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Thursday, 30 November 2023

"Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism Around the World" by Stewart Bell-Book Review


In the opening chapter, Stewart Bell introduces the key themes and arguments of his book, "Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism Around the World." He emphasizes the need to understand the global reach of terrorism and challenges the perception that Canada is immune to this threat. Bell argues that Canada has become a breeding ground for radicalization and explores the factors that contribute to the country's role in exporting terrorism.


Historical Context

This chapter delves into the historical context of terrorism in Canada. Bell traces the origins of radicalization and extremist ideologies within the country, highlighting instances such as the 1985 Air India bombing and the emergence of homegrown terrorist groups. He examines various socio-political factors that have contributed to the growth of extremist movements within Canada's borders.


Radicalization and Recruitment

Bell explores the process of radicalization and recruitment within Canadian communities. He examines the role of online platforms, mosques, and other institutions in propagating extremist ideologies and attracting vulnerable individuals. The chapter includes case studies of individuals who were radicalized in Canada and later participated in terrorist activities abroad.


Financing and Support Networks

This chapter investigates the financing and support networks that sustain terrorist activities originating from Canada. Bell uncovers the intricate web of financial transactions, including money laundering and charitable organizations being exploited to fund terrorism. He also sheds light on the complex relationships between Canadian extremists and international terrorist networks.


Foreign Fighters

Bell focuses on the phenomenon of Canadian citizens traveling abroad to join terrorist organizations such as ISIS. He explores the motivations behind their decisions and the challenges faced by Canadian authorities in preventing such journeys. The chapter also discusses the implications of these foreign fighters returning to Canada and the potential security threats they pose.


State Sponsorship and Diplomatic Challenges

This chapter examines the role of state sponsors of terrorism and the challenges faced by Canada in dealing with countries that support extremist groups. Bell explores the diplomatic complexities involved in confronting these nations while maintaining international relations. He highlights specific cases where Canada's response to state-sponsored terrorism has been both effective and insufficient.


Counterterrorism Measures

Bell analyzes the effectiveness of Canada's counterterrorism measures and explores the strengths and weaknesses of its approach. He assesses the role of intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and legislative frameworks in combating terrorism within the country. The chapter also discusses the need for international cooperation in addressing the global nature of the terrorist threat.


Future Perspectives

In the final chapter, Bell offers insights into the future of terrorism and its impact on Canada. He discusses emerging trends, including the evolution of online radicalization and the potential for new forms of terrorist attacks. The chapter concludes with a call to action, emphasizing the importance of continued vigilance and proactive measures to counter the spread of terrorism.


Extremist Ideologies: Bell delves into the ideological underpinnings of extremist groups operating in Canada. He examines h ow these ideologies are disseminated through various channels, including online platforms, social media, and extremist literature. The book explores the role of radicalization in transforming individuals into potential terrorists.


Case Studies: Throughout the book, Bell presents several case studies of individuals and groups involved in terrorism with links to Canada. He examines their backgrounds, motivations, and the pathways that led them to engage in terrorist activities. These case studies provide insight into the specific dynamics of radicalization and highlight the diverse range of individuals involved in terrorism within Canada.


Counterterrorism Efforts: Bell analyzes the effectiveness of Canada's counterterrorism measures and discusses the challenges faced by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. He explores the strategies employed to monitor and prevent radicalization, as well as the difficulties in gathering intelligence and prosecuting suspected terrorists. The book also assesses the successes and failures of past counterterrorism operations in Canada.


Regional and International Context: The book places Canada's terrorism landscape within a broader regional and international context. Bell examines how extremist movements in neighboring countries and global terrorist networks have influenced and interacted with Canadian actors. He also discusses the impact of international conflicts and geopolitical dynamics on the growth of terrorism within Canada.


Societal Factors: Bell explores the societal factors that contribute to the nurturing of terrorism within Canada. He examines issues such as religious tensions, political grievances, marginalization, and the influence of foreign ideologies. The book analyzes how these factors intersect and create an environment conducive to radicalization.


Policy Recommendations: In addition to providing a comprehensive analysis of the problem, Bell offers policy recommendations to address the challenges posed by terrorism in Canada. He proposes measures to strengthen counterterrorism efforts, enhance intelligence sharing, improve community engagement, and address the root causes of radicalization. These recommendations aim to mitigate the threat of terrorism and promote a safer society.


"Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism Around the World" provides a comprehensive and nuanced examination of terrorism within Canada ,comprehensive examination of Canada's involvement in terrorism, debunking the notion that the country is immune to such threats.. By exploring the historical, ideological, and societal factors at play, Stewart Bell sheds light on the complex nature of the issue. The book serves as a call to action for policymakers, security agencies, and society at large to confront and mitigate the threats posed by terrorism within Canada's borders

Stewart Bell provides a Through detailed research and case studies, Bell highlights the various factors contributing to the growth of extremism within Canada and the country's role in exporting terrorism globally. The book serves as a wake-up call, urging readers to recognize and address the challenges posed by terrorism from  Canadian to India.

Israeli Intelligence Failure – Or a Deep-Rooted Conspiracy? (Part -2) By ‘Sardar’ Sanjay Matkar-FINS

