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Friday, 31 January 2014

काश्मीरची काश्मिरीयत कडून वहाबी धर्मवेडाकडे वाटचाल

काश्मीरची काश्मिरीयत कडून वहाबी धर्मवेडाकडे वाटचाल २६ जानेवारीला काश्मीर खोर्यामधे कोणाचीही तिरंगा झेंडा फ़डकवयाची हिंमत झाली नाही.६५ वर्षानंतर पण तिथे देशप्रेम/राष्ट्रवाद का रुजला नाही ?.२०१३ मध्ये भारतात आयएआ्यच्या आंतकवादी कारवायामुळे ३०० सामान्य नागरिक , १९३ सैनीक, आणी ३९१ आंतकवादी मारले गेले. काश्मीरमध्ये आयएआ्यच्या आंतकवादी कारवायामुळे २० सामान्य नागरिक ,६१ सैनीक, आणी १०० आंतकवादी २०१३ मध्ये मारले गेले पाकिस्तान हा देश पारंपरिक शत्रूता जपणारा देश आहे. भारत मैत्री वृद्धिंगत कशी होईल, यासाठी प्रयत्नशील आहे, तर पाकिस्तान मात्र शत्रूता वाढवून भारतावर कुरघोडी करण्याचाच नेहमी प्रयत्न करत आहे. मेहबूबा मुफ्ती फुटीरतावादी नेत्यांच्या विरोधात 'ब्र'देखील काढत नाहीत अलीकडेच मेहबूबा मुफ्तींची एक मुलाखत प्रसिद्ध झाली आहे. त्यात त्यांनी म्हटले आहे की, मोदी हे समाजात दुही माजवणारे आहेत असे सर्वसाधारण जम्मू-काश्मीरमधील मत असले, तरी काहीजणांना वाटते की, काश्मीरच्या प्रश्नावर मोदी कठोर, कदाचित सक्रिय निर्णयही घेऊ शकतील. त्यासाठी मेहबूबा मुफ्ती यांनी अटलबिहारी वाजपेयी पंतप्रधान असताना त्यांनी काश्मीरच्या बाबतीत उचललेल्या काही पावलांचा उल्लेख केला आहे. या मेहबूबा मुफ्ती आज काश्मीरमध्ये काय भूमिका वठवत आहेत हे पाहणे सयुक्तिक ठरावे. गिलानी, यासिन मलिक या फुटीरतावादी नेत्यांच्या विरोधात त्या 'ब्र'देखील काढत नाहीत. उलट केंद्र सरकार काश्मीरबाबत पुरेसे संवेदनशील नसून, भारतीय लष्करामुळे तेथील जनतेच्या मानवी हक्कांची पायमल्ली होत आहे, असा आरोप त्या सतत करत असतात. काश्मीर राजकारणात अतिरेक्यांचा वाढता प्रभाव काश्मीरमधील सामाजिक परिस्थितीत मूलतत्त्ववादाचा वाढता प्रसार, राजकारणात वाढता प्रभाव (INFILTRATION SEPARATISTS IN GOVT ) , फुटीरतावादी मंच व शासकीय व्यवस्था ह्यांच्यातील सीमारेषेचे धूसर होत जाणे, प्रदेशातील अनधिकृत अर्थव्यवस्थेचे विस्तारते जाळे(खोट्या नोटा), सूप्त अतिरेकी-केंद्रांचे (स्लिपर सेल्सचे) वाढ, प्रदेशातील फुटीरतावादी व उर्वरित भारतातील फुटीरतावाद्यांत, विशेषतः माओवाद्यांत, घट्ट होत जाणारे संबंध, मानवी हक्कांच्या नावाखाली लष्कराविरोधात होणारा वाढता अपप्रचार आणि अतिरेकी सत्तांचे विस्तारते सामर्थ्य, ह्या घटकांचा विचार, ह्या प्रदेशातील प्रत्यक्षातील परिस्थितीबाबतचा निर्णय करतांना व्हावयास हवा. आपल्या बाजूचे काश्मिरी सुदैवी आहेत. त्यांना रस्ते, वीज, शिक्षण, रूळमार्ग, प्रचंड केंद्रीय अनुदाने आणि देशातील इतर राज्यांच्या तुलनेत सर्वोच्च दरडोई मिळकत लाभत असते. जम्मू-आणि-काश्मीरला सर्वात जास्त केंद्रीय मदत मिळत असते, जी बिहार व उत्तरप्रदेशासारख्या गरीब राज्यांनाही मिळत नाही. भारताच्या इतर राज्यातील जरुरी वस्तुंच्या पुरवठ्यावरच,त्यांच्या दैननदिन गरजा भागतात.काश्मीरमध्ये सफ़रचंदा शिवाय फ़ारसे काहीच ऊगवत नाही. सफ़रचंदाची बाजारपेठ अर्थातच भारताची मोठी शहरे आहेत.देशातुन येणारे पर्यटक ह्याच काश्मिरी लोकांच्या उपजीविकेचा मुख्य स्त्रोत आहे. पण,खोर्यातील काश्मिरी आणखी मदतीची मागणी करत आहेत. धर्मनिरपेक्ष भारताने, करदात्यांचा पैसा आणि सहभाग वापरून, मूलतत्त्ववादी इस्लामी राष्ट्राची निर्मिती करावी काय? काश्मिरीयत ते वहाबी धर्मवेड रस्त्यांवर निदर्शने करणारे, संचारबंदी मोडणारे आणि पोलीस व इतर सुरक्षा दलांवर हल्ले करणारे हे लोक कोण आहेत? खोर्यातही केवळ चार जिल्हेच निदर्शनांत सामील होतात. श्रीनगर, सोपोर, बारामुल्ला आणि अनंतनाग. हे बव्हंशी काश्मिरीयतीस परके असणार्या, वहाबी धर्मवेडावर पोसले जाणारे, सुन्नी मुसलमान आहेत.त्यांची बुद्धी ईतकी भ्रमित केली आहे, की ते कुठल्याही परिस्थितीत शांत राहू शकत नाहीत. जम्मू-आणि-काश्मीरमधील मुसलमानांतील शिया लोकही निदर्शनांचा भाग नसतात. आय.एस.आय.ने अतिरेक्यांना हिंसाचार वाढविण्यास निक्षून सांगितले आहे, ज्यामुळे काश्मीरकडे जगाचे लक्ष वेधले जाईल. आय.एस.आय.ला असे वाटते की, आंतरराष्ट्रीय समुदायाचा एक मोठा हिस्सा, अजूनही काश्मीर मुद्द्याचा सहानुभूतीने विचार करतो. विध्वंसक आणि अतिरेकी कारवायांना सौदी अरेबिया अर्थपुरवठा करते सौदी अरेबियाचा वापर, विध्वंसक आणि सिमी-इंडियन मुजाहिदीन संकूल कर्नाटक, आंध्र प्रदेश, तामिळनाडू आणि महाराष्ट्रातील अतिरेकी कारवायांना, अर्थपुरवठा करण्यासाठी करून घेतला जात आहे, ह्याबाबतचा भरपूर पुरावा यापूर्वीच गोळा झालेला आहे. ज्यांना सौदी अर्थपुरवठ्याचा लाभ मिळत असतो ते, "वहाबी-वेलफेअर-ऑर्गनायझेशन, ’अल-हदिथ’ ", हे धार्मिक आणि सांस्कृतिक स्वरूपाचे(वाचा वहाबी धर्मवेडाचा प्रचार ) शक्तीशाली बल व सस्थां म्हणून काश्मीरमध्ये उदयास येत आहे. ह्या संघटनेने मदरसा, मशीदी, प्राथमिक आणि माध्यमिक शाळा, दवाखाने ह्यांचे बांधकाम हाती घेतले आहे. ती संघटना एका विद्यापीठाच्या स्थापनेची अनुमतीही मागत आहे. तिचे मनमिळाऊ नेते(??), अतिरेकी असल्याचे नाकारतात. आपल्या शिक्षण आणि संगणक प्रेमाचा ते दाखला देतात. ते म्हणतात की, नियोजित विद्यापीठात स्त्रिया आणि मुस्लिमेतर लोकांचीही(अजुन एकाची पण झाली नाही) नोंदणी केली जाईल. १५ लाख सदस्य(काश्मीर लोक संखेच्या १०%) असल्याचा दावा करणारा हा गट, दीर्घ काळापासून त्या भूभागातील मुस्लिमांच्या धार्मिक सहिष्णुतेकरता ज्ञात असलेल्या प्रदेशात, अतीरेकी विचार सरणीचा प्रसार करत आहे. पूर्वीच्या मानाने, जास्त स्त्रिया बुरखा घालत आहेत किंवा घरीच राहत आहेत. अरबी-शैलीच्या आणखीही मशीदी उभ्या राहत आहेत.मदरसा, मशीदीचे प्रमाण प्रचंड वाढले आहे. अल-हदिथ सौदी अरेबियाचे प्रतिनिधित्व करत असून, काश्मीरातील सर्व-मुस्लिमीकरणाच्या प्रसाराचे शक्तीशाली उदाहरण असल्याने, काश्मीरातील मुस्लिमेतर अल्पसंख्यांक घाबरून असतात. वहाबींचे अतिरेक्यांसकट इतरत्र राहणार्या वहाबींशी संबंध असू शकतात. भारताने मोकाट सोडलेल्या ह्या प्रदेशात,अल-हदिथ एक शक्तीशाली नवीन बल उदयास येत आहे . मात्र दिल्ली सरकारला चिंता नाही. बंदुकविहीन अतिरेक हाताळण्याबाबत भारत सरकार अगदीच अनभिज्ञ असल्याचे दिसते आहे. सरकार मूलतत्त्ववादास अर्थपुरवठा करते आहे काय? काश्मिरीयतीची जागा वहाबी धर्मवेड घेत आहे काय? सौदी अरेबिया अतिरेकी कारवायांना अर्थपुरवठा करत आहे काय? सरकार मूलतत्त्वीकरणास (RADICALIZATION)अर्थसाहाय्य करत आहे काय? विध्वंसक आणि अतिरेकी कारवायांना सौदी अरेबिया अर्थपुरवठा करते.आपण ह्या संघटनेस पूर्णविराम देऊ शकतो काय? आपण मूलतत्त्व-प्रसार करणारा सर्व सौदी अर्थ-पुरवठा थांबवत का नाही?. दहशतवादाचे बदलते स्वरुप “जम्मू-आणि-काश्मीर मधील एलओसी वरील घुसखोरी विरोधी अभियान(ANTI INFILTRATION OPERATIONS ), दहशतवादी विरोधी अभियान(ANTI TERRORISTS OPERATIONS),हिंसाचाराचा सामना आणि सामान्य जीवन पुनर्स्थापित करणे आपण(भारतीय सैन्याने) चांगल्या प्रकारे साधले आहे.मात्र खोट्या अफ़वा(DELIBRATE RUMOURS),खोटे आरोप(FALSE HUMAN RIGHTS ACCUSATIONS),दुशप्रचार,(DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN),दगड्फ़ेक (STONE TERRORISM),निदर्शने करणारे (AGITATIONAL TERRORISM)वगैरेशी लढण्यात आपण कमी पडतो आहोत. ह्या त्रुटीवर मात करणे आवश्यक आहे. ह्या लढाईचा अर्ध्याहून अधिक भाग केवळ काश्मीरी लोकांची, उर्वरित भारतीयांची आणि इतर देशांतील नागरिकांची हृदये आणि मने जिंकण्याचाच आहे.प्रचंड भ्रष्टाचार, ढिसाळ प्रशासन हेही काश्मीरातील युद्धास मदतच करत आहेत. वहाबी आक्रमण थांबवुन काश्मीर खोर्यास बाकी काश्मीर व भारताशी जोडणे महत्वाचे आहे.

