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Friday, 29 April 2016
चला तुम्हाला मिनी पाकिस्तानमध्ये घेऊन जातो! -तृणमूल काँग्रेसचे पश्चिम बंगालमधील मंत्री फिरहाद हकीम-Canvassing in ‘mini-Pakistan’ of Kolkata Maleeha Hamid Siddiqui
चला तुम्हाला मिनी पाकिस्तानमध्ये घेऊन जातो!
चला तुम्हाला मिनी पाकिस्तानमध्ये घेऊन जातो’, अशा शब्दांत तृणमूल काँग्रेसचे पश्चिम बंगालमधील मंत्री फिरहाद हकीम यांनी येथील गार्डन रिच परिसराची ओळख करून दिल्याने वाद निर्माण झाला आहे. फिरहाद हकीम यांच्या या वक्तव्याचा परिणाम प. बंगालच्या विधानसभा निवडणुकीवर होऊ शकतो. फिरहाद हकीम स्वतः कोलकाता पोर्ट भागातून उमेदवार आहेत.
पाकिस्तानमधील वृत्तपत्र ‘द डॉन’ची पत्रकार मलिहा हमीद सिद्दीकी गार्डन रिच परिसरात प्रचारसभेत सहभागी झाली होती. यावेळी मंत्री फिरहाद हकीम यांनी गार्डन रिच परिसराची ओळख ‘मिनी पाकिस्तान’ म्हणून करून दिली. त्यांचे हे वक्तव्य डॉन वृत्तपत्राने आपल्या संकेतस्थळावर प्रसिद्ध केले. त्यानंतर पाकिस्तान्यांनी हकीम यांच्या वक्तव्यावर आनंद व्यक्त केला तसेच या वक्तव्याला फेसबुकवर लाखो लोकांनी पसंतही केले.
भारतात मात्र, आता हकीम यांच्या या वक्तव्यावर वादाला सुरूवात झाली आहे. भाजपने फिरहाद हकीम यांच्यावर टीका केली असून त्यांची पक्षातून हकालपट्टी करण्याची मागणी केली आहे. दरम्यान, फिरहाद हकीम यांनी या मुद्यावर कोणतेही स्पष्टीकरण देणार नसल्याचे म्हटले आहे.
Canvassing in ‘mini-Pakistan’ of Kolkata
Maleeha Hamid Siddiqui — U
: “Please come along and let us take you to mini-Pakistan in Kolkata,” says Bobby Firhad Hakim, MLA candidate of the incumbent party in West Bengal, All India Trinamool Congress, which is on its last leg of its canvassing and voters decide the party’s fate in the phase-wise West Bengal assembly elections scheduled to be held on April 30 and May 5.
While traversing the dusty, uneven roads in one segment of his constituency, Garden Reach, also the residence of the last king of Awadh, Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, where he spent the last 30 years of his life, I am astonished by the lack of a cavalcade of vehicles that often accompanies ministers and low-level officials back home. Despite being a minister, only one vehicle follows Firhad’s car.
His car halts as a procession of party activists holding party flags walk by chanting slogans in favour of Trinamool Congress leader and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata “Didi” Banerjee. Upon seeing Bobby, the leading sloganeer starts to chant loudly: “Firhad Hakim zindabad, zindabad, zindabad (Long live Firhad Hakim). Pani ka mas’ala hal karnaywala, Firhad Hakim, Firhad Hakim (The one who has solved our water issues: Firhad Hakim, Firhad Hakim).” Others raise their hands and acknowledge him; sitting in his car Firhad, joins his hands in a namaste or waves at them. “There were no women in this rally?” I ask him. “No, Muslim women don’t come in such rallies,” he answers.
Soon he descends from his car and is immediately surrounded by party workers and his security personnel. Clad in spotless white kurta and pajama and wearing joggers, Firhad is ready for door-to-door canvassing on a sultry day. This time I see women in Trinamool-print saris and am told they are Hindu and have no qualms in participating alongside men in campaigning.
Earlier sitting in his lounge at his home on Peary Mohan Roy Road, Firhad sells his election rhetoric to me by listing all the works carried out by his party in the last five years. Associated first with the Congress party, Firhad has been in politics for 34 years working his way up to the ministerial level and said to be a key member of Didi’s cabinet. I comment on his fluency in Urdu, which he speaks with a Bihari inflection, and he insists he is Bengali-speaking. “But you speak very good Urdu for a Bengali,” I persist with my query.
Fessing up he divulges his forefathers were Bihari.
“My paternal grandfather came from Gaya Zila in Bihar, settled in Calcutta and set up his business. My father Abdul Hakim was a law officer in the Calcutta Dock Labour Board. My mother was an assistant headmistress in Maulana Hasrat Mohani Girls High School. Her parents belonged to Faridpur, Bangladesh.” Popularly known as Bobby Firhad, a nickname his father bestowed on him after the Australian cricketer Bobby Simpson, “I wasn’t named after Dimple Kapadia!” he remarks referring to the one-time Bollywood heartthrob’s debut film Bobby, eliciting laughter in the room.
His entry into politics came due to his keen interest in the socio-economic issues in his area, as he became the go-to man for everyone. Firhad was eventually elected as a local councillor, a position he held for 15 years. Then he became a member of the West Bengal legislative assembly and is currently the minister for urban development and municipal affairs.
We begin walking in the squelchy narrow lanes of the neighbourhood that feel further constricted as more people join in and my ears start ringing with deafening sloganeering. With a fixed smile on his face, Firhad waves and gives candies to children. Banyan- and dhoti-clad scrawny men, children pouring water on themselves from water-filled buckets outside their flimsy homes, litter-heavy sewerage lines, young girls in black hijabs, men pumping water from hand pumps and bathing themselves on the lanes, kite-makers in their miniscule workshops, women gathered on rooftops of unpainted buildings, are some of the sights one observes.
Nearly all posters and graffiti on the walls are pasted and scrawled in Urdu: “Firhad Hakim (Bobby) ko kaseer votoun say kaamyaab karain”, “Urs Ghareeb Nawaz: Aap tamaam hazraat say guzarish hai is urs muqaddas main hazir ho kar hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz kay fuyooz say malaan houn”, “Ishtihaar lagana mana hai”.
Firhad is right … This does feel like mini-Pakistan.
Exhausted with sweat pouring down my body, I straggle behind the crowd till I am no longer able to keep pace. Seeing me loitering around with my notebook in hand the men in the neighbourhood want to know what TV channel I work for. When I tell them I am from Pakistan, they break into broad smiles and tell me of their relatives who live back home.
I amble along the narrow lanes till I come upon a wide lane where a small stage is set up festooned with marigold and jasmine strings and poster of Didi and Bobby. Rows of green plastic chairs are placed on one side of the lane. The crowd waits for Firhad to complete his canvassing and address them from this stage. In the meantime, a local group stages a natak or drama cantering around Trinamool’s achievements
इसिस‘च्या भारतातील भरतीचा म्होरक्या सीरियात अमेरिकेने केलेल्या ड्रोन हल्ल्यात नुकताच मारला गेला. त्यामुळे "इसिस‘मध्ये भारतातून होणारी तरुणांची भरती आणि त्यामुळे भारतापुढे असलेले आव्हान हा मुद्दा ऐरणीवर आला आहे.
"इसिस‘ने भारतात प्रवेश केला आहे काय? त्याचे स्वरूप काय आहे? जगात चर्चेचा विषय बनलेल्या या दहशतवादी संघटनेपासून देशाला धोका आहे काय? इसिसला रोखण्यासाठी काय करावयास हवे, या प्रश्नां ची राष्ट्रीय स्तरावर चर्चा सुरू आहे. अलीकडेच "इंटेलिजन्स ब्यूरो‘ व राष्ट्रीय अन्वेषण संघटनेने (एनआयए) कर्नाटकातील भटकळच्या इस्माईल मुसाफ रऊफ अहमदला पुणे विमानतळावर अटक केली. पुण्याहून दुबईमार्गे सीरियाला जाऊन तो "इसिस‘मध्ये सामील होणार होता, असे सांगण्यात येते. देशातून पलायन करण्यासाठी बंगळूर वा अन्य विमानतळांपेक्षा पुणे जास्त सुरक्षित असल्याचे त्याने जबानीत सांगितले. यापूर्वी एक फेब्रुवारी रोजी "एनआयए‘ने भोपाळमध्ये अजहर इकबाल या "इसिस‘ला पाठिंबा देणाऱ्या 24 वर्षांच्या युवकाला अटक केली. जानेवारीत संयुक्त अरब अमिरातीने धाडलेल्या व "इसिस‘ला सहानुभूती असलेल्या तीन भारतीयांना "एनआयए‘ने अटक केली. त्यात महाराष्ट्रातील महंमद फरहान, कर्नाटकाचा अदनान हसन व जम्मू-काश्मी्रचा शेख अजहर इस्लाम यांचा समावेश आहे. या तीन घटनांतून एक गोष्ट स्पष्ट होते, भारतातील मुस्लिम तरुणांचे मन वळविण्यात "इसिस‘ला यश मिळत आहे. आजवर अशा सुमारे 16 युवकांना "एनआयए‘ने अटक केली असून, "इसिस‘च्या सोशल नेटवर्कवरील आवाहनांनी सुमारे दीडशे मुस्लिम युवकांना जाळ्यात ओढले आहे. त्यांचे "ब्रेनवॉश‘ करण्यात आले आहे. "इसिस‘ने भारतात चंचुप्रवेश केला असला, तरी त्याकडे दुर्लक्ष करता येणार नाही. ""तिला वेळेत रोखले नाही, तर देशापुढे दहशतवादाचा अधिकाधिक धोका निर्माण होईल,‘‘ असे राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सल्लागार समितीच्या एका उच्चाधिकाऱ्याने सांगितले. या युवकांचे दोन हेतू होते. दुबई व तुर्कस्तानमागे सीरियात जाऊन "इसिस‘चे सैनिक बनणे व दुसरा हेतू म्हणजे तेथून शस्त्रास्त्रांचे प्रशिक्षण घेऊन परतल्यावर भारतात दहशतवादी हल्ले करणे. भारतात वर्षानुवर्षे "जैशे महंमद‘ व "लष्करे तैयबा‘ या संघटनांचे अतिरेकी पाठवून हल्ले घडवून आणणाऱ्या पाकिस्तानच्या "आयएसआय‘ला व लष्कराला अशा युवकांचा आयता पुरवठा होईल.
गेल्या काही महिन्यांत "इसिस‘च्या सीरियामधील राका या राजधानीवर व पलमैरा या ऐतिहासिक शहरावर अमेरिका व रशियाने हवाई हल्ले केले. तसेच सीरियन सैन्याचेही हल्ले होत असल्याने 27 मार्च रोजी "इसिस‘च्या ताब्यातून पलमैरा मुक्त झाले. होम्स व ऍलेप्पो भागात जोरदार लढाई सुरू असून, लटाकिया हा रशियाचा नौदल तळ असल्याने "इसिस‘ तेथे फारसे काही करू शकलेली नाही. सीरियातून "इसिस‘ची पीछेहाट होईल, तसे युरोपातील त्यांचे हल्ले वाढतील. त्याची अलीकडील उदाहरणे म्हणजे पॅरिस व ब्रुसेल्समधील हल्ले. "इसिस‘ आस्तेआस्ते दक्षिण आशियात प्रभाव वाढविण्याच्या प्रयत्नात असून, दक्षिण आशिया हे "सॉफ्ट टार्गेट‘ मानले जाते. बांगलादेश, मालदीव, पाकिस्तान व काश्मीटरमधील अतिरेक्यांतशी सोशल नेटवर्कद्वारे संपर्क साधला जातो. विशेष म्हणजे भारतात अटक झालेले सारे युवक शहरी आहेत. ते शिकलेले आहेत. त्यांना अवाच्या सव्वा आमिषे दाखविली जात आहेत. त्यावर सुरक्षा संघटनांना बारकाईने नजर ठेवावी लागणार आहे.