  Author is an audacious adventurer, an avid student of history and global politics. He has authored ‘Showdown at Dabiq – Islamic State Vs. Armies of Rome in the 21st century’. 4 seek to maintain good relationships with Qatar in order to benefit from its huge energy reserves, to sell Defense equipment to it, and to attract Qatari investment into key infrastructure and energy projects. Bharat [India] and its ruling politicians are no exception. They allowed an investment of one billion US dollars by the Qatar Investment Authority into Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Retail Ventures. Beyond this, Qatar has made investments into media houses, real estate, infrastructure, financial institutions and investment funds. So, when thousands of Indian origin construction workers are killed in Qatar under inhuman working conditions or very soon, eight retired officers of our navy are hanged at the whim of Qatar’s ruling family, do not be shocked. According to our Government and our bureaucracy, sacrificing a few Indian lives and our honour and price for the billions in investments; is just the price of doing business with Qatar. Qatar’s ruling family, the al-Thani’s have perfected the art of being on all sides of a conflict and supporting everyone against each other. While funding the Hamas and allowing its leaders to enjoy residency in Qatar, it has positioned itself to be a key negotiator for the release of Israeli hostages, and at the same time preserved its close security and economic ties with the USA. Qatar hosts the forward HQs of the U.S. military’s Central Command at the al-Udeid Air base in Doha. This gives Qatar the safety shield that it needs from any military attacks from its neighbours while being publicly praised by USA as its major non-NATO ally, critically important to U.S. foreign policy in the region. This support from USA comes at a cost of tens of millions of dollars that Qatar spends though its lobbyists in Washington DC, and influences the U.S. lawmakers through investments in law-makers constituencies, contributing to their election fund-raising, sponsored visits to Qatar (Minnesota Congress woman Ilhan Omar’s visit to the soccer World cup was fully funded by Qatar) and has been accused of bribing this same Congress woman in exchange for sensitive intelligence information and to influence U.S. policy in its favour. When caught in illegal acts, Qatar falls back on their policy of threating to restrict energy supplies to countries that accuse it of corrupt and unethical practices. The attack on Israel by Hamas has to be considered as a geo-political strategy by Iran and Qatar, working to destabilize the Middle East peace process for their own gains. The current conflict has successfully stalled and maybe destroyed the Israel–Saudi Arabi Normalization Agreement, allowed Iran to gain prominence in the region’s politics, while putting those Arab states that have signed peace agreements with Israel into a difficult position whereby while trying to honour these agreements, they have to deal with the unrest on the ground by their Muslim citizens who are majorly anti-Israel. This works in the favour of Qatar who is opposed to the global influence of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, who have accused Qatar of various crimes in the past. The Hamas offensive has encouraged smaller terrorist groups to attack U.S forces in the region, with rocket attacks on American military installations in Iraq and Syria. If the current Hamas–Israel expands to become a U.S–Iran conflict, even through the use of proxies, it will affect global economy. Europe which is already under economic recessions due to the Ukraine–Russia war, will be adversely impacted as energy supplies from the Gulf would become scarce. The U.S. economy might also tip into severe recession and higher inflation, leading to a domino effect on other economies of the world that are tied to the U.S. economy. Scarcity of energy resources will mean higher logistics costs, increased production costs and reduced consumer spending. The first question to be asked is this. At what point will USA, UK and the EU decide to abandon their support to Qatar to stop its funding of terrorists across the world, and try to normalize ties with Iran? Unless the influence of Qatar is removed from the geo-political equation, peace or even a restless peace will not materialize. Therefore, the unspoken question has to be asked. Did Israel and its allies have complete knowledge of the impending Hamas attack on Israel, but decided to let it happen anyway for a greater geo-political strategy? The other line of thought is that, prior to this Hamas terrorist attack 5 of 7th October, the politics of Israel was deeply divided. Their current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was on trial for corruption and was being tried in their Court of Law for fraud, breach of trust, and accepting bribes. Three of his former close confidants have turned State’s evidence and are testifying against him. The current war is a welcome diversion from political problems, even if it has caused the killings of thousands on both sides. So, the moot question arises. Did some interested parties in Israel manipulate intelligence information for party political gains, not realizing that what they might have expected to be nothing more than ‘containable violence’, actually turned out to be a full-scale invasion? While many will assume these questions to be in the area of an ‘unbelievable conspiracy’, the relationships of the past between the various players in the middle east, the current relationships between Islamic nations and their fundamentalists, the issues faced by Israeli politicians in their own country, and their singular relationships with the USA; all of these will determine the outcome of the present Hamas–Israel conflict

