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Sunday 8 September 2024

Strengthening India-ASEAN Relations: PM Modi's Visits to Brunei and Singapore


Renewed Focus on ASEAN Engagement
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visits to Brunei and Singapore underscore India’s increased focus on strengthening ties with ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries. These visits follow earlier engagements with the Prime Ministers of Vietnam and Malaysia, marking a significant uptick in India’s diplomatic outreach under the "Act East Policy," now in its 10th year.

Continuing Diplomatic Momentum Despite Challenges
PM Modi’s tour of Brunei and Singapore was originally planned to include Thailand, but a change in government there, which also delayed the BIMSTEC Summit, led to a revision in the itinerary. However, Modi pressed ahead with the visits to ensure that India’s engagement with ASEAN in his third term as prime minister remains strong and uninterrupted.

Historic Visit to Brunei: Enhancing Bilateral Ties
Modi’s visit to Brunei was the first bilateral visit by an Indian Prime Minister since the country gained independence in 1984. The timing was significant, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two nations. The trip culminated in elevating the India-Brunei relationship to an “Enhanced Partnership,” which promises deeper collaboration in areas like trade, gas, space, and capacity building. Notably, Brunei is home to a satellite tracking station for India’s space program.

Landmark Visit to Singapore: Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
PM Modi’s visit to Singapore is viewed as a key diplomatic milestone. As the two countries approach the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties, the relationship has been upgraded to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Modi’s earlier visit to Singapore in 2018 left a lasting impression, particularly due to his influential speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue, where he articulated India’s Indo-Pacific policy. This recent visit saw Modi engaging with Singapore's new Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, as well as two former Prime Ministers who had fostered strong ties with India.

Strengthening Cultural and Economic Links with Singapore
During discussions, both leaders highlighted the need to further bolster the robust human, spiritual, and cultural connections between India and Singapore. Modi commended Singapore for fostering a harmonious multicultural society, which has embraced the Indian community. Additionally, India and Singapore explored modern and traditional facets of cooperation, such as advancements in semiconductor technologies and the establishment of the Thiruvalluvar Centre.

Strategic Economic and Technological Cooperation
Singapore plays a pivotal role as India’s largest economic partner in ASEAN, handling 90% of investment exchanges between India and ASEAN nations. The unique ‘4X4’ India-Singapore Ministerial Roundtable (ISMR) helped lay the groundwork for these talks, with ministers from both countries engaging in in-depth discussions. The Roundtable set six pillars for bilateral cooperation, with two new areas—advanced manufacturing (particularly semiconductors) and connectivity—added to the agenda this year.

India’s Semiconductor Aspirations and Singapore’s Role
Semiconductor manufacturing emerged as a major focus of the visit, with Singapore boasting a strong base in this sector. As India seeks to ramp up its chip-making capabilities, Singapore’s support is seen as essential. Singapore accounts for 10% of global chip production and 20% of semiconductor-related activities, and its expertise in "specialty chips" used in cars and phones will be critical to India’s ambitions.

Shifting Perceptions of India in Singapore
In the past, Singaporean analysts were skeptical of India’s unrealized potential, especially when compared to China. However, post-pandemic, this perception is changing as India is seen as a rising economic power. The country’s rapid growth and significant reforms have led Singapore’s business and government leaders to recognize India’s promise. While India’s development is ongoing, Singapore appears increasingly committed to becoming an active participant in this growth story.

Strategic Balance: India, Singapore, and China
India has made it clear that it is not asking Singapore to choose between India and China. Instead, it seeks to offer Singapore opportunities for collaboration, particularly in supply chains, where the "China plus one" strategy has gained traction. Singapore, meanwhile, maintains a delicate balance in its relations with both nations. Notably, in their joint statement, Singapore acknowledged the importance of the Quad and supported ASEAN centrality in the Indo-Pacific agenda, while still avoiding antagonizing China.

A Strengthened Partnership with Modern Outlook
India and Singapore are poised to deepen their relationship, moving beyond traditional ASEAN principles. With a clear focus on economic, technological, and strategic cooperation, both nations are now working towards a partnership that reflects a modern outlook and aligns with India's broader development narrative. This renewed collaboration is set to drive forward India’s Act East Policy, bolstering its ties within the ASEAN region

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