गेल्या काही वर्षांत दहशतवादी हल्ल्यांचे दोन प्रकार समोर आले आहेत. पहिला योजनाबद्ध संघटित हल्ला, तर दुसरा एकट्या दहशवाद्याकडून होणारा (लोन वुल्फ) हल्ला. भारतात होणारे हल्ले पहिल्या प्रकारात मोडतात. अमेरिका व युरोपात होणारे हल्ले पहिल्या व दुसऱ्या या दोन्ही प्रकारात मोडतात. "वॉशिंग्टन पोस्ट‘ व "टाइम्स मॅप डॉट कॉम‘नुसार "इसिस‘ला इ. स. 750 व्या शतकातील इस्लामचे साम्राज्य स्थापन करायचे असून, "इसिस‘चा म्होरक्याॉ अबू बकर बगदादीने त्याचा नकाशाही तयार केला आहे. अण्वस्त्र मिळविण्याचे प्रयत्न त्यांनी चालविले आहेत. ही अत्यंत गंभीर बाब आहे. "इंडियन कौन्सिल ऑफ वर्ल्ड अफेअर्स‘च्या तज्ज्ञांनी व्यक्त केलेल्या मतानुसार, ""इसिसच्या संदर्भातील या जागतिक चित्राकडे पाहता, भारत स्वतःच्याच कोशात राहू शकेल काय?‘‘ सुदैवाची बाब म्हणजे दहशतवादी संघटनांना देवबंद, नदवा, फिरंगी महाल या मुस्लिम धर्मोपदेशक संस्थांनी केलेला जाहीर विरोध. आपली मुले "इसिस‘च्या कह्यात जाऊ नये, म्हणून त्यांच्या पालकांना खबरदारी घ्यावी लागेल, तसेच ती भरकटू नयेत, म्हणून सरकारला त्यांना योग्य उपजीविकेचा मार्गही उपलब्ध करून द्यावा लागेल.
Trump's first day at the Oval Office.
Trump's first day at the Oval Office.
First briefing by the CIA, Pentagon, FBI:
Trump: We must destroy ISIS immediately.
CIA: We cannot do that, sir. We created them along with Turkey, Saudi, Qatar and others.
Trump: The Democrats created them.
CIA: We created ISIS, sir. You need them or else you would lose funding from the natural gas lobby.
Trump: Stop funding Pakistan. Let India deal with them.
CIA: We can't do that.
Trump: So what?
CIA: India will cut Balochistan out of Pak.
Trump: I don't care.
CIA: India will have peace in Kashmir. They will stop buying our weapons. They will become a superpower. We have to fund Pakistan to keep India busy in Kashmir.
Trump: But you have to destroy the Taliban.
CIA: Sir, we can't do that. We created the Taliban to keep Russia in check during the 80s. Now they are keeping Pakistan busy and away from their nukes.
Trump: We have to destroy terror sponsoring regimes in the Middle East. Let us start with the Saudis.
Pentagon: Sir, we can't do that. We created those regimes because we wanted their oil. We can't have democracy there, otherwise their people will get that oil - and we cannot let their people own it.
Trump: Then, let us invade Iran.
Pentagon: We cannot do that either, sir.
Trump: Why not?
CIA: We are talking to them, sir.
Trump: What? Why?
CIA: We want our stealth drone back. If we attack them, Russia will obliterate us as they did to our buddy ISIS in Syria. Besides we need Iran to keep Israel in check.
Trump: Then let us invade Iraq again.
CIA: Sir, our friends (ISIS) are already occupying 1/3rd of Iraq.
Trump: Why not the whole of Iraq?
CIA: We need the Shi'ite gov't of Iraq to keep ISIS in check.
Trump: I am banning Muslims from entering US.
FBI: We can't do that.
Trump: Why not?
FBI: Then our own population will become fearless.
Trump: I am deporting all illegal immigrants to south of the border.
Border patrol: You can't do that, sir.
Trump: Why not?
Border patrol: If they're gone, who will build the wall?
Trump: I am banning H1Bs.
USCIS: You cannot do that.
Trump: Why?
Chief of staff: If you do so we'll have to outsource White House operations to Bangalore. Which is in India.
Trump: What the hell should I do???
CIA: Enjoy the White House, sir! We will take care of the rest!!!
God bless America!
Islamic Republic of Kashmir!
Islamic Republic of Kashmir!
It is the year 2020, India and Pakistan agree to settle the Kashmir Issue in a summit at Shimla. It is decided that the land locked Kashmir Valley with an area of 15,948 sq km and a population of 69.08 lakhs (Census of India, 2011) is to be made an independent country while the regions of Jammu and Ladakh are to be fully integrated into India with POK, Gilgit and Baltistan merged into Pakistan. January 1, 2021 is decided as the date of independence of the ‘Islamic Republic of Kashmir’, the world’s 104th most populated and 154th largest sovereign country. The elections are scheduled to take place in December 2020 to decide on a democratic government.
Tehreek-e-Hurriyat sweeps the first general elections and its leader Masarat Alam Bhat is sworn in as the Prime Minister with Pakistani President in attendance. Alam promises a just government for the people and to build a modern state guided by the tenants of Islam. On the occasion he extends an invitation to people across the world to come visit Kashmir, a place which is a heaven on Earth. The Pakistani President announces the four laning of the the Uri – Muzaffarabad road link to boost trade and people to people contact between the two countries.
We again fast forward to January 1, 2023 i.e. two full years after the territory has become independent to see how the world’s newest sovereign country is progressing. It is Chillai Kalan and we happen to visit a house at Zaina Kadal in downtown Srinagar which was once the hotbed of the independence movement in Kashmir. The family explains that why there is more gloom and less happiness on a supposedly momentous day for the valley. There is absolutely no electricity for the last two days and 18 hour daily power cuts are a routine given that Kashmir does not produce any significant electricity of its own and supply of electricity from Pakistan is erratic (All major hydro electric dams are located in the Jammu region of the erstwhile J&k state which is with India). The problem has been compounded due to Kashmir owing thousands of crores to Pakistan in electricity dues. There is even a scarcity of coal to fuel the Bukharis and the Kangris as coal imported from India using scare foreign exchange is primarily used at the 48 MW thermal power plant commissioned at Sopore.
Incredible india jammu and kashmirThe Kashmiri family is asked what Independence means to them and how their life changed post that fateful day two years back. Maqbool Lone, the family patriarch, explains how the life of the ordinary Kashmiri has changed for the worse post this so called independence. Maqbool like three lakh other Kashmiris is employed by the government and works with the Horticulture Department as an Assistant Director but has not attended office for three months as he like most others have not been paid their salary for the last 8 months. He explains that at the time of Independence, Kashmir had revenues of Rs 14,000 crore Indian Rupees or US$ 2 Billions (Approx) while the salaries paid to Government employees only amounted to Rs 17,000 crore (Approx). Government of India to remove dissent in the state had provided government jobs to a disproportionate number of Kashmiris and Kashmir had survived on an average annual assistance of Rs 25,000 crore (Approx) every year from the Indian Central Government. With this source of income dried up, the government simply does not have the resources to even pay salaries and hence, there is a massive mismatch in the revenues and the expenditure. Pakistan given the state of its own economy is not in a position to match the quantum of Indian assistance.
This sentiment is echoed by most others in this locality who tell you that the things they once took for granted under Indian occupation like Cooking Gas, Ration through the Public Distribution System, Quality Education, Free Medical Care, Consumer Durables, FMCG products etc are all gone or in acute short supply. India had once guaranteed food for every resident but today there is even shortage of rice and wheat and the Public Distribution system has collapsed given Kashmir is far away from being self sufficient in agriculture production. Today, Kashmir has the dubious distinction of people migrating to rural areas from urban areas to ensure adequate supply of food. When asked that if the situation is so bad then why is the world not seeing any protests now? They explain that they have also realized that a person cannot protest on an empty stomach. Their first priority is to ensure two meals for their family and everything else takes a backseat. Listening to these accounts from common people one wonders whether India aided the protests of Kashmiris against it by ensuring economic well being of ordinary Kashmiris?
Disenchanted and disgruntled, an average Kashmiri tells you how the premise of tourism sustaining an independent Kashmir has fallen flat. Tourism was supposed to create jobs and revenue for the independent country but not only has the flow of Indian tourists dried up, the crumbling infrastructure and the constant rabble rousing for implementation of Sharia Law in Kashmir has dissuaded most westerners from visiting Kashmir. Also, in the absence of any Heavy Industry or Raw Material, Kashmir does not have any Plan B to fall back upon. It can only hope and plead for aid and assistance from other countries to sustain itself and this help is often not forthcoming.
A visit across Kashmir presents a picture of despondency and helplessness. The famous Gondolas at Gulmarg rusting and out of operation, the unkempt gardens in Srinagar as the gardeners have not been paid any salary in months, rapid deforestation on account of the thriving illegal timber trade, House boats on Dal yearning for customers, lack of jobs and inflation eating away hard earned savings of the people. The inflation in Kashmir stands at a staggering 138% (compared to 4% in India). Two years back when Kashmir gained independence, One American Dollar equaled 70 Kashmiri Rupees (i.e. the same level as the Indian Rupee) while today is has reached a level of 263 Kashmiri Rupees for 1 American Dollar. One hopes that this does not last but to a large extent the average Kashmiri is himself responsible for his woes as they only had fought tooth and nail for this independence not that long back.
During the last year it is estimated that 50,000 Kashmiris have illegally entered into the greener pastures of India (crossing over through Jammu) in the hope of a better economic future and this number is only likely to increase this year. It is indeed ironical that they have chosen to become illegal immigrants when not so long ago they had the option to remain proud Indian citizens contributing to the development of Kashmir and India. Wish some sense had prevailed in Kashmir in 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019!
The writer is a MBA in Finance and has recently shifted base to Jammu after working in various corporates for 8 years
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
"DON'T CRY, MILORD!" >> (Just DON'T CRY, MILORD!) >> (Just do your job)
A Railway official's response to the CJI getting emotional seeking more Judges.
>> "DON'T CRY, MILORD!" >> (Just DON'T CRY, MILORD!) >> (Just do your job)
>> Your Honour!
>> Indian Railways are struggling with nearly 30% vacancies in the cadre of track maintainers. We are also short of 20% Loco Drivers over the sanctioned strength. Indeed, we are short of manpower by the given yardsticks in almost all areas. But, we run ALL the trains with 90+% punctuality, we carry all the goods cheaper than any other mode and our safety is improving every day. We add new trains every year, run specials during festivals and holidays without additional resources. Our online ticketing is rated to be the best in the world. Our stations and trains are cleaner than ever, quality of food is improving and so is the passenger satisfaction across the country. True, we lack resources for expanding our network, but we do our assigned job well and without complaining.
>> We don't keep a pendency in running of trains. We do not have a hundred or a thousand trains waiting to run tomorrow or next week just because we have vacancies in our ranks. Yet, we find that the media, political parties and public at large are ready to accept backlog of cases in our courts on account of vacancies!
>> Yesterday you cried, Melord! You lamented the vacancies in superior courts and stated that vacancies were the reason for pendencies. In my heart, though I don't think believe that you subscribe to that view. Vacancies can never be zero. I read in the newspapers, after the NJAC judgement, that the real problem of the judiciary is vacancies – 30% of late. But the pendency is older than this recent spurt in vacancies, which has worsened due to the NJAC issue. I have learnt that twenty-four High Courts together sit on a pile of some forty-five lakh pending cases. Appeals in criminal cases against conviction are waiting to be heard for as long as thirty years, more than the maximum sentence in the cases. I am certain all this cannot be explained away by vacancies alone. In any case it was the collegium, which ought to have filled those vacancies.
>> The only way to overcome this problem is that those, who are in the saddle, work a little harder to compensate for the vacancies. All of us do that in government, public sector or private enterprises. We work longer hours till late evening, on weekends, forego personal leave and certainly do not go on summer vacations. Even Secretaries to the Government of India are now required to punch-in their attendance sharp at nine AM every day. Surely, working longer hours is not anathema to you, My Lordship!
>> I often get judgements and awards from courts for compliance within two months, one month, or even a fortnight. I have no option but to burn the midnight oil and fulfil the orders in the judgement. How I wish I could one day beseech or request, though certainly not order Your Lordships, to deliver a judgement in two weeks since an important developmental project is held up, a contract is getting annulled or an international agreement is at stake! But, that would be a contempt of court, I guess. Surely, the judiciary is entitled to its independence and autonomy, surely it can rightfully claim non-interference and neutrality, but it ought to know that like other organs of state, the legislature and the executive, the judiciary too is paid out of taxes and that it is ultimately answerable to the paymaster, the common citizen of the country. The common person is increasingly getting restless. She wants good governance, she wants delivery of goods and services and above all she wants a just society. And, she wants them quick. Judiciary is answerable to her for its own share of deliveries.