Cyber Threats and Terrorism By Amla Kanvinde-FINS

 Author Has previously worked with Siemens. She is a management graduate from Glasgow UK, studied psychology and certified in Cyber Law. She is a German language expert. Currently works in the area of people centric Cybersecurity. We all live in Cyberspace now. And this cyberspace is like our universe, it is infinite and ever expanding. There is no beginning and no end and there is no count of the number of players in this cyberspace. Our modern way of living is greatly dependent on the internet and connected systems. This cyberspace is also the basis of all our future plans. We plan industrial automation for our manufacturing sector, smart transportation and logistics systems, driverless cars, e-learning platforms, efficient healthcare systems, innovations for the agricultural sector, smart cities. All this will happen with complex, connected and interdependent systems of the future and security concerns will only increase. We will be entering even deeper into cyberspace in the future. Our Critical Information Infrastructure are energy grids, water and wastewater systems, Government facilities, transportation and logistics systems, banking and finance systems, Defense systems, healthcare facilities, telecommunication. These are the systems that are critical for individuals, businesses and for the nation. Disruptions to these systems have a huge economic, social and political impact. The main types of threats that these systems face are data threats and operational threats. Data threat is where data security and integrity is compromised. Customer names and credit card numbers are breached from a bank, patient data is compromised from a healthcare facility, reservation data is lost from a luxury hotel chain. Operational threats are when the regular operations are disturbed and the system does not function as desired. Connectivity problems in cell phone network, problems in smooth supply of electricity through the power grids, disruption to the water supply systems. The costs attached to cyber-attacks are many. There are financial losses. There is loss of productivity and opportunity. There is loss of reputation. There are forensic costs involved, cost to retrieve the data, free the systems from viruses, set up new protection mechanisms. These costs can be a huge burden. A cyber attack can set a business back by several years. In some cases, it can lead to complete closure of business. It is absolutely necessary that cyber security and awareness is given the importance it deserves. The systems are attacked either by exploiting the technical vulnerabilities or through Social Engineering. There are some technical flaws in the systems set up by cyber defenders and this gives the attackers an entry into the system. Social engineering attacks aim at people and not the system at all. They depend on humans to be the weak link. They exploit the natural human biases and emotions like fear, sympathy and temptation, Cybercrimes and Cyber terrorism Every crime is not an act of terrorism. Cybercrimes are against individuals and businesses. When they are against governments or nations, they become acts of terrorism. The motive behind cybercrimes is mainly monetary gains. Sometimes it is thrill or ego. In case of cyber terrorism, they want to hold the system hostage, to promote their cause, to put pressure on the government and create fear among the public, to prove a point or its just vengeance. Cyber criminals are after money. They don’t care which system they attack as long as they get the money. But cyber terrorists will attack those systems that will cause maximum damage, affect maximum people and for the longest possible period. Cyber criminals don’t want their acts to be noticed at all. Cyber terrorists on the other hand, want publicity for their actions. Cyber incidents from around the world Petya and NotPetya are malware. They affected thousands of computers worldwide in 2016 and 2017. Petya was a standard piece of ransomware that aimed to make a few bitcoins from the victims. NotPetya was a Russia sponsored attack targeting Ukraine, but it quickly spread to Europe and the US. It affected the Danish logistics company Maersk. This company has a terminal at our very own JNPT Port. The terminal went down too. Since our ports operate multiple terminals, the situation could be controlled. This NotPetya affected the Russian oil company Rosneft as well. The opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in 2018 was disrupted by a cyberattack. The official website had to be taken down. Initially North Korea was blamed for the attack. But US intelligence later found the attack carried out by Russian Military agency GRU. There was a ban on Russian team from participating in the winter games due to doping allegations. So this attack was in retaliation to the ban. The attackers had routed the attack IPs to North Korea to make it appear like their handiwork. Stuxnet is a computer worm that targeted Iran’s nuclear facilities. It attacked the programmable logic controllers (PLCs) used to automate the Processes. It caused severe damage to the nuclear facilities. The worm was introduced in the target environment through an infected USB. Infected USBs were scattered around the premises such that they would be found. An employee tried to open it on the workplace PC and the worm entered the system. This highlights the importance of designing the systems with care, having a robust security mechanism and a response plan in place. These are the pillars of India’s cyber security architecture. The National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre, under the National Technical Research Organization, helps design secure information systems and also protects the existing ones. The Indian Computer Emergency Response team is under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, analyses and shares cyber intelligence and takes emergency measures for handling security incidents. Cert IN aims to promote effective IT securities practices throughout the country. It offers prestigious certifications in the area of vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. The empaneled auditors are authorized to evaluate information security risks and controls of the companies to be audited. We have The Information Technology Act 2000, to handle the legal matters in cyberspace. It defines cybercrimes, prescribes punishments and provides remedies. It has given a big boost to e-commerce and e-governance in the country by giving validity to e- contracts and digital 6 7 “Stitched in Silence: Stories of Bangladesh's Factory Laborers”, is an evocative exploration of the often- overlooked lives of garment factory workers in Bangladesh. This collection of narratives sheds light on the untold stories of those who play a pivotal role in the global fashion industry yet remain hidden behind the seams. It delves into the challenges and resilience of these individuals, unveiling their dreams, struggles and aspirations. This article invites us to recognise the individuals who have long remained invisible in the supply chain, emphasising the importance of acknowledging and valuing their contributions. In the bustling metropolises and rural towns of Bangladesh, millions of skilled hands toil in obscurity, weaving the fabric of the global fashion industry. These individuals, working silently in the heart of garment factories, bear the immense responsibility of producing the clothes that drape our bodies, all while their own stories remain largely unheard. "Stitched in Silence: Stories of Bangladesh's Factory Laborers" is a poignant exploration of this hidden world, a world where the human cost behind our clothing choices is woven with threads of hope, hardship and resilience. Fashion is a global phenomenon, with the latest trends and styles effortlessly traversing borders. Yet, the human faces behind the garments we purchase often remain invisible. This article sets out to unveil the profound and often heart- rending narratives of the garment factory workers of Bangladesh, individuals who form the backbone of an industry that touches every corner of the world. As consumers, we seldom pause to consider the journeys undertaken by the garments we buy. This article offers a unique opportunity to delve into the lives of these unsung heroes, providing a voice to those who have been relegated to the shadows of an industry that generates billions of dollars every year. And it also reflects on the ethics of fast fashion and advocates for fair labour practices. The Ready- Made Garment (RMG) industry in Bangladesh has seen significant growth since the 1980s. The Ready- Made Garment (RGM) industry also contributes remarkably to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This industry also provides opportunities for income, exports and jobs for the people of Bangladesh and has thus become the lifeline of Bangladesh’s economy. This industry alone provides jobs to approximately four million people in the country, majority being women workers- as per the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association or the BGMEA. Stitched in Silence: Stories of Bangladesh's Factory Laborers By Dr.Santhosh Mathew Author is Associate Professor at Centre for South Asian Studies, School of International Studies & Social Sciences, Pondicherry Central University, India. We have The Information Technology Act 2000, to handle the legal matters in cyberspace. It defines cybercrimes, prescribes punishments and provides remedies. It has given a big boost to e-commerce and e-governance in the country by giving validity to e- contracts and digital signatures. Under the Ministry of Home Affairs we have The Indian Cyber Crime Co-ordination Centre. It operates the National Cyber Crime reporting Portal. It also has a Crime Research and Innovation Centre. Along with this it is also necessary to focus on the human element in the Cybersecurity matrix. Having vague ideas about the cyber risks doesn’t suffice. We have to be empowered to identify threats quicker, prevent threats wherever possible and respond to them better. This is possible when we function in the cyber world with more awareness about how it affects us, how humans interact with technology and how it affects our thought patterns, expectations and ultimately our behaviour.

#शीख अतिरेकी पन्नूला मारण्याचा भारताचा प्रयत्न अमेरिकेच्या आरोप पण आरोप ...

शीख अतिरेकी पन्नूला मारण्याचा भारताचा प्रयत्न अमेरिकेच्या आरोप पण हे सगळे आरोप आता का केले जात आहेत 

शीख अतिरेकी पन्नूला मारण्याचा भारताचा प्रयत्न अमेरिकेच्या आरोप पण हे सगळे आरोप आता का केले जात आहेत

