he was a glorified tank driver at best. And now a little trip back in history to find out how countries defend their basic interests when their existence is threatened. The great Emperor, Napoleon, is one of my idols. He introduced modern law and jurisprudence in Europe through the Code Napoleon, that still continues in some form or other. In March 1804, the Duke of Enghien, who was plotting with the assistance of the English to overturn the French revolutionary regime, was staying in Germany in a castle near the French border. Napoleon and his colleagues assessed the threat posed by the Duke and his English allies, and decided that Enghien had to be neutralised. A platoon of French soldiers crossed the Rhine into Germany and captured the Duke on the night of the 14/15 March. The traitor was brought back to France, tried and executed. Napoleon always maintained that the French Republic’s safety and security were paramount and had to be protected. Do we spot any resemblances with the current Indian scenario? In 1942, shortly after the German invasion, the Volga Germans in USSR were expelled from the border region where they had stayed for hundreds of years and re-located to interior areas of the country, far from the war zone. The Soviets justified it on the ground that they did not want the risk of the Volga Germans collaborating or fraternising with the invading German army. This had recently happened in many countries of Europe, particularly in Czechoslovakia, where the sizable German population in the border region of Sudetenland actively worked with Germany to destabilise the Czechoslovak Republic. The parallels between Kashmir and the events from the past are eerily similar. It is time now to get back to the present scenario. All of us, who are couch-potatoes or cannot see beyond our noses, should be clear on some basics. Ours is a culture and civilisation that has contributed immensely to human existence. If you don’t know this or even want to know it, you are bananas. Not worthy of being part of a recorded history of around 5000 years. Bollywood and biryani, Billy Bunter and Enid Blyton (like those disgraceful fellows and women in the newspaper that started from Bori Bunder) are the outer limits for your mind and intellect, or what passes for them. The only institution that stands between our survival and extinction is the Indian military. There are a number of our fellow citizens, very voluble, loud-mouthed, powerful and well-connected, who would like to mothball our armed forces. And billions who don’t know much about what they owe our soldiers, but who go to sleep every night as free Indians, whether on the pavements, jhuggis or their homes. I know which category I am proud to belong to. The dead soldier’s silence sings our national anthem!


As the gun battle raged on at the Pathankot Air Force Base, the senior (retired) Lt. General couldn’t help but wonder why the Para Special Forces, Para (SF), were not pressed into action. Three battalions of the Para (SF) were available close by and this seemed like an operation tailor-made for them. The ensuing gun fight lasted over 72 hours with the National Security Guard (NSG) and the Garud commandos of the Air Force battling terrorists inside the Air Base. The Lt. General, Pravin Katoch, himself a Para (SF) veteran, understood the intricacies of search and comb, area domination and elimination very well. He was a part of the Para Special Forces fraternity for almost four decades and grew up with the Para (SF) as they acquired the unique skill set of tackling “area targets” and turned into a battle hardened force. In the process, they unlearned a lot of what they were meant to to — force multipliers on steroids to politico-military ends. Two Indian Army / Special Forces operations seared the national conscience in the recent past. While the raid in Myanmar, in 2015, was greeted with aplomb and the 56" chest first flexed, the big question lingered — would India, could India, pull this off against her Western foe? India answered with “surgical strikes” in late September ’16. Terror launch pads across the LoC were destroyed and Uri stood avenged. Despite these two iconic operations last year, very little is known about the Special Forces in India. Perhaps one operation, which didn’t deploy the Para (SF) frames the debate around the Special Forces in India, as much as the storied, albeit textbook, “surgical strikes”. While not delving into the history (which is quite easily available on Wikipedia), today the National Identity aims to talk about their identity itself — their mandate, strengths, doctrines governing them and the missions the country actually deploys them on. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — An enigmatic new insignia popped up on a soldier’s uniform a few years ago which sent defence enthusiasts and experts alike into a tizzy. The insignia, worn above the service patches, above the left pocket, belongs to servicemen of the SG — Special Group. Tenanted mostly by men from the Para (SF) battalions of the Indian Army there are also Tibetans and a few Marine Commandos to be found within their ranks. The insignia of the Special Group (SG) The Special Group’s two battalions (1200–1500 personnel), are a part of the shadowy Establishment-22 or the Special Frontier Force, SFF, which is under the operational command of the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). By virtue of not being under the Ministry of Defence, the SFF, let alone the SG, are seldom discussed in the Parliament. Almost all their missions, to date, are classified. As are their ranks. A parallel to the Special Group inside the National Security Guards (NSG), under the Ministry of Home Affairs, are the 51st and 52nd Special Action Groups (SAG). These groups are specially trained for counter terrorism and hijacking scenarios, largely in an urban landscape. The SAGs, which make up 54% of the force, are the assault element, tenanted exclusively by personnel of the Indian Army. The remaining personnel form the “holding force”, called the Special Rangers Group. The 52nd SAG successfully executed Operation Ashwamedh in 1993, rescuing 141 passengers from a hijacked plane at Amritsar with 0 casualties. The 51st SAG executed Operation Black Thunder in 1988, at the Golden Temple, the very place which birthed the NSG four years ago. What sets Special Group (SG) apart is their exclusive use by the intelligence agencies of this country. It is a direction which the US has irreversibly set the world’s clandestine agencies and special forces on. Great, strategic and tactical, operations are now intelligence led. Only the clandestine agencies can provide actionable