>> How does the common citizen force change in governance? He votes. He votes a party out and brings in a new government. He gets the opportunity to do so every five years. Political parties, after having fooled the masses and after their repeated failures have realised that the public means business. They have yielded to a change in discourse from caste, religion and freebies to development and performance. How does a common man pull up the executive? How does he seek relief from exploitation and unfairness? He goes to a court of law. Leave aside the delays for a moment, he still hopes for justice, solace and compensation. What is important is that he has a door, which he can knock. But, were does he go, when the same door is closed to him for thirty years in his face? Whom does he implore, when the very institution he implores, has queued up lakhs of relief seekers ahead of him?
>> This frustration with the judiciary has led to abject hopelessness in the masses and ridicule of the process of law. Undertrials and appellants spend the best years of their lives in incarceration, people resort to coercion and murder for solving land and property disputes and an occasional dejected one commits suicide.
>> Any organisation works with hierarchies, which are arranged in the fashion of a pyramid. The senior levels have fewer positions than the lower ones. Indeed, the entire supervision and management structure follows this dictum. Yet we have a State in the country, which has an inverted pyramid in the judiciary. There are one hundred sixty High Court Judges and just seventy-five district Judges! Yet, this High Court has the highest number of cases pending within its portals.
>> All organs of the State have undergone reforms and infusion of technology. Most departments of the government and companies in the private sector have become leaner as a result. The judiciary too has had its share of modernisation and IT embrace. But, the courts work at the same pace, actually slower than ever. One of the High Courts of the country has, on the 17th October last year, invited bids for supply of iPhone6S for use by the Hon’ble Judges. This model of phone was launched in September, i.e. just a month ago. We do not mind Our Lordships owning the latest gadget in the world costing sixty thousand Rupees each, not even if the poor people of India pay for it. But, we want a return on that investment. Please give us that.
>> We have all heard Justice Ruma Pal, who candidly showed the mirror to the judiciary by enumerating its seven sins – turning a blind eye to a colleague’s indiscretion, hypocrisy, secrecy in appointment of judges, plagiarism and prolixity, verbose judgements, personal arrogance, professional arrogance and nepotism.* We have all heard you, Your Lordship! You want total independence and autonomy. We agree with that too. You also said that you will improve the system from within. We know from experience that insulated systems are the most difficult to change and often a change promised from within is more of a chimera than an action plan. Yet we trust you for this time once again. But, remember, the outcome of the reforms will be judged by the people of India and not by the government or the legislature. Next time, the call for change may not take the legislative route.
>> So, here is my twopenny advice. All of these are within your purview. Maybe, if you followed some of these, you could smile the day you lay down your office.
>> 1. Tell your colleagues and subordinate judges to come to office at 9:00AM and not leave before 6:00PM.
>> 2. Fix a yardstick for judges and courts by which their performance will be measured - limit number of hearings, limit the total span of time over which a case is heard and limit the number of pages a judge will write in his award.
>> 3. Spend quality time in courts hearing arguments and delivering justice and stop playing the adjournment game, better known as tareekh-par-tareekh.
>> 4. You and your fellow judges in superior courts are also supervisors to lower judiciary. Do that job well. Pull up the lazy ones and compel them to deliver.
>> 5. Force some discipline on lawyers to come in time and come prepared on the first appearance itself.
>> 6. Learn some English and unlearn all that Latin. Make it simpler for the common man to understand what you say and intend.
>> 7. Tell your colleagues to cut that sarcasm out of their speech in the courts. Don't speak what you cannot write in your judgements.
>> 8. Make it possible and easy for a common man with an average level of education to argue and contest his own case rather than be fleeced by greedy lawyers.
>> 9. And, last but not the least, give up that summer vacation. You do not have to sail to England to avoid the Indian heat. Stay here, and feel for the fellow citizens
$15 billion narcotics lobby in India was used by GHQ Rawalpindi to promote the concept of “Hindu terror
The $15 billion narcotics lobby in India was used by GHQ Rawalpindi to promote the concept of “Hindu terror”, sources close to that establishment aver. They say that “manufactured evidence was planted about such groups that were accepted at face value by Indian investigators at the time”. The effort to create the bogey of “Hindu terror” was to “provide a camouflage net for the activities of domestic terror groups owing allegiance to the ISI and also to make Muslims distrust Hindus”. Another objective was to make other countries “as suspicious of Indians as they were of Pakistanis”.
However, creating the bogey of “Hindu terror” was only Strand 1 in the design of GHQ to “make the international community regard India and Pakistan as birds of a feather in matters of extremism and terror”. Strand 2 was to “sow suspicion and mistrust about Delhi in Tehran and Kabul”. It will be remembered that cooperation between the security establishments of Iran, Afghanistan and India is vital in order to defeat the designs of the ISI and its proxies against the three countries. Strand 3 was to show to China that “India was facilitating acts of terror against Chinese nationals operating in Pakistan”, thereby passing the blame for such actions from the security establishment in Pakistan, which is honeycombed with ultra-Wahhabis who believe in the establishment of an ISIS Caliphate across the subcontinent. Strand 4 was to ensure that the international community equates India with Pakistan as countries that sponsor terror, extremist and insurgent groups, thereby preventing India from leveraging the international community against Pakistan.
These sources claim that “under the direction of Chief of Army Staff Raheel Sharif, all four strands are proceeding well”, even though Strand 1 (Hindu terror) appears to have hit rough weather with revelations of the flimsy nature of the charges against the alleged “Hindu terror” perpetrators.
Establishment sources claim that General Raheel Sharif is working on “reversing the global perception that India is the victim and Pakistan the aggressor in the matter of fomenting terror and unrest”. This is being done by “getting India and Pakistan equated in the matter”. “This strategy (of painting India in the same colours as Pakistan was globally regarded) was worked on (by General Sharif) during his time heading the Pakistan military academy around a decade back”.
General Sharif, according to these contacts, “asked for and got set up a special cell which collected information on Narendra Modi while he was Chief Minister in Gujarat”, as the present Prime Minister of India was identified as the likely successor to Manmohan Singh in 2014, in 2011 itself by the GHQ brains trust. It will be recalled that the ISI, which functions as per the direction of GHQ, expended considerable effort in seeking to damage the image of Narendra Modi in London, New York and Geneva through the instrumentality of NGOs set up for the purpose of blackening the global image of India, including Khalistan groups that have recently become hyper-active after years of relative somnolence. These NGOs were also given significant traction in Washington and other capitals through “logistical support” by individuals linked to the ISI.
Sources within Pakistan claim that Kulbushan Yadav, accused by GHQ of being an R&AW agent, will only be the first in a long chain of those who are to be paraded globally as evidence that India is involved in destabilisation operations in Pakistan, “especially in seeking to do a Bangladesh in Balochistan and even in assisting terror groups active against the Pakistan state”. They say that nine individuals are now in the custody of the security agencies in Pakistan and they are being coached to come out with stories of Indian involvement, not only in Pakistan but in Iran and Afghanistan as well. They say that in the case of Kulbushan Yadav, “General Sharif personally briefed the Chinese that the Indian national was involved in seeking to blow up a lodge in Gwadar where Chinese technicians were staying and also seek to commit other acts of sabotage along the $45 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor”. The Ashraf Ghani government in Afghanistan “has been given dossiers (which purport to show) that India is keeping contact with and assisting elements of the Taliban, contrary to stated policy”, while Iran “has been given dossiers about Yadav using the territory of that country to assist the Baloch not only in Pakistan but in Iran as well”. Soon, “other (so-called) Indian agents will be outed and made to tell how they were active not only against Pakistan, but against China, Afghanistan and Iran as well”.
The sources say that “by 2019, when the present term of Prime Minister Modi ends, the objective is to paint Delhi as South Asia’s leading state sponsor of terrorism and insurgency, far ahead of Rawalpindi on both counts”. Indeed, Pakistan Foreign Affairs Advisor Sartaj Aziz has publicly called India a “state sponsor of intervention”, including in giving support to terror groups. It is extremely unlikely that any of the unfortunates apprehended by the ISI is a genuine agent, as sources in Pakistan admit that “even the most elementary precautions (such as dead drops, cut-outs and personal meetings) were dispensed with in their operations”. However, the Pakistan side claims that such lack of precautions on the part of the supposed agents was motivated by “a desire for quick results as well as over-confidence”.
Already, Islamabad has briefed ASEAN as well as GCC envoys about manufactured claims of “Indian interference and support to terror”, and after more so-called Indian agents get paraded, more such briefings are likely. In short, Pakistan is following to the letter the rulebook followed by India in the past while exposing the activities of GHQ.
There has also been a ramping up of efforts to ensure a drumbeat of terror strikes in India during the coming two years, which are seen as crucial for the Modi government as it enters 2019, when Lok Sabha elections take place. No less than 13 suicide attacks have taken place in Kashmir since Modi became PM, and an organised effort is on to re-ignite insurgency in the Valley. Simultaneously, “clusters of Indian nationals are being organised in India and in other locations and given directions on what is needed to get done to poison communal relations in India”. It needs to be kept in mind that the ISI recruits from all communities for its activities in India, rather than just a single community. Indeed. “in Nepal, almost all the key ISI facilitators are Hindu”, many involved in the hawala trade, which, together with narcotics, is controlled in South Asia by the ISI.
GHQ is looking warily at Prime Minister Modi’s innovative approach towards diplomacy, and to his outreach towards Pakistan, China and the US. The nightmare scenario for the generals would be a closer military partnership with the US (through the signing of the three Foundation Accords) and ultimately a trillion-dollar commercial partnership with China, beginning with an India-China Economic Corridor that would cut through the Maoist belt across India with roadways and growth opportunities. Fortunately for GHQ, elements in the Indian strategic and security establishment remain wedded to the hyper-cautious approach of the past, and regard with disfavour the breakthrough in India-US and India-China relations that could take place before 2019, in case Prime Minister Modi is able to ensure that “naya soch” enters a system clogged with debris from the past. What is clear is that there is an organised effort by GHQ to blacken the international image of India, and that this is a process in which General Sharif has registered some success. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has lost much ground to the Chief of Army Staff, in large part because the US and China both favour the military rather than the civilian leadership, unlike India.
The “masterstroke” being planned by GHQ, according to sources close to the establishment, is to pin the blame for the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on India before 2019, thereby “further planting suspicions about India within the international community”. The coming years will show whether General Sharif will succeed or fail in his efforts at separating the US, Iran, Afghanistan and China from India through allegations that are a mirror image of the charges made against Pakistan by successive governments in Delhi.
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
These days, the Reliance Group boss spends more than 70% of his working hours on what is seen as a sunrise sector for Indian industry. In the past year, he visited at least two global defence equipment manufacturers every month and signed partnerships with several of them. In between, from Paris to Dubai, Moscow and Abu Dhabi, he hasn't missed any major defence and aerospace shows.
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A country that spends more than $40 billion every year in defence, India is still largely dependent on imports to meet military requirements.
The government's Make in India campaign to boost domestic manufacturing has opened up opportunities for Ambani's Reliance Infrastructure, but he will also have to compete with more established players like the Mahindra and Tata groups and Larsen & Toubro. These companies have been building capacity and gathering technology in the sector for the past few years.
How Reliance Group Chairman Anil Ambani is readying his companies to target big-ticket defence projects
"Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi and Defence Minister (Manohar) Parrikar have reposed tremendous faith in the dynamism and strength of India's private sector and the critical role it can play in the development of our defence infrastructure," Ambani told ET during a recent interaction.
For Ambani, it began with the acquisition of a controlling stake in Pipavav Shipyard last year by Reliance Infrastructure, which has since been slowly transforming into a defence-first company.
Under its Reliance Defence unit, Reliance Infra floated a cluster of companies and made a host of high-profile hiring, from the former India head of US defence contractor Lockheed Martin to top-ranked retired officers of the armed forces. It is seeking to rapidly set up manufacturing infrastructure — primarily two defence parks to make aircraft to armoured vehicles and air defence systems, and a shipyard on the east coast.