आपल्या सरकारी धोरणांविरोधात…”, शीख अतिरेक्याच्या हत्येच्या कटाप्रकरणी अमेरिकेच्या आरोपांना मोदी सरकारचं उत्तर हरदीपसिंग निज्जर हत्याप्रकरण अद्याप थंड झालेलं नाही, तोच आता गुरपतवंतसिंग पन्नूच्या हत्येच्या कटाप्रकरणी अमेरिकेने भारताकडे बोट दाखवलं आहे. खलिस्तानी फुटीरतावाद्याच्या हत्येच्या कटात भारतीय अधिकारी सहभागी असल्याचा आरोप अमेरिकेने केला आहे. खलिस्तानी फुटीरतावादी गुरपतवंतसिंग पन्नूची हत्या करण्याचा भारताचा कट अमेरिकेने हाणून पाडला असून अमेरिकेने या कटातल्या सहभागाबद्दल भारताला इशारा दिला होता, असं वृत्त ‘फायनान्शियल टाइम्स’ने प्रसिद्ध केलं आहे. हरदीपसिंग निज्जर हत्याप्रकरण अद्याप थंड झालेलं नाही, तोच आता गुरपतवंतसिंग पन्नूच्या हत्येच्या कटाप्रकरणी अमेरिकेने भारताकडे बोट दाखवलं आहे. कॅनडामध्ये खलिस्तानवादी हरदीपसिंग निज्जरच्या हत्येत भारतीय हस्तकांचा हात असल्याचा आरोप कॅनडाचे पंतप्रधान जस्टिन ट्रुडो यांनी काही दिवसांपूर्वी केला होता. तसेच आपल्याकडे यासंबंधी पुरावे आहेत, असा दावाही ट्रुडो सातत्याने करत आहेत. हे प्रकरण अद्याप तापलेलं आहे. अशातच पन्नू प्रकरणामुळे नवा वादंग निर्माण होण्याचे संकेत आहेत. दरम्यान, भारतावरील अमेरिकेच्या आरोपांना मोदी सरकारने उत्तर दिलं आहे. भारताच्या परराष्ट्र मंत्रालयाचे प्रवक्ते अरिंदम बागची यांनी गुरुवारी पत्रकार परिषद घेतली. यावेळी बागची म्हणाले, अमेरिकेत एका व्यक्तीच्या हत्येच्या कटात भारतीय नागरिकाचा सहभाग असल्याचा आरोप चिंताजनक आणि आपल्या सरकारी धोरणांविरोधात आहे. गुरपतवंतसिंग पन्नूच्या हत्येच्या कटाप्ररकरणी अमेरिकेच्या न्यायखात्याने मॅनहॅटन न्यायालयात एक आरोपपत्र दाखल केलं आहे. या आरोपपत्राबाबत केंद्रीय सरकारी वकील डॅमियन विल्यम्स यांनी बुधवारी माहिती दिली. विल्यम्स यांनी दिलेल्या महितीनुसार निखिल गुप्ता याने भारत सरकारचा कर्मचारी असलेल्या एका व्यक्तीच्या मदतीने न्यूयॉर्कचा रहिवासी असलेल्या शीख फुटिरतावादी नेत्याच्या हत्येचा कट आखला होता. विल्यम्स यांनी खलिस्तानी फुटिरतावादी आणि कथित भारतीय अधिकाऱ्याचं नाव जाहीर केलेलं नाही. तर निखिल गुप्ताविरोधात दोन आरोप ठेवण्यात आले असून तो सध्या झेक प्रजासत्ताक येथे अटकेत आहे. झेक प्रजासत्ताककडून अमेरिकेत हस्तांतरण करण्याची प्रक्रिया सुरू करण्यात आली आहे. दरम्यान, भारताच्या परराष्ट्र मंत्रायलाचे प्रवक्ते अरिंदम बागची म्हणाले, भारताने अमेरिकेशी द्विपक्षीय सुरक्षा सहकार्यावर बातचीत केली. त्यानंतर अमेरिकेने संबंधित प्रकरणाची काही माहिती शेअर केली आहे. आम्ही या प्रकरणाकडे गांभीर्याने पाहत आहोत. तसेच या प्रकरणाशी संबंधित सर्व बाबींवर लक्ष ठेवण्यासाठी एक उच्च स्तरीय चौकशी समिती नेमण्यात आली आहे. चौकशी समितीच्या निष्कर्षाच्या आधारावर पुढची कार्यवाही केली जाईल. अमेरिकन न्यायालयाने हत्येच्या कटाशी भारतीय अधिकाऱ्याचा संबंध जोडला आहे, ही चिंतेची बाब आहे. आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तरावर संघटित गुन्हेकारी, तस्करी या गंभीर समस्या आहेत. चौकशी समितीने याप्रकरणी आपला अहवाल दिल्यानंतर पुढील कार्यवाही केली जाईल

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Silkyara Tunnel Rescue Offers Valuable Lessons for Future Preparedness

The collective exhale of relief swept across the nation as 41 workers emerged safely from the challenging depths of Uttarakhand's Silkyara tunnel. This 17-day rescue operation, a testament to the unwavering dedication of both Central and state teams, demonstrated a remarkable commitment that transcended the inherent dangers they faced. Arnold Dix, an international tunnelling expert overseeing the evacuation, emphasized the combined sense of purpose that prevailed over the numerous challenges encountered. The operation's distinction lies not only in its success with no loss of life but also in the seamless coordination exhibited by diverse teams, setting a commendable benchmark for disaster response.

The Uttarakhand government's commendable decision to provide financial assistance of Rs 1 lakh to each worker, along with facilitating medical examinations and their safe return home, is noteworthy. However, amidst the nationwide celebration of a successful rescue mission, critical questions must be raised. What factors contributed to the partial collapse of the under-construction tunnel? Were ecological norms disregarded in the project's execution? Were adequate precautions taken to preserve the stability of the slopes during the construction process?

A thorough investigation is imperative to uncover any lapses and negligence that jeopardized the workers' lives. This incident necessitates a comprehensive scrutiny of ongoing projects under the Char Dham program. An essential aspect of this review should focus on reinforcing precautionary measures, especially in ecologically sensitive areas, to avert similar mishaps in the future. Ensuring safer working conditions for personnel engaged in road-widening and related activities is paramount. The Silkyara nightmare should serve as a prompt lesson, urging swift initiation of remedial actions without any delay

उत्तराखंडच्या बोगद्यामध्ये अडकलेल्या 41 जणांची सुटका ऐतिहासिक ऑपरेशन

Sunday, 26 November 2023

Lt Gen Lieutenant General D.B. Shekatkars Contribution To Indian Strategic thought process


Lieutenant General D.B. Shekatkar (PVSM, AVSM, VSM) is a distinguished military officer who has made significant contributions to India's national security. His expertise extends beyond traditional soldiering on India's borders, encompassing valuable contributions to research on strategic thought processes. Here are key areas where General Shekatkar has made notable contributions:

Military Career: General DB Shekatkar served in the Indian Army and held several key positions during his distinguished military career. As a senior officer, he gained extensive experience in strategic planning, operational command, and management of military resources. His experience on the ground and understanding of the challenges faced by the armed forces likely informed his research and contributions to national security.

Expertise in Counterinsurgency Operations: General DB Shekatkar has a deep understanding of counterinsurgency operations, particularly in the context of left-wing extremism. His firsthand experience and knowledge in this domain have provided valuable insights into the tactics, strategies, and operational requirements necessary to effectively combat this threat. His Ph.D. thesis on left-wing extremism further demonstrates his commitment to addressing this issue and finding comprehensive solutions.