intelligence on various targets owing to the complex machinations surrounding identification of targets, tapping diplomatic channels, tracing terror financing, coordinating the inter-agency and inter-country support for the attack etc. These missions have to be executed with extreme stealth and by hardened personnel who train for, and execute, similar missions for years; a level of expertise which only the Special Forces can provide. The CIA led — SEAL Team Six executed mission to kill Osama Bin Laden is foremost example of such coordination. This uneasy alliance, yet to be officially enshrined in India, is a result of the threat matrix which most countries now face. This also increasingly places uniformed officers and men of the Indian Army under the operational command of civilian leadership, something the Army is yet to come to terms with. While it is clear that the proverbial “tip of the spear”, across all the aforementioned forces, is provided by the Army’s Para (SF) battalions, the mandate of these forces is very different. After years of target-specific training, the reflexes of the soldier can’t be un-trained in the few hours it takes for the soldier to be air-dropped to the mission-site. The use, and misuse, of these forces is what frames the debate around the special forces doctrine in this country and their future deployment. OPERATIONS “An impression has been assiduously created that Punjab is not being dealt with” — Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in her address to the nation before Operation Bluestar, June 1984 T he infamous Operation Blue Star, was an Army led operation, under the operational command of Lt. General Sundarji (GOC-in-C Western Command), which was carried out with typical Army bluster and heavy handedness. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s address also set the tone for the Operation. There would be no siege and choking off of supply lines for those holed inside the compound and there would be no negotiations. Fatally, there would also be limited intelligence on the compound and its’ fortifications. The first wave of Indian Army offensives, led by the Para (SF) battalions, were easily beaten back by the Sikh extremists. This led to the enduring image of the operation — battle tanks entering an area so pious that people leave their footwear outside. The operation was an unqualified failure, and led to the creation of the National Security Guard (NSG) who successfully executed Operation Black Thunder I and II, in conjunction with Punjab Police, in May 1988. A tactic of “patient pressure”, which the police and NSG are well suited to carry out, but the Army is ill-suited to, was applied in Operation Black Thunder and it led to the surrender of almost 400 terrorists (along with 43 killed). The operation was also carried out in the full glare of the global media, something an operation involving the Special Group and Para (SF) wouldn’t permit. The success of this Operation lay in its’ solid foundations — the NSG was created as a “target specific” force; a temple complex, a hijacked airplane, a hotel building; essentially Close Quarter Battle (CQB). Their weapons, training and men are tailored to such missions. Coordination with the state governments and police forces becomes easier by virtue of being governed by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The attack on the Pathankot Air Base, in January 2016, was an attack on an Armed Forces base — an Armed Forces base. The Armed Forces, in the absence of an enshrined doctrine, could deploy whichever force they chose fit to for the mission to bring it to its’ successful conclusion. This was not a Close Quarter Battle situation — the base is spread over hundreds of acres, and the mission required a “holding force”, an “attack team” and a team to protect the assets at the base — something the infantry and the three Para (SF) battalions stationed nearby could easily provide. The Operation by the NSG and Garud Commandos of the Air Force lasted a mammoth 72 hours — an unacceptable timeline for a siege which could have seriously damaged one of India’s operational/attack air nodes. The extended timeline was a direct consequence of the lack of mission-specific training and experience that both these forces had. The innumerable attacks on Army bases in Kashmir are all cleared out by the Army, not the NSG. An attack on the 61st Cavalry’s camp in Samba, in 2013, was neutralized by 9 Para (SF) who slithered down ropes, dangling from helicopters, and secured the camp within hours. Something similar was required for securing the Pathankot Air Base. The NSG, have no expertise in dealing with such a wide area and no expertise in combing. While deployed effectively in such operations, the unasked question around the Special Forces still lingers, unasked; were they ever meant to carry out such operations? OVERKILL T he next leg in understanding the “identity crisis” of the Special Forces, lies in understanding the gross over-use of the Para (SF) battalions and the proliferation of the coveted “Maroon Beret” across the Kashmir valley and the North East. Special Forces were envisioned, and christened, to bring about strategic change — not tactical. The Special Forces are meant to be force-multipliers on steroids owing to their tactical flexibility, mastery over a wide range of advanced weaponry and strategic mobility. While occasionally deploying them to clear Army bases, for lack of better alternatives, is just about acceptable, sending them in to clear buildings in the middle of towns and COIN (Counter-Insurgency) operations on the LoC is plain wrong. Deploying the Para (SF) on countless, and endless, such defensive missions has led to an alarming rise in Special Forces casualties, along with blunting their readiness for “strategic, politico-military missions”. Combing and clearing missions can easily be carried out by the “Ghatak Platoons” of the regular Infantry battalions. “India’s SF are so only in name, not orientation because the country’s higher defence organisation lacks military professionals. Their ability to employ SF on politico-military missions at strategic levels is lacking.They (SF) continue to be employed tactically” lamented Lieutenant General Prakash Katoch, a former SF officer. India’s various Special Forces; note that NSG(SAG) and Special Group are also made up of Para (SF) operators. (Source: The Citizen & The Hindu) The Army will soon raise its’ tenth Para (SF) battalion, bringing its’ Special Forces personnel to 7,000–8000. The Indian Navy has a 1000–1200 strong force of Marine Commandos (MARCOS), while the Indian Air Force has a 1000 strong force of Garud Commandos. These numbers