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Thursday 12 September 2024

India's Export Challenges-Economic Growth Amidst Global Pressures

 The World Bank has revised its growth forecast for India's economy upwards, reflecting its resilience in the face of global challenges. However, the report highlights a concerning trend: India's declining share in global exports compared to competitors like Vietnam and Bangladesh.

Losing Ground in Key Sectors

India's exports of apparel, leather, textiles, and footwear have decreased significantly over the past decade. This decline is particularly evident when compared to the growth of Bangladesh and Vietnam in these sectors. Furthermore, India's trade deficit with China continues to widen, indicating a strong preference for Chinese goods in the Indian market.

Opportunities and Challenges

Despite these challenges, India has an opportunity to regain lost ground due to political and economic instability in Bangladesh. To achieve this, India must focus on reducing production costs, improving productivity, and maintaining quality standards. While India has been hesitant to join large trade blocs, bilateral Free Trade Agreements with Western and Gulf nations can be a strategic approach to countering the competition from Vietnam and China.


India's economic growth is commendable, but its export performance requires urgent attention. By addressing the challenges of high production costs, improving productivity, and strategically engaging with global markets, India can enhance its competitiveness and achieve its ambitious export goals

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