Thought Leadership: General DB Shekatkar's contributions extend beyond his military career. He has actively engaged in research and strategic thinking, focusing on contemporary challenges to national security. His Ph.D. theses reflect his commitment to exploring critical topics such as value-based leadership, globalization, psychological warfare, and social media's impact on security. By delving into these subjects, he has contributed to the development of strategic thought and provided intellectual frameworks for addressing emerging threats.

Policy Recommendations: As a scholar warrior, General DB Shekatkar's work  includes policy recommendations based on rigorous research and analysis. His studies on value-based leadership, left-wing extremism, and psychological warfare likely offer actionable insights for policymakers, security agencies, and military leaders. These recommendations could help shape more efficient strategies, policies, and approaches to ensure national security in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

He has produced 3 Ph.D. thesis papers on topics As given below:-


1.   Value-Based Leadership and National Governance (2009): In 2009, General Shekatkar explored the crucial intersection of value-based leadership and its application to national governance in the face of the challenges posed by globalization in the 21st century. His work likely emphasizes the importance of ethical and principled leadership in navigating complex geopolitical dynamics and ensuring the security and well-being of the nation.

2.   Left Wing Extremism in India (2015): General Shekatkar delved into the issue of left-wing extremism in India in a paper submitted in May 2015. The relevance of this work persists today, as left-wing extremism continues to pose a threat to India's national security. His insights likely cover the implications of this form of extremism and suggest strategies to address and counteract the associated challenges.

3.   Psychological Warfare and Social Media (2022): In 2022, General Shekatkar explored the contemporary issue of psychological warfare in the context of social media. Given the increasing influence of social media platforms, his work likely examines the ways in which psychological warfare is waged in the digital realm and its implications for national security. This contribution would be especially relevant in an era where information dissemination plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and influencing strategic outcomes.

4.   Overall, General DB Shekatkar's scholarly pursuits have enhanced India's understanding of critical issues in national security and governance. His research on value-based leadership, left-wing extremism, and psychological warfare in the context of social media has likely provided valuable insights and recommendations that can inform policy decisions and strengthen India's security apparatus.


#Hamas Israel War #Lessons For India


War with Hamas to cost Israel above $50 billion: Report

Half of the cost would be in defence expenses that amount to some 1 billion shekels a day. Another 40-60 billion shekels would come from a loss of revenue, 17-20 billion for compensation for businesses and 10-20 billion shekels for rehabilitation.

Army spokesperson Daniel Hagari said that the Israeli forces "have encircled Gaza City" and "now there exists a south Gaza and a north Gaza".

Only a very strong Indian economy will be able to withstand the war.

Israel: Almost 10,000 rockets fired from Gaza since October 7

Israel's foreign ministry claims that Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip have fired over 9,500 rockets at Israeli territory since their attack on the Jewish state one month ago. Since October 7, 1,400 people have been murdered in Israel, while 7,198 more have been wounded. As of Tuesday evening, 342 people remain hospitalized, with 51 in serious condition. Hamas is believed to be holding at least 239 people hostage in Gaza.

Drone, explosive attacks target US forces across Iraq

The drone, which was launched at the Erbil air base by an Iranian-backed militia before sunrise on Oct. 26, penetrated U.S. air defenses and crashed into the second floor of the barracks housing American troops at about 5 a.m

The incident was among at least 40 separate drone and rocket attacks that have been launched at US forces by Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and Syria over the past three weeks in response to American support for Israel in the Gaza war, according to Pentagon data and the two US officials.

India has to develop defence against rockets, missiles, drones fired by terrorists and China and Pakistan.

Since October 7, 331,000 Israelis returned to Israel, a nation with a total population of 9.3 million.

Ukraine’s population was 43.7 million in 2020. Since the war started in February last year, some 2.8 million left for Russia and 6 million for the West, to Europe, the US and Canada, representing some 20% of its population.

Meanwhile, millions have been fleeing various Islamic countries – Syria and Yemen, in particular, where Sunnis and Shias kill one another with abandon – with hardly anyone comfortably settled in the West going back to any of these countries to fight and nobody demonstrating anywhere against the massacres between the two Islamic sects or condemning their financial backers.

Patriotic Indians should also come back to India, when a war or serious warlike  situation develops. Indians also should study as to how the Israeli citizens who are  not soldiers are also helping the country to fight a war against Hamas. Becoming Information warriors is one important task.

Israel calls for Palestinian photographers of Hamas raid to be treated as terrorists
Freelancers for AP, CNN and others sent images of October 7 raids, some from within Israel with videos of terrorists actually killing civilians.

The ballistic missiles that arced from Yemen to Israel on October 31st set several records

They probably travelled farther than any other ballistic missile fired as an act of aggression, having crossed at least 1,600km. They were intercepted by Israel’s Arrow missile-defence system above the Negev desert. It was the first time that Arrow, deployed for 23 years, had taken out a surface-to-surface missile. It was also the first ever combat interception in space, according to two Israeli officials. The incident is a small illustration of how the proliferation of missiles with growing range and precision is changing the military landscape of the Middle East.

Russia’s war economy leaves businesses starved of labour
Busy armaments factories are depriving other industries of scarce workers.

Russia asks Pakistan to return helicopter engines, says report

Russia is facing a shortage of weapons and ammunition in its prolonged conflict with Ukraine, leading to an unexpected twist where it is importing arms, including missiles, from North Korea. South Korean sources reveal over 1 million artillery shells sent to Russia since August, along with 2,000 containers of military equipment, potentially including ballistic missiles.


Saturday, 25 November 2023


China Slips Back Into Deflation as Recovery Remains Fragile

China’s deflation pressures worsened in October as consumer prices dipped back below zero and producer cost declines deepened, adding to expectations the economy needs more stimulus to shore up growth.

China’s ‘Lie-Flat’ Youth Start a New Trend Underground,

Fresh off refusing to work as hard as their parents, Gen-Z rejects their European-luxury shopping aspirations, too, and fuels a B1B2 economy.
Young people in China have become trendsetters. First, they rejected society’s overwork and over-achieving culture with a “lie-flat” movement that has resonated in the US. Second, faced with a dismal labor market — more than one in five are jobless, according to official statistics — tens of millions choose to take a gap year or two, and proudly label themselves “professional children.”
The latest trend? They’ve been embracing the so-called “B1B2 economy,” (think elevator buttons), dining and shopping on the more budget-oriented basement floors of China’s many swanky malls. It’s a seismic cultural change that commercial real estate developers and global luxury brands in higher-level shops must confront.