Indian National security : Part 10. By Brigadier Mahajan (Retired)

Thursday, 30 January 2014

APPEASEMENT MINORITIES IN MANIPUR Congress nominates Haji Adbul Salam for RS seat from Manipur

Congress nominates Haji Adbul Salam for RS seat from Manipur This is the first time in Manipur that a Muslim will become a Rajya Sabha MP. The Congress has 42 MLAs in the 60-member House. Congress president Sonia Gandhi and vice-president Rahul Gandhi, in consultation with the PCC functionaries in Manipur, have announced the name of Haji Adbul Salam, a former Minister, as the party candidate in the February 7 election for the lone Rajya Sabha seat from Manipur. This is the first time in Manipur that a Muslim will become a Rajya Sabha MP. The incumbent, Rishang Keishing, who, at 96, is the oldest MP in the country, has withdrawn from the race due to age factor. He was nominated to the Rajya Sabha in the last election, although he did not apply. Talking to The Hindu he had said that physically and mentally he is quite all right. If he is given another chance now, he would go to the Rajya Sabha again despite his old age. The Congress is banking on the minority votes in Manipur in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections. There are two Lok Sabha seats in Manipur. All these months, the Muslims in Manipur have been saying that because of their small population, no Muslim has been made MP in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. A number of Muslim organisations have said that if a Muslim is not nominated by the Congress to the Rajya Sabha from the State which has 42 party MLAs in the 60-member House, they will boycott the Lok Sabha elections. There are always between five and six Muslim MLAs in the State Assembly. The party functionaries feel that now that a Muslim is nominated to the Rajya sabha, the community will vote for the Congress candidates in the Lok Sabha elections. Mr. Salam had been an MLA of the Manipur People's Party. Later, he became a Minister. He then joined the Congress. He had unsuccessfully contested from Hiyanglanglam constituency on the Congress ticket in the 2006 Assembly elections. Sources said that there is resentment among some senior members of the Congress since many of them have been seeking the party ticket

Indian National Security part 11 by Brigadier Mahajan (Retired) (+playlist)

Wednesday, 29 January 2014


बनावट नोटांचा सुळसुळाट पाकिस्तान /चीन कडुन एक नवीन प्रकरचा दहशतवाद भारतीय रिझर्व्ह बँकेने इसवीसन २००५च्या आधी जारी केलेल्या सर्व चलनी नोटा येत्या काही काळात रद्द करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे. काळा पैसा खणून काढणे आणि बनावट चलनी नोटांना आळा घालणे, हे या निर्णयामागचे दोन मुख्य हेतू आहेत. २००५ हे वर्ष यासाठी की, तेव्हापासून प्रत्येक नोटेच्या मागच्या बाजूला मधोमध ती नोट जारी झाल्याचे वर्ष छापण्यात आले आहे. याचवेळी, इतर अनेक वैशिष्ट्ये नोटेत समाविष्ट करण्यात आली होती. तेव्हा नोटांवर असे वर्ष छापले नसेल तर त्या नोटा रद्दबातल होतील. सध्या १२ लाख कोटी रुपयांचे बनावट चलन भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्थेत घुसले असल्याचा एक अंदाज आहे. रिझर्व्ह बॅंकेच्या आकडेवारीनुसार, बॅंकेच्या वेगवेगळ्या शाखांमधून चार लाख बनावट नोटा उघडकीस आल्या. 2000-2001 मध्ये दहा लाखांत तीन बनावट नोटा, असे प्रमाण होते, ते दहा लाखांत आठ इतके वाढले आहे. रकमेच्या ५-१० टक्के इतक्या किमतीच्या बनावट नोटा सध्या वापरात आहेत, असे मानले, तरी हा आकडा खूप मोठा होतो. भारताची अर्थव्यवस्था उद्ध्वस्त करायला तेवढ्या नोटा पुरेशा आहेत. बनावट नोटांचा सुळसुळाट हा एक प्रकरचा दहशतवाद आहे. पाकिस्तान भारताच्या विरोधात करीत असलेल्या करवायांमध्ये या गोष्टीचाही समावेश आहे. पाकिस्तानकडे तंत्रज्ञानकुशलता असल्याचे आढळून आले असून, त्यामुळे खऱ्या आणि बनावट नोटा यांच्यातील फरक ओळखता येणे अवघड बनले आहे.पाकिस्तानात नोटांचे अधिकृत सरकारी छापखाने भारतीय नोटा तंतोतंत छापण्याची काळजी डोळ्यांत तेल घालून घेत असल्याने 'अवघा रंग एक झाला' आहे. अशावेळी, बनावट नोटा छापणाऱ्यांनी २००५ नंतरच्या सुधारित नोटांची नक्कल अजून केली नसेल, असे समजणे, ही आत्मवंचना आहे. देशातील सर्व सुरक्षायंत्रणा जप्त करीत असलेले बनावट चलन दोन टक्केही नसते. तेव्हा जवळपास नऊ वर्षांपूर्वीच्या नोटा रद्द झाल्याने बनावट चलनाच्या तस्करीला कितपत धक्का बसेल, हा प्रश्न आहे. आयएसआयचे षड्यंत्र क्वेट्टा (बलुचिस्तान) येथे पाकिस्तानचा प्रेस आहे. तेथे भारतीय चलनाच्या बनावट नोटा छापल्या जातात. कराची, लाहोर व पेशावर येथील प्रेसमध्येही बनावट नोटा छापल्या जातात व "पकिस्तान इंटरनॅशनल एअरलाइन्स'मार्फत बनावट भारतीय नोटा नेपाळ, श्रीलंका आणि बांगलादेश येथे धाडण्यात येतात. नेपाळमध्ये अशा नोटांची वाहतूक करणारी व्यक्ती सापडली. तिच्या चौकशीतून आयएसआयच्या या षड्यंत्राची माहिती बाहेर आली. बनावट नोटा भारतात चोरट्या मार्गाने आणण्यासाठी नेपाळच्या भूमीचा वापर करण्यात येतो. ढाक्यात पाकिस्ताचा एक राजनैतिक अधिकारीच बनावट नोटा वितरित करताना सापडला. त्याला अटक करण्यात आली. त्याने आपले बांगलादेशातील "हुजी' या दहशतवादी संघटनेशी संबंध असल्याची कबुली तेव्हा दिली. मैत्री व सद्भाव यासाठी सुरू करण्यात आलेल्या थर एक्स्प्रेसमधूनच बनावट नोटा भारतात आणल्या जात होत्या. गेल्या वर्षी बनावट नोटा भारतात घुसविणारे अनेक जा्ळी उघडकीस आली. काही महिलांना व मुलांना हे काम सोपविले जाते व जितक्या रकमेच्या बनावट नोटा ते भारतात आणतील त्याच्या दोन टक्के रक्क्म त्यांना बक्षीस म्हणून द्यायची, असे हे कारस्थान चालू अस्ते .भारताच्या अर्थव्यवस्था उद्ध्वस्त करायची, हा आयएसआयचा डाव आहे. त्यासाठीही बनावट नोटांच्या शस्त्राचा उपयोग करण्यात आला; अशा प्रकारच्या कारवायांत दाऊद टोळीही गुंतली आहे. या नोटांची छपाई, कागदाचा दर्जा व त्यावरील गव्हर्नरची स्वाक्षरी हे सर्व इतके तंतोतंत असते, की खोटी व खरी नोट यातील फरक कळणे अवघड होते. 2010-11 या आर्थिक वर्षामध्ये 435,607 बनावट चलनी नोटा विविध पोलिस कारवाईत जप्त करण्यात आल्या, असे रिझर्व्ह बँकेने जाहीर केले होते. तरीही 500 व 1000 च्या बनावट नोटा बँका, एटीएम यांच्यामधून तसेच रोजच्या व्यवहारांतून मिळण्याचे प्रमाण कमी झालेले नाही. पाकिस्तान, नेपाळ, बांगलादेश, अफगाणिस्तान, हॉलंड, बँकॉक येथे बनावट भारतीय नोटा छापण्याचे अनेक रॅकेट्स सक्रिय आहेत. या षड्यंत्रामागे पाकिस्तानची आयएसआय ही गुप्तहेर संघटना मुख्य सूत्रधार आहे. बॅंकेची क्रेडिट कार्ड व ई-मनीचा जास्तीत जास्त वापर नोटांचे वर्गीकरण करणारी यंत्रे; तसेच एटीएम येथे बनावट नोटा उघडकीस आणणारी यंत्रणा बसवावी, अशी सूचना रिझर्व्ह बॅंकेने नेमलेल्या एका समितीने केली आहे. ही सूचना चांगली आहे. बॅंकेची क्रेडिट कार्ड व ई-मनीचा जास्तीत जास्त वापर करावा, अशीही एक शिफारस करण्यात आली आहे; परंतु भारतातील वैविध्य आणि आर्थिक, सामाजिक व शैक्षणिक वास्तव लक्षात घेतले, तर अशा प्रकारचा बदल सावकाशच घडून येईल, हे स्पष्ट होते. देशातील आर्थिक निरक्षरतेचे प्रमाणही मोठे आहे. त्यामुळे ही सूचना लगेच व्यवहारात येणे अवघड आहे. चलनातील नोटा प्रसिद्ध करताना त्यात सुरक्षिततेची जास्तीत जास्त खबरदारी घेतली जावी. बनावट नोटा तयार करण्यास अवसरच मिळणार नाही, अशा रीतीने साच्यात योग्य ते बदल केले पाहिजेत. देशाची अर्थव्यवस्था दुर्बल करणे; तसेच दहशतवादी कृत्यासाठी पैसा उपलब्ध करणे ही बनावट नोटा तयार करणाऱ्या टोळीची मुख्य उद्दिष्टे आहेत. बऱ्याच वेळा एटीएम यंत्रातून काढलेल्या नोटाच बनावट असल्यचे ग्राहकांच्या लक्षात येते व ही बाब तो बॅंकेच्या निदर्शनास आणून देतो, तेव्हा बॅंक त्या जप्त करते. वास्तविक बॅंकेने पोलिस ठाण्यात यासंबधी प्राथमिक माहिती अहवाल (एपआयआर) दखल करणे अपेक्षित आहे. तसे झाले तरच याचा उगम कुठे आहे, याचा शोध घेण्याची प्रक्रिया सुरू होईल. रिझर्व्ह बँकेने २००५मध्ये चलनी नोटांच्या छपाईतंत्रात आमूलाग्र बदल केला. ते अत्याधुनिक तसेच अचूक केले. मात्र, अर्थव्यवस्थेला बसलेल्या काळ्या पैशाचा किंवा बनावट चलनाचा फास त्याने सुटेल, अशी वेडी आशा बाळगण्यात अर्थ नाही. मुळात त्यासाठी खंबीर राजकीय इच्छाशक्ती हवी. बनावट चलनाला आळा घालण्यासाठीही बँकांमधील अद्ययावत यंत्रसामग्रीशिवाय सीमेवरचा कडेकोट बंदोबस्त महत्त्वाचा असतो. 2005 पूर्वी छापलेल्या आणि चलनात असलेल्या नोटा कायदेशीर असल्या, तरी 1 एप्रिल 2014 पासून त्या बाजारात मात्र चालणार नाहीत. 1 एप्रिल 2014 ते 30 जून 2014 अखेर म्हणजेच तीन महिन्यांच्या कालावधीत 2005 पूर्वीच्या चलनी व्यवहारात असलेल्या सर्व नोटा जनतेने बॅंकातून बदलून घ्याव्यात, अशी रिझर्व्ह बॅंकेची अपेक्षा आहे. 1 जुलै आधी जनतेने 2005 पूर्वीच्या सर्व चलनी नोटा बाजारातून काढून घ्यायच्या आणि त्या बदलात नव्या नोटा द्यायच्या असा रिझर्व्ह बॅंकेचा निर्धार आहे. पाकिस्तानने पाचशे आणि हजार रुपयांच्या बनावट-खोट्या नोटा छापून त्या नेपाळ, बांगला देश मार्गे भारताच्या चलनात आणल्या. पण या बनावट नोटा नेमक्या किती रुपयांच्या चलनात असाव्यात, याचा अंदाज काही रिझर्व्ह बॅंकेलाही नाही. बनावट नोटांच्या सुळसुळाटामुळे निर्माण झालेल्या समस्यांवर उपाययोजना करायसाठीच रिझर्व्ह बॅंकेने अशा बनावट नोटांचे उच्चाटन करायसाठीच हे पाऊल उचलले आहे. या निर्णयाने बनावट नोटांना काही प्रमाणात आळा बसेल यात शंका नाही. मात्र, पूर्णपणे ही समस्या संपेल, असा खुळा आशावाद कोणीही मनात बाळगू नये. बनावट नोटा भारतीय चलनात आणण्याचे देशविरोधी शक्तींचे षड्यंत्र आहे. या संकटाचा मुकाबला करण्यासाठी अनेक व्यापक उपाययोजना आखल्या पाहिजेत.

Indian National security : Part 9. By Brigadier Mahajan (Retired) (+pla...