exceed the strength of the United States Special Operations Command (US-SOCOM) which has a global remit and regularly carries out missions in all terrains, geographies and against all enemies, unlike India. THE SPECIAL FORCES IDENTITY A nother facet, which the Special Forces community inside the Army feel very strongly about is the regimental identity itself. India is probably the only major country which has grouped its’ airborne and special forces battalions under the same parental regiment — the Parachute Regiment. The Para and Para (SF) battalions are also under the same command and control structure. This has caused much consternation among the Special Forces operators. The “conversion” or “baptism” that existing or new Para Battalions have to go through to become a “SF” battalion has also been severely watered down to six months served in a hostile area. On the left is the insignia of the Parachute Regiment, “Shatrujeet”, which all personnel (SF and non-SF) wear on their maroon berets. On the right is the “Balidaan” badge, which only the Para (SF) operators wear The bone of contention is clear for all to see — the Para (SF) wear the coveted “Balidaan” (Sacrifice) badge; which sets them apart from mere airborne forces. Airborne forces are merely airborne infantry — they aren’t designed to carry out “surgical strikes” or other high value strikes. The race to earn the coveted “Balidaan” (Sacrifice) badge has led to a large number of maroon berets operating in Kashmir and the North East; doing tasks that regular Infantry battalions can easily carry out — all in a quest to serve six months and earn that badge. They are also pushed into these operations by a high command which continues to believe in the outdated logic that CI operations are a good training ground for these Special Forces. Administratively, a lot of tasks at the Army HQ in Delhi, which require a SF officer are carried out by a regular paratrooper. Posts like the DDGMO (SF) are regularly tenanted by Para officers and not specifically Para (SF) officers. This further circumscribes the Special Forces’ operational remit as “regular paratrooper” officers are unable to adequately represent the capabilities of the special forces at the Army HQ, and consequently in front of the country’s political masters. In the absence of a centralized command for the Special Forces of all arms, mission duplication is rife along with the lack of a centralized and standardized procedure for selection, deployment and weapons procurement. Even among the Para (SF) battalions, selection procedures vary as men undergo the “probationary” period with a particular battalion and not a combined Para (SF) center. This effectively means a different standard to get into, say, 9 Para (SF) versus 1 Para (SF). The Garud Commandos of the Air Force, raised in 2004, were envisioned to conduct para-rescue of downed pilots behind enemy lines, “lasing of targets” for air strikes and other “offensive” tasks. IAF’s plan to add a further 700 men to this Garud Force, in the wake of the Pathankot attack, will only blunt the force by deploying them to protect air force installations and air expos. This future, poignant, misuse is akin to blunting the combat readiness of the NSG’s Special Rangers Group with mandates to provide mindless, and endless, VIP security. A SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND A centralized tri-service special operations command, which cuts across arms and regimental rivalry and provides unity in command and control for the Special Forces is the need of the hour. Integration of the military special forces (Para (SF), Garud and MARCOS) should be the priority before integration with the Paramilitary special forces (NSG and SG). Force rationalization should soon follow — 4 battalions of Para (SF); say 1,9,10 and 21 Para (SF), along with the current battalion+ size of the Garud and MARCOS, along with a few aviators from all arms, will clearly suffice as the tip of the spear. A simple formation patch on their tricep can indicate their service in the Special Operations Command. Other Para and Para (SF) battalions should be be attached to the Army’s operational commands and continue to hold exclusive expertise in the kind of operations they are currently deployed for. Potential force make-up of the Special Operations Command Training in capturing and neutralizing enemy nuclear weapons, securing our own and destroying enemy nuclear installations should be mandatory. Closer integration with the already existing Strategic Forces Command will, therefore, be a must. The National Security Advisor, as the conduit between the military and the PMO, shall act as the de-facto head of this command while operational command will lie with a three-star officer; a Lt. General or equivalent. These commanders should be bred, not through the regular route of commanding conventional brigades, divisions and squadrons, but by spearheading operations and reconnaissance for the Special Operations Command, after having commanded their battalions. The recently cleared Defence Acquisition Council’s (DAC) Rs. 300 crore war-chest for the Para (SF) is woefully inadequate considering the size of their task and the number of battalions at present. It is much safer to have a sharper tip of the spear than an unwieldy and blunt spear. The storied, and “legacied”, 1,3,9,10 and 21 Para (SF) battalions are almost entirely staffed with the Israeli Tavor rifles but face a shortage of the 7.62mm Galil Snipers. The newly raised battalions bear the brunt of the weapons shortage — the freshly raised 12 Para went into a mission with the antiquated and ineffective INSAS 5.5, in which even the regular Army’s trust has completely eviscerated, let alone the Para (SF). Other new battalions are still equipped with the AK series of assault rifles. The shortage of advanced weapons for the Special Forces should be decoupled from the broader weapons shortage within the three services, by having a two window clearance from the Defence Minister and the Prime Minister. Doing away with the serpentine weapons procurement process for the Special Operations Command is necessary for its’ efficacy and survival. The proliferation of “special” accouterments and the constant efforts to raise a man-power intensive special force need to be thwarted if India is to maintain a sharp end which can actually do some damage. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Parts III,IV, V, VI, VII, VIII , IX, X, XI , XII and XIII. III and IV deal with the Cold Start doctrine, V through X and XIII largely with Indian Army operations & strategy and XI, XII (the most widely read!)talk about General Sundarji and the General Staff.