Misses, And No Hits Yet Even so, Reliance Infra's new entities have yet to win a single order. And, there have been a couple of misses, too, such as the Kamov 226 helicopter manufacturing contract with the Russians that went to Hindustan Aeronautics. But the company isn't worried. How Reliance Group Chairman Anil Ambani is readying his companies to target big-ticket defence projects
The defence ministry's new procurement policy, which has been in the works for over a year, is nearing finalisation. Once the policy is ready, with its thrust on local sourcing, order flow is sure to pick up.
Reliance Infra has obtained more than a dozen industrial licences that executives say will target a domestic market of over Rs 5.69 lakh crore over the next decade. Winning a contract, typically, involves a three-year process. Tie-ups have been made across the globe to ensure technology and expertise. In France, it has an understanding with Thales on underwater systems while in Russia it is targeting warship building with the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC).
In Ukraine, the company has established an agreement with Antonov for military transport aircraft. It is a prime partner for the offset contracts under the Rafale fighter jet deal with France that will make it compulsory for French companies to spend nearly Rs 30,000 crore in the Indian defence and aerospace sector. While the company refuses to talk on the project, people familiar with the matter told ET that it is set to get a major part of the work — including a possible assembly line for a low-cost Falcon executive jet.
"It is both a bold move for a premier infrastructure player as well as a testament to the steps taken by the MoD (Ministry of Defence) to 'ease' private sector defence participation," says Ankur Gupta, vice president-defence at EY.
Power Team A key team of four is driving the company's plan to become a systems integrator. Business development is led by Rajesh Dhingra, the former Lockheed Martin India managing director and a former air force officer. A three-member execution team of former army, navy and air force officers will deliver on production orders. "In the last one year at Reliance Defence, we have invested in planning, prioritising, people and partnerships," says Dhingra.
At Lockheed Martin, Dhingra led the discussions with the Indian Air Force to sell the C 130 J transport aircraft. He is now Ambani's key man on identifying opportunities, striking joint ventures and making decisions on defence contracts.
The execution team has direct exposure to government procurement. Air Marshal M Matheswaran heads the aerospace business, Vice Admiral HS Malhi oversees the marine side and Lt Gen MS Bhuttar is in charge of land systems. The naval business of the company — the one it is most heavily invested in — includes Vice Admiral KN Sushil as president of the submarine business. The retired officer has hands-on experience with nuclear submarine construction: he was the project director for the Arihant nuclear submarine and had supervised the special submarine project as assistant chief of naval staff.
Besides Pipavav, Reliance has announced an ambitious plan to build a new shipyard on the eastern coast. The aim is to construct a yard at Rambilli near Vizag — where INS Varsha, India's nuclear naval base with underground pens (bunkers) is coming up — with a Rs 5,000 crore investment. The aim is to build nuclear submarines for the navy.
Malhi, who earlier headed Mazagon Docks in Mumbai that is constructing the Scorpene submarines for the navy, is now heading Pipavav where the new 'Dhirubhai Ambani Naval Park' is being set up. The yard is targeting major submarine and aircraft carrier refits as well as plans to produce improved Krivak class frigates in partnership with Russia.
Matheswaran, until recently a strategic adviser to Hindustan Aeronautics, will supervise the setting up on an aerospace park in Nagpur. Reliance plans to assemble and manufacture fixed-wing and rotary-wing military and civilian aircraft at this new plant, work for which has already started. For land systems, the man in charge is Lt Gen Bhuttar, a former director general of weapons and equipment at the army headquarters.
His task at hand is to set up the Dhirubhai Ambani Defence Park at Indore SEZ, to manufacture land systems ranging from armoured fighting vehicles, light armoured multi-purpose vehicles and gun turrets to artillery and air defence systems.
The company has also hired someone to focus on one of India's largest defence suppliers: Russia. Retired Vice Admiral Ganesh Mahadevan, president of strategic business initiatives, is a Russian expert having worked on all major projects from the Vikramaditya to the Talwar class frigates. Up to 40 people have been hired over the last year and 3,000 are targeted to be inducted over the next five, but the future will depend on orders.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter has concluded his visit to India on a high note. Most importantly the two sides have agreed to sign a Logistics Exchange Memorandum Agreement that would enable reciprocal support to each other's armed forces in specific situations such as joint military exercises, interventions in natural disasters and any other situation that may be mutually agreed upon. This does not add up to an alliance relationship but certainly upgrades the defence relationship between the two countries.
This may open the way for concluding the two other politically more difficult "foundational agreements", viz, the Communications and Information Security Memorandum of Agreement (CISMOA) and the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement(BECA), which together add up to a level of inter-operability in defence that presupposes a very high level of trust and strategic alignment. While one should welcome the opportunity to access sophisticated defence technologies from the US, such as modern aircraft carrier technology and virtual reality applications, there is need for caution in proceeding with expanded defence cooperation while there continue to be significant differences in perceptions concerning key strategic issues, which impact directly on India's security.
It is in the maritime domain that India and the US appear to have the most significant alignment of interests. This is mainly with respect to the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, including the South China Sea, a region now better known collectively as the Indo-Pacific. The China factor is clearly a shared concern. During Mr Carter's visit, the two sides instituted a regular dialogue on maritime security. This is likely to focus again on the Indo-Pacific. There is no similar alignment of interests with respect to the western Indian Ocean and the Gulf, which would include our concerns over Gwadar and Chinese ingress into our western flank through Pakistan.
China is a security challenge to India not just in the Indo-Pacific but also on the western flank. In fact, China is a greater and more immediate threat to Indian interests on this flank precisely because it is allied with and supports a hostile Pakistan. It is now becoming active in Afghanistan and the US believes its interests are better served by working together with China and Pakistan to broker peace with the Taliban. Here, India's interests are not aligned with the US. In this regard, the US should not cherry-pick where it wants to work together with India and where it is willing to sideline Indian interests. If that is the case, then we, too, need to be selective in our approach.
We have also seen that the US continues to bracket India and Pakistan together as far as nuclear issues are concerned, ignoring the fact that it is Pakistan which has a first-use doctrine, is deliberately lowering the nuclear threshold by developing and deploying theatre nuclear weapons and rapidly building up its nuclear arsenal. India, by contrast, has a no first-use and retaliation-only doctrine and has been remarkably restrained in developing and upgrading its nuclear deterrent. For President Barack Obama to have suggested recently at the Nuclear Security Summit that both India and Pakistan have nuclear doctrines that are headed in the wrong direction, reflects continued India-Pakistan hyphenation. We should acknowledge that the US has only partially adjusted its posture in this respect.
There is another dimension which works against the forging of a strategic partnership and that pertains to the economic and trade relationship. In this important domain, the two countries are adversaries. The US move to establish the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) without any dialogue or consultation with India is illustrative of how the US Trade Representative looks upon India as a spoiler and a constant irritant, without considering whether there are genuine Indian concerns behind the positions we take. Even on India's membership of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), which is not a negotiating body but a forum for sharing best practices, it is the US which is busy warning APEC members that bringing India in would retard progress in the forum. How can India be a strategic and, in particular, maritime security partner in the Indo-Pacific if it is seen as a rank adversary, and treated as such, in the economic and commercial domain in the same region? You cannot be a partner in one domain and a target in another. If that is the case then we should be honest enough to acknowledge that our strategic partnership, which may be of considerable value, nevertheless has clearly defined limits. If the US wishes to keep several options open to pursue its interests, India may need to do the same.
One should acknowledge that India-US relations today are more broad ranging and much deeper than at any time in the past. In the areas of defence and counter-terrorism, the level of cooperation and mutual understanding is unprecedented. But, we should also recognise that there is a constant threat of commercial issues overwhelming the relationship as was the case in 2014-15, when the US pharma industry launched a virtual "beat up on India" campaign on the issue of intellectual property. While India made a major contribution to the success of the Paris Climate Change agreement, at considerable sacrifice of its own long-term energy security interests, the US has dealt a blow to India's renewable energy plans by lodging a complaint at the World Trade Organization (WTO) against India for promoting its domestic solar industry.
Mr Obama recently gave a long interview to The National Interest magazine on the evolving global situation and the US's role in the Asia-Pacific region. India did not figure in the interview. So much for the "defining partnership of the 21st century", which is how he had described Indo-US relations during his first visit to India.
The US presidential elections are round the corner and it is anybody's guess what the new administration will look like and what its foreign policy agenda will be. While there will always be issues on which India and the US will adopt different postures, a strategic partnership should entail that on issues of key interest to each other there will at least be a "no surprises" and a "do no harm" understanding. Spelling out these interests may be a good starting point for dialogue with the incoming administration in Washington.
Cultural Orphans: Indians ashamed of their own heritage Major General Mrinal Suman
Cultural Orphans: Indians ashamed
of their own heritage
Major General Mrinal Suman
15 April 2016
For an Indian, a visit to Indonesia can be an eye-opener. It is fervently proud of its heritage. Although it is the largest Muslim country in the world, it has inscribed the
picture of Lord Ganesh on its 20,000 rupiah currency notes. Even the most prestigious
institute of technology has Lord Ganesh in its logo. Indonesia’s official airline is called Garuda (Lord Vishnu’s mount) and the official bank is named after Kubera (the Hindu god of wealth).
The Indonesian government patronises and supports dance dramas and puppet shows that depict stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata. It has also issued many stamps on the two epics. Jakarta has a huge sculpture of Lord Krishna revealing Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. In Bali, statues of Hindu deities adorn most public places. Several cross-roads have massive sculptures portraying scenes from Hindu scriptures, like the sun-god riding his chariot, yoked by seven horses. For an Indian, it is a puzzling experience: a Muslim country honouring Hindu gods.
Unable to control his curiosity, a tourist quizzed our guide Mustafa. After looking at the perplexed faces of the group, Mustafa responded, “Earlier all of us were Hindus and worshipped these gods. Whatever be the reasons, we converted to Islam. I do not pray to these gods but respect them because I know that my parents, grand-parents and ancestors worshipped them. They are a part of my heritage and ancestry. Should change of faith make me disown my heritage? That would amount to my disowning my own lineage and ancestors.”
The silence was deafening. In a few sentences, Mustafa had taught us what we Indians have not learnt for centuries. No educated Indian ever boasts of India’s rich heritage. Our education system has ingrained in us an acute sense of inferiority. We eulogise everything that is Western and run down our own glorious past. Everything concerning ancient India’s intellectual prowess, cultural richness, multiple philosophies and liberal thoughts is painted as narrow-mindedness. India is perhaps the only country in the world that is ashamed of its heritage. Yes, the word ashamed is an apt description. Expressions like Vedas, Hindus, Hindutva, Saffron and Bharat Mata have come to convey a sense of inadequacy. The whole world applauds India for its Vedic knowledge, philosophical expositions, ayurveda, yoga
and a host of other gifts to humanity. However, our Westernised stooges carry on deriding our heritage. Using Mustafa’s taxonomy, they take pride in masquerading as ‘cultural orphans’.
Let me cite two events of the recent past to prove my assertion.
The World Yoga Day.
On 27 September 2014, Prime Minister Modi exhorted the UN General Assembly, “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being.” He suggested that 21 June be adopted as the World Yoga Day.
In less than 90 days, the UN General Assembly passed the resolution unanimously, accepting the fact that yoga originated in India around 5,000 years ago and is an immensely beneficial mental, physical and spiritual practice. It was recognition of India’s heritage and a matter of great pride for India.
While the intelligentsia ignored the feat, no channel ran prime-time programme to highlight the achievement. For them, anything belonging to ancient India cannot be acclaim-worthy.
At the first official observation of the World Yoga Day on 21 June 2015, a total of 35,985 participants from 84 nationalities performed asanas. Modi’s words, on the said occasion, were truly sagacious, “India’s priceless legacy is today world’s legacy.”
As is the wont of our India-deprecating critics, no one had a good word to say about the event. They faulted Modi for not doing asanas in the proper manner. Some even doubted his claims of doing yoga regularly. A significant segment appeared to be more obsessed with the spreading of yoga mats rather than the import of the occasion. Deviously, a campaign was started that the soldiers were demeaned as they were forced to lay mats whereas the fact is that the mats were laid by civilian workers and the army had provided a few Havildars to oversee layout and alignment. An occasion of national pride was deliberately portrayed as a fundamentalist and anti-secular agenda of the ruling party.
