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Wednesday, 30 April 2014


A SOLDIER’S FATHER By : WING COMDR VENKI IYER (A true episode ) The helicopter appeared over the late morning horizon. We were to receive Mr Lachhman Singh Rathore who was visiting our Flight Unit to perform the last rites of his son, Flying Officer Vikram Singh. Only the day before, I had sent the telegram, “Deeply regret to inform that your son Flying Officer Vikram Singh lost his life in a flying accident early this morning. Death was instantaneous.” It was the first time for me- to meet and manage the bereaved next of kin, in this case the Father of the brave officer. While most of the desolate family members insist on seeing the body, many a time there isn’t a body to show !! Flying Officer Vikram Singh’s remains were only a few kilos – scrapped from what was left in the cockpit. We had to weigh the wooden coffin with wood and earth. The pilot brought the helicopter to a perfect touchdown. Soon Mr Lachhman Singh Rathor was helped down the ladder.A small and frail man he was, maybe of 80 years, clad in an immaculate dhoti. As I approached him, he asked in a quiet and dignified whisper, “Are you Venki, the Flight Commander?” “Yes Sir.” “Vikram had spoken to me about you. I’d like to speak to you alone for a minute.” We walked to the edge of the concrete apron. ‘I have lost a son, and you have lost a friend. I’m sure that you have taken great care in arranging the funeral. Please tell me when and where you want my presence and what you want me to do. I’ll be there for everything. Later, I would like to meet Vikram’s friends, see his room and, if it is permitted, visit his work place. I then would like to return home tomorrow morning.” A commander couldn’t have given me clearer instructions. The funeral, with full military honours, was concluded by late afternoon. After the final echoes of the ‘Last Post’ faded away, Lachhman Singh spent the evening talking to the Squadron Pilots. Vikram’s roommate took him to see Vikram’s room. Lachhman Singh desired to spend the night in his son’s room instead of the guest house we had reserved for him. Early next morning after a tour of the squadron area, my boss took him to his office. A while later, the staff car took Lachhman Singh to the civil airfield two hours away. As the car disappeared round the corner, I remarked to my Boss, “A brave man he is. Spoke to me like a General when he told me exactly what he expected from us during his stay here. I have never seen a more composed man on such an occasion. I admire him.” “Yes, Mr Lachhman Singh Rathore is a warrior in his own way. He sired three sons and has laid to rest all three of them. His first son Captain Ghanshyam Singh of the Gurkha Rifles was killed in Ladakh in 1962 War. His second son, Major Bir Singh, died along the Ichogil Canal in 1965 in an ambush. His youngest, Vikram Singh, who had the courage to join the Air Force, is also gone now. This simple farmer has contributed more to our country’s defence than All of us combined.” Yes, he is indeed a brave Indian ; in fact HE is MORE INDIAN than anyone else - His sacrifice can never ever be repaid by the Country !! He is almost a Martyr himself !! But our Great Nation does Not know this simple Giant -- India only knows that Super Rich Cricketers need to be conferred BHARAT RATNA while a bunch of actors and actresses need to be conferred PADMA VIBHUSHANs and PADMASHREEs !! Yes, they are so called 'Acheivers' . Achieved Fame & Fortunes mostly for themselves, and not for the nation ! But what about the ' Losers ' ?? Those who have SIMPLY LOST their EVERYTHING to the Nation. Like this Father of Three Brave Soldiers. CRY INDIA CRY