Monday, 20 February 2017

उलटलेला भस्मासुर-पाकिस्तानने गेली किमान दोन-अडीच दशके जो दहशतवादाचा भस्मासुर पोसला तो आता सर्व ताकदीनिशी उलटतो आहे.

भारत व अफगाणिस्तान यांना खिळखिळे करण्यासाठी तसेच जमले तर बांगलादेश व पश्चिम आशियात काही देशांना अस्थिर करण्यासाठी पाकिस्तानने गेली किमान दोन-अडीच दशके जो दहशतवादाचा भस्मासुर पोसला तो आता सर्व ताकदीनिशी उलटतो आहे. तसे नसते तर गेल्या १५ दिवसांत देश हादवरून टाकणारे किमान आठ दहशती हल्ले पाकला सोसावे लागले नसते. यातला सर्वांत भयंकर हल्ला सिंध प्रांतातील सेहवानच्या सूफी दर्ग्यावर झाला. त्यात किमान ८८ भाविकांचे प्राण गेले. दोनशेवर जखमी उपचार घेत आहेत. दुर्दैव म्हणजे, या बळींमध्ये अनेक लहान मुलांचा समावेश आहे. हा हल्ला झाल्यानंतर पाक लष्कराने आक्रमक पवित्रा घेऊन शंभरावर दहशतवाद्यांना कंठस्नान घातल्याचे सांगितले जाते. या दाव्यावर विश्वास ठेवणे, कठीणच आहे. लष्करप्रमुखांनी तर टोकाची आक्रमक भाषा वापरली आहे. मात्र, पाकमध्ये दहशतवाद्यांनी आयएसआयच्या आश्रयाने कुठे कुठे तळ केले आहेत व ते कुणाला कशी मदत करीत आहेत, हे पाक लष्कराला माहीतच नसेल, यावर कोणताही शहाणा माणूस विश्वास ठेवणार नाही. पाकिस्तानात हे जे रक्तरंजित अराजक माजले आहे, याला अनेक कारणे आहेत. पहिले म्हणजे, इस्लाम हा एकाश्म नाही. इस्लाममध्येही अनेक पंथोपपंथ आहेत. त्यांचे स्वतःचे रीतीरिवाज आहेत, हेच या दैत्यांना मान्य नाही. त्यातून सूफी, अहमदी, शिया अशा संपद्रायांच्या विरोधात ‘धर्मयुद्ध’ पुकारले जाते. ही लढाई व्यापक, बहुस्तरीय आहे. पण पाक राज्यकर्त्यांनी ‘इष्ट दहशतवाद व अनिष्ट दहशतवाद’ असा भ्रामक भेद करून दहशतवाद्यांना दुसरे सशक्त निमित्त दिले. भारतीय व अफगाण भूमीवर रक्ताचे सडे घालतील ते मित्र आणि कराचीत नंगानाच करतील ते मात्र शत्रू, हे भेद चूक होता. रणभूमीत भारताकडून वारंवार पराभव झाल्याने पाकने छुप्या युद्धासाठी दहशती मार्ग निवडला. ही पाकच्या स्वहितातील धोरणात्मक व व्यूहात्मक घोडचूक ठरते आहे. काश्मीर, बलुचिस्तान, अफगाणिस्तानात दहशतवादी व पाक सैन्याने सतत एकत्र कारवाया केल्याने पाक लष्कराची जी काही सेक्युलर वीण होती, तीही उसवत गेली. आता ते पाक भूमीवरील दहशतवाद कसा काय निपटणार आहे? सेहवानच्या आठशे वर्षांची परंपरा असणाऱ्या या लाल शहाबाज कलंदर सूफी दर्ग्याजवळ जो कार्यक्रम होता, त्याचे नाव ‘कलंदरी धमाल’ असे होते. यात संगीत, भजन, कव्वाली, नृत्य असे सारे असते. दक्षिण आशियातील सर्व संपन्न संगीत आणि धर्मपरंपरांचा प्रसन्न संगम सूफी संप्रदायात आढळतो. जशी पाक लष्कराची सेक्युलर वीण नष्ट झाली, तद्वत पाकिस्तानी समाजाची वीण दहशतवाद्यांना खुपते आहे. कारण त्यात भारतीय परंपरेचे असंख्य ताणे-बाणे आहेत. अशा स्थितीत जी बहुमुखी तटबंदी करायची ती भारत, पाक, अफगाणिस्तान यांनी अफगाण पश्चिम सीमेवर एकत्र येऊन मागेच करायला हवी होती. ती संधी गेली. आता पाक लष्कर दहशतवाद्यांशी खरी लढाई करते की लुटूपुटूची, याची वाट न पाहता भारताला दक्षिण आशियातील दहशतवाद निपटून काढण्यासाठी स्वतः पुढाकार घ्यावा लागेल. अमेरिकेचे नवे नेतृत्वही त्याला अनुकूल असेल. पाकिस्तानी असोत की भारतीय- निरपराध नागरिकांच्या रक्ताचे पाट आता थांबवावेच लागतील

Saturday, 18 February 2017

भारताचा क्षेपणास्त्र विकास कार्यक्रम-डॉ. मधुकर आपटे /