India plans Taiwan labour supply pact while China

tensions brew

India is forging closer economic ties with Taiwan with a plan to send tens of thousands of workers to the island as early as next month, according to senior officials familiar with the matter, potentially angering neighbor China.

Taiwan could hire as many as 100,000 Indians to work at factories,

farms and hospitals, the officials said, asking not to be identified

as the discussions are private. The two sides are expected to sign

an employment mobility agreement by as early as December.

Taiwan’s aging society means it needs more workers, while in India, the economy isn’t growing fast enough to create enough jobs for the millions of young people who enter the labour market every year. Taiwan is projected to become a “super aged” society by 2025 with elderly people forecast to make up for more than a fifth of the population

China's 'communist spies' in the dock in Taiwan

Taiwan is taking aim at China's "communist spies" ahead of a crucial presidential election, where the island's relationship with Beijing will be on the ballot.
Taiwan and China have been spying on each other since 1949, when Chinese nationalists set up a separate government in Taipei opposing Mao Zedong's communist China.
In the last 10 months, Taiwanese authorities have handed down a steady stream of charges and convictions - proof, they say, that Beijing's espionage strategy has intensified and expanded beyond elite military circles. Retired air force colonel Liu Sheng-shu was sentenced to 20 years in prison in October for running a military spy ring for Beijing.
At least 16 people have been accused of spying for China since the start of the year, compared with the 44 espionage cases registered by Taiwan's Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau between 2013 and 2019.

Taiwan waiting for U.S. F-16s, tanks in $19bn arms sale backlog
New analysis shows details of extensive delivery delays

Taiwan's backlog of weapons orders from the U.S., its largest foreign supplier, has reached about $19.2 billion, raising concerns about how prepared the island is for a cross-strait crisis.
One of the biggest items on the list is an $8 billion order for the improved Block 70 variation of the F-16 fighter jet, the study by the Washington-based libertarian Cato Institute shows.

Myanmar in crisis: Are the generals finally buckling? In the face of multiple recent setbacks, the junta may be finally ready to talk, but the opposition

It has become painfully obvious in recent months that as the coup that toppled the government of Ms Aung San Suu Kyi approaches its third anniversary, things are not going well for Myanmar’s military rulers. Signs are pointing to fundamental shifts in the power struggle on the ground that bear a closer watch for what it means for the future of Myanmar and the region.
Huge swathes of territory in the border regions with China are falling into rebel hands, including areas where Chinese-influenced ethnic organisations had generally maintained peace with the military junta. Lately, these groups have ignored pressure from their handlers across the border and turned on the regime, which goes by the name of State Administration Council (SAC).

Chinese trade warfare-EU loud, ASEAN silent on China’s economic coercion
EU passes Anti-Coercion Instrument while ASEAN opts for complacency in the face of China’s rising punitive trade measures.

China Warns Estonia on Taiwan Ties as Baltic Tension Simmers,, Beijing opposes official exchange with Taiwan ‘in any form’

The Chinese government issued a warning to Estonia after the Baltic nation said it would allow Taiwanese officials to open a non-diplomatic office to develop cultural and economic relations.
China opposes any official exchange with Taiwan, a self-ruled island that Beijing claims as its own, “in any form,” Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, said on Wednesday. The remarks came a day after Estonia’s Postimees newspaper reported that China’s ambassador warned she may leave the country if the office is opened.

Uyghur film-maker claims he was tortured by authorities in China
Ikram Nurmehmet, a director known for his Uyghur protagonists, is facing charges related to ‘separatism’ and ‘terrorism’

India plans Taiwan labor supply pact while China tensions brew

India is forging closer economic ties with Taiwan with a plan to send tens of thousands of workers to the island as early as next month, according to senior officials familiar with the matter, potentially angering neighbor China. Taiwan could hire as many as 100,000 Indians to work at factories, farms and hospitals, the officials said, asking not to be identified as the discussions are private. The two sides are expected to sign an employment mobility agreement by as early as December, the people said. Taiwan’s aging society means it needs more workers, while in India, the economy isn’t growing fast enough to create enough jobs for the millions of young people who enter the labor market every year. Taiwan is projected to become a “super aged” society by 2025 with elderly people forecast to make up for more than a fifth of the population. China is separated from Taiwan by a narrow body of water and shares a Himalayan border with India. A pact with Taiwan doesn’t suggest India is discarding the “One China Policy” — a position that recognizes the island as being a part of China. However, New Delhi hasn’t reiterated that position in public documents and has instead fostered an active unofficial relationship with Taiwan

Giving a mega push to Make in India, PM Modi takes sortie on indigenous Tejas aircraft in Bengaluru 

In Karnataka, giving a mega push to Make in India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a sortie in the indigenous Light Combat Aircraft Tejas in Bengaluru today. In a tweet, the Prime Minister said that his experience of flying in Tejas was incredibly enriching and significantly bolstered his confidence in the Country’s indigenous capabilities. It has left him with a renewed sense of pride and optimism about the nation's potential, he added.
The Prime Minister was on a brief visit to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) in Bengaluru to review the progress achieved in the production of Light Combat Aircraft Tejas. The Indian Air Force has placed orders for 83 Tejas aircraft. The Chief of Airforce Air Chief Marshal V R Chaudhari recently received the first LCA twin-seater trainer aircraft from HAL in Bengaluru.
The Prime Minister has been pushing for indigenous production of defence products and has set an ambitious target of five billion dollars in defence exports by 2024-25. During the financial year of 2022-23, India’s defence exports have reached an all-time high of 15,920 crore rupees.

Tejas fighter jet project was lost in files, our govt revived it, 

Friday, 24 November 2023

Ukraine war: Lessons For India


The drones fighting cat and mouse battles behind Russian front lines in Ukraine

The crew, from the 15th Separate Artillery Reconnaissance brigade, operate the "Shark", a Ukrainian-made drone with advanced technology including a camera that can sometimes read lettering on clothes from 2 km (more than a mile) above ground. It is part of a burgeoning domestic drone programme that has sprung up in Ukraine since Russia invaded in early 2022, producing a range of attack and reconnaissance aerial vehicles which are playing an increasingly important role in battle.

Russia steps up aerial barrage of Ukraine as Kyiv officials brace for more

Last winter, Russia took aim at Ukraine's power grid in an effort to deny civilians light and heating and chip away at the country's appetite for war. Ukrainian officials accused the Kremlin of weaponizing winter.

