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Thursday, 2 March 2023

Extract of book “Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0 Part 2 September 2022-by Rajiv Malhotra and Vijaya Viswanathan 

In part 1 of the article I had covered why the title of the book is Snakes in the Ganga, how caste and racism are being mixed,and why India needs to counter the dangers before it is too late.





In part 2, I will cover, the following:-


Dangerous Afro-Dalit project to paint Dalits as the ‘Blacks’ of India

Propagating Wrong Theory Of Foreign Aryans And Their Misdeeds

Funding activities inimical to India’s unity, sovereignty

Stopping Intellectual Support To Subversive Elements In India

How Snakes are Incubated, Nurtured In few American Universities

From Breaking India, written in 2011 to Snakes in the Ganga :Breaking India 2.0 written in Sept 2022



The byline ‘Breaking India 2.0’ explains there are new dangers compared to the ones discussed in Shree Malhotra’s earlier classic book, Breaking India, written in 2011 .The forces this time around are wider in scope and with substantial financial backing.


Brief summary of dangers visualized in the book Breaking India 1.0 as projected in 2011 are given in succeeding paras.



Dangerous Afro-Dalit project to paint Dalits as the ‘Blacks’ of India



In the 1990s, an African-American scholar at Princeton University told the author that he had returned from a trip to India, where he was working with the ‘Afro-Dalit Project’. This US operated and -financed project frames inter-jati /varna interactions and the Dalit movement using American cultural and historical lenses. The Afro-Dalit project purports to paint Dalits as the ‘Blacks’ of India and non-Dalits as India’s ‘Whites’. The history of American racism, slavery and Black/White relations is thus superimposed onto Indian society.


The Dalit experience bears little resemblance to the African slave experience of America.Dalits in India have reached the highest positions in all walks of life in India. But taking its cue from the American experience, the Afro-Dalit project attempts to empower Dalits by casting them as victims.


Dividing India on the basis of caste is perilous and should not be accepted. All individuals , organizations, NGOs running such programs should be stopped and blacklisted. Only united India will help the country to take its rightful place in the comity of nations faster.



Propagating Wrong Theory Foreign Aryans And Their Misdeeds



Separately, he was studying and writing about the ‘Aryans’, as to who they were, and whether the origin of Sanskrit and Vedas was an import by ‘invaders’ or indigenous to India. This led to research the colonial-era construction of the Dravidian identity, which did not exist prior to the nineteenth century and was fabricated as an identity in opposition to the Aryans. Its survival depends upon belief in the theory of foreign Aryans and their misdeeds.


The authors had also been researching the US Church’s funding of activities in India, such as the popularly advertised campaigns to ‘save’ poor children by feeding, clothing and educating them. However, during trips to India, The authors found that the funds collected were being used not so much for the purposes indicated to sponsors, but for indoctrination and conversion activities.


Additionally, the authors was involved in numerous debates in the US with think-tanks, independent scholars, human rights groups and academics, specifically on their treatment of Indian society as a sort of scourge that the west had to ‘civilize’.

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