February 19, 2017019 इतिहासकाळात युद्धाचे क्षेत्र अतिशय मर्यादित असे. योद्धे एखाद्या लहानशा भूभागात प्रत्यक्ष समोरासमोर येऊन युद्ध करीत असत. आता मात्र यात बराच बदल झाला आहे. दूरदूरच्या शत्रूंशीदेखील वैर उत्पन्न होऊन प्रत्यक्ष युद्ध करावे लागत असल्याने युद्धभूमीचे क्षेत्र बरेच वाढले आहे. त्यामुळे दूर अंतरावरील शत्रूवर दुरून शस्त्र सोडून प्रहार करण्याच्या तंत्रांचा वापर करणे आता अपरिहार्य झाले आहे. त्यासाठी यंत्रशक्तीची मदत घेतली जाते. अशा यंत्र अथवा आयुधांच्या साह्याने फेकल्या जाणार्‍या, प्रामुख्याने विध्वंसक साधनाला ‘अस्त्र’ अथवा ‘क्षेपणास्त्र’ असे म्हटले जाते. भारतात रामायण-महाभारत काळात काही प्रमाणात अस्त्र किंवा क्षेपणास्त्रे वापरण्यात आल्याचे दिसते. धनुष्य या आयुधाचा त्या कामी उपयोग केला जात असल्याने त्या अस्त्राचा पल्ला बराच लहान असे. पुढे टिपू सुलतानने तोफा वापरून विध्वंसक शक्ती आणि पल्ल्यात वाढ केली. परंतु, ती वाढदेखील आजच्या क्षेपणास्त्रांच्या तुलनेत नगण्यच ठरते. तेव्हा आजची ही क्षेपणास्त्रांमधील प्रगती कशी झाली आणि भारताने ही प्रगती किती आणि कशी साधली? याचा आता विचार करू या. भारत स्वतंत्र झाल्यानंतर देशाचे संरक्षण करणे हे सर्वात महत्त्वाचे असल्याने, संरक्षणसिद्धतेसाठीची अनेक कामे हाती घेण्यात आलीत. त्यासाठी आधुनिक विज्ञान आणि तंत्रज्ञानाची जास्तीत जास्त मदत घेण्यात येऊ लागली. या मदतकार्यातील एका अतिशय प्रभावी कार्याची सुरुवात १९८० साली झाली. देशातील संरक्षण खात्याच्या संशोधन आणि विकासाची कामे करणार्‍या प्रयोशाळांना अस्त्र निर्मितीसाठी लागणार्‍या पदार्थांच्या उत्पादनात योग्य पात्रता लाभली होती. त्यामुळे अस्त्र निर्माण करून त्यांना दूरपर्यंत पोहोचविण्याची क्षमता आपल्या वैज्ञानिकांमध्ये आली असल्याची खात्री वाटू लागली. तत्कालीन पंतप्रधान आणि संरक्षणमंत्री महोदयांनी या संधीचा लाभ घेण्याचे ठरविले आणि लगेच ‘समाकलित मार्गदर्शित क्षेत्रणास्त्र विकास कार्यक्रम’ (म्हणजेच Integrated Guided Missile Development Progamme) नावाने ओळखला जाणारा उपक्रम सुरू करण्यात आला. प्रत्येक उपक्रमाचे यश हे त्याला मार्गदर्शन करणार्‍या व्यक्तीवर अवलंबून असते. म्हणून अशा कर्तबगार व्यक्तीचा शोध सुरू झाला आणि १९८३ साली योग्य व्यक्तीची प्रयोगशाळेच्या संचालकपदी नियुक्ती केली गेली. ही कार्यतत्पर कर्तबगार व्यक्ती म्हणजे प्रसिद्ध वैज्ञानिक डॉ. अब्दुल कलाम! त्यांच्या मार्गदर्शनात नियोजित काम लगेच सुरू झाले. समाकलित मार्गदर्शित क्षेपणास्त्र विकास कार्यक्रमाच्या (IGMDP) अंतर्गत चार प्रमुख प्रकल्प सुरू झालेत. हे चार प्रकल्प म्हणजे- १) भूपृष्ठावरील एका ठिकाणाहून भूपृष्ठावरील दुसर्‍या लक्ष्यावर मारा करू शकणार्‍या लहान पल्ल्याचे क्षेपणास्त्र निर्मिती प्रकल्प. या क्षेपणास्त्रांना ‘पृथ्वी क्षेपणास्त्र’ या नावाने संबोधिले जाते. २) भूपृष्ठावरून आकाशातील कमी उंचीवरील लक्ष्यावर मारा करू शकणार्‍या लहान पल्ल्याची क्षेपणास्त्रे निर्माण करणारा प्रकल्प. या क्षेपणास्त्रांना ‘त्रिशूळ क्षेपणास्त्र’ या नावाने संबोधिले जाते. ३) भूपृष्ठावरून आकाशातील मध्यम उंचीवरील लक्ष्यावर मारा करू शकणार्‍या मध्यम पल्ल्यांची क्षेपणास्त्रे निर्माण करणारा प्रकल्प. या क्षेपणास्त्रांना ‘आकाश क्षेपणास्त्र’ या नावाने ओळखले जाते. ४) तिसर्‍या पिढीतील रणगाडाभेदक क्षेपणास्त्र निर्माण करणारा प्रकल्प. या क्षेपणास्त्रांना ‘नाग क्षेपणास्त्र’ हे नाव देण्यात आले. ५) या चार प्रकल्पांच्या जोडीने काही वेगळ्या खास प्रणालीच्या ‘अग्नी’ क्षेपणास्त्राचे