'Russia forcing Muslim migrants to fight its war in


Russia has been engaging in the recruitment of Muslim migrants to bolster its forces in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. This information comes

from various intelligence reports, which have highlighted

Moscow's recruitment tactics and the incentives offered to these


Russia had ordered regional authorities to provide weekly information on the number of people they had enlisted from 22 categories of vulnerable groups, such as migrants, debtors,bankrupts, and homeless.

According to  Russian soldiers, the

authorities deliver to them a particular demographic: "drunks, the homeless, people with obvious developmental delays, junkies who have just come out of jail…It feels like they are getting rid of marginalised people. The quality of the army is unimportant to them. They will dig trenches.


फाशीची शिक्षा मिळालेल्या कतार मधील भारतीय नौदलाच्या अधिकाऱ्यांना भारत कस...

फाशीची शिक्षा मिळालेल्या कतार मधील भारतीय नौदलाच्या अधिकाऱ्यांना भारत कसे वाचण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहे?

Legal Assistance and Support: The Indian government can provide legal assistance and support to the accused individuals by engaging with international legal experts or organizations specializing in such cases. This can help ensure that the individuals have proper legal representation and that their rights are protected throughout the legal process.

Gathering Evidence: India can actively gather evidence and information to support the defense of the accused individuals. This may involve engaging legal experts, intelligence agencies, and other relevant authorities to investigate the allegations, authenticate evidence, and present a strong case for their innocence.

Legal Advocacy: India can engage experienced international legal professionals to represent the accused individuals and present their case effectively. This may involve hiring renowned defense lawyers with expertise in international law, espionage cases, or human rights issues. Legal advocacy can help ensure that the accused individuals receive fair representation and a robust defense during the legal proceedings.

Diplomatic Channels: India can utilize its diplomatic channels to engage with the government of Qatar and express concerns regarding the fair treatment and legal rights of its citizens. This can involve seeking consular access to the accused individuals, ensuring they receive proper legal representation, and addressing any potential human rights violations.

Consular Support: The Indian government should provide consistent and robust consular support to the accused individuals. This includes ensuring regular consular access, monitoring their well-being, and facilitating communication between the individuals and their families. Consular officials can also liaise with local authorities to address any concerns regarding the fairness of the legal process.

Public Advocacy: The Indian government can engage in public advocacy by raising awareness of the case and seeking international support. This can involve diplomatic efforts, media outreach, and engaging with international human rights organizations to highlight concerns about the fairness of the legal process and seek their assistance in advocating for a fair trial.

Political Dialogue: India can engage in political dialogue with Qatar to discuss the case and explore possibilities for a fair and just resolution. This can involve high-level diplomatic meetings, negotiations, and discussions to address any concerns or misunderstandings that may have led to the allegations.

Multilateral Support: India can seek support from other countries and engage in multilateral forums to raise awareness of the case and garner international support. This can involve discussions in international organizations, such as the United Nations, where concerns about human rights violations and fair judicial processes can be addressed.

Engaging International Allies: India can seek support from its international allies, particularly countries with strong diplomatic relations or shared security interests. Diplomatic efforts can involve engaging with these countries' governments to express concerns about the case, seek their assistance in advocating for fair treatment, and explore potential avenues for diplomatic intervention.

Human Rights Advocacy: India can work closely with international human rights organizations and NGOs to raise awareness about the case and highlight any potential human rights violations. Collaboration with these organizations can involve sharing information, seeking their support in advocating for a fair trial, and engaging in public campaigns to draw attention to the situation.

Engaging with Qatar: Through diplomatic channels, India can continue engaging with Qatari authorities at various levels to express concerns about the fairness of the legal process and the severity of the sentences. Dialogue can focus on seeking a review of the case, ensuring due process, and exploring possibilities for clemency or a reduced sentence.

Economic angle

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Leadership Style of Shree Nitin Gadkari:

Shree Nitin Gadkari is an influential leader in the Indian government and has held various significant positions, including Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Minister of Shipping. His leadership style is characterized by efficiency, innovation, and a strong focus on infrastructure development.

Gadkari is known for his proactive and result-oriented approach. He emphasizes the need for timely execution of projects, streamlining bureaucratic processes, and leveraging technology to drive progress. His leadership style combines a deep understanding of the infrastructure sector with a pragmatic and hands-on approach to problem-solving.


Revolution in Infrastructure Development:

Under the leadership of Shree Nitin Gadkari, India has witnessed a significant revolution in infrastructure development, particularly in the areas of roads, railways, and airports. The advancements in these sectors have had a positive impact on the Indian economy, contributing to high growth and several advantages. Some key developments include:

a. Roads: The government has focused on expanding and upgrading the road network across the country. The Bharatmala Pariyojana, a flagship road development program, aims to construct and improve over 83,000 kilometers of highways. This has enhanced connectivity, reduced travel time, facilitated transportation of goods, and boosted economic activity.


b. Railways: The Indian Railways has undergone transformative changes, including the introduction of modern technologies, redevelopment of stations, and the expansion of railway lines. The Dedicated Freight Corridor project aims to create dedicated freight corridors along high-density routes, improving logistics and freight movement. These developments have increased efficiency, reduced transportation costs, and facilitated trade and commerce.


c. Airports: The government has focused on modernizing and expanding airports across the country, both in major cities and smaller towns. The Regional Connectivity Scheme (UDAN) aims to enhance regional air connectivity, making air travel more accessible and affordable. The development of new airports and infrastructure upgrades have boosted tourism, trade, and connectivity within the country and with the rest of the world.


Advantages of Revolutionary Growth in Infrastructure Development:

The revolutionary growth in infrastructure development in India has resulted in several advantages for the country:


Economic Growth: Improved infrastructure has provided a solid foundation for economic growth by facilitating the movement of goods and people, attracting investments, and boosting productivity across sectors.


Job Creation: Infrastructure development projects have generated employment opportunities, both directly and indirectly, thereby contributing to job creation and reducing unemployment.


Enhanced Connectivity: Better roads, railways, and airports have improved connectivity within the country, enabling easier access to markets, services, and opportunities for businesses and individuals.


Trade and Commerce: Upgraded infrastructure has facilitated the efficient movement of goods, reducing logistics costs and improving supply chain networks. This has boosted domestic and international trade, fostering economic integration and competitiveness.


Regional Development: Infrastructure development in rural and remote areas has helped bridge the urban-rural divide, promoting inclusive growth and reducing regional disparities.


Tourism and Hospitality: Improved infrastructure has supported the growth of the tourism sector, attracting more domestic and international tourists and boosting revenue generation.


