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Friday, 10 March 2023

#SecurityScan 33: Nikki Haley, Taiwan's internet and more

How are influence operations carried out by china against Taiwan?



China has been engaged in a range of influence operations against Taiwan for many years, including both covert and overt efforts. Some of the key methods used by China to exert influence over Taiwan include:



1. Propaganda: China uses state-controlled media outlets to spread its message to the Taiwanese people, often portraying itself as a peaceful and friendly neighbor while depicting Taiwan as a troublemaker that needs to be brought back into the fold of China.



2. Economic coercion: China uses its economic power to coerce Taiwan into complying with its demands. For example, China has threatened to cut off economic ties with Taiwan if it does not agree to reunification with China.



3. Cyber attacks: China has been known to launch cyber attacks against Taiwan, including hacking into government networks and stealing sensitive information.



4. Diplomatic pressure: China uses its diplomatic influence to pressure other countries to isolate Taiwan diplomatically. For example, China has pressured countries to switch their recognition from Taiwan to China, cutting off Taiwan's diplomatic ties with those countries.



5. Military intimidation: China has also engaged in military intimidation of Taiwan, including sending military planes and ships into Taiwanese airspace and waters.



Overall, China's influence operations against Taiwan are aimed at undermining Taiwan's sovereignty and promoting reunification with China.


China's influence efforts have been expanding in recent years, particularly in the areas of media and technology, as the country seeks to increase its global presence and influence. However, despite these efforts, many of China's attempts to shape opinion and gain influence have been met with failure.


One reason for this is that China's efforts are often seen as heavy-handed and lacking in transparency, which can create mistrust among the target audience. For example, China's attempts to influence public opinion through social media platforms have been met with skepticism and pushback, as many users are aware of the government's strict control over online content and are wary of its influence.


Another factor is that China's cultural and political values often clash with those of democratic world. Despite these challenges, China's influence efforts are likely to become more sophisticated in the future, as the country invests heavily in technology and seeks to expand its soft power capabilities. It is therefore crucial for Indian policymakers and the public to remain vigilant and aware of China's influence efforts, and to work to counter them.



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The international community can ignore it or simply virtue signal with meaningless rhetoric but take no action because China’s draconian controls keep Uyghur suffering out of the daily news cycle.


It is for this reason that Gulchehra Hoja’s new book, A Stone is Most Precious Where it Belongs, is so valuable. Hoja is an accomplished journalist. She left Xinjiang television after refusing to promote the Chinese Communist Party propaganda and found a home at the U.S.-funded Radio Free Asia, the only Uyghur broadcaster that allows an independent line. That move earned her a red notice and a ban on returning to China.


It is for this reason that Chinese President Xi Jinping hates Hoja’s work, because it is not something that Chinese Communist Party-sponsored junkets for foreign reporters and religious organizations can refute.

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