कार्यदेखील घेण्यात आले. निर्माण करण्यात येणार्‍या क्षेपणास्त्राच्या कामाची चाचणी घेण्यासाठी ओरिसा राज्यात बालासोर येथे प्रक्षेपण केंद्रदेखील उभारण्यात आले. नियोजित कामे व्यवस्थित सुरू होऊन १९८८ साली ‘पृथ्वी’चे आणि १९८९ मध्ये ‘अग्नी’चे प्रक्षेपण झाले. कार्यकर्त्यांचा आत्मविश्‍वास वाढला, परंतु लगेच एक अडथळा निर्माण झाला. ‘मिसाईल टेक्नॉलॉजी कंट्रोल रीजिम’ नावाच्या १९८७ साली स्थापन झालेल्या परराष्ट्रीय गटाने क्षेपणास्त्र तंत्रज्ञान भारताला देण्यात मदत न करण्याचे ठरविले. तो अडथळा पार करण्यासाठी IGMDP ने भारतातील प्रयोगशाळा, शैक्षणिक संस्था आणि उद्योगक्षेत्रातील काही संस्था यांचा गट स्थापन करून क्षेपणास्त्राला उपयुक्त असा धातू अथवा पदार्थ निर्माण करणे शक्य झाले. क्रमाक्रमाने उपयुक्त तंत्रज्ञान विकसित झाले आणि काही विलंबाने, परंतु खात्रीलायकपणे अडथळा दूर झाला. योजनेची सुरुवात १९८३ साली झाली तेव्हाच त्याची कालमर्यादा २५ वर्षांची ठरविण्यात आली. या नियोजित काळातच आपण कार्य पूर्ण केल्याचे पाहून आनंद होतो. निर्माण केलेल्या विविध क्षेपणास्त्रांची आता माहिती घेऊ या. लहान पल्ल्याची क्षेपणास्त्रं पृथ्वीच्या पृष्ठभागावरील एका ठिकाणाहून पृष्ठभागावरीलच दुसर्‍या ठिकाणी मारा करणार्‍या क्षेपणास्त्र प्रणालीत प्रामुख्याने ‘पृथ्वी’, ‘धनुष’ आणि ‘‘अग्नी- I,II, III इत्यादी नावांनीदेखील त्यांची गणाना केली जाते. पृथ्वीचे १९८८ साली यशस्वी प्रक्षेपण पहिल्यांदा झाले. साधारणपणे ८.५ मीटर उंचीचे आणि १ मीटर व्यासाच्या नळकांड्याच्या आकाराच्या या अस्त्राने १५० किलोमीटर दूरच्या जमिनीवरील लक्ष्यावर मारा केला होता. पुढे १९९६ साली पृथ्वी-खख आणि २००४ मध्ये पृथ्वी-खखख ने अनक्रमे ३५० किमी आणि ६०० किमीचे पल्ले (Ranges) गाठले. १९९४ साली पृथ्वी-ख क्षेपणास्त्र भारतीय लष्कराला देण्यात आले. या प्रणालीत सतत सुधारणा होत गेल्याने लवकरच पृथ्वी-ख ची जागा डीआरडीओने नव्याने विकसित केलेल्या ‘प्रहार’ क्षेपणास्त्राने घेतली. ‘प्रहार’ हे कमी खर्चीक, अत्यंत जलद गतीचे, सर्व प्रदेशात आणि सर्व प्रकारच्या हवामानात अचूकपणे लक्ष्याचा भेद करण्यास समर्थ असे अस्त्र आहे. युद्धातील डावपेच साधण्यासाठी याचा उपयोग होतो. भारतीय लष्कर आणि वायुदलाला शत्रूकडील मोक्याच्या जागांवर मारा करण्याचे कामी प्रहार क्षेपणास्त्र फारच उपयुक्त ठरते. शिवाय युद्धक्षेत्रात हे अस्त्र पोहोचविणे बरेच सुलभ असते. ट्रकसारख्या मोटार वाहनातून या अस्त्रांना सहजपणे नेता येते. शिवाय एका वाहनातून एका वेळी जवळजवळ सहा प्रहार क्षेपणास्त्र नेणे जमू शकते. या वेगवेगळ्या क्षेपणास्त्रांवर वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारची स्फोटकाग्र ठेवता येत असल्याने निरनिराळ्या लक्ष्यांंवर एकाच वेळी मारा करता येतो. या क्षेपणास्त्रात घन रूपातील इंधन वापरले जात असल्याने, हे अस्त्र अगदी २-३ मिनिटांतच उभारता येते. या क्षेपणास्त्राची गती ध्वनीच्या गतीच्या २.