Quality of Life: Better infrastructure, such as roads, railways, and airports, has improved the quality of life for citizens by reducing travel time, enhancing safety, and providing access to essential services and amenities.


Initiatives Reflecting Value-Based Leadership:

Shree Nitin Gadkari has implemented various initiatives reflecting value-based leadership. Some notable examples include:


a. Clean Ganga Mission: As the Minister of Shipping, Gadkari has actively contributed to the Clean Ganga Mission, aiming to rejuvenate the Ganges River and ensure its cleanliness. This initiative demonstrates a commitment to environmental sustainability and the preservation of natural resources.


b. Electric Mobility: Gadkari has been a strong advocate for electric vehicles (EVs) and has taken initiatives to promote EV adoption in India. His focus on sustainable mobility reflects a value-based leadership approach that prioritizes environmental protection and reducing carbon emissions.


c. MSME Development: As the Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Gadkari has implemented policies and initiatives to support the growth and development of MSMEs. These initiatives aim to promote entrepreneurship, create employment opportunities, and empower small businesses, reflecting values of economic inclusivity and empowerment.


"Value-Based Leadership and Its Application in the National Government of India to Meet the Challenges of Globalization in the 21st Century" involves covering various aspects.


I. Introduction

  • Briefly introduce the concept of value-based leadership.
  • Highlight the importance of leadership in navigating the challenges of globalization.

II. Understanding Value-Based Leadership

  • Define value-based leadership and its core principles.
  • Discuss how values influence decision-making and behavior.

III. Historical Context of Leadership in India

  • Provide a brief overview of leadership styles in Indian history.
  • Discuss the cultural and historical factors shaping leadership values in India.

IV. Challenges of Globalization

  • Identify key challenges posed by globalization in the 21st century.
  • Discuss how these challenges impact national governments.

V. The Need for Value-Based Leadership in Government

  • Explain why value-based leadership is crucial in the context of globalization.
  • Discuss how values can guide government policies and actions.

VI. Current Leadership Landscape in the National Government of India

  • Provide an overview of the current leadership style in the Indian government.
  • Discuss any existing initiatives or policies reflecting value-based leadership.
  • Please note that political landscapes and leadership styles can evolve over time, so it's essential to refer to the latest information for the most up-to-date analysis.
  • Overview of the Current Leadership Style in the Indian Government:
  • The leadership style in the Indian government is influenced by various factors, including the political party in power, the Prime Minister's leadership approach, and the broader cultural and historical context. India operates under a parliamentary system of government, with the President as the ceremonial head of state and the Prime Minister as the head of government.
  • Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who assumed office in May 2014, the Indian government has displayed a decisive and assertive leadership style. Modi's leadership style is characterized by a strong focus on governance, economic development, and national security. He has emphasized efficient and accountable governance, aiming to deliver tangible results and reforms.
  • Prime Minister Modi has emphasized the concept of "minimum government, maximum governance," advocating for streamlined bureaucracy, digital governance, and the use of technology to improve service delivery and transparency. He has launched several flagship initiatives, such as "Make in India," "Digital India," "Skill India," and "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan" (Clean India Campaign), among others, to drive development, innovation, and social transformation.
  • Value-Based Leadership Initiatives or Policies:
  • The Indian government has implemented various initiatives and policies that reflect value-based leadership. Here are a few examples:
  • Jan Dhan Yojana: Launched in 2014, this financial inclusion program aimed to provide access to banking services, insurance, and pensions to the unbanked population. The initiative focused on the values of inclusivity and social welfare.
  • Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana: This scheme, launched in 2016, aimed to provide clean cooking fuel to poor households by distributing LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) connections. The program focused on the values of health, environment, and women's empowerment.
  • Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao: This initiative, launched in 2015, aimed to address gender discrimination and promote the education and welfare of girls. It emphasized the values of gender equality, education, and women's empowerment.
  • Ayushman Bharat: Introduced in 2018, this ambitious healthcare scheme aimed to provide health insurance coverage to over 500 million vulnerable individuals. The program focused on the values of health, social welfare, and accessibility to quality healthcare.
  • These initiatives and policies reflect the government's commitment to addressing social and economic challenges by integrating values such as inclusivity, social welfare, gender equality, education, health, and environmental sustainability into the governance framework.
  • It's important to note that the assessment of leadership style and value-based leadership can vary, and different perspectives exist regarding the effectiveness and impact of specific initiatives. Additionally, since my knowledge is based on information available until September 2021, there may have been further developments in the leadership style and initiatives of the Indian government since then.
  • Here are some additional details on the leadership style in the Indian government and some noteworthy initiatives reflecting value-based leadership:
  • Leadership Style:
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership style is known for its assertiveness, strong communication, and a proactive approach to governance. He has emphasized the need for quick decision-making and effective implementation of policies. Modi has leveraged his background as a former Chief Minister of Gujarat to drive economic reforms and prioritize development initiatives at the national level. His leadership approach often involves setting ambitious goals and mobilizing resources to achieve them.
  • Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Campaign):
  • Launched in 2014, this nationwide cleanliness campaign aimed to improve sanitation and cleanliness across India. It focused on eliminating open defecation, promoting proper waste management, and creating awareness about hygiene and cleanliness. The initiative sought to address public health concerns and instill a sense of civic responsibility among citizens.
  • Digital India:
  • The Digital India initiative, launched in 2015, aimed to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. It focused on expanding digital infrastructure, promoting digital literacy, and providing digital services to citizens. This initiative aimed to enhance access to government services, promote transparency, and bridge the digital divide in the country.
  • Start-up India:
  • The Start-up India initiative, launched in 2016, aimed to foster entrepreneurship and promote innovation in the country. It focused on creating an enabling ecosystem for start-ups, providing access to funding, simplifying regulations, and offering support through mentorship and incubation programs. This initiative aligned with the values of economic growth, job creation, and fostering a culture of innovation.
  • Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY):
  • Launched in 2018, PMJAY is a health insurance scheme that provides coverage for over 500 million economically vulnerable individuals and families. It aims to ensure access to quality healthcare services and protect families from financial hardships due to medical expenses. The initiative reflects the value of social welfare and aims to address the healthcare needs of marginalized sections of society.
  • These are just a few examples of initiatives that highlight the value-based leadership approach in the Indian government. It's important to note that the Indian government has launched numerous other programs and policies across various sectors, including education, infrastructure, agriculture, and renewable energy, to drive inclusive and sustainable development in the country.