Baba Ramdev’s laudable offer of training yoga teachers for the army has also been termed as a step towards communalisation of the army. One wonders as to how Indians can revel in degrading India.
The Art of Living’s World Cultural Festival
Last month, nearly four lakh people from 155 countries attended anniversary celebrations of The Art of Living (AoL) at Delhi. It was described as ‘an impeccable choreography of spiritual exuberance’. Over 37,000 artists from around the world performed. The programme was beamed live to millions across the globe.The whole world admired it but not the self-proclaimed conscience-keepers of India.They faulted the function for likely adverse ecological effect on the flood plains of River Yamuna. It was a laughable objection. Even a casual visitor can notice the appalling state of the flood plains due to rampant encroachments, regular dumping of garbage/debris and total neglect by the authorities. No environmentalist or social activist ever raised hue and cry to force the government to act.
On learning of AoL function, they suddenly rediscovered their long-forgotten concern for the flood plains and launched a sadistic campaign against the organisers. As was to be expected, media found a convenient issue to embarrass the government and dent India’s image. It was unfortunate that our President was advised to skip the function. Despite repeated assurances and guarantees by the organisers that they would neither do any
digging nor use any concrete, every effort was made to scuttle the initiative. As was to be expected, no channel has reported the fact that AoL has left the flood plains in much better condition than they were earlier.
The second objection was regarding the alleged use of military bridging equipment for a private function. It was conveniently forgotten that law and order and traffic management always remain a state responsibility, more so as a large number of foreign dignitaries were attending the programme. Aid to the civil authority in preventing likely stampede cannot be faulted. Every Kumbh Mela sees such bridges. As regards the bridging equipment; launching and de-launching of equipment bridges is regularly practised by the Engineers. Hence, the opportunity was used to train as well. Interestingly, the army had built a similar pontoon bridge at Agra for a musical concert by Yani in 2006. No questions were raised then.
Apparently, army bridges are fine for foreign performers but not for displaying Indian heritage.
Of Cultural Icons
While one may not agree with all the statements made by Baba Ramdev, it cannot be denied that he and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar have done India proud by showcasing richness of India’s ancient civilization on the world stage. They are India’s cultural ambassadors and national icons, far greater than many Bharat Ratnas of dubious distinction. Baba Ramdev has taken yoga to the masses and made the world aware of its mental, physical and intellectual benefits for overall well-being. It is practised by people of more than 170 countries now. Even the UN has been forced to accept that the benefits of yoga are ‘amazing’ and ‘holistic’. It is a monumental achievement. Sri Sri has made AoL a household initiative in most countries of the world. More than 370 million people swear by it and practice regularly. One cannot think of another Indian who has spread the message of ancient India’s Vedic knowledge as worldwide. Even the UN and the World Health Organisation have recognised that AoL enriches life and promotes wellness through spiritual growth and self-development. However, as is the wont of many opponents of India’s ancient heritage, they abhor anyone taking pride in it.
To deride own culture has been the hallmark of India’s intelligentsia. Modi was right in questioning the opponents, “If we keep criticising ourselves, why would the world look at
And, the parting shot.
Reverting to Mustafa, while taking leave of us at the end of the visit, his parting shot was,
“India has such a rich heritage. Which country can boast of ancient civilization, and 10,000 years of recorded history? Which country can claim to be the birth place of so many major religions and philosophies?”
“Your heritage consists of Vedic scriptures, Jainism’s Namokar Mantra, Lord Buddha’s teachings and Guru Nanak’s divinity. It is common to all Indians. No one can claim exclusive right over it and no one can disown it either. Can ancestry be disputed or renounced? The people who disown their heritage become culturally bankrupt,” he added.
We were dumbstruck. Mustafa had shamed us with his simple reasoning. By the time we
regained our composure, he had boarded a bus to head for his next engagement, perhaps to enlighten another set of Indian tourists ignorant of their heritage!
hilarious example of what bureaucracy can do.-Subject: Mahabharata
hilarious example of what bureaucracy can do.
A Team comprising of a Writer, a Director, a Producer, etc applied to the Government of India for financial assistance with the script to produce a Movie on Mahabharata.
All of them committed suicide later and the reason will be very obvious once you have read the reply from Govt.
Dated ............ .........
Subject: Mahabharata
To: The Writer, Film Director & Film Producer, Mumbai
Ref: Film story submitted by you, regarding financing of films by Government of India , Your letter dt. ............ . ......... .
The undersigned is directed to refer the above letter and state that the Government has examined your proposal for financing a film called ''Mahabharat' . The Very High Level Committee constituted for this purpose has been in consultation with the Human Rights Commission, National Commission for Women and Labour Commission, in addition to various Ministries and State Governments and have formed definitive opinions about the script. Their observations are as below:
1. In the script submitted by you it is shown that there were two sets of cousins, namely, the Kauravas, numbering one hundred, and the Pandavas, numbering five. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has pointed out that these numbers are high, well above the norm prescribed for families by them It is brought to your kind attention that when the Government is spending huge amounts for promoting family planning, this will send wrong signals to the public. Therefore, it is recommended that there may be only three Kauravas and one Pandava.
2. The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs has raised an issue whether it is suitable to depict kings and emperors in this democratic age. Therefore, it is suggested that the Kauravas may be depicted as Honourable Members of Parliament (Lok Sabha) and the Pandava maybe depicted as Honourable Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha). The ending of the film shows the victory of the said Pandavas over the said Kauravas. The ending may be suitably modified so that neither of the Honourable Members of Parliament are shown as being inferior to the other.
3. The Ministry of Science and Technology has observed that the manner of birth of Kauravas is suggestive of human cloning, a technology banned in India . This may be changed to normal birth.
4. The National Commission for Women has objected that the father of Pandavas, one Sri Pandu is depicted as bigamous, and also there is only one wife for the Pandavas in common. Therefore suitable changes maybe made in the said script so that the said Sri Pandu is not depicted as bigamous. However, with the reduction in number of Pandavas as suggested above, the issue of polyandry can be addressed without further trouble.
5. The Commission for the Physically Challenged has observed that the portrayal of the visually impaired character 'Dhritharastra' is derogatory. Therefore the said character may not be shown as visually impaired.
6. The Department of Women and Child Development have highlighted that the public disrobing of one female character called 'Draupadi' is objectionable and derogatory to women in general. Further the Home Ministry anticipates that depiction of such scenes may create law and order problem and at the same time invite strong protests from the different women forums. Such scenes may also invite penal action under SITA (Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act), therefore they may be avoided and deleted from the film.
7. It is felt that showing the Pandava and the Kauravas as gamblers will be anti-social and counter-productive as it might encourage gambling. Therefore, the said Pandava and Kauravas may be shown to have engaged in horse racing. (Hon. Supreme Court has held horse racing not to be gambling)
8. The Pandavas are shown as working in the King Virat's employment without receiving any salary. According to the Human Rights Commission, this amounts to bonded labour and may attract provisions of The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976. This may be corrected at once.
9. In the ensuing war, one character by name Sri Abhimanyu has been shown as fighting. The National Labour Commission has observed that, war being a hazardous industry, and the said character being 16 years old, this depiction will be construed as a case of child labour. Also there is no record of his being paid any compensation. This may also be deemed to be violatory of the provisions of The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 and Minimum Wages Act, 1948. Such references in the film may be removed.
10. The character 'Sri Krishna' has been depicted as wearing a peacock feather. The peacock is our National Bird and wearing dresses made from peacock feather is an offence under the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972. This may not be depicted.
11. Smt Maneka Gandhi has raised very serious objection for using any elephants or horses in war scenes, since there is every scope for mistreatment and injury to the said animals. The provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890 and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Act, 1960 would be applicable in the instant case. Suitable changes may be made in the script to address the objections raised.
12. In pursuance of the Memorandum of Ministry of Finance regarding austerity measures, it is informed that in the battle field sequences, only ten soldiers may be allowed for each side. Also, all the characters may be shown to have obtained a valid licence under the Arms Act, 1959 as well as the Indian Arms Act, 1878.You are therefore requested to modify the script along the lines indicated above and resubmit it to the undersigned at the earliest for reconsideration.
Under Secretary
Monday, 18 April 2016
अजीब विडम्बना है मेरे राष्ट्र की! यहाँ.. इशरत "बेटी" है, कन्हैया "बेटा" है, दाऊद "भाई" है, लेकिन.. भारत "माता" नहीं !!!
MOSCOW: External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj on Monday did some tough talking with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on China blocking India's bid to get JeM chief Masood Azhar banned by the UN and asked Beijing to "review" its position.
"I told him (Wang) that if we were to fulfil our intention of fighting terrorism together, then China should review the stand it had taken at the UN 1267 Committee," Swaraj told a joint press conference with Wang and Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov.
The three ministers had earlier jointly chaired a Russia-India-China (RIC) foreign ministers meet here.
Raising the issue with Wang during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the RIC meet, Swaraj emphasized the need for bilateral cooperation to combat the challenge of terrorism.
If India and China were to combat terrorism unitedly, then Beijing should change its position of opposing India's bid against Pathankot terror attack mastermind Azhar at the UN Sanctions Committee, Swaraj told Wang.
It was agreed during the Swaraj-Wang meeting that the two sides would remain in touch on the matter, external affairs ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup said.
Last month, China had vetoed India's bid to get Azhar designated as terrorist by the UN Sanctions Committee, maintaining that the case "did not meet the requirements" of the Security Council. The Chinese action evoked a strong reaction in India which said that it was "incomprehensible" that while Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) was banned by the UN, its chief was not.
This was not the first time China has blocked India's bid to get Pakistan-based militant groups and leaders proscribed by the UN.
The UN had banned the JeM in 2001 but India's efforts for slapping of sanctions on Azhar after the 2008 Mumbai terror attack also did not fructify as China, that has veto powers, did not allow it apparently at the behest of Pakistan.
While talking about the roadmap for the RIC to tackle the issue of terrorism, Swaraj said there cannot be any difference between good terrorists and bad terrorists.
"It is important that we give up the distinction between 'good' and 'bad' terrorists. We will also need to give up the tendency to differentiate between 'my terrorists' and 'your terrorists'. A terrorist is a terrorist, one who commits crimes against humanity and not against any nation," she said.
Swaraj said India, China and Russia have been bearing the brunt of terror networks and that time has come for the three countries to play a leadership role in combating terror globally.
Last July, China had similarly halted India's move in the UN to take action against Pakistan for its release of Mumbai terror attack mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, saying its stand was "based on facts and in the spirit of objectiveness and fairness" with Beijing again claiming at the time that it was in touch with New Delhi.
Foreign secretary S Jaishankar last week had said in New Delhi that India has taken up at a "fairly high level" with China the issue of Beijing blocking its bid to have Azhar designated as terrorist by the UN but the issue will not "overflow" into other areas of bilateral ties.
China had defended its decision, saying that it acts on such issues based on facts and rules in an "objective and just manner".
After the attack on the airbase in Pathankot on January 2, India had in February written to the UN calling for immediate action to list Azhar under the UN Sanctions Committee.
The Indian submission was considered by the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) for technical aspects of the evidence provided.
The technical team then with the support of the US, the UK and France had sent it to all the members. The members were told that if there are no objections, the designation will be announced after the expiry of the deadline but just hours before the deadline, China requested the UN committee to keep on hold the designation.
Earlier this week, India had slammed the use of "hidden veto" and demanded accountability, saying the world body's general members are never informed of the reason for not acceding to requests for sanctioning terroristsOn the Swaraj-Wang meeting, Swarup said they assessed the implementation of decisions taken during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to China last May.
"They noted the significance of high level exchanges contemplated this year, including the ongoing visit of Raksha Mantri (Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar). China would be hosting the G20 Summit and India the BRICS Summit in 2016.
Top Comment
Rubbish..... how will china review its stand when it is the MAIN SUPPORTER and funder OF TERRORISM against India... It is hand in glove with Pakis on this... do not be foolish to think that china wil... Read More
Ravishankar Nanaiah
"The Ministers appreciated the expanding trade and investment ties between India and China. They underscored the importance of strengthening people to people ties. In this context, foreign minister Wang Yi apprised external affairs minister of China's decision to increase the number of Indian pilgrims for the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra via Nathu La," Swarup said.