A Rare Photograph of 1963 Republic Day Parade at New Delhi. Majority of today's generation are not aware, in 1963, Jawaharlal Nehru - then PM of India had invited RSS at the Republic Day Parade, as a respect of gratitude on RSS Swayamsevak's for assisting Indian Armed Forces in fighting the Indo-China 1962 War. During the China War in 1962, the Swayamsevaks of the RSS swung into action mobilising support to the governmental measures in general and to the jawans in particular. Pandit Nehru was so impressed that he invited a Sangh contingent to take part in the Republic Day Parade of 26th January 1963. At a mere two days’ notice, over 3500 Swayamsevaks turned up at the parade in full Sangh uniform. Their massive march became the major highlight of the programme. When, later on, some Congressmen raised their eyebrows over the invitation to Sangh, Pandit Nehru brushed aside the objections saying that all patriotic citizens had been invited to join the parade. Jawaharlal Nehru said that “given the spirit of RSS Swayamsevaks, even the Lathi could successfully fight the bomb and valiantly fought the Chinese Armed Forces”. Hence he especially invited an RSS contingent to participate in the Republic Day Parade of 1963! Video of RSS at Republic Day Click to see Republic Day Parade & Swabhimaan Ghosh Shibir These days it is a fashion amongst the Congress and other pseudo-secular leaders, people to speak ill about the RSS and the Sangh Parivar. They accuse the RSS of preaching hatred, creating communal tension and dividing the society on the basis of caste. Before spewing venom against one of the most respected and World's Largest Voluntary organization, in India, these pseudo-secular leaders should have a deeper perspective of our history. They must know that the court of law had categorically stated in the Mahatma Gandhi murder case that it was the act of an individual and that no organization was associated with it. They must know how their own idols and icons had come to respect the RSS and had praised it. In 1934, when Gandhiji visited a 1500-strong Swayamsevaks camp at Wardha, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the Swayamsevaks were not even aware of the castes of one another, not to speak of any ideas of untouchability. The visit had left such a deep impression on Gandhiji’s mind that he referred to it full thirteen years later. In his address to the workers of Sangh in Bhangi Colony at Delhi on 16th September 1947, he said, “I visited the RSS camp years ago, when the founder Shri Hedgewar was alive. I was very much impressed by your discipline, the complete absence of untouchability and the rigorous simplicity. Since then the Sangh has grown. I am convinced that any organization which is inspired by the high ideal of service and self-sacrifice is bound to grow in strength.” (The Hindu: 17th September 1947) When Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar visited Sangh Shiksha Varga in Pune in 1939, he was surprised to find the Swayamsevaks moving about in absolute equality and brotherhood without even caring to know the caste of the others. When Dr. Ambedkar asked Dr. Hedgewar whether there were any untouchables in the camp, the latter replied that there were neither touchables nor untouchables, but only Hindus. After partition, when the Maharaja of Kashmir was harbouring the idea of retaining Kashmir as an independent kingdom, it was Guru Golwalkar of the RSS whom Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel had sent to convince the Maharaja to join India. Shri Guruji flew to Srinagar on 17th October 1947. After discussions with Shri Guruji, the Maharaja finally expressed his readiness to sign the Instrument of Accession to Bharat. Shri Guruji returned to New Delhi on 19th October, and reported to Sardar Patel about the Maharaja’s readiness to accede to Bharat. After partition, Delhi was in the throes of violence and intrigues by the Muslim Leaguers. When later on Dr. Bhagwan Das, the great savant and a recipient of the Bharat Ratna award, came to know the details of the role of RSS in those crucial days, he wrote on 16th October 1948: "I have been reliably informed that a number of youths of RSS were able to inform Sardar Patel and Nehruji in the very nick of time of the Leaguer`s intended coup on September 10, 1947, whereby they had planned to assassinate all members of Government and all Hindu officials and thousands of Hindu citizens on that day and plant the flag of Pakistan on the Red Fort and then seize all Hindusthan." He added: "Why have I said all this? Because if those high-spirited and self-sacrificing boys had not given the very timely information to Nehruji and Patelji, there would have been no Government of India today, the whole country would have changed its name into `Pakistan`, tens of millions of Hindus would have been slaughtered and all the rest converted to Islam or reduced to stark slavery. Well, what is the net result of all this long story? Simply this - that our Government should utilise, and not sterlise, the patriotic energies of the lakhs of RSS youths." During the China War in 1962, the Swayamsevaks of the RSS swung into action mobilising support to the governmental measures in general and to the jawans in particular. Pandit Nehru was so impressed that he invited a Sangh contingent to take part in the Republic Day Parade of 26th January 1963. At a mere two days’ notice, over 3000 Swayamsevaks turned up at the parade in full Sangh uniform. Their massive march became the major highlight of the programme. When, later on, some Congressmen raised their eyebrows over the invitation to Sangh, Pandit Nehru brushed aside the objections saying that all patriotic citizens had been invited to join the parade. WHAT DID THE CONGRESS LEADERS THEN SAID Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, then Vice Chancellor, Banaras Hindu University, happened to take a delegation of foreign dignitaries to an RSS shakha which continued to be conducted despite the heavy rain. The visitors were immensely pleased and Radhakrishnan was impressed to meet research scholars, lecturers, graduate and postgraduate students participating in the shakha. Above all, Gandhiji first visited an RSS camp on December 24, 1934 at Wardha along with Mira Behn and Mahadev Desai. On watching the parade organised in his honour, he said: “I am tremendously pleased. Nowhere in the country have I seen such a spectacle.” He was much impressed with the absence of caste differences including that of untouchability. He readily vacated his tent for Keshav Hedgewar and at the end of his visit, he declared that he saw no shortcomings in what he saw of the RSS. “From all points of view you are doing excellent work. If there is any shortcoming at all it is that this organisation does not admit people of other religions”. By the next day, Hedgewar had arrived in Wardha and he responded to Gandhiji’s invitation and answered all questions and clarified whatever issues about the organisation that were raised. When I visited the RSS camp, I was very much impressed by your discipline and the complete absence of untouchability. - Mahatma Gandhi at the RSS rally, Delhi 16.9.1947 In the Congress those who are in power feel that by virtue of authority they will be able to crush the R.S.S. RSS uses the "danda" you cannot suppress an organization. Moreover "danda" is used by RSS meant for protecting the nation. Using of "danda" is for "Dandam Dasha Gunam Bhavet". After all, R.S.S. Swayamsevaks are great patriots. They love their country. - Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in a public meeting, Lucknow 6.1.1948 I am surprised to find the Swayamsevaks moving about in absolute equality and brotherhood without even caring to know the caste of the others. - Babasaheb Ambedkar at Pune Camp, May 1939 On November 20, 1949, Zakir Hussain told a Milad Mahfil in Monghyr about RSS, "The allegations against RSS of violence and hatred against Muslims are wholly false. Muslims should learn the lesson of mutual love, co-operation and organization from RSS". - Dr. Zakir Hussain On November 3, 1977 at Patna, at the RSS training camp, Jaya Prakash Narayan said: “I have great expectation from this revolutionary organisation which has taken up the challenge of creating a new India. I have welcomed your venture whole-heartedly.” Yours is a revolutionary organization in the forefront of social transformation taking place today. You alone have the capacity to end casteism and wipe the tears from the eyes of the poor. - Jayaprakash Narayan at RSS public function, Patna 3.11.1977 The name of RSS is a household word for selfless service all over the country. - Koka Subba Rao, Rtd. Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India, 25.8.1968 RSS has played an honourable role in maintaining Hindu-Sikh unity before and after the murder of Indira Gandhi in Punjab, Delhi and other places. - Sardar Khushwant Singh in Sunday Column The attempt by Congress leaders to deflect attention from corruption by seeking to tar the image of the RSS does not come as a surprise. For long years, self-styled pseudo-secular politicians have criticized the RSS as a communal organisation. Few of the critics take the trouble to find out what precisely it stands for. Since the run-up to the 1967 general election, the RSS has been widely used as a whipping boy to convince the Muslims that the critic is a secularist. Attachment(s)


Ever wondered about the following:  Why is it that never a White Paper has been issued on ISI and LeT activities in India?  Why has the Home Minister shied away from answering the charge of the former Home Secretary – surely it cannot be brushed away by saying that he won’t respond because the former Home Secretary has joined another political party?  Why does the Home Minister refer to Hafiz Saeed as “Shri Saeed” in Parliament?  Why is GoI facilitating Hurriyat hardliners visit Hafiz Saeed and other terrorist leaders in Pakistan?  Why did MHA not ensure follow up of the Delhi Police findings of LeT making inroads into Muzaffarnagar?  Why has MHA not banned PFI despite Al Qaeda and LeT penetrating Maldives and R&AW and IB warning of terror strikes off the Sri Lankan coast?  Why did the External Affairs Minister go running to Jaipur to host lunch for Pakistani Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf (on a private visit) in Jaipur against protocol, ignoring advice of his own ministry and despite grave Pakistani provocations?  Why did the External affairs Minister refer to the 19 kms deep Chinese intrusion in Raki Nala area (acknowledged by MEA far beyond Chinese claim lines) as a “small acme on the face”?  Why has the longest serving Defence Minister of India brought the defence industrial complex to the level where even assault rifles, carbines and light machine guns have to be imported by the army and even central armed police forces?  Why is the Defence Minister banning firms at the drop of a hat without alternatives, widening the gap between the PLA and Indian military exponentially?  Why have the ammunition and equipment deficiencies in the army permitted to rise to the level of Rs 41,000 crores? Why did the Defence Minister issue flip flop statements for the barbaric killing of five India soldiers through a cross-border raid till forced to acknowledge it was Pakistani Army?  Why was the disclosure of loss of 645 sq kms territory in Ladakh over the years (reconnaissance report of Chairman NSAB) given the quiet burial by the Defence Minister stating not an inch of territory lost?  Under what pressure / blackmail was the Indian Track II Team directed to recommend withdrawal from Siachen?  Why grave incidents like beheading of our soldiers evoked no response from the Prime Minister or Defence Minister?  Why did the Defence Minister issue flip flop statements for the barbaric killing of five India soldiers through a cross-border raid till forced to acknowledge it was Pakistani Army?  Why hasn’t any action been taken post the NIA report that in last 10 years, Rs 600 crores has been pumped in for terror operations from the J&K state of India through donations and relief funds, the Jammu and Kashmir Affectees Relief Fund Trust topping the list having transferred Rs 95 crores?  Why despite grave provocations by China last year, India’s trade deficit with China has gone up to $30 billion?

LATA MANGESHKAR BEWARE-लतादीदींनी सावध राहावे

काँग्रेसचा सल्ला वृत्तसंस्था, नवी दिल्ली 'आपल्या आदर्श व्यक्तिमत्त्वाचा फायदा दुसरा कोणी स्वतःच्या राजकीय लाभासाठी करून घेत असेल, तर त्यापासून लतादीदींनी सावध राहावे,' असा सल्ला काँग्रेसने दिला आहे. 'ए मेरे वतन के लोगों' या गीताला ५१ वर्षे पूर्ण झाल्याबद्दल मुंबईत सोमवारी झालेल्या कार्यक्रमात स्वरसम्राज्ञी लता मंगेशकर यांच्यासह भारतीय जनता पक्षाचे पंतप्रधानपदाचे उमेदवार नरेंद्र मोदी हेही व्यासपीठावर उपस्थित होते. त्या पार्श्वभूमीवर, काँग्रेसकडून लतादीदींना हा सल्ला देण्यात आला आहे. 'लता मंगेशकर हे आपल्या सर्वांसाठी आदर्श व्यक्तिमत्त्व असून, आपण त्यांच्यासमोर नतमस्तक होतो. त्यांच्या आवाजाची जादू सर्व देशवासीयांच्या मनावर अधिराज्य करते; पण देशाची जी आदर्श व्यक्तिमत्त्वे आहेत, त्यांच्या लोकप्रियतेचा फायदा राजकीय लाभासाठी केला जाण्याची शक्यता असते. त्यामुळे आपल्या व्यक्तिमत्त्वाचा कोणी गैरवापर करू नये, याची लतादीदींनी काळजी घ्यावी,' असे वक्तव्य काँग्रेसचे प्रवक्ते अभिषेक मनू सिंघवी यांनी पत्रकारांशी बोलताना केले. मुंबईच्या महालक्ष्मी रेसकोर्सवर झालेल्या कार्यक्रमात लता मंगेशकरांसोबत नरेंद्र मोदीही उपस्थित होते. या प्रसंगी आपला सत्कार केल्याबद्दल लतादीदींनी मोदींचे आभारही मानले होते. काही महिन्यांपूर्वी पुण्यात दीनानाथ मंगेशकर हॉस्पिटलच्या नव्या बिल्डिंगच्या उद्घाटनासाठी लतादीदींनी मोदी यांना आमंत्रित केले होते. नरेंद्र मोदी पंतप्रधान बनावेत अशी आपली इच्छा असल्याचे त्या वेळी लतादीदींनी बोलून दाखवले होते. मोबाइलवर ताज्या बातम्या, लेख, भविष्य, लाइव्ह स्कोअर पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा वर

Is-the-Indian-Army-over- respected-by-the-people-of- India

Is-the-Indian-Army-over- respected-by-the-people-of- India

Friday, 24 January 2014

Indian National security : Part 7. By Brigadier Mahajan (Retired) (+pla... JAPAN RELATIONS">


