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Monday 16 September 2024

The Global Response to Chinese Industrial Overcapacity

The Problem of Chinese Overcapacity

In recent times, a growing number of countries have begun to recognize Chinese industrial overcapacity as a systemic issue. This problem is not merely the result of isolated incidents where companies undercut prices to capture market share. Rather, it stems from the structure of China's economy itself. China's overproduction has led to global market distortions, and many nations, including the United States, are feeling the effects.

China's Export Strategy: A Familiar Tactic

China has historically used exports as a way to address its domestic economic challenges. The current wave of overcapacity reflects China's strategy of attempting to export its economic troubles abroad, a tactic it has used multiple times in the past. Faced with mounting domestic problems, China's leadership prefers to export excess production rather than make politically difficult decisions at home. This tactic is once again being employed as China seeks to avoid undermining the control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) through the necessary economic reforms.

Limited Solutions for China

The ideal solution for China would be to increase its reliance on market economics and boost domestic consumption. However, these measures are politically challenging and would likely destabilize the CCP's grip on power. As a result, China finds it easier to offload its economic problems onto the global market, leaving other countries to bear the consequences. This leaves nations impacted by Chinese overcapacity with little choice but to respond.

Global Pushback: A Growing Coalition

The United States has long been at the forefront of efforts to counter Chinese overcapacity, but it has often stood alone. Many countries have either benefited from cheap Chinese imports or hesitated to confront China due to fears of economic retaliation. However, more nations are now beginning to grasp the threat posed by China's overcapacity, and a shift in global attitudes is underway.

Toward a Coordinated Global Strategy

The challenge now lies in transforming this newfound awareness into a cohesive, global response. While individual nations are taking action, these efforts remain largely uncoordinated. A unified, global strategy is essential to effectively counter China's overcapacity and protect domestic industries. The task of leading this coordinated effort will likely fall to the next U.S. administration, but it remains to be seen whether the current candidates have the capability to meet this challenge.


China's overcapacity is a growing problem with serious global repercussions. As more countries begin to push back, the need for a coordinated international strategy becomes ever more urgent. Whether the global community can successfully organize and implement such a strategy remains an open question, but the consequences of inaction are clear

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