In her opening remarks during the meeting, Swaraj said the relations have seen significant improvement in the last one year and favoured frequent meetings between the two sides to step up engagement
Sunday, 17 April 2016
How Alkaline Water Kills Cancer Cells And How To Prepare It
How Alkaline Water Kills Cancer Cells And How To Prepare It
A lot of research has been proving alkaline water helps our body expel toxins, metabolize the body and expel cancer cells. Although most of this research has been done in Japan, it is still relevant around the world whether it is accepted or not. After-all Japanese do have the longest life expectancy in the world! We found a great article over at Healthy Tips World that teaches you all about alkaline water and how to prepare with just 3 ingredients.
The H value is the measure for acidity and alkalinity. Pure rain water is considered to be neutral and it has a pH of 7. Acidic is every value below 7 while every value above 7 is considered alkaline.
When it comes to the pH of the human body, we cannot discuss over a pH of the entire body. We cannot take it in general because each organ has a different pH value.
Why Alkaline Water
Drinking alkaline water in modern times is of vast importance. Our bodies are mainly based on water and the pH affects our health as well as any disease.
Our typical modern diet is the main reason why our bodies are too acidic. It is mainly based on alcohol, too much sugar, caffeine, processed foods and salt. In cases when there’s an overly acidic environment in the body, it shows many signs including weak immune system, headaches, fatigue and abdominal pain.
If the environment becomes too acidic or too alkaline, the healthy cells may become toxic, leading to eventual death of the cells. This imbalance corrodes the body tissues.
Cancer Cells Cannot Live in Alkaline Water
The alkaline water is extremely powerful. The surveillance system in our body is responsible for the pH balance and it eliminates strong acidic remains. Most importantly, they do so without damaging the healthy cells.
However, the results can be really harmful for your health if the burden becomes too heavy. Another important reason why you should try alkaline water is the body hydration. As your system absorbs the alkaline water, it hydrates the body even more and it improves the overall well-being and health.
How to Make the Alkaline Water?
1 teaspoon Himalayan salt
2 liters of clean and filtered water
1 organic lemon (sliced into quarters)
How to Prepare:
Take a jar and fill it with water. Add the lemon slices and make sure you don’t squeeze the lemon. Add the teaspoon of Himalayan salt, cover the jar and let it stay overnight at room temperature. In the morning, drink 3 glasses of the water. You should consume it on empty stomach before eating or drinking anything else.
This drink will help you achieve the perfect alkaline balance in the body. Don’t hesitate and begin with it immediately. Your body will be grateful
Saturday, 16 April 2016
लोककल्याणाच्या गोंडस नावाखाली प्रचंड कर्जे काढून काँग्रेसच्या आघाडी सरकारने गेल्या पंधरा वर्षात केलेल्या प्रचंड उधळपट्टीच्या कारभाराने, महाराष्ट्र पूर्णपणे कर्जाच्या सापळ्यात अडकल्याचा ठपका महालेखापालांनी (कॅग) ठेवला आहे
कर्जाच्या सापळ्यात
vasudeo kulkarni
Friday, April 15, 2016 AT 11:16 AM (IST)
Tags: ag1
लोककल्याणाच्या गोंडस नावाखाली प्रचंड कर्जे काढून काँग्रेसच्या आघाडी सरकारने गेल्या पंधरा वर्षात केलेल्या प्रचंड उधळपट्टीच्या कारभाराने, महाराष्ट्र पूर्णपणे कर्जाच्या सापळ्यात अडकल्याचा ठपका महालेखापालांनी (कॅग) ठेवला आहे. सरकारच्या महसुली उत्पन्नातील गट आणि अनुत्पादक खर्चात झालेली प्रचंड वाढ हा राज्याच्या दृष्टीने अत्यंत चिंतेचा विषय तर आहेच, पण सरकारने काढलेल्या या कर्जामुळे प्रत्येक नागरिकाच्या डोक्यावर सरासरी 21 हजार 125 रुपये 89 पैशाचे कर्ज झाले असल्याचेही या अहवालात नमूद करण्यात आले आहे. सध्या राज्याच्या तिजोरीवर 3 लाख 52 हजार 911 कोटी रुपयांचे कर्ज आहे. अंतर्गत कर्ज 2 लाख 28 हजार कोटी रुपयांवर आहे. येत्या सात वर्षात या कर्जातली पन्नास टक्के रकमेची परतफेड करावीच लागणार असल्यामुळे राज्याच्या आर्थिक स्थितीवर प्रचंड ताण येईल, अशी भीतीही कॅगने व्यक्त केली आहे. राज्याच्या तिजोरीतला तब्बल 64 टक्के वाटा अनुदाने आणि वेतनावर खर्च होतो. महसुली तूट असतानाही कर्जे काढून राज्याचा गाडा चालवला जातो. कर्ज आणि व्याजाच्या परतफेडीसाठी तरतूद करावीच लागते. परिणामी सार्वजनिक विकासासाठी पैसेच उपलब्ध होत नसल्याचे अहवालात नमूद करण्यात आले आहे. राज्याची आर्थिक स्थिती नाजूक असतानाही काँग्रेसच्या आघाडी सरकारने प्रचंड उधळपट्टी केल्याच्या अनेक प्रकरणावर कॅगने ताशेरेही मारलेले आहेत. दिल्लीतल्या महाराष्ट्र सदनाच्या बांधकामाचा घोटाळा गाजत असताना सार्वजनिक बांधकाम खात्याच्या कारभारातले अनेक गैरप्रकारांचा पंचनामाही या अहवालात करण्यात आला आहे. गेल्या पाच वर्षात मुंबईतल्या मंत्र्यांच्या निवासस्थाने आणि दुरुस्तीवर तब्बल 52 कोटी रुपये खर्च करण्यात आले. या इमारती पूडून नव्या इमारती बांधल्या असत्या तर 37 कोटी रुपयात हे काम झाले असते. मंजूर झालेली कामे रद्द करणे आणि मंजुरी नसलेल्या कामावर खर्च करणे असा सार्वजनिक बांधकाम खात्याचा खाक्या होता. हे खाते महाराष्ट्र सदन घोटाळा प्रकरणी सध्या तुरुंगात असलेल्या छगन भुजबळ यांच्याकडे होते. पोलिसांच्या रहिवासी इमारतींच्या रंगकामासाठी तब्बल 32 लाख रुपये उधळले गेल्याचेही या अहवालात म्हटले आहे. मुुंबईतल्या सरकारी इमारतींच्या दुरुस्ती आणि देखभालीच्या कामासाठी निधीचे वाटप करताना कसलेही नियोजन नव्हते आणि या कामांना मंजुरीही नव्हती. दुरुस्तीच्या कामांची संख्या आणि त्यासाठी दिलेला निधी यात काहीही ताळमेळ नसल्याचा शेराही मारण्यात आला आहे. राज्याच्या वन धोरणाची अंमलबजावणी 2008 पासून सुरू झाली. त्यानंतरच्या पाच वर्षात जंगलांचा विस्तार आणि वृक्षारोपणावर 5 हजार कोटी रुपयांचा खर्च झाला. पण, एवढा प्रचंड निधी खर्च केल्यावरही जंगलांच्या क्षेत्रात मात्र काहीही वाढ झालेली नाही. जंगलांचे क्षेत्र 16.45 टक्के एवढेच राहिलेले आहे. झुडपी-जंगले आणि खाजगी वन जमीन राखीवही ठेवलेली नाही. ओसाड जमिनीवर वृक्षारोपण करून जंगलाची वाढ करायसाठी काहीही उपाययोजना आणि प्रयत्न झालेले नाहीत. जंगलांच्या व्यवस्थापनासाठी दीर्घकालीन उपाययोजना केलेली नाही. राष्ट्रीय वन आयोगाने 2006 मध्ये केलेल्या शिफारशींची अंमलबजावणीही केेली नसल्याचा ठपकाही कॅगने ठेवला आहे.
बड्या थकबाकीदारांना अभय
शिवसेना- भारतीय जनता पक्षाच्या युतीच्या सरकारकडून काँग्रेसच्या आघाडी सरकारने कारभाराची सूत्रे घेतली तेव्हा राज्याच्या तिजोरीवर 40 हजार कोटी रुपयांचे कर्ज होते. मुंबई-पुणे जलदगती मार्ग, विदर्भ-मराठवाडा, कोकण आणि उर्वरित महाराष्ट्रातील अपुरी धरणे आणि कालव्यांची बांधकामे मार्गी लावायसाठी त्या सरकारने कर्जे काढली होती. त्या कर्जाचा विनियोग झाल्यामुळेच कृष्णा-गोदा पाणी तंटा लवादाच्या निर्णयानुसार महाराष्ट्राच्या वाट्याला आलेल्या पाण्याचा साठा झाला, ही वस्तुस्थिती होती. पण, आघाडी सरकारचे तेव्हाचे अर्थमंत्री जयंत पाटील, यांनी युतीच्या सरकारने तिजोरीवर प्रचंड कर्ज केल्यामुळे विकासासाठी पैसाच उपलब्ध नसल्याचा थयथयाट केला. राज्याच्या आर्थिक स्थितीची श्वेतपत्रिकाही त्या सरकारने विधिमंडळाला सादर केली होती. युतीच्या सरकारमुळे राज्य दिवाळखोरीच्या उंबरठ्यावर उभे असल्याचा कांगावाही त्यांनी केला होता. आर्थिक संकटावर मात करायसाठी काटकसरीचा कारभार आणि आवश्यक तिथेच खर्च केला जाईल, अशी ग्वाही पाटील यांनी दिली होती. प्रत्यक्षात मात्र आघाडी सरकारच्या कारकिर्दीत बहुतांश खात्यांचा कारभार प्रचंड उधळपट्टीचा झाला. जलसिंचनावर 72 हजार कोटी रुपये खर्च झाले. पण, जलसिंचनाच्या क्षेत्रात पाच टक्केही वाढ झाली नसल्याचा आरोप माजी मुख्यमंत्री पृथ्वीराज चव्हाण यांनी केला होता. पाटबंधारे खात्यात झालेल्या भ्रष्टाचाराच्या चौकशीचे आदेश त्यांनीच दिले होते. चौैकशीनंतर या खात्यात हजारो कोटी रुपयांचे घोटाळे झाल्याचे उघडकीस आले. एवढा प्रचंड निधी खर्चूनही अनेक धरणांची बांधकामे अपुरी राहिल्यानेच त्यांच्या बांधकामांचा खर्च 47 हजार कोटींनी वाढल्याचा ठपका कॅगने ठेवला आहे. आदिवासी कल्याण आणि अण्णा भाऊ साठे महामंडळात झालेल्या शेकडो कोटी रुपयांच्या भ्रष्टाचाराचा पंचनामा सुरूच आहे. आघाडी सरकारने जुन्या कर्जांची फेड तर केली नाहीच, उलट जुनी कर्जे आणि त्यावरचे व्याज फेडायसाठी नवी कर्जे काढली. तिजोरीवर दोन लाख साठ हजार कोटी रुपयांच्या कर्जाचा नवा बोजा करून ठेवला. प्रचंड कर्जबाजारी झालेल्या राज्याची अर्थव्यवस्था सावरायसाठी त्या सरकारने काहीही उपाययोजना केली तर नाहीच, उलट सरकारला येणे असलेला महसूलही वसूल केला नसल्याचे, कॅगच्या अहवालातल्या कडक शेर्यांनी चव्हाट्यावर आले आहे. शेतकर्यांची विजेची थकबाकी प्रचंड वाढल्याचा आरडा ओरडा करणार्या आघाडी सरकारने बड्या थकबाकीदारांना अभय दिले आणि मुख्यमंत्री देवेेंद्र फडणवीस सरकारने जुन्याच सरकारचा कित्ता गिरवत या बड्या थकबाकीदारांवर मेहरनजर कायम ठेवली आहे. मुंबईतल्या ताजमहाल आणि द ओबेरॉय या दोन पंचतारांकित हॉटेल्सनी जमीन महसुलाच्या थकबाकीसह 300 कोटी रुपयांचा मनोरंजन कर थकवला आहे. ताज हॉटेलच्या झोडियाक ग्रील, सी लॉज, कारबोर्ड अशा तीन पब्सनी 252 कोटी आणि ओबेरॉय हॉटेलच्या द ईयूबार या पबचा 48 कोटी रुपयांचा मनोरंजन कर का वसूल केला नाही आणि त्यांच्या या थकबाकीदारावर कारवाई का केली नाही असा सवालही कॅगने अहवालात केला आहे. याशिवाय मुंबई आणि नवी मुंबई येथील काही मल्टिप्लेक्सनी मनोरंजन कर बुडवल्याचे अहवालात नमूद करण्यात आले आहे. सरकारचा महसूल वसूल करायचा नाही आणि कर्ज काढून उधळपट्टी करायची, असा आघाडी सरकारचा खाक्या होता. नव्या सरकारने सरकारची थकीत महसुलाची आणि मनोरंजन कराची वसुली केली असती, तर नाजूक आर्थिक परिस्थितीत सरकारला दिलासा मिळाला असता. दुष्काळावर मात करायसाठी सरकारकडे निधी नाही आणि बड्या कर्जदाराकडची थकबाकी वसूल करायची नाही, अशा धोरणाने आर्थिक संकटावर मात कशी करता येणार
Indian Military - Army٠Navy٠Airforce٠BSF٠CRPF٠Coastguard٠RAW٠ITBP٠DIA٠CISF's photo.