AANMIGAM – HINDU CULTURE BEING WIPED AWAY Please forward this to ALL Hindus,,, all over the world.'' It's time we realize our culture is being wiped away!!! If you care forward this....IF NOT Delete!!!!! Why are we Hindus taking all this lying down. Why is there an IAS officer as head of every temple. Can they dare go to a Masjid or a church? Please see the article and decide for yourself. Foreign writer opens our eyes. The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act of 1951 allows State Governments and politicians to take over thousands of Hindu Temples and maintain complete control over them and their properties. It is claimed that they can sell the temple assets and properties and use the money in any way they choose. A charge has been made not by any Temple authority, but by a foreign writer, Stephen Knapp in a book (Crimes Against India and the Need to Protect Ancient Vedic Tradition) published in the United States that makes shocking reading. Hundreds of temples in centuries past have been built in India by devout rulers and the donations given to them by devotees have been used for the benefit of the (other) people. If, presently, money collected has ever been misused (and that word needs to be defined), it is for the devotees to protest and not for any government to interfere. This letter is what has been happening currently under an intrusive law. It would seem, for instance, that under a Temple Empowerment Act, about 43,000 temples in Andhra Pradesh have come under government control and only 18 per cent of the revenue of these temples have been returned for temple purposes, the remaining 82 per cent being used for purposes unstated. Apparently even the world famous Tirumala Tirupati Temple has not been spared. According to Knapp, the temple collects over Rs 3,100 crores every year and the State Government has not denied the charge that as much as 85 per cent of this is transferred to the State Exchequer, much of which goes to causes that are not connected with the Hindu community. Was it for that reason that devotees make their offering to the temples? Another charge that has been made is that the Andhra Government has also allowed the demolition of at least ten temples for the construction of a golf course. Imagine the outcry, writes Knapp, if ten mosques had been demolished. It would seem that in Karanataka, Rs. 79 crores were collected from about two lakh temples and from that, temples received Rs seven crores for their maintenance, Muslim madrassahs and Haj subsidy were given Rs. 59 crore and churches about Rs 13 crores. Very generous of the government. Because of this, Knapp writes, 25 per cent of the two lakh temples or about 50,000 temples in Karnataka will be closed down for lack of resources, and he adds: The only way the government can continue to do this is because people have not stood up enough to stop it. Knapp then refers to Kerala where, he says, funds from the Guruvayur Temple are diverted to other government projects denying improvement to 45 Hindu temples. Land belonging to the Ayyappa Temple, apparently has been grabbed and Church encroaches are occupying huge areas of forest land, running into thousands of acres, near Sabarimala. A charge is made that the Communist state government of Kerala wants to pass an Ordinance to disband the Travancore & Cochin Autonomous Devaswom Boards (TCDBs) and take over their limited independent authority of 1,800 Hindu temples. If what the author says is true, even the Maharashtra Government wants to take over some 450,000 temples in the state which would supply a huge amount of revenue to correct the states bankrupt conditions And to top it all, Knapp says that in Orissa, the state government intends to sell over 70,000 acres of endowment lands from the Jagannath Temple, the proceeds of which would solve a huge financial crunch brought about by its own mismanagement of temple assets. Says Knapp: Why such occurrences are so often not known is that the Indian media, especially the English television and press, are often anti-Hindu in their approach, and thus not inclined to give much coverage, and certainly no sympathy, for anything that may affect the Hindu community. Therefore, such government action that play against the Hindu community go on without much or any attention attracted to them. Knapp obviously is on record. If the facts produced by him are incorrect, it is up to the government to say so. It is quite possible that some individuals might have set up temples to deal with lucrative earnings. But that, surely, is none of the governments business? Instead of taking over all earnings, the government surely can appoint local committees to look into temple affairs so that the amount discovered is fairly used for the public good? Says Knapp: Nowhere in the free, democratic world are the religious institutions managed, maligned and controlled by the government, thus denying the religious freedom of the people of the country. But it is happening in India. Government officials have taken control of Hindu temples because they smell money in them, they recognize the indifference of Hindus, they are aware of the unlimited patience and tolerance of Hindus, they also know that it is not in the blood of Hindus to go to the streets to demonstrate, destroy property, threaten, loot, harm and kill Many Hindus are sitting and watching the demise of their culture. They need to express their views loud and clear Knapp obviously does not know that should they do so, they would be damned as communalists. But it is time someone asked the Government to lay down all the facts on the table so that the public would know what is happening behind its back. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not secularism. And temples are not for looting, under any name. One thought that Mohammad of Ghazni has long been dead. HARD REALITIES......... Hinduism remains the most attacked and under siege of all the major world religions. This is in spite of the fact that Hinduism is the most tolerant, pluralistic and synthetic ofthe world's major religions.

Thursday, 23 January 2014


तुम मुझे खून दो.. !'' तुम मुझे खून दो, मै तुम्हे आझादी दुँगा !'' थेट काळजाला भिडणार्‍या या दोन वाक्यांनी भारतीय तरुणांमध्ये प्रचंड आत्मविश्‍वास आणि स्फूर्ती निर्माण करून अनेकांना राष्ट्रभक्तीसाठी प्रेरित करणारे, इंग्रजांच्या अन्याय - अत्याचाराविरुद्ध लढा उभारून त्यांची सत्ता उलथवून टाकून मातृभूमीला स्वातंत्र्य मिळवून देण्यासाठी 'स्वातंत्र्य' यज्ञ कुंडात आपलं सर्वस्व अर्पण करणारे महान क्रांतिकारक भारतीय इतिहासातील अजरामर असे एक थोर लढवय्ये म्हणजे नेताजी सुभाषचंद्र बोस.जानकीदास आणि प्रभावती यांच्या पोटी २३ जानेवारी १८९७ रोजी कटक येथे क्रांतिर▪सुभाषबाबूंचा जन्म झाला. त्यांची बालपणापासून राष्ट्रभक्तीकडे ओढ होती, हे त्यांनी लहानपणीच जमवलेल्या क्रांतिकारकांच्या चित्रांवरून स्पष्ट जाणवते. बालवयातच सुभाषबाबूंना जनतेवर होत असलेल्या अन्यायाची जाणीव झाली आणि त्यांनी त्या वेळी प्रतिज्ञा केली की, 'मी माझा देश स्वतंत्र करीन. त्यासाठी कितीही अडचणी आल्या किंवा कष्ट पडले तरी मागे हटणार नाही, देश स्वतंत्र होईपर्यंत मी सर्व विलांसाचा त्याग करीन!' खरोखर त्यांनी विद्यार्थीदशेत घेतलेली त्या वेळची प्रतिज्ञा आजही आम्हाला आदर्श आहे. १९२१ मध्ये सुभाषबाबूंनी कॉँग्रेसच्या राजकारणात प्रवेश केला. त्यामध्ये देशबंधू चित्तरंजनदास, मौलाना अबुल कलाम आझाद यांच्यासारख्या वरिष्ठ नेत्यांसोबत सुभाषबाबू काम करण्यास तयार झाले. एकदा स्वयंसेवक दलाचे कार्य करीत असताना या दलावर ब्रिटिशांनी बंदी आणली. तरीही त्यांनी बैठका घेतल्यामुळे सरकारने त्यांच्यावर खटले भरले आणि काही नेत्यांसोबत सुभाषबाबूंना सहा महिन्यांची सजा भोगावी लागली. १९४0 मध्ये दुसरे महायुद्ध ऐन रंगात आले होते. भारताला स्वातंत्र्य मिळवून द्यायचे असेल तर सशस्त्र क्रांतीशिवाय पर्याय नाही आणि त्यासाठी जपान, र्जमनीची मदत घ्यावीच लागेल, असे मत सुभाषबाबूंनी व्यक्त केले. परंतु कॉँग्रेस कार्यकर्त्यांना पटले नाही. त्यावरून गांधीजींचे व त्यांचे वैचारिक मतभेद निर्माण झाले आणि सुभाषबाबूंनी कॉँग्रेस पक्षाचा राजीनामा दिला. नंतर त्यांनी 'फॉरवर्ड ब्लॉक' नावाचा पक्ष काढून तरुणांना एकत्र करण्याचे काम सुरू केले. देशाला स्वातंत्र्य मिळवून देण्याच्या उद्देशाचे त्यांची दमदार भाषणे होऊ लागली. कॉँग्रेसने इंग्रज सरकारविरुद्ध तीव्र आंदोलन सुरू करावे, असा त्यांचा आग्रह होता. म्हणून त्यांच्या या भूमिकेमुळे इंग्रजांनी अंतर्गत सुरक्षा कायद्याखाली अटक केली. परंतु लवकरच त्यांची सुटका करून त्यांना नजरकैदेत ठेवण्यात आले. तरीही कडक सुरक्षा असतानाही १९४१ च्या सुरुवातीला वेशांतर करून ते थेट र्जमनीला पोहोचले. तेथे त्यांनी 'फ्री इंडिया सेंटर'ची स्थापना केली. र्जमनीच्या बर्लिन रेडिओ केंद्रावरून भारताच्या स्वातंत्र्यासाठी भारतीय जनतेला सशस्त्र लढय़ात भाग घेण्याचे आवाहन केले. हिटलरनेही त्यांना खूप मदत केली. आपल्या देशाविषयीची तळमळ पाहून हिटलरने त्यांना 'हिज् एक्लन्सी सुभाषचंद्र बोस, डेप्युटी फ्यूरर ऑफ इंडिया' ही बहुमानाची पदवी दिली. भारताला स्वातंत्र्य मिळवून देण्यासाठी सुभाषबाबूंनी र्जमनीतून प्रय▪सुरू केल्यानंतर त्याचवेळी रासबिहारी बोस यांनी सुभाषबाबूंना जपानला बोलावून घेतले आणि हजारो मैलांचा सागरी प्रवास करून ते जपानला पोहोचले. या प्रवासात त्यांना खूप त्रास झाला तरीही ते खचले नाहीत. उलट दिवसेंदिवस त्यांच्या चेहर्‍यावर एक विलक्षण तेज दिसत होते आणि त्याच तेजाने ते अधिकच आक्रमक होत होते. रासबिहारी बोस यांनी जपानमध्ये १९१५ पासून वास्तव्य करीत असताना आग्नेय आशियातील राष्ट्रांमध्ये वास्तव्य करणार्‍या देशप्रेमी भारतीयांना संघटित करून त्यांनी 'इंडियन इंडिपेंडन्स लीग' नावाची संघटना स्थापन केली होती. त्यानंतर याच संघटनेचे रूपांतर 'आझाद हिंद सेना' असे करण्यात आले आणि या सेनेचे नेतृत्व करण्याची जबाबदारी सुभाषबाबूंवर देण्यात आली. ते या सेनेचे सरसेनापती झाले आणि सैनिकांनी त्यांना नेताजी ही पदवी अभिमानाने बहाल केली. कुठल्याही परिस्थितीत देशाला स्वातंत्र्य मिळवून दिलेच पाहिजे. त्याशिवाय त्यांना चैन पडणारच नव्हती. त्यांनी लगेच १९४३ मध्ये सिंगापूर येथे 'आझाद हिंद सरकार' त्यानंतर स्त्रियाही पुरुषांच्या बरोबरीने पराक्रम गाजवू शकतात. अनादीकालापासून भारतीय स्त्रियांनी रणांगणावर पराक्रम गाजवल्याची अनेक तेजस्वी उदाहरणे देता येईल. हीच बाब लक्षात घेऊन 'झांशी राणी लक्ष्मीबाई पथक' स्थापन केले आणि स्वातंत्र्याच्या लढाईत महिलांनाही त्यांनी मानाचं स्थान दिलं. या पथकाच्या प्रमुख डॉ. लक्ष्मीदेवी स्वामी नाथन या महिला होत्या. पुढे पुढे आझाद हिंद सेनेने खूप मोठमोठे पराक्रम गाजवले. दुसर्‍या महायुद्धात अंदमान आणि निकोबार ही बेटे जपानने जिंकून घेतली आणि ते भारतभूमीचा एक भाग म्हणून सुभाषबाबूंच्या स्वाधीन केली. येथेच सुभाषबाबूंना 'स्वातंत्र्याच्या आशेचा किरण' दिसू लागला. त्यांचं मन हर्षोल्लासाने भरून आले. त्यांनी याच दोन बेटांचे 'शहीद' आणि 'स्वराज्य' असे नामकरण केले. स्वातंत्र्यवीर सावरकरांनी देशासाठी काळ्या पाण्याची शिक्षा भोगलेल्या या भूमीत नेताजींना गहिवरून आले. तेथून ते पुढे कूच करीत राहिले. १९४५ ला ब्रह्मदेशाची सरहद्द ओलांडून आझाद हिंद फौजेचे शूर सैनिक भारताच्या सीमेत घुसले. आपल्या लाडक्या मातृभूमीच्या दर्शनाने त्यांच्या डोळ्यांतील आनंदाश्रू वाहू लागले. मोठय़ा अभिमानाने तेथील पवित्र माती, त्यांनी आपल्या कपाळावर लावली आणि 'जयहिंद' 'चलो दिल्ली' या वीरश्रीयुक्त घोषणा करीत ते क्रांतिकारक आगेकूच करू लागले. अमेरिकेने जपानमधील हिरोशिमा आणि नागासाकी या दोन शहरांवर १९४५ च्या ऑगस्ट महिन्यात 'अणुबॉम्ब' टाकले. याच सुमारास नेताजींनी आपल्या सहकार्‍यांसमोर शेवटचे भाषण केले. 'मित्रहो, या लढाईचे फासे दुर्दैवाने आपल्याला प्रतिकूल पडत आहेत. पावसाळ्यापूर्वी आपल्याला इंफाळ सर करता आलं असतं तर सारंच चित्र कदाचित बदललं असतं ! परंतु दुर्दैवाने ती गोष्ट घडू शकत नाही..!' क्षणभर थांबून ते पुढे म्हणाले, '.. नि यामुळेच आज आपल्यावर माघार घेण्याचा कटू प्रसंग निर्माण झाला आहे. परंतु आजची ही माघार ही उद्याच्या यशाकरताच आहे, हे लक्षात ठेवा. आज इंफाळमधून माघार घेऊनच उद्या स्वातंत्र्याचे गौरीशंकर आपण जिंकून घेणार आहोत..माझ्या मित्रांनो तुमचं सार्‍यांचं ऋण कधीही न फिटणारं आहे. मी तुमच्याकडे प्रेम मागितलं.. तर तुम्ही मला प्राण देऊ केलेत.. मित्रहो, उद्या कदाचित आपणा सर्वांनाच कैद होऊन फासावर चढावं लागेल; परंतु ते फाशीचे दोरही आपल्याला फुलांच्या हारासारखे वाटतील.. मी तुम्हाला पुन्हा एकदा आश्‍वासन देतो की, पुढच्या प्रत्येक कसोटीच्या क्षणी हा सुभाष त्याच्या शपथेप्रमाणे तुमच्याच शेजारी असेल.. तुमच्याच शेजारी असेल.. ! नेताजीचं हे अखेरचं वाक्य ऐकून सारेच गहिवरले. प्रत्येकजण देशासाठी आपले बहुमोल प्राण आनंदाने द्यावयास तयार होता. त्या सर्वांची एकच इच्छा होती, ' लाख मरोत; परंतु लाखांचा पोशिंदा न मरो' या म्हणीप्रमाणे या लढाईची सूत्रे हलविण्यासाठी नेताजी सुरक्षित राहणेच आवश्यक होते. परंतु रंगूनहून एका सुरक्षित ठिकाणी जाण्यासाठी नेताजी विमानात बसले आणि विमान सुरक्षित ठिकाणी जाण्याऐवजी १८ ऑगस्ट १९४५ रोजी दुर्दैवाने विमानाचा अपघात झाला आणि भारत देशाला स्वातंत्र्य मिळवून देण्यासाठी जीवाचे रान करणारे, इंग्रजांना देशाबाहेर हाकलून देण्याचा प्रय▪करणार्‍या खर्‍या राष्ट्रभक्ताचा म्हणजे सुभाषबाबूंचा अंत झाला. आजची परिस्थितीही गंभीर आहे. मग आजही आम्हाला क्रांती करण्याची गरज आहे का? मित्रांनो आज जरी सशस्त्र क्रांतीची गरज नसली तरी आम्हाला 'क्रांतिकारी विचारांची' गरज आहे. तेव्हाच आपण आपला देश 'महासत्ता' बनवण्यात यशस्वी होऊ शकतो. तरुण हा देशाचा आधार असतो. तरुणांमुळेच आमच्या देशात अनेक क्रांत्या झाल्या. मग तरुणांना एकत्रित करून निवडणुका झाल्या की, आमचा तरुण दारू, मटण खाऊन रममान होताना दिसतो. अन्याय, अत्याचार होताना दिसूनही बरेच तरुण तिकडे डोळेझाकपणा करताना दिसतात. आज आपल्या देशात इंग्रज नाहीत, पण आपलीच माणसं आपल्याच माणसांच्या मानगुटीवर बसताना दिसत आहेत. आजही बहुजन शोषित, पीडित, गरीब लोकांचे शोषण होताना दिसत आहेत. महागाई, भ्रष्टाचाराविरुद्ध आवाज उठवण्याची गरज आहे. महिलांवर, शेतकर्‍यांवर, कष्टकर्‍यांवर होणार्‍या अन्याय - अत्याचाराविरुद्ध आवाज उठविण्याची गरज आहे. 'क्रांतिकारी विचार' आत्मसात करून समाजाच्या हितासाठी झटणार्‍या प्रत्येकास हा लेखप्रपंच सादर अर्पण.