०३ पट असल्याने त्याचा युद्धक्षेत्रातील प्रभाव ताबडतोब दिसू शकतो. डीआरडीओने निर्यात करण्यास उपयुक्त असा एक प्रहारचा वेगळा प्रकार विकसित केला आहे. त्या प्रकाराला ‘प्रगती’ हे नाव देण्यात आले आहे. नोव्हेंबर २०१४ पासून ‘प्रगती’ निर्यातीसाठी सज्ज आहे. जलसेनेला उपयुक्त क्षेपणास्त्र भारताला जवळजवळ ७५०० किलोमीटर लांबीचा समुद्रकिनारा असल्याने, देशाच्या संरक्षणात भारतीय आरमाराचे महत्त्व बरेच मोठे आहे. संरक्षणसिद्धतेत आरमाराकडे विशेष लक्ष दिले जाते. म्हणूनच आरमाराला उपयुक्त क्षेपणास्त्र निर्मिती करण्याचे महत्त्व लक्षात घेऊन पृथ्वी प्रणालीत ‘धनुष’ नावाचे एक खास क्षेपणास्त्र भारताने निर्माण केले आहे. हे क्षेपणास्त्र आरमाराच्या बोटीतून डागता येते. ३५० किमीपर्यंत या अस्त्राचा पल्ला असल्याने, समुद्रातील दूरच्या शत्रुपक्षाच्या बोटीवर आपल्या बोटीतून मारा करणे धनुषने साधते. या क्षेपणास्त्रावर पारंपरिक आणि अणुगर्भीय असे दोनही प्रकारचे स्फोटकाग्र ((Warhead) आरूढ करता येतात. बोटीवरूनच किनार्‍यावरील (जमिनीवरील) एखाद्या लक्ष्यावरदेखील धनुषचा मारा करता येतो. ५ ऑक्टोबर २०१२ रोजी बंगालच्या उपसागरात उभ्या असलेल्या बोटीतून सर्वप्रथम धनुष डागण्याची यशस्वी चाचणी घेण्यात आली. या क्षेपणास्त्राने अत्यंत अचूक मारा करता येतो, हे आता अत्यंत खात्रीपूर्वकपणे दिसून आले आहे. जमिनीवरून जमिनवरील दूरच्या लक्ष्यावर मारा करू शकणार्‍या क्षेपणास्त्र प्रणालीतील अतिशय मोठे पल्ले गाठू शकणारे बरेच आधुनिक अस्त्र म्हणजे ‘अग्नी क्षेपणास्त्र!’ या क्षेपणास्त्र मालिकेत मध्यम पल्ल्यापासून (७०० ते १२५० किमी) अतिलांबचे १०,००० किमी आंतरखंडीय (Intercontinental) पल्ले गाठू शकणारे प्रक्षेपी (Ballistic) क्षेपणास्त्रांचा अंतर्भाव केला गेला आहे. या प्रकारच्या क्षेपणास्त्रांची निर्मिती पूर्णपणे भारतीय असल्याने त्यांना ‘अग्नी’ या एका पंचमहाभूताचे नाव दिले गेले आहे. १९९१ साली या मालिकेतील पहिल्या क्षेपणास्त्राची (अग्नी-ख) चाचणी यशस्वी झाल्यावर या क्षेपणास्त्राचे खास महत्त्व असल्याने त्यात जास्त विकास साधण्यासाठी त्याच्या निर्मिती आणि चाचण्यांसाठी एक स्वतंत्र विभाग स्थापण्यात आला आहे. भारतीय संरक्षण विभागाच्या अंदाजपत्रकात याच्या मोठ्या खर्चाला ‘खास उपक्रम’ असे संबोधले जाते. अग्नी- II, III, IV, त कार्यान्वित झाले असून अग्नी- तख प्रगतिपथावर आहे. त्रिशूळ क्षेपणास्त्र जमिनीवरून आकाशातील कमी उंचीवरील लक्ष्यावर मारा करणारे हे क्षेपणास्त्र भारताच्या IGMD उपक्रमात निर्माण केले गेले. या क्षेपणास्त्राचा पल्ला फक्त नऊ किलोमीटरचा होता. त्यातून ५.५ किलोग्रम वस्तुमानाचे स्फोटकाग्र नेले जात असे. प्रामुख्याने आरमारातील जहाजांच्या उपयोगी येणारे हे अस्त्र गणले जात असे. या क्षेपणास्त्रात सुधारणा होऊन त्याचा पल्ला १२ किमीपर्यंत केला गेला जाऊन, १५ किलोग्रॅम स्टोटकाग्र वाहून नेण्यापर्यंत त्यात सुधारणा झाली होती. परंतु, त्याचा उत्पादनखर्च बराच जास्त होत असल्याने २००८ सालापासून या क्षेपणास्त्राला निवृत्ती देण्यात आली. जमिनीवरून आकाशस्थ लक्ष्यांवर मारा जमिनीवरून आकाशातील लक्ष्यावर प्रहार करू शकणार्‍या मध्यम पल्याच्या संपूर्णपणे भारतीय बनावटीच्या क्षेपणास्त्रांना ‘आकाश क्षेपणास्त्र’ असे नाव देण्यात आले आहे. या महत्त्वाच्या कार्यात आत्मनिर्भरता प्राप्त करण्यासाठी या बर्‍याच खर्चीक उपक्रमाची सुरुवात केली गेली आहे. केवळ ५.८ मीटर लांब आणि फक्त ३५ सेंटीमीटर व्यासाच्या दंडगोलाकार क्षेपणास्त्राने ३० किलोमीटरचा टप्पा गाठला आहे. साधारणपणे १८ किलोमीटर उंचीवरील लक्ष्याचे या क्षेपणास्त्राने भेद करणे शक्य झाले आहे. घन इंधनाचा वापर होत असलेले हे अस्त्र ध्वनीच्या गतीच्या २.