Indian Military - Army٠Navy٠Airforce٠BSF٠CRPF٠Coastguard٠RAW٠ITBP٠DIA٠CISF
Yesterday at 10:29am ·
The day he joined the Army.
The day he was bid Farewell.
RIP Major Amit Deswal
frown emoticon
On January 15, 1985, Rishi Ram held two celebrations at home — to mark Army Day and the birth of his son. From that day, his family members recall, the Subedar Major’s only dream was to see his son become an army officer.
The dream came alive 21 years later, when Amit Deswal was commissioned to the Regiment of Artillery on June 10, 2006. And it died this Wednesday, when Major Deswal of 21 Para was killed in an encounter with Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) insurgents in Manipur’s Tamenglong.
Within hours of Major Deswal succumbing to a gunshot wound on his stomach, the army broke the news to the father who was in Imphal at the time, said Deswal’s younger brother Ankit Deswal, speaking on behalf of the family.
For Ankit, it has been a jumble of painful moments over the last 24 hours at their family home in Jhajjar. His mother, holding his hand, refuses to believe that she has lost her elder son. His sister-in-law Neetu is “inconsolable” and keeps “repeating the same thing… ‘Yeh bahut galat hua. Yeh bahut galat hua (what happened is wrong)’”.
The last time Amit visited home was when Ankit got married on February 16. He stayed in Jhajjar for ten days. “The Jat quota agitation was happening at the time. However, the wedding went off peacefully. Never could we imagine then that such a tragedy would hit us,” said Ankit. Rishi Ram was in Manipur to teach his four-year-old grandson Aryan — Deswal’s only child — to swim, said Ankit. “Amit wanted Aryan to be with his grandfather during the summer holidays so that he remained attached to the family,” he said.
According to Ankit, Amit Deswal was selected for the coveted Special Forces and joined the elite unit in January 2011 before being sent to Manipur for Operation Hifazat-II this January. ”My father always dreamt of becoming an officer. Amit fulfilled his dream. Not only he accomplished this dream, he stood second in the Combined Defence Services examination in 2004. After joining the elite forces, he was declared the best student commando,” said Ankit, displaying photos of his elder brother being commissioned into the Artillery.
Col Narender Chhikkara (Retd), who was Deswal’s company commander in Dundahera, Gurgaon, from 2007 to 2009, said, “Amit was posted here right after his Young Officer’s Course. He had an unmatched spark on his face. He was bright and always keen to know the unknown. The respect this young gentleman officer had for the uniform is something I still remember,” said the retired officer. Another senior officer, under whom Amit served, remembers him as someone who recognised that his calling was somewhere more adventurous.
“As a young officer, he got commissioned in an Artillery regiment where he was posted as a Gun Position officer. But his calling was always for the Special Forces. He died fighting. He died a commando,” said the serving officer. The officer also described Amit as a “flying machine”. “He was a brilliant cross-country runner and an undefeated hockey player. For his troops, he was not just their ‘Saheb’ but someone they looked up to,” he added
Does olive oil prevent heart disease?
Short answer: Yes
The health benefits of olive oil come from the presence of polyphenols, antioxidants
That reduce the risk of heart diseases
And cancers.
But to get these healthy compounds, consumers should buy good-quality, fresh "extra-virgin" olive oil, which has the highest polyphenol content. Most commercially available olive oils have low levels of polyphenols associated with poor harvesting methods, improper storage, and heavy processing.
Do cough syrups work?
Short answer: No
In 2006, the nation's chest physicians agreed
That the majority of over-the-counter cough medicines don't actually work.
These colorful syrups typically contain doses of codeine and dextromethorphan that are too small to be effective.
Only cough suppressants that contain older antihistamines seem to relieve coughs.
That includes brompheniramine, an active ingredient in Dimetapp.
Do sugary soft drinks lead to diabetes?
Short answer: Yes
The majority of health research is stacked against sugar-sweetened soda
. A large 2004 study
In the Journal of the American Medical Association found that women who drank one or more sugary drinks per day increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 83% compared to those who consumed less than one of these beverages per month.
Do I need sunscreen with more than 30 SPF?
Short answer: No
Sunscreens with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 block about 97% of ultraviolet rays,
While sunscreens with an SPF of higher than 30 block 97%-98%.
It's more important that you choose "broad-spectrum" sunscreen, meaning it protects against both UVB and UVA rays.
Sunbathers also need to apply a generous amount of sunscreen
In order to get the full benefit of the SPF.
Is the MSG in Chinese likely to give you a headache?
Short answer: No
A review of 40 years of clinical trials, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners in 2006
Found that all previous research "failed to identify a consistent relationship between the consumption of MSG
And the constellation of symptoms that comprise the syndrome," including headaches and asthma attacks.
The misconception spawned from several poorly-done small studies in the 1960's that seemed to connect MSG with a variety of maladies that people experienced after eating at Chinese restaurants.
Learn more about the MSG myth here »
Do nuts make you fat?
Short answer: No
As much as 75% of a nut is fat. But eating fat doesn't necessarily make you fat.
The bigger factor leading to weight gain is portion-size.
Luckily, nuts are loaded with healthy fats that keep you full. They're also a good source of protein and fiber.
One study even found that whole almonds have 20% less calories than previously thought because
A lot of the fat is excreted from the body.
Is walking as effective as running?
Short answer: Yes
Studies have shown that how long you exercise — and thus how many calories you burn — is more important
than how hard you exercise. Running is a more efficient form of exercise, but not necessarily better for you.
A six-year study published in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology in April found that walking at a moderate pace and running produced similar health benefits, so long as the same amount of energy was expended.
Is drinking fruit juice as good for you as eating fruit?
Short answer: No
Calorie for calorie, whole fruit provides more nutritional benefits than drinking the pure juice of that fruit.
That's because when you liquefy fruit, stripping away the peel and dumping the pulp, many ingredients like
Fiber, calcium, vitamin C, and other antioxidants are lost.
For comparison, a five-ounce glass of orange juice that contains 69 calories has .3 grams of dietary fiber and 16 milligrams of calcium, whereas an orange with the same number of calories packs 3.1 grams of fiber and 60 milligrams of calcium.
Are all wheat breads better for you than white bread?
Short answer: No
Not all wheat breads are created equal. Wheat breads that contain all parts of the grain kernel,
including the nutrient-rich germ and fiber-dense bran, must be labeled "whole grain" or "whole wheat."
Some wheat breads are just white bread with a little bit of caramel coloring to make the bread appear healthier,
According to Reader's Digest.
Can a hot tub make me sick?
Short answer: Yes
Hot tubs — especially ones in spas, hotels, and gyms — are perfect breeding grounds for germs.
The water is not hot enough to kill bacteria, but is just the right temperature to make microbes grow even faster.
Even though hot tubs are treated with chlorine, the heat causes the disinfectant to break down faster
than it would in regular pools.
The most common hot tub infection is pseudomonas folliculitis, which causes red, itchy bumps.
A more dangerous side-effect of soaking in a dirty Jacuzzi is a form of pneumonia known as Legionnaire's disease.
This is what reportedly sickened more than 100 people at the Playboy Mansion back in 2011.
Does coffee cause cancer?
Short answer: No
Coffee got a bad rap in the 1980's when a study linked drinking coffee to pancreatic cancer
The preliminary report was later debunked
More recently, health studies have swung in favor of the caffeinated beverage.
Coffee has been linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes,
Parkinson's disease, liver cancer, and even suicide.
Do eggs raise cholesterol levels?
Short answer: No
Although egg yolks are a major source of cholesterol — a waxy substance that resembles fat — researchers have learned that saturated fat has more of an impact on cholesterol in your blood than eating foods that contain cholesterol.
"Healthy individuals with normal blood cholesterol levels should now feel free to enjoy foods like eggs in their diet every day," the lead researcher from a 25-year University of Arizona study on cholesterol concluded.
Can you drink too much water?
Short answer: Yes
It is very rare for someone to die from drinking too much water, but it can happen. Over-hydrating is most common among elite athletes. Drinking an excess of water, called water intoxication, dilutes the concentration of sodium in the blood leading to a condition known as hyponatremia. The symptoms of hyponatremia can range from nausea and confusion to seizures and even death in severe cases.
To avoid this, drink fluids with electrolytes during extreme exercise events.
Can yoghurt ease digestive problems?
Short answer: Yes
Our digestive tract is filled with microorganisms — some good and some bad. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria, generically called probiotics, that help maintain a healthy balance.
Probiotics can relieve several gastrointestinal problems, including constipation and diarrhea.
Certain brands of yogurts, like Activa by Dannon,
are marketed exclusively to treat tummy issues.
Do whitening toothpastes whiten teeth more than regular toothpastes?
Short answer: No
Whitening toothpastes usually contain peroxides and other strong abrasives that might make your teeth appear whiter by removing stains. Unlike at-home whitening strips and gels that contain bleach,
these toothpastes do not actually change the color of your teeth.
Is it safe to microwave food in plastic containers?
Short answer: Yes
But the plastic container should display the words "microwave safe."
This means that the Food and Drug Administration has tested the container to make sure no chemicals used to make the plastic leech into foods during microwaving. If chemicals do seep out into food, the amounts are tiny and not dangerous to our health. As a general guideline, plastic grocery bags as well as most plastic tubs that hold margarine, yogurt, cream cheese, and condiments are not microwave safe.
Can watching TV ruin your eyesight?
Short answer: No
Watching TV will not destroy your rods and cones as the outdated myth suggests. Before the 1950's, TVs emitted radiation that could increase an individual's risk of eye problems after excessive TV viewing.
Modern TVs have special shielding that blocks these harmful emissions.
Is red wine better for you than white wine?
Short answer: Yes
Red wine contains much more Resveratrol than white wine, an antioxidant found in the skin of grapes that has been shown to fight off diseases associated with aging
Is bottled water better for you than tap water?
Short answer: No
Bottled water is no safer or purer than tap water, although it is substantially more expensive. A recent study by Glasgow University in the U.K. found that bottled water is actually
more likely to be contaminated than water from your faucet
because it is less well-regulated. Bottled water and tap water typically come from the same sources — natural springs, lakes, and aquifers.
While public water supplies are tested for contaminants every day, makers of bottled water are only required to test for specific contaminants every week, month, or year.