National Security part 6 (+playlist)

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

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National Security part 5 by Brigadier Mahajan (Retired)

National Security part 5 by Brigadier Mahajan (Retired) (+playlist)

opposing Aam Aadmi Party

Youth for Democracy will now oppose Aam Aadmi Party 21 January 2014 New Delhi: Civil society body Youth for Democracy (Y4D) has decided to formally withdraw its support to the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). The decision has come after an online polling where only about 22 per cent members said the organization should continue to support the AAP whereas about 78 per cent of those who voted said the organization should oppose the said party. An online polling was conducted beginning 17 January. While polling closed in the morning of 19 January, members could still express their opinion to indicate their views. While some members wanted to give the party more time, an overwhelming feeling was that the AAP had drifted from its plank of anti-corruption and could bring in instability at the national level. Most members wanted the AAP to first perform in Delhi and only then aspire for a space in national politics. Their stand on Jammu & Kashmir, absence of an economic policy, leaning towards the Left (Communism) and the latest act by its law minister Somnath Bharti were not appreciated; they could be the reason for such a large number of people voting against AAP. A member put this as “(1)anti national elements in their party, (2) Leftists, Naxalites, (3) Too many NAC affiliates, (4) Minority appeasement, (5) ‘My way or the Highway’ attitude, too self righteous, (6) Rabble rousing, and playing with the sentiments of an already beleaguered Junta, (7) Gap between promises and action on the ground, (8) Indecent haste to jump into the 2014 LS without fulfilling the mandate in Delhi (9) Their ‘internal Clean Chit’ mechanism.” Y4D had participated in the Anna movement and had mobilized support for the group seen on stage in August 2011. Later it formally supported Arvind Kejriwal when he decided to form the AAP. Many Y4D volunteers worked tirelessly to make the AAP a success. Two of the founding members of Y4D Sudesh Verma and Surajit Dasgupta are founding members of the AAP. They subsequently resigned finding that there was no internal democracy in the organization. However, they chose to stay silent and kept supporting AAP for a while since they wanted the AAP to succeed. In his appearance on Times Now after his resignation, Dasgupta said he still considered the party better than the Congress and BJP. But after many members of the organization questioned the support, an opinion poll was conducted to quantify either side of the divide. Y4D’s activities in the social media are only a part of its activism to create awareness about the need for more accountable institutions. It works in the field and has more than a thousand people associated with it actively. The field report has been worse. All of Y4D’s on-field volunteers want that the organization should oppose the AAP. Sudesh Verma and Surajit Dasgupta

Monday, 20 January 2014


बांगलादेशातील हिंदूंवर रोज भयंकर हल्ले होत असताना १०० कोटी हिंदू असलेला हिंदुस्थान मात्र शांत आहे. हिंदुस्थानचे सरकार बांगलादेशी हिंदूंसाठी काय करते आहे? याचा जाब देशभरातील हिंदूधर्मीयांनी कॉंग्रेजी नेत्यांना विचारायलाच हवा. बांगलादेशी हिंदूंना मरू द्यायचे काय? बांगलादेशातील हिंदूंवर धर्मांध मुस्लिमांकडून भीषण हल्ले सुरू आहेत. प्रत्येक हिंदूधर्मीयाने अस्वस्थ व्हावे अशा बातम्या ढाक्याहून येत आहेत. बांगलादेशात ५ जानेवारीला झालेल्या सार्वत्रिक निवडणुकांनंतर हिंदूंवरील हल्ल्यात प्रचंड वाढ झाली असून तेथील हिंदूधर्मीय अक्षरश: जीव मुठीत धरून जगत आहेत. हिंदूंची घरे-दारे, दुकाने आणि हिंदू देव-देवतांची मंदिरे धर्मांधांच्या निशाण्यावर आहेत. रात्री-अपरात्री अचानक धर्मांधांचा जमाव हिंदू वस्तीत घुसतो. घरादारांची तोडफोड करतो. जाळपोळ करतो. दुकानांची नासधूस करतो. हिंदू आया-बहिणींवर अत्याचार करतो. संख्येने कमी असलेले हिंदूधर्मीय ना आपले व आपल्या कुटुंबाचे संरक्षण करू शकतात ना हल्लेखोरांचा प्रतिकार करू शकतात. धर्मांधांचे अत्याचार सहन करण्याशिवाय दुसरा पर्यायच बांगलादेशी हिंदूंसमोर नाही. बांगलादेशातील निवडणुकांत शेख हसिना आणि खालिदा झिया या दोन आजी-माजी पंतप्रधानांमध्ये कायम रस्सीखेच सुरू असते. यावेळी शेख हसिना यांच्या सत्तारूढ अवामी लिग पक्षाला प्रचंड बहुमत मिळाले. निवडणुकीत बांगलादेशातील हिंदूधर्मीयांनी हसिना यांच्या पक्षाला एकगठ्ठा मतदान केल्याचा धर्मांधांना राग आहे. त्यामुळेच निवडणुकीवर बहिष्कार टाकणार्‍या खालिदा झिया यांच्या बांगलादेश नॅशनलिस्ट पार्टी आणि जमाते-ए-इस्लामी या धर्मांध संघटनेच्या कार्यकर्त्यांनी हिंदूंना लक्ष्य करणे सुरू केले आहे. निवडणुका झाल्यापासून गेल्या १५ दिवसांमध्ये तब्बल ३२ जिल्ह्यांमध्ये धर्मांधांनी हिंदूंवर हल्ले चढवले आहेत. कट्टरपंथी मुस्लिमांनी १५ दिवसांत हिंदूंची ४८५ घरे उद्ध्वस्त केली. ५७८ दुकानांची संपूर्ण लुटालूट आणि नासधूस केली. १५२ मंदिरांची तोडफोड करून देव-देवतांच्या मूर्तींची घोर विटंबना केली. बांगलादेशातील हिंदूंवर रोज भयंकर हल्ले होत असताना १०० कोटी हिंदू असलेला हिंदुस्थान मात्र शांत आहे. हिंदुस्थानचे सरकार बांगलादेशी हिंदूंसाठी काय करते आहे? याचा जाब देशभरातील हिंदूधर्मीयांनी कॉंग्रेजी नेत्यांना विचारायलाच हवा. मुळात तेथील राजकारणात हिंदूंचा हकनाक बळी जात आहे. बांगलादेशची लोकसंख्या १६ कोटींच्या आसपास आहे आणि तेथील हिंदूंची लोकसंख्या ही जेमतेम १० टक्के म्हणजे सुमारे दीड कोटी इतकी आहे. मुळात ९० टक्के मुसलमानांच्या देशात १० टक्के हिंदू त्यांना हवे असलेले सरकार सत्तेवर आणूच शकत नाही. पुन्हा ज्या शेख हसिनाचे सरकार सत्तेवर आले तेही हिंदुत्ववादी असण्याची सूतराम शक्यता नाही. असे असताना ‘वड्याचे तेल वांग्यावर’ काढून तेथील हिंदूंवर हल्ले का होत आहेत? हिंदूंच्या मंदिरांची नासधूस का केली जात आहे? याचा जाब हिंदुस्थानने बांगलादेशच्या राज्यकर्त्यांना विचारायलाच हवा. १९७१ साली हिंदुस्थाननेच आपले लष्कर पाकिस्तानात पाठवून पाकड्यांच्या अत्याचारी राजवटीतून बांगलादेशला मुक्ती दिली. पाकिस्तानची दोन शकले करून बांगलादेशला स्वतंत्र करण्याचे महान कार्य हिंदुस्थानने केले. पाकिस्तानी सैनिक आणि ‘जमात’च्या धर्मवेड्या मुस्लिमांनी त्यावेळी सुमारे ३० लाख बांगलादेशींचे शिरकाण केले. लाखो महिलांवर झालेले बलात्कार, भयंकर कत्तली अशा रक्तरंजित संघर्षात उडी घेऊन हिंदुस्थानने बांगलादेशला जन्माला घातले. या ‘उपकारा’ची बांगलादेशातील मुसलमान आज ‘अपकारा’ने अशी पांग फेडत आहेत. ज्या हसिना सरकारला हिंदूंनी मतदान केल्याचा तेथील धर्मांधांना राग आहे, ते हसिना सरकार तरी आपले मतदार असलेल्या हिंदूंच्या सुरक्षेसाठी काय करते आहे? हिंदूंचे नशीबच फुटके आहे. इकडे हिंदुस्थानात बहुसंख्य असूनही हिंदूच मार खातो. तिकडे पाकिस्तान-बांगलादेशात तर बोलून चालून हिंदू अल्पसंख्यच. आपल्याकडे ‘बहुसंख्य’ म्हणून हिंदूंचे लाड नाही आणि तिकडे ‘अल्पसंख्य’ म्हणून हिंदूंना मरणयातना भोगाव्या लागतात. बांगलादेशात तेच होत आहे. हिंदूंच्या घरादारांची राखरांगोळी करून त्यांना देशाबाहेर पिटाळून लावण्याचाच हा प्रयत्न आहे. पाकिस्तानातील हिंदू तर नामशेष होतोच आहे, आता बांगलादेशी हिंदूंनाही असेच मरू द्यायचे काय?


