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Wednesday 4 September 2024



Has the space for conventional wars between nations drastically reduced in the current global scenario of economic and trade interdependence? What in your opinion are the reasons for the same?

The space for conventional wars between nations has reduced to some extent due to increased economic and trade interdependence. The reasons for this include the recognition that war can have negative economic consequences, the development of international institutions and norms that discourage aggression, and the increased interconnectedness of the global economy, which creates incentives for peaceful cooperation. However, it is important to note that this does not eliminate the possibility of conflict, as there are still political and ideological differences between nations that can lead to tensions and even violence.

Do you agree that Economic Warfare Instruments such as embargos, boycotts, tariff bigotry etc have emerged as predominant and effective means for promoting and defending National interests today due to globalization and interlinking of economies?

While economic warfare instruments such as embargos, boycotts, and tariffs can be effective in promoting and defending national interests, their impact and effectiveness can vary depending on the specific circumstances and goals of the countries using them. In some cases, these instruments can lead to unintended consequences, such as harming domestic industries or disrupting international supply chains. Additionally, the use of economic warfare instruments can also have negative consequences for the global economy as a whole, which can undermine the long-term interests of individual nations.


That being said, economic interdependence and globalization have created new opportunities for countries to use economic warfare instruments to achieve their goals. In some cases, these instruments may be more effective than military force or other traditional forms of diplomacy. However, it is important for countries to carefully consider the costs and benefits of using these instruments, as well as the potential impact on their relationships with other nations and the global economy.

The spectrum of Economic Warfare is vast ranging from the traditional tools such as Embargoes, blockades, subsidies/ dumping at one end to the more contemporary tools including tariff bigotry, debt trap and currency wars. Which if these are likely to be more effective in the current global scenario and reasons for the same?

It is difficult to say which economic warfare tools are more effective in the current global scenario, as their impact and effectiveness can depend on a wide range of factors, such as the specific goals of the countries using them, the nature of the relationship between those countries, and the global economic and political context.

That being said, some economic warfare tools may be more commonly used than others due to their perceived effectiveness in achieving certain goals. For example, tariffs and other trade barriers can be effective in protecting domestic industries and reducing competition, while currency manipulation can be used to gain a competitive advantage in international trade.

However, it is important to note that the use of economic warfare tools can have negative consequences, both for the countries using them and for the global economy as a whole. For example, the use of subsidies and other trade barriers can distort markets and harm consumers, while currency manipulation can create uncertainty and instability in global financial markets.

Overall, the effectiveness of economic warfare tools will depend on a variety of factors, and countries should carefully consider the potential costs and benefits of using these tools in pursuit of their national interests.

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