५ पट गतीने मार्गक्रमण करीत असल्याने, १८ किमी उंचीवरील लक्ष्य साधारणपणे २५ ते ३० सेकंदात गाठता येते. या क्षेपणास्त्रावर ५५ किलोग्रॅम वस्तुमानाचे स्फोटकाग्र आरूढ करता येते. अगदी १८,००० मीटर (साधारणपणे ५५ हजार फूट) उंचीवरून उडणारे ३० किमी अंतरावरील उडत असणारे शत्रुपक्षाचे विमान उडविण्याची या क्षेपणास्त्राची क्षमता आहे. प्रत्येक यंत्रणेत क्षेपणास्त्र डागण्यासाठी विशिष्ट प्रकारचे साहित्य Launcher असते. प्रत्येक लॉन्चरवरून एकाच वेळी तीन क्षेपणास्त्रं डागले जातात. क्षेपणास्त्र सोडल्यानंतर त्याला योग्य दिशा देणे आणि त्याचे नियंत्रण करण्यासाठी एका खास रडारचा वापर करण्यात येतो. ‘राजेंद्र’ हे त्या रडारचे नाव. त्याच्या मदतीने ८० किमी टापून उडणारे विमान दिसू शकते. भारतीय लष्करातदेखील आकाशचा वापर केला जातो. स्थलसेनेस उपयुक्त क्षेपणास्त्र मुख्यत्वे पायदळाच्या युद्धात रणगाडे मोठ्या प्रमाणात विध्वंसक असल्याने शत्रुपक्षाचे रणगाडे नष्ट करणे फार महत्त्वाचे कार्य समजले जाते. त्यासाठी अनेक प्रयत्न सैनिक करीत असतात. १९६५ च्या भारत-पाकिस्तान युद्धात अब्दुल हमीद हा भारतीय सैनिक हातात बॉम्बगोळा धरून शत्रुपक्षाच्या रणगाड्यासमोर गेला आणि आपल्या प्राणाची आहुती देऊन त्याने शत्रूचे गणगाडे कसे नष्ट केले, याचे रसभरीत वर्णन आपण वाचले आहे. (त्याच्या या शौर्याबद्दल त्याला मरणोत्तर ‘परमवीरचक्र’ दिले आहे. तेव्हा रणगाडे नष्ट करण्याला किती महत्त्व आहे, हे लक्षात येते. अशा महत्त्वाच्या कामासाठी आधुनिक विज्ञान आणि तंत्रज्ञानाच्या मदतीने योग्य आणि प्रभावी अस्त्र निर्माण करणे आवश्यक असल्याचे पटले आणि त्यासाठीचे प्रयत्न सुरू झाले. या प्रयत्नांचा परिपाक म्हणजे ‘नाग क्षेपणास्त्रा’ची निर्मिती, असे म्हणता येईल. १.९ मीटर लांबीच्या दंडगोलाकार नाग क्षेपणास्त्राचा व्यास फक्त १९ सेंटीमीटर असल्याने त्याचे वस्तुमान केवळ ४२ किलोग्रॅम असते. त्यातून ८ किलोग्रॅम वस्तुमानाचे स्फोटकाग्राचे क्षेपण केले जाते. युद्धभूमीवर हे क्षेपणास्त्र नेण्यासाठी एक खास प्रकारचे वाहन वापरले जाते. या वाहनावर एका खेपेत चार क्षेपणास्त्रं ठेवले असतात. अस्त्र डागण्यासाठी खास प्रकारचे, धूर न सोडणारे इंजीन या वाहनातच असते. त्यामुळे हे क्षेपणास्त्र डागत असणारे ठिकाण शत्रूला कळू शकत नाही. या यंत्रणेत अवरक्त प्रारणाने Infrared शत्रूकडील मारक रणगाड्यांची स्थाने लक्षात येण्याची सोय असल्याने अंधारातसुद्धा शत्रुपक्षाकडील रणगाडे नेमके कुठे आहेत हे समजते. म्हणून नेमक्या मार्गाने नाग क्षेपणास्त्र सोडले जाते. आपण क्षेपणास्त्र सोडल्याबरोबर इंजीन पूर्णपणे बंद होत असल्याने आपले मारा करणारे स्थान शत्रूला कळत नाही. जमिनीवरून युद्ध करणार्‍या लष्कराला देण्यात येणार्‍या नाग क्षेपणास्त्राचा पल्ला साधारण ४ ते ७ किलोमीटरचा असतो. साधारणपणे प्रतिसेकंदाला २३० मीटर वेगाने हे क्षेपणास्त्र लक्ष्याकडे झेप घेतल्याने ते डागल्यानंतर २०-२५ सेकंदात लक्ष्यावर जाऊन धडकते. हवेत उडत असलेल्या हेलिकॉप्टरमधून जमिनीवरील शत्रूच्या रणगाड्यांवर मारा करण्यासाठी वेगळ्या प्रकारची नाग क्षेपणास्त्रं विकसित करण्यात आली आहेत. ‘हेलेना’ HELINA या नावाने ती संबोधिली जातात. त्यांचा पल्ला ७ किलोमीटरचा असतो. वरील सर्व वर्णनांवरून भारताची संरक्षणसिद्धता बरीच वाढली असल्याची खात्री पडते. आपले राष्ट्र शांतताप्रिय असल्याने इतर राष्ट्रांवर हल्ला करण्याचा आपला मुळीच हेतू नाही. परंतु, आपण एक ‘बलशाली राष्ट्र’ आहे, असे इतरांना पटणे अत्यंत आवश्यक असल्याने, आपण विज्ञान आणि तंत्रज्ञानाची मदत घेऊन अत्याधुनिक अस्त्र निर्माण करण्यावर बराच भर देत आहोत, हे पाहून प्रत्येक भारतीयाला आनंद होणार, हे निश्‍चित! ९९२२४०२४६५