Friday, 17 January 2014




Why has Modi’s Excellent Public Grievance System (SWAGAT) never been talked about? Dear All, Anti-Corruption Hotline in Delhi has been touted as an amazing new thing for great Governance that AAP has brought in. But is it the first time that such a thing has happened in India? An emphatic NO ! This is actually happening in Gujarat sinc over 10 years now !! Those who work/stay in Gujarat as well as All the NGOs have seen this system in action in real time, shall vouch for it. Gujarat has had SWAGAT – an Online Grievance Redressal system for the common man. And, it wasn’t set up now. It has been going on since 2003! This is one of the most closely monitored project and brain-child of Mr. Narendra Modi !! The idea is not to simply set aside the complaint and move on. The measure of success is redressal of the complaint. The system works in a Decentralized way but the responsibility and the redressal is handled centrally. The step-wise Process of addressing the complaint is: ~Grievances can be logged in Anytime From Anywhere, and are transmitted and made available online to the officers concerned who have to reply within 3 to 4 hours. ~The departments concerned then have to be ready with the replies, before 3 p.m., when the Chief Minister holds video conference with all the districts concerned. ~ The applicants ( complainants) are also present in their respective places for the video conference. ~Applicants are called out by name one by one and the chief minister examines each complaint in detail. ~The information sent by the department is also reviewed online in the presence of the complainant and the Collector/District Development Officer/Superintendent of Police and other officials concerned. ~Attempts are made to offer a fair and acceptable solution on the same day and no applicant has ever left without any firm reply to his grievance. The entire process relies on the Gujarat State Wide Network GSWAN – and “it connects the Central State Secretariat with all central ministries and departments, with all 25 district headquarters (the second tier of state government), with hundreds of district-level offices, and with all 225 taluka headquarters (the third tier of state government). A relatively simple intranet-based application was developed by the NIC [ National Informatics Centre- An Apex body of the Central Govt ! ] in order to administer and manage the SWAGAT cases.” The scheme and its execution has won the United Nations Public Service Award in 2010. However, THE IRONY IS : None of our media ( whether Electronic or Print ) has bothered to Highlight this Quiet SOCIAL REVOLUTION brought about by Modi . At least , Let us be fair , and without undermining the Current/Present efforts of Mr. Kejriwal, Let Us Spread awareness of Modi's this YEOMAN's Job far & wide and to every Indian Citizen in Our own country as well as Abroad. Parkinson's Law of Delay: (Applies to all authorities in India) Delay is the deadliest form of denial. __._,

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


PRASHANT BHUSHAN STYLE REFERENDUMS ON NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUES After Prashant Bhushan, a senior member of the Aam Aadmi Party, controversially recommended a referendum on deployment of the army in Kashmir, the party was constrained to distance itself from Bhushan’s views. Security requirements could not be decided by the people, clarified party chief Arvind Kejriwal, while insisting, more generally and unexceptionably, that local sentiments must be respected. This controversy foregrounds the AAP’s wobbly judgement on what political representation entails — the ways in which people exercise their voice in a democracy, and how their will is made manifest. Meanwhile, as if in response to the impression it has created, the AAP is reaching out to Kashmiris. It is texting messages to people, seeking ‘ideas’ and ‘act­ion plans’ from potential volunteers about this year’s parliamentary and assembly polls. Those int­­e­­rested have been asked to approach the party. “For now, AAP’s focus is on the parliamentary elections. After that, definitely the assembly elections in J&K,” says Samir Sar, a Gurgaon-based Kashmiri Pandit who is handling AAP’s J&K chapter.Elections to the state assembly are exp­ec­ted in autumn, when the Omar Abdullah government completes its six-year term. After stoking controversy with his remarks on Kashmir, Aam Aadmi Party leader Prashant Bhushan on Sunday drew flak from all for saying that there should be a referendum for deployment of security forces against Maoists in the affected areas. Bhushan, whose demand for a referendum on deployment of security forces in Kashmir had raised hackles, with his party AAP also distancing itself from it, called for a vote on the issue of deploying central paramilitary forces in Naxal-infested areas. BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman said the efforts of the Centre, which is trying to tackle the issue with the help of state governments, will be negated by such statements and security forces will be demoralized.The party asked the AAP leadership and CM Arvind Kejriwal to make clear their stand on the issue. All are astonished at the way Prashant Bhushan is speaking out on issues which have serious implications on national security. Only on Saturday he talked about referendum for deploying central forces in Naxal-infested areas. We should condemns such kind of periodic statements which have a direct relation on internal security. When Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has himself termed Naxals an the most serious threat to India's internal security, such statements are not good for the nation. "None of us have any business to demoralize the security forces who are tackling the Maoists and Naxals waging a war against the Indian government." Prashant Bhushan is challenging the integrity of the sovereign nation. All they want is a cheap publicity. Unfortunately India has so many anti India stance people living on generous policies of the nation abusing freedom afforded to them. Prashant Bhushan fond of referendums. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Prashant Bhushan is evidently fond of referendums. In this, he's not alone, AAP itself having conducted mass SMS voting on whether it should form government in Delhi. However, Bhushan's view involving the popular polling exercise, extending to letting Kashmiris decide via referendum whether they'd like the armed forces to exit or stay, earned him hostility from all patriotic Indians. Yet, Bhushan remains keen on a great big referendum — adding a new location too. He now reportedly wishes to have a referendum on whether deployment of central paramilitary forces in Naxalite-affected areas should continue. Expectedly, as his party shivers with deja vu, All are demanding to know what AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal has to say. While Kejriwal figures out an AAP-appropriate response, Bhushan could helpfully elaborate on his vision — who would vote in this referendum? Would middle-class metro citizens, thousands of miles away from dangerous Dantewada, voice their views? Would the area's tribal communities, caught between a rock and a hard place, express themselves via postcard or mobile phone? And would the Naxalites themselves take a break between encounter and extortion to type: 'Yes', 'No' or 'Maybe'? Suggestions like his only trivialise serious security issues, lost in the sound and fury that ensue around them. If we must have a referendum to while away wintry days, instead of pondering diverse security arrangements, let's have one on Prashant Bhushan and whether it's time he gave his referendum fever a rest. We need a referendum whether to send him to Timbuktu or else where?The 24 Hour TV Channels could cover this momentous event all day showing trends. We hope that the election commission will not ban the exit polls. We have had licence raj and other similar Rajs. Are we heading for Refrundum Raj? By this can we expect to rule a country? Once every five years, the Elecction Commission conducts a credible referendum, nationally and in the states, about how Indians wish to be governed. That is supplemented by elections to local bodies, rural and urban. In such a large, diverse, populous land, that referendum is enough.

Monday, 13 January 2014

PREASHANT BHUSHAN , Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), mass SMS voting

PREASHANT BHUSHAN , Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), mass SMS voting Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Prashant Bhushan is evidently fond of referendums. In this, he's not alone, AAP itself having conducted mass SMS voting on whether it should form government in Delhi. However, Bhushan's view involving the popular polling exercise, extending to letting Kashmiris decide via referendum whether they'd like the armed forces to exit or stay, earned him thunderous response in the physical violence unleashed upon him by right-wing goons. And it didn't stop there — when Bhushan recently repeated his view, a right-wing group attacked AAP's office in Ghaziabad. Yet, Bhushan remains keen on a great big referendum — adding a new location too. He now reportedly wishes to have a referendum on whether deployment of central paramilitary forces in Naxalite-affected areas should continue. Expectedly, as his party shivers with deja vu, BJP has rushed into the fray, hotly demanding to know what AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal has to say. While Kejriwal figures out an AAP-propriate response, Bhushan could helpfully elaborate on his vision — who would vote in this referendum? Would middle-class metro citizens, thousands of miles away from dangerous Dantewada, voice their views? Would the area's tribal communities, caught between a rock and a hard place, express themselves via postcard or mobile phone? And would the Naxalites themselves take a break between encounter and extortion to type: 'Yes', 'No' or 'Maybe'? Of course nobody has the right to express disagreement with Bhushan via physical assault. Still, suggestions like his only trivialise serious security issues, lost in the sound and fury that ensue around them. If we must have a referendum to while away wintry days, instead of pondering diverse security arrangements, let's have one on Prashant Bhushan and whether it's time he gave his referendum fever a rest. We have had licence raj and other similar Rajs. Are we heading for Refrundum Raj? By this can we expect to rule a country? Once every five years, the ECI conducts a credible referendum, nationally and in the states, about how Indians wish to be governed. That is supplemented by elections to local bodies, rural and urban. In such a large, diverse, populous land, that is referendum enough. We need a refrendum whether to send him to Timbuktu Prashant Bhushan type of people are anti India unity. They are challenging the integrity of the sovereign nation. All they want is a cheap publicity. Unfortunately India has so many anti India stance people living on generous policies of the nation abusing freedom afforded to them. At times you feel like offering them exit to a country of their choice. In many countries Electricity is produced by nuclear power plant, the only thing required is security. You cannot just speak against generating electricity using nuclear power plant if you have exactly no idea about the threat. Japan faced the disaster still they are producing electricity by nulclear power plants. AAP stand is just to get local support, and it has been observed everywhere. This party is just going after sentiments of people and planning to win LS polls then when their leaders have no stand on National issues. Why Mr. Kejriwal is asking for Modi and Rahul's view on national issues, so that he can ask for public support on their view through Mail and SMS and whichever view gets higher votes, that view will be publicized by Mr. Kejriwal. He is not having any idea on National issues and neither this party can do anything for this Country. The only hope is Mr. Modi and BJP. AAP has no leader to be considered as National leader. I heard one of his leader yesterday and all he was talking was nonsense. Mr. Yogendra Yadav is more interested in increasing the reservation quota just to appease some community. Same is with Mr. Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan. Only people who will vote without using their brain in LS will votefor them. Mr. Modi is the only need of hour and I will vote for him. NEW DELHI: After stoking controversy with his remarks on Kashmir, Aam Aadmi Party leader Prashant Bhushan on Sunday drew flak from BJP for reportedly saying that there should be a referendum for deployment of security forces against Maoists in the affected areas. Bhushan, whose demand for a referendum on deployment of security forces in Kashmir had raised hackles, with his party AAP also distancing itself from it, on Saturday called for a vote on the issue of deploying central paramilitary forces in Naxal-infested areas. BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman said the efforts of the Centre, which is trying to tackle the issue with the help of state governments, will be negated by such statements and security forces will be demoralized. The party asked the AAP leadership and CM Arvind Kejriwal to make clear their stand on the issue. "BJP is astonished at the way Prashant Bhushan is speaking out on issues which have serious implications on national security. Only on Saturday he talked about referendum for deploying central forces in Naxal-infested areas. BJP condemns such kind of periodic statements which have a direct relation on internal security," she said. She said when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has himself termed Naxals an the most serious threat to India's internal security, such statements are not good for the nation. "None of us have any business to demoralize the security forces who are tackling the Maoists and Naxals waging a war against the Indian government." After Prashant Bhushan, a senior member of the Aam Aadmi Party, controversially recommended a referendum on deployment of the army in Kashmir, the party was constrained to distance itself from Bhushan’s views. Security requirements could not be decided by the people, clarified party chief Arvind Kejriwal, while insisting, more generally and unexceptionably, that local sentiments must be respected. This controversy foregrounds the AAP’s wobbly judgement on what political representation entails — the ways in which people exercise their voice in a democracy, and how their will is made manifest.