ई-मंडी : एक गेमचेंजर (अग्रलेख )DIVYAMARATHI
Divya Marathi
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ई-मंडी : एक गेमचेंजर (अग्रलेख )
दिव्य मराठी
Apr 16, 2016, 04:51 AM IST
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ई-मंडी : एक गेमचेंजर (अग्रलेख )
‘शेती उत्पादन वाढवण्याचा मार्ग हा जमिनीचे आकारमान वाढवणे नसून असलेल्या शेतजमिनीत मोठ्या प्रमाणावर भांडवल, मनुष्यबळ व तंत्रज्ञानाचा वापर करून उत्पन्न वाढवणे हा आहे.’ डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांनी १० ऑक्टोबर १९२७ रोजी मुंबई प्रांतिक विधिमंडळात ‘अल्पभूधारक दिलासा विधेयका’वर केलेल्या भाषणात भारतीय शेतकऱ्यांच्या प्रश्नांची मांडणी केली होती. हे विधेयकच भूधारणेविषयी असल्याने त्यांनी तंत्रज्ञानाचा उल्लेख त्यासंदर्भात केला आहे. पण शेतकरी खुल्या बाजाराअभावी नडले. यावर बाबासाहेबांना बोलण्याची वेळ आली असती तर त्यांनी राष्ट्रीय ऑनलाइन कृषी बाजारपेठ उभारण्याच्या (ई-मंडी किंवा नाम) महत्त्वाकांक्षी योजनेचे स्वागत केले असते आणि हे करण्यास इतकी वर्षे का लागली याचा जाब त्यांनी सरकारला विचारला असता. बाबासाहेबांच्या १२५ व्या जयंतीनिमित्त दिल्लीत गुरुवारी या योजनेचे पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांच्या हस्ते उद्घाटन झाले.
शेतकऱ्यांनी शेती कशी करावी, त्याने कसे जगावे, त्याने जगाशी कसे जुळवून घ्यावे यासंबंधीची कीर्तने करणाऱ्या तज्ज्ञांची कमी नाही; पण इतर क्षेत्रांत खुली स्पर्धा आणि पारदर्शी व्यवहारांचा जसा आग्रह धरला जात आहे, तोच आग्रह शेतीमध्ये का धरला जात नाही, याविषयी बोलणारे शोधून काढावे लागतात. महत्त्वाचा मुद्दा असा की, शेतीच्या व्यवसायात स्पर्धात्मक आणि पारदर्शी बाजारपेठेची जी गरज आहे ती भरून काढण्याचे काम ई-मंडी करणार आहे. ही बाजारपेठ कशी चालेल आणि शेतकऱ्यांचा त्यामुळे कसा फायदा होईल ही कल्पना करण्यास आज अनेकांना जड जाईल. मात्र या बाजारपेठेत परवानाधारक व्यापारी मालाची कोणत्याही ठिकाणाहून बोली लावू शकतील आणि आपल्या मालाला समाधानकारक दर मिळाला तरच शेतकरी आपला माल विकेल या मूलभूत गोष्टीवर ही योजना उभी आहे, असे सांगितले की या योजनेची आणि त्यायोगे शेती बाजारपेठेत होणाऱ्या अामूलाग्र बदलाची कल्पना करणे अवघड जाणार नाही.
शेतकऱ्यांना नागवणारा मध्यस्थ हटवणे हा या योजनेचा एक भाग आहे. तो पहिल्या दिवसापासून साध्य होईल, असे म्हणता येणार नाही. ही प्रक्रिया समजून घेईपर्यंत कदाचित मध्यस्थांची मदत घ्यावी लागेल. अर्थात, हे मध्यस्थ आता फक्त जुळवाजुळव करणारे असतील. आपल्या मालाला पुरेसा भाव मिळाला नाहीतरी अनावश्यक आणि बेकायदा शुल्क सध्या शेतकऱ्यांना भरावेच लागते. यापासून त्याची सुटका होईल. जीएसटीच्या माध्यमातून सारा भारत व्यापार-व्यवसायाच्या बाबतीत खऱ्या अर्थाने एक देश होईल याची उद्योग क्षेत्र आतुरतेने वाट पाहते आहे; पण त्यात शेतीव्यवसायाचा विचार केला गेला नव्हता. आता या ई-मंडीमुळे शेतीमालाचीही देशाची बाजारपेठ एक होईल. सध्या स्थानिक बाजार समित्या या शेतीमालाचे नियंत्रण करत आहेत. पण त्यात नेमका शेतकऱ्याचा किती फायदा होतो, हा संशोधनाचा विषय आहे. प्रत्येक राज्याची वेगळी परवाना पद्धती आणि त्यामुळे वाढणारा खर्च हाही खुल्या बाजारातील अडथळा ठरला आहे. जग खुल्या व्यवहाराच्या दिशेने वेगाने वाटचाल करत असताना अशा स्थानिक बाजारांनी शेतकऱ्यांना एका चौकटीत बंदिस्त केले आहे. भारत हा आकाराने प्रचंड मोठा देश असल्याने नाशवंत शेतीमालाची वाहतूक हे आव्हान राहणारच आहे. मात्र धान्य, डाळीसारख्या मालाची जलद वाहतूक करणे रेल्वेचे जाळे आणि वाढत्या महामार्गांमुळे शक्य झाले आहे. शेतीमाल विक्रीची स्पर्धात्मक बाजारपेठ उभी करणे हे तीन कारणांनी अडले होते. पहिले कारण म्हणजे स्थानिक व्यापारी आणि दलालांचे हितसंबंध. दुसरे म्हणजे असंघटित असलेला शेतकरी वर्ग आणि तिसरे म्हणजे राजकीय नेत्यांचा बाजार समित्यांवरील वरचष्मा. हीच परिस्थिती कमी-जास्त प्रमाणात इतर क्षेत्रांतही होतीच; पण परिस्थितीचा रेटाच असा आला की हे अडथळे दूर झाले. खरे म्हणजे खुल्या स्पर्धेत काळाने त्यांना गिळून टाकले. ई-मंडीच्या बाबतीत तेच होणार आहे. सुरुवातीला याविषयी प्रचंड अविश्वास निर्माण होईल. बाजार समित्यांचा विरोध होईल. त्याचे राजकारणही केले जाईल. पण ती काळाची गरज असल्याने या बदलाला कोणी रोखू शकणार नाही. अर्थात, त्यासाठी सरकारला ठाम राहावे लागेल. यात भाग घेणाऱ्या बाजारांना मोफत सॉफ्टवेअर पुरवून त्याची सुरुवात झालीच आहे. तेलंगण, उत्तर प्रदेश, गुजरात, हरियाणा, हिमाचल, झारखंड, मध्य प्रदेश, राजस्थान अशा आठ राज्यांतील २१ बाजारांनी त्यात भाग घेतला आहे. येत्या चार महिन्यांत आणखी २०० बाजार भाग घेणार आहेत. पहिल्या टप्प्यात महाराष्ट्राने त्यात भाग का घेतला नाही हे अजून स्पष्ट झालेले नाही. पण त्याचे कारण केवळ बाजार समित्यांचा विरोध असेल तर सरकार आणि शेतकऱ्यांचे नेतृत्व करणाऱ्या संघटनांनी तो मोडून काढला पाहिजे
Friday, 15 April 2016
हिंदूंच्या सुरक्षेबाबत एकही राज्यकर्ता, पुढारी उसळून बोलत नाही
कसे होणार हिंदूंचे?
Saturday, April 16th, 2016
हिंदूंना आपल्याच हिंदुस्थानात खतम करण्याची भाषा होत असताना हिंदूंच्या सुरक्षेबाबत एकही राज्यकर्ता, पुढारी उसळून बोलत नाही. पठाणकोटच्या हल्ल्याचा बदला घेऊ असे एक विधान संरक्षण मंत्र्यांनी केले. तो बदला घेण्याचा दिवस जसा उजाडणार नाही तशी हिंदू रक्षणाची आरोळीही कधी कोणी ठोकणार नाही. हिंदूंनाच एकजुटीने भगव्याखाली उभे राहावे लागेल!
कसे होणार हिंदूंचे?
कोणीही उठतो आणि हिंदुस्थानच्या कानफटात मारतो असे नेहमीच घडताना दिसत आहे. हिंदुस्थानातील हिंदूंचा खात्मा करण्याची भाषा ‘इसिस’ने पुन्हा केली आहे. हिंदू लोकांसह इस्लाम न मानणार्या लोकांचा खात्मा करू, संपूर्ण हिंदुस्थानात शरीयत कायदा लागू करू असे या मंडळींनी सीरियात बसून जाहीर केले आहे. हिंदूंना खतम करण्याची भाषा यापूर्वी अल कायदा, तोयबासारख्या अतिरेकी संघटनांनी अनेकदा केली आहे. संपूर्ण जगात इस्लामच्या नावाने हिंसा घडवून अराजक माजवले जात आहे व हिंदूंच्या मानेवर तलवार ठेवून धर्मांध अतिरेकी धमक्या देत आहेत. हे सर्व चित्र भयंकर असले तरी हिंदूंच्या बाजूने ठामपणे उभा राहणारा एकही माईका लाल या भूमीत दिसत नाही. राममंदिरप्रश्नी भाजपने अलगद आपल्या काखा वर केल्या आहेत. येथील स्वत:स हिंदुत्ववादी मानणारे पुढारी अधूनमधून गर्जना करीत असतात, पण इसिससारख्या संघटनांशी मुकाबला करण्याच्या बाबतीत
सगळ्यांच्याच मिश्या खाली
पडत असतात. नागपुरात कन्हैयाकुमारच्या गाडीवर दोन दगड मारल्याने हिंदुत्व मजबूत होण्याऐवजी कन्हैयासारख्यांना वारेमाप प्रसिद्धी मिळत आहे व ते हिंदुत्वासाठी बरे नाही. हिंदूंना मारण्याची भाषा जेव्हा केली जाते तेव्हा येथील हिंदुत्ववादी राज्यकर्ते कानात बोळे व तोंडात मिठाच्या गुळण्या घेऊन बसतात हे पुन्हा एकदा सिद्ध झाले आहे. ‘इसिस’ किंवा अन्य दहशतवादी संघटनांनी अशा प्रकारची धमकी येथील मुसलमानांच्या बाबतीत वा अन्य धर्मीयांच्या बाबतीत दिली असती तर एव्हाना सरकारातील बडे लोक छातीची ढाल करून त्यांच्या रक्षणासाठी उभे राहिले असते. मुसलमानांच्या वा ख्रिश्चनांच्या केसालाही धक्का लागणार नाही अशा गर्जना सरकारी पातळीवर झाल्या असत्या व अल्पसंख्याक म्हणून या लोकांच्या सुरक्षेसाठी चिंतामय उसासे टाकण्याची राष्ट्रीय स्पर्धाच लागली असती. पहा ना, कश्मीरातील हिंदू पंडितांचे जे शिरकाण गेली पंचवीसेक वर्षे सुरू आहे तो तरी काय प्रकार आहे? तिथेही पद्धतशीरपणे हिंदूंचा खात्माच झाला आहे व जे
हिंदू पंडित वाचले
आहेत ते आपल्याच देशात निर्वासिताचे जिणे जगत आहेत. आश्चर्य असे की, जे लोक कालपर्यंत हिंदू पंडितांची चिंता वाहण्याचे राजकारण करीत होते ते आज स्वत: कश्मीरात सत्तेत आहेत व ज्यांनी हिंदूंना पळवून लावण्यात महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावली अशा लोकांबरोबर सत्तेची हातमिळवणी झाली आहे, पण तिथे आजही हिंदूंना प्रवेश नाही व हिंदूंनी पुन्हा परत यावे यासाठी विशेष प्रयत्न नाहीत. या देशात हिंदू असणे हा जणू अपराधच झाला आहे व हिंदू राज्यकर्तेच हिंदू समाजाचे सगळ्यात मोठे दुश्मन बनले आहेत. सत्तेने माणूस आंधळा होतो, पण इथे तर सत्तेमुळे डोळ्यांंच्या साफ खाचा होऊन बुबुळेच बाहेर पडली आहेत. म्हणूनच स्वराज्यातील हिंदूंची दुर्दशा व असुरक्षित जगणे राज्यकर्त्यांना दिसत नाही. हिंदूंना आपल्याच हिंदुस्थानात खतम करण्याची भाषा होत असताना हिंदूंच्या सुरक्षेबाबत एकही राज्यकर्ता, पुढारी उसळून बोलत नाही. पठाणकोटच्या हल्ल्याचा बदला घेऊ असे एक विधान संरक्षण मंत्र्यांनी केले. तो बदला घेण्याचा दिवस जसा उजाडणार नाही तशी हिंदू रक्षणाची आरोळीही कधी कोणी ठोकणार नाही. हिंदूंनाच एकजुटीने भगव्याखाली उभे राहावे लागेल!
- See more at: http://www.saamana.com/sampadkiya/kase-honar-hindunche#sthash.pRRAfF7M.dpuf
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