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Sunday 8 September 2024

World forgets Uyghur DUE TO Chinese propaganda machine


China's Influence and Global Response to the Uyghur Crisis

While China has largely succeeded in shaping international opinion in favor of its narrative on Xinjiang, the global community has failed to hold Beijing accountable for its actions against the Uyghur population. The Chinese government has employed extensive efforts to suppress international media, stifle social media platforms, and silence academics and activists who oppose its treatment of the Uyghurs and advocate for human rights and freedom.

The OHCHR Report and Its Findings

A significant report titled “The Assessment of Human Rights Concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China”, published by the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR), marked its second anniversary on August 31, 2024. This report was the result of nearly five years of rigorous investigations and fact-finding, which included reviewing testimonies from former Uyghur detainees who endured years of abuse in detention camps. The 48-page document highlighted “serious human rights violations” committed under the guise of China's "counter-terrorism and counter-extremism" policies, calling out the Chinese government for its actions and presenting a list of recommendations for reform.

The Detention Camps and Global Reactions

Reports of widespread detention camps in Xinjiang surfaced in 2016, revealing China's incarceration of over a million Uyghurs in what it euphemistically calls “re-education camps.” Despite mounting evidence from governments, human rights organizations, and Uyghur diaspora groups, China has categorically denied any wrongdoing. One report from Human Rights Watch described China's actions as “crimes against humanity,” while the United States enacted the “Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act” in 2020, which imposed sanctions on those responsible for human rights abuses in Xinjiang.

China’s Propaganda and Denial

In response to these accusations, China has launched a sophisticated propaganda campaign aimed at countering international criticism. Beijing continues to reject reports from global bodies like OHCHR and instead presents its own narrative, claiming stability and prosperity in Xinjiang. The Chinese government has issued White Papers and mobilized diplomatic channels to counteract concerns about its treatment of the Uyghurs. As part of this strategy, China has facilitated state-sponsored tours for foreign dignitaries, journalists, and YouTubers, ensuring that they portray Xinjiang in a positive light.

Diplomatic Maneuvers and Silence from Islamic Nations

China has effectively leveraged its economic and diplomatic power to silence critics, particularly within the Islamic world. Through high-level visits and lavish hospitality, Beijing has persuaded political leaders and media figures from Arab and Islamic nations to endorse its policies in Xinjiang. In return for this favorable treatment, these dignitaries often issue statements praising China's handling of the Uyghur issue. Notably, in 2023, a group of 30 Islamic scholars from Asia, Europe, and Africa visited Xinjiang and commended China's policies towards Muslims, including Uyghurs.

The Current State of Uyghurs in Xinjiang

Despite global attention, the plight of the Uyghurs remains largely hidden due to China's tight control over information in Xinjiang. Reports from inside the region are scarce, and the Chinese government continues to block international media and prevent the dissemination of independent news. The surveillance state in Xinjiang ensures that dissent is quashed, and only information that aligns with the government's narrative is allowed to surface.

The Global Community’s Failure and the Need for Action

Given the efforts made by international organizations and governments to pressure China, it is evident that Beijing has successfully influenced global opinion, securing widespread silence or indifference to the plight of the Uyghurs. Despite the OHCHR's findings and sanctions imposed by Western nations, China has remained defiant and continues its policies unchecked. The United States Department of State has voiced disappointment over China's refusal to comply with international demands, but no substantial change has occurred.

It is now crucial for the global community to recognize the gravity of the situation and take stronger, unified action to hold China accountable. Conscientious nations must work together to compel the Chinese government to halt its human rights abuses and provide fundamental freedoms to its minority populations, particularly the Uyghurs

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