China: LAC impasse and Army-ITBP spat, By Lt Gen JS Bajwa First the facts - Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has five battalions deployed in Eastern Ladakh including those on the Line of Actual Control (LAC). ITBP does not have its own integral intelligence setup so essential in an operational situation. - The DIG Headquarter controlling these forces is located at Srinagar, 258 air km and 418 road km from Leh. Zoji La, on the Himalayan Range, and located on the main highway from Srinagar to Leh, is closed to road traffic from November to end May. - Considering the separation of the Headquarter from the units, an adhoc Headquarter is functional under the Deputy at Leh – a compromise solution at best, considering the division of resources. - ITBP communications are based, primarily, on High Frequency radio, which is most vulnerable to interception and being jammed when required particularly in an operational situation. - The role of ITBP amplifies the tasks of the Force as – to guard the Northern borders and prevent violations and encroachments, prevent smuggling, unauthorized movement of goods, weapons, personnel and such like non-traditional threats in the border areas. - ITBP does not have its own integral intelligence setup so essential in an operational situation. - Thus the orientation of the force is essentially towards “policing” tasks. The Ground Realties. - The Army has Infantry and Mechanized forces suitably located with robust combat support and controlling headquarters well forward and within easy reach of the LAC. The Chinese Border Defence Units deployed and garrisoned along the entire LAC are directly under the PLA, which is surely not mere “policing” duties. - India’s perception of the LAC is undemarcated on ground but has been identified along suitable geographical and relief features. - India and China have unilaterally delineated the LAC on their respective maps but have not shared the same with each other. As a result, each assumes the others perception from the activities that both carry out to dominate upto their respective perceptions. - Consequently, common areas claimed by both arise, and are contested for by the militaries. Often termed,inappropriately, as “no-mans land”. India generally terms it as “no-mans land” which is not paid heed to by China, thus putting India at a disadvantage. India should modify term to “Both-mans Land”, so that India does not restrain its troops from operating in that area. - Very evidently, the LAC is a “LIVE” boundary, and should be manned accordingly. The PLA platoon strength that camped in Depsang was no group of local herdsmen or Yak smugglers or in any way could be construed as non-traditional threat. Therefore if required more than a “Police “ force response. - The Chinese Border Defence Units deployed and garrisoned along the entire LAC are directly under the PLA, which is surely not mere “policing” duties. - The Army has a comprehensive (in as much there is) intelligence setup and has wherewithal for intelligence gathering and substantial surveillance resources. Domination of LAC by patrolling by both Army and ITBP, is a wasteful duplication of effort. - The Army has a secure radio and static line communication network with adequate redundancies built-in for exercising optimal operational command and control. - The Army has a well structured tiered establishment for force buildup and undertakes an emergent or graduated operational response at the place of its own choosing right across the entire LAC. Provided the field commanders are not constrained at the tactical level, due to a politically cautious stance. Operational Milieu. - Army and ITBP posts are often co-located but operating independently. Command and control is exercised along two parallel verticals with informal personality based lateral inter-action. - Domination of LAC by patrolling by both Army and ITBP, is a wasteful duplication of effort. - Inter-communication between Army and ITBP is adhoc and is mainly provided from Army resources. ITBP’s integral radio equipment is incompatible with equipment currently in use by the Army. Consequently the ITBP personnel are required to be trained on it. Given the nature of the high altitude of the region there is frequent movement of such personnel making the whole exercise temporary and fragmented. The Army is the Nations “punch”. It should be asserting its strength through fire power and guts not “military diplomacy”. The Nation has to speak from a position of strength. The Army gives it this strength. It needs to be recognized. - New raisings in ITBP units a unilateral undertaking by MHA and ITBP without heed to the overall security fallout along the LAC by this augmentation. Consequences. - With a Police force deployed on the LAC, the Chinese will interpret it as a tacit acceptance of the Indian Government that the LAC is not a “LIVE” border that needs to be guarded by military forces. A benign approach to the whole India-China Boundary question. - To accept ITBP as the first responder to a conventional tactical situation without requisite integral support with heavier weapons and combat support in the form of dedicated artillery or air support is willfully making them “cannon fodder” by powers that be. - Constraining the tactical initiative of tactical field commanders by a policy of restraint and reticence will always allow the PLA to wrest the initiative in battle. - Any form of pre-emption or “cold start” by the Army is not feasible in these circumstances. Indian Army will only be fire fighting to save its glorious image. - The Army is the Nations “punch”. It should be asserting its strength through fire power and guts not “military diplomacy”. The Nation has to speak from a position of strength. The Army gives it this strength. It needs to be recognized. The Revamping Necessary. - Place all ITBP forces deployed along the LAC under the Army for operational control. - Induction of new equipment into the Force, should as a policy, be cleared by the Army from the technical and logistic compatibility point of view. Conclusion. - MHA’s reluctance to place the ITBP under the Army is indicative of the underlying resistance of the IPS lobby to serve under any commander from the Army. IPS as seen from the factual ground realities considers itself as an “administrative cadre” akin to IAS. They loathe the notion of leading from the front as field commanders. The direct entry ITBP young officers endorse the requirement of operating under the Army. - What is of paramount importance is National Security Interests. This cannot be hijacked by some blatant parochial group interest. The matter is too serious to be left to the whims or fancy of the bureaucracy. If the MHA cannot decide then let the people decide whose security is the Government of India’s responsibility


Get the job done Jug Suraiya , --- Times of India issue dated 08 01 14 More than corruption, it’s gross inefficiency that’s India’s biggest problem Driving back to Delhi on NH 24, we came to a fork in the road. There was no signboard to indicate which was the route to Delhi, or where the other road went. Eventually we got directions from a passing bullock cart (yes, a bullock cart on a so-called National Highway). The highway cost thousands of crores to build. Much of that money must have gone by way of graft to a hierarchy of netas, babus, contractors and middlemen. Having denuded the public coffers of all that money, no one involved in the project thought of spending a few hundred rupees in putting up a signboard which would help travellers get to their destinations without help from passing bullock carts. We all decry corruption as being the biggest obstacle to national progress. Certainly corruption, at all levels of our polity, is a heavy burden on the country. But the final straw that breaks the Indian elephant’s back is not graft but sheer inefficiency – a seemingly innate inability to get the job done and get it done right. We’ll build a multi-crore highway, and then fail to put adequate signage on it so that travellers can find their way. We can spend thousands of crores – many of which were siphoned away – on an extravaganza like the Commonwealth Games, and then become the jeering stock of the world because of filthy toilets. For almost 70 years we’ve spent many fortunes on supposed subsidies for the poor which have enriched rent-seekers while entrenching poverty rather than eradicating it. Corruption is only part of the cause of our failures on all these and other fronts. The other, if not major, reason for our being unable to get things done is our genius for bungling, for getting things wrong instead of getting them right. Other societies are as corrupt as ours. Thailand and China being just two examples. Currently, the Thai government is facing massive unrest because of its alleged chronic corruption. But the average Thai citizen is better off than the average Indian. In the early 1970s, the Thai baht was worth about 50 paise Indian; today the baht is worth about two rupees. Corrupt Thailand has gone forward, corrupt India has gone backward. There is large-scale corruption in China. Recently, one of the highest political luminaries, Bo Xilai, was tried and sentenced to life for corrupt practices (will India ever witness a neta, or any other so-called ‘high-up’, being executed for a similar offence?). Despite all its graft and corruption, which is equal to if not greater than India’s, China has far outstripped us in material progress. India has a lesson to learn from China and Thailand: be corrupt if you must, but with it be efficient; take the money, but deliver the goods. India’s biggest bane is not corruption, it is not that people in power steal money; it is that those who steal our money seem incapable of accomplishing anything – from building a user-friendly highway to eliminating poverty through subsidies and other schemes. Arvind Kejriwal’s AAP has risen like a desi avatar of St George to battle the dragon of corruption. But it might have an even bigger ogre to combat in the form of systemic ineptitude which just can’t make things work. That’s the real job cut out for AAP. Will it be able to get the job done? __._,_._____,_._,___--


CIA’s Trojan Horse enters the Heart of India ShelleyKasli / December 9, 2013 The CIA uses philanthropic foundations as the most effective conduit to channel large sums of money to Agency projects without alerting the recipients to their source. From the early 1950s to the present the CIA’s intrusion into the foundation field was and is huge. A U.S. Congressional investigation in 1976 revealed that nearly 50% of the 700 grants in the field of international activities by the principal foundations were funded by the CIA. The CIA considers foundations such as Ford “The best and most plausible kind of funding cover”. The collaboration of respectable and prestigious foundations, according to one former CIA operative, allowed the Agency to fund “a seemingly limitless range of covert action programs affecting youth groups, labor unions, universities, publishing houses and other private institutions”. The latter included “human rights” groups beginning in the 1950s to the present. One of the most important “private foundations” collaborating with the CIA over a significant span of time in major projects in the cultural Cold War is the Ford Foundation. CIA & The Ford Foundation By the late 1950s the Ford Foundation possessed over $3 billion in assets. The leaders of the Foundation were in total agreement with Washington’s post-WWII projection of world power. A noted scholar of the period writes: ““At times it seemed as if the Ford Foundation was simply an extension of government in the area of international cultural propaganda. The foundation had a record of close involvement in covert actions in Europe, working closely with Marshall Plan and CIA officials on specific projects”. This is graphically illustrated by the naming of Richard Bissell as President of the Foundation in 1952. In his two years in office Bissell met often with the head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, and other CIA officials in a “mutual search” for new ideas. In 1954 Bissell left Ford to become a special assistant to Allen Dulles in January 1954. Under Bissell, the Ford Foundation (FF) was the “vanguard of Cold War thinking”. One of the FF first Cold War projects was the establishment of a publishing house, Inter-cultural Publications, and the publication of a magazine Perspectives in Europe in four languages. The FF purpose according to Bissell was not “so much to defeat the leftist intellectuals in dialectical combat (sic) as to lure them away from their positions”. The board of directors of the publishing house was completely dominated by cultural Cold Warriors. Given the strong leftist culture in Europe in the post-war period, Perspectives failed to attract readers and went bankrupt. Another journal Der Monat funded by the Confidential Fund of the U.S. military and run by Melvin Lasky was taken over by the FF, to provide it with the appearance of independence. In 1954 the new president of the FF was John McCloy. He epitomized imperial power. Prior to becoming president of the FF he had been Assistant Secretary of War, president of the World Bank, High Commissioner of occupied Germany, chairman of Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank, Wall Street attorney for the big seven oil companies and director of numerous corporations. As High Commissioner in Germany, McCloy had provided cover for scores of CIA agents. Than CIA’s head Allen Dulles’ best bud, John McCloy,is shown here with David Rockefeller and Chase Manhattan executives after he successfully merged the Warburg’s Manhattan bank with Rockefeller’s Chase bank. A top Rockefeller leutenant, McCloy acted for decades on the family’s behalf as an adviser to presidents and dictators. He even shared a box with Hitler and Goering at the 1936 Olympics. McCloy integrated the FF with CIA operations. He created an administrative unit within the FF specifically to deal with the CIA. McCloy headed a three person consultation committee with the CIA to facilitate the use of the FF for a cover and conduit of funds. With these structural linkages the FF was one of those organizations the CIA was able to mobilize for political warfare against the anti-imperialist and pro-communist left. Official photo of Warren Commissioners that covered-up JFK Assassination. Allen Dulles(than head of the CIA) is seen second from left. To his right is John J. McCloy, lawyer and troubleshooter for both the Warburg and Rockefeller family. McCloy was appointed as a member of the Warren Commission, purely for the purposes of disguising Rockefeller’s crime. Numerous CIA “fronts” received major FF grants. Numerous supposedly “independent” CIA sponsored cultural organizations, human rights groups, artists and intellectuals received CIA/FF grants. One of the biggest donations of the FF was to the CIA organized Congress for Cultural Freedom which received $7 million by the early 1960s. Numerous CIA operatives secured employment in the FF and continued close collaboration with the Agency. McCloy (extreme left) with the rest of the gang, the other six hacks & fraudsters, of the Warren Commission, as they present the phony report to President Ford. From its very origins there was a close structural relation and interchange of personnel at the highest levels between the CIA and the FF. This structural tie was based on the common imperial interests which they shared. The result of their collaboration was the proliferation of a number of journals and access to the mass media which pro-U.S. intellectuals used to launch vituperative polemics against Marxists and other anti-imperialists. The FF funding of these anti-Marxists organizations and intellectuals provided a legal cover for their claims of being “independent” of government funding (CIA). One prominent journalist, Andrew Kopkind, wrote of a deep sense of moral disillusionment with the private foundation-funded CIA cultural fronts. Kopkind wrote ““The distance between the rhetoric of the open society and the reality of control was greater than anyone thought. Everyone who went abroad for an American organization was, in one way or another, a witness to the theory that the world was torn between communism and democracy and anything in between was treason. The illusion of dissent was maintained: the CIA supported socialist cold warriors, fascist cold warriors, black and white cold warriors. The catholicity and flexibility of the CIA operations were major advantages. But it was a sham pluralism and it was utterly corrupting”. When a U.S. journalist Dwight Macdonald who was an editor of Encounter (a FF-CIA funded influential cultural journal) sent an article critical of U.S. culture and politics it was rejected by the editors, working closely with the CIA. In the field of painting and theater the CIA worked with the FF to promote abstract expressionism against any artistic expression with a social content, providing funds and contacts for highly publicized exhibits in Europe and favorable reviews by “sponsored” journalists. The interlocking directorate between the CIA, the Ford Foundation and the New York Museum of Modern Art lead to a lavish promotion of “individualistic” art remote from the people — and a vicious attack on European painters, writers and playwrights writing from a critical realist perspective. “Abstract Expressionism” whatever its artist’s intention became a weapon in the Cold War. The Ford Foundation’s history of collaboration and interlock with the CIA in pursuit of U.S. world hegemony is now a well-documented fact. The remaining issue is whether that relationship continues into the new Millenium after the exposures of the 1960s? The FF made some superficial changes. They are more flexible in providing small grants to human rights groups and academic researchers who occasionally dissent from U.S. policy. They are not as likely to recruit CIA operatives to head the organization. More significantly they are likely to collaborate more openly with the U.S. government in its cultural and educational projects, particularly with the Agency of International Development. The FF has in some ways refined their style of collaboration with Washington’s attempt to produce world cultural domination, but retained the substance of that policy. For example the FF is very selective in the funding of educational institutions. Like the IMF, the FF imposes conditions such as the “professionalization” of academic personnel and “raising standards.” In effect this translates into the promotion of social scientific work based on the assumptions, values and orientations of the U.S. empire; to have professionals de-linked from the class struggle and connected with pro-imperial U.S. academics and foundation functionaries supporting the neo-liberal model. As in the 1950s and 60s the Ford Foundation today has developed a sophisticated strategy of funding human rights groups (HRGs) that appeal to Washington to change its policy while denouncing U.S. adversaries their “systematic” violations. The FF supports HRGs which equate massive state terror by the U.S. with individual excesses of anti-imperialist adversaries. The FF finances HRGs which do not participate in anti-globalization and anti-neoliberal mass actions and which defend the Ford Foundation as a legitimate and generous “non-governmental organization”. In the current period of a major U.S. military-political offensive, Washington has posed the issue as “terrorism or democracy,” just as during the Cold War it posed the question as “Communism or Democracy.” In both instances the Empire recruited and funded “front organizations, intellectuals and journalists to attack its anti-imperialist adversaries and neutralize its democratic critics. The Ford Foundation is well situated to replay its role as collaborator to cover for the New Cultural Cold War. CIA’s Trojan Horse reaches India India had been sucked into the spiral of this Cultural Cold War since a long time. However with the US economy already bust and the EU falling like dominos; it is again the East where the West would anchor it’s sinking ship of so called Exceptionalism that fuels the Western Civilization. The game on the Indian side is very well crafted and carried out through CIA’s Trojan Horse which has entered into the heart of Indian Politics – Delhi. A new political party pledging to sweep corruption from the Indian capital made surprising gains in state elections, grabbing a huge share of votes from the incumbent Congress party and leaving Delhi with no clear leader on Monday — and no party willing to form a coalition. The fledgling Aam Aadmi Party, or Common Man’s Party, seized 28 of Delhi’s 70 assembly seats just nine months after its formation. The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party took first place with 31, while Congress was left with a meagre eight, a stunning decline from its previous 43. All three ruled out entering into a governing alliance, leaving the capital in a leadership lurch and raising the possibility of new elections. CIA lays the “Foundation” of Indian Policymaking The Ford Foundation, which completes six decades in India next year, provides a continuing flow of grants to institutions, think-tanks, civil society, and even farmer groups, to carry out research and advocacy work. The sums are not inconsequential—about $15 million (about Rs 70 crore) a year. And the recipients—320 grants, over the past four years—are the who’s who of civil society and advocacy groups in India. Its representative, Steven Solnick, said the Foundation’s last installment to Kabir (an NGO run by Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia) was in 2010. “Our first grant to the NGO was of $1,72,000 in 2005 ; the second was in 2008 of $1,97,000,” he told Business Standard. Steven Solnick – Ford Foundation’s representative in India Kabir, run by Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia, key figures in AAP(Aam Aadmi Party), has received $400,000 from the Ford Foundation in the last three years. Link for $197,000 – now removed by Ford. Refer screenshot of the same below. In reply to an RTI query that questioned the funding and expenditure of Kabir, the organisation has disclosed that they have received funds from the Ford Foundation (Rs 86,61,742), PRIA (Rs 2,37,035), Manjunath Shanmugam Trust (Rs 3,70,000), Dutch Embassy (Rs 19,61,968), Association for India’s Development (Rs 15,00,000), India’s friends Association (Rs 7,86,500), United Nationals Development Programme (Rs12,52,742) while Rs 11,35,857 were collected from individual donations between 2007 to 2010. Kejriwal Admits, His NGO Took Money From Ford Foundation 2 Years Back Interestingly, a major part of the funding to an organisation that is prominent in the “War against corruption” has come from abroad and mainly from the United States. Apar from the UNDP, Ford Foundation and the India Friends Association are US-based organisations, while PRIA and Association for India’s Development are headquartered in Asia. The foundation, on its part, makes no bones about its neo-liberal agenda, broadly pro-market, seeking accountability in governance, and promoting marginalised groups. It funds a small number of institutions, but chooses effectively. At a post-budget meeting two years back, it was noted that all the think-tanks represented (NCAER, NIPFP, ICRIER and the Centre for Policy Research) on the dais received grants from the foundation. Academicians and scholars from these think-tanks are regularly consulted by the government on various policy issues. On whether the views of these intellectuals actually get reflected in subsequent policies, Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia declines to comment. “I don’t really have a view on it,” he says. He does, however, concede that India’s association with the foundation “is something that has been on for a long time”. Moreover, three of core members ( Arvind Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi and Manish Sisodia) are also Magsaysay award winners which are endowed by the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller. The Three Stooges As far as the Magsaysay Award winners are concerned, this award is an American award for Asians established and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation ostensibly in memory of Ramon Magsaysay, the former President of Philippines. According to well-placed sources in the U. S. Intelligence community opposed to the State Department’s policy toward the Philippines, $30 million in covert funds was supplied to the Philippine opposition to help finance its presidential campaign. This $30 million was laundered through Hong Kong, where the money was converted into the Philippine peso at the black market rate of 20 pesos to the dollar. Philippine sources reported that the money had, been in part funneled into the CIA-controlled citizens elec­tion watch group, called Namfrel , the National Movement for a Free Election, which was originally created in 1953 in order to bring Ramon Magsaysay into power. Namfrel was central in the State Department’s policy of intervening into the Philippines election. In 1957, the Rockefeller Foundation established the Ramon Magsaysay Prize for community leaders in Asia. It was named after Ramon Magsaysay, president of the Philippines, a crucial ally in the US campaign against Communism in Southeast Asia. In 2000, the Ford Foundation established the Ramon Magsaysay Emergent Leadership Award. The Magsaysay Award is considered a prestigious award among artists, activists and community workers in India. M.S. Subbulakshmi and Satyajit Ray won it, so did Jayaprakash Narayan and journalists, P. Sainath. In general, it has become a gentle arbiter of what kind of activism is “acceptable” and what is not. In reality the award is the living memory of the dictatorial president of Philippines known for the murder of thousands of communist guerrillas during the Huk Rebellion under US-planned anti-communist counter-insurgency operations. It explains the silence of the anti-corruption group against corporations and the private sector. For more details read : CIA manipulation of 1953 elections This perfectly fits in with a recent shift in the US policy of association with India, which is now focusing on building state-to-state partnerships by “engaging Indian state and local leaders” throughout the country on “topics of mutual interest”. Civil society groups and think-tanks are expected to play an important role in this. As Prof Anil Gupta of IIM-Ahmedabad observes, “Their influence is far beyond what is recognized, and not always benign.” Should NGOs receiving grants from international agencies like the Ford Foundation and others be barred from participating in the shaping of public policy? And are these civil society groups working as stooges of the West to execute an “American agenda” ? These are the question the Aam Aadmi has to answer. Not the copyrighted ones; but the real Aam Aadmi. Report by Shelley Kasli

Sunday, 12 January 2014

A surprising confession on Kargil by Lt Gen Shahid Aziz,

A surprising confession on Kargil by Lt Gen Shahid Aziz, >> Former GOC 4 Corps, Pak Army >> >> January 06, 2013 . >> >> Kargil, like every other meaningless war that we have fought, brings home lessons we continue to refuse to learn. Instead, we proudly call it our history written in the blood of our children. Indeed, our children penning down our misdeeds with their blood! Medals for some, few songs, a cross road renamed, and of course annual remembrance day and a memorial for those who sacrificed their tomorrow for our today; thus preparing more war fodder for our continuing misadventures. Since nothing went wrong, so there is nothing to learn. We shall do it again. We decide. You die. We sing. >> >> Cut off from the reality of pain and affliction that would be brought upon the nation, the decision maker takes the course most suited to his whimsical ambitions. Possible hurdles are sidetracked, on the basis of ‘need to know’, or merely bulldozed. Never has there been an institutional decision for the bloodshed. And at the end of each fiasco, original objectives are redefined to cry, “Hurrah! We have won”. >> >> Our leaders seek personal glory, and desire honour in the eyes of other nations. Sadly, that has become our definition of national honour; but how can we be respected when we have little self respect? So concerned have we become about how they perceive us that we openly deride our religion and all the social values that we once stood for. >> >> The whole truth about Kargil is yet to be known. We await the stories of forgotten starved soldiers hiding behind cold desolate rocks, with empty guns still held in their hands. What stood them there could only be a love higher than that of life. Some refused to withdraw even when ordered, and stayed to fight the proverbial last man last round. Such precious blood spilled without cause! >> >> Whatever little I know, took a while to emerge, since General Musharraf had put a tight lid on Kargil. Three years later, a study commenced by GHQ to identify issues of concern at the lowest levels of command, was forcefully stopped by him. “What is your intent?” he asked. His cover-up was revealed many years later, on publication of his book. >> >> An unsound military plan based on invalid assumptions, launched with little preparations and in total disregard to the regional and international environment, was bound to fail. That may well have been the reason for its secrecy. It was a total disaster. The question then arises why was it undertaken? Were there motives other than those proclaimed, or was it only a blunder, as I had assumed for many years? >> >> It certainly wasn’t a defensive manoeuvre. There were no indications of an Indian attack. We didn’t pre-empt anything; nothing was on the cards. I was then heading the Analysis Wing of Inter Services Intelligence and it was my job to know. Our clearly expressed intent was to cut the supply line to Siachen and force the Indians to pull out. This was not a small result we sought and cannot be classified as a tactical manoeuvre, where no one other than the local commander needed to be aware. General Musharraf himself writes, “800 sq kms of area was captured.... and it created strategic effects”. To say that occupying empty spaces along the Line of Control was not a violation of any agreement and came under the purview of the local commander is astounding. This area was with the Indians as a result of Simla Agreement, and there had been no major violation of the Line of Control since 1971. >> >> The entire planning and execution was done in a cavalier manner, in total disregard of military convention. In justification, to say that our assessment was not wrong, but there was, “unreasonably escalated Indian response” is a sorry excuse for not being able to assess Indian reaction. Assumptions were made that they would not be able to dislodge us and the world would sit back idly. >> >> There were no mujahideen, only taped wireless messages, which fooled no one. Our soldiers were made to occupy barren ridges, with hand held weapons and ammunition. There was no way to dig in, so they were told to make parapets with lose stones and sit behind them, with no overhead protection. The boys were comforted by their commander’s assessment that no serious response would come. But it did — wave after wave, supported by massive air bursting artillery and repeated air attacks. The enemy still couldn’t manage to capture the peaks, and instead filled in the valleys. Cut off and forsaken, our posts started collapsing one after the other, though the general publicly denied it. >> >> The gung-ho mannerism, when there were no pressures, was cowed when lines started shrinking and the international setting became frightening. There was no will to stay the course. Media was hushed to silence, so that pulling out does not become a political issue. We will sing when our songs don’t tie us down. >> >> The operation, in any case, didn’t have the capacity to choke Siachen. When this truth surfaced, the initial aim was quickly modified. Now the book reads, “I would like to state emphatically that whatever movement has taken place so far in the direction of finding a solution to Kashmir is due considerably to the Kargil conflict.” Glory be to the victors. >> >> We continue to indulge in bloody enterprises, under the hoax of safeguarding national interest. How many more medals will we put on coffins? How many more songs are we to sing? And how many more martyrs will our silences hide? If there is purpose to war then yes, we shall all go to the battle front, but a war where truth has to be hidden, makes one wonder whose interest is it serving? >> >> It must be Allah’s country, for who else is holding it afloat?! >> >>