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Subject: Indian Media in Bed with Politicial Dynasty ! [[ Being circulated in " As Received " form ]] This study of antecedents of Media Personalities carried out in last 2 weeks. It was prompted by the CURIOUS phenomenon of Extreme Polarisation and Over-Enthusiasm ( even amounting to display of Bias at times ! ) displayed by some of our most well known Faces and Entities in Journalism , be it Print Media or Electronic Media. It was helped by a journalist friend who works with Financial Express. shobhna.jpg 1. Hindustan Times - Shobhna Bhartia, owner and editor-in-chief of Hindustan Times is a Congress MP from Rajya Sabha. vinod sharma.jpg 2. Vinod Sharma, HT Political Affairs editor, is essentially a Congress spokesman on all TV panel discussions, because once his boss' term gets over, he will be looking out for her RS seat next year! burkha & vir sanghvi.jpg 3. Barkha Dutt and Vir Sanghvi, famous Congress stooges (and intermediaries for UPA allies) who were exposed in the Radiagate scandal, and are Congress spokespersons in their capacities as electronic media personalities, are the ones who write opinion and columns most frequently (once every week) on the editorial pages of HT. In return, Barkha and Sanghvi are rewarded with Padma Shrees and other compensation by the Nehru dynasty or Congress party. prannoy & radhika.jpg 4. NDTV's promoters are Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy. Radhika's sisterBrinda Karat is a famous CPM leader (well known for anti-Baba Ramdev views) and Brinda's husband Prakash Karat is the CPM, General Secretary (well known for preferring Congress over BJP). And Prannoy Roy's first cousin is the famous far-leftist pro-Maoist-Naxalite pro-Kashmiri-terrorists "intellectual" Arundhati Suzanna Roy. sonia singh.jpg 5. NDTV's Sonia Singh is the wife of Uttar Pradesh Congress MP, Union minister and ex-princely state ruler, Mr. R. P. N. Singh, who is one of the fastest rising stars in the Congress party. If you remember, Sonia Singh is a very high-profile anchor on NDTV whose anti-BJP views are followed by the great Sir Digvijay Singh! Nidhi.JPG 6. NDTV's Nidhi Razdan (high-profile anchor of Left Right Centre) is the current girlfriend of J&K CM Omar Abdullah (after Omar recently divorced Payal, his wife of several years and mother of his two children.) Nidhi Razdan is also famous for her Congress bias. rajdeep.jpg 7. CNN-IBN : Rajdeep Sardesai's wife and co-promoter of CNN-IBN,Sagarika Ghose, who anchors Face the Nation and is famous journalist of CNN-IBN (well, her hubby is the owner-editor-in-chief after all) are famous Congress stooges. Sagarika's father Bhaskar Ghose was a famous sarkari babu and was made the chief of Prasar Bharati (Doordarshan) during Indira and Rajiv regimes. Bhaskar Ghose was well-known for personal loyalty to the Nehru Dynasty, and now his daughter and son-in-law are rewarded with their own channel to do Congress propaganda. rajeev.jpg 8. Or even what about little known News24 Hindi media channel? Owned by ex-journalist and editor Rajiv Shukla, famous Congress MP in Rajya Sabha, Union minister, industrialist, BCCI vice president and IPL chairman. vijay darda.jpg 9. Or even what about little known Lokmat (and IBN Lokmat) that is Marathi newspaper (and channel) in Maharashtra? Owner and editors-in-chief are the brothers Vijay Darda (Congress MP) and Rajendra Darda (Congress MLA in Maharashtra, and minister in state govt). vinod ehta.jpg 10. Vinod Mehta - Outlook editor has been openly well known to take Anti BJP stand, specially on Times Now channel under Arnab Goswamy, on which he is invited often on for targeting BJP. The Congress (in fact just the one single family -- the Nehru Dynasty) has been in power for 56 of the last 65 years of independence. This matters a LOT to him . ============================== Above list has not even scratched the surface of the network of family and personal relationships through which the Nehru Dynasty has completely dominated and controlled the entire intellectual, historian and journalist landscape of India. And we haven't even talked about the monumental wealth or the blackmailing secrets. All because the one single dynasty got to rule over India for almost 60 years uninterrupted. It matters a LOT. Almost all BJP or even neutral journalists have been slowly thrown out of their jobs due to pressure from the Congress and the Nehru family. Even the great venerable Ramnath Goenka, frustrated and broken by repeated I-T raids and ED investigations ultimately had to fire Arun Shourie twice from the Indian Express, which was once the best Indian newspaper in the 1970s and 80s. That was the team -- Goenka the owner, Shourie the editor, and S.Gurumurthy the fearless journalist, that brought political heavyweights likeIndira Gandhi down on her knees and even took on corporate bulls likeDhirubhai Ambani. The Congress party essentially owns and controls every single mainstream media house in India, including Hindustan Times, The Times of India, NDTV, CNN-IBN, The Hindu, Tehelka, Outlook, Aajtak, News24, Amar Ujala etc,. Personal relationships have been built, blackmail-worthy secrets have been recorded, and monumental wealth has been accumulated all by the one single Nehru Dynasty (and its family-business-cum-political-party Congress) , which maintains its tight iron grip over not just the entire Indian mainstream media, but also deep into our bureaucracy, our governmental institutions, and even our journalism and mass media, colleges and graduation schools

Monday, 28 April 2014


दहशतवाद्यांचे ‘ऑपरेशन मोदी’ Apr 28, 2014, 12.29AM IST > 'आयएम'च्या दहशतवाद्यांकडून सुगावा > तपास यंत्रणांचा 'हाय अलर्ट' म. टा. प्रतिनिधी, पुणे भाजपचे पंतप्रधानपदाचे उमेदवार नरेंद्र मोदी यांच्यावर दहशतवादी हल्ला करण्यासाठी इंडियन मुजाहिदीन आणि 'सिमी' या बंदी घालण्यात आलेल्या संघटनांचे देशभरातील ३० 'स्लिपर सेल' सक्रिय झाल्याची धक्कादायक माहिती उघडकीस आली आहे. इंडियन मुजाहिदीनचा दहशतवादी तेहसीन उर्फ मोनू अख्तर आणि इम्तियाज अन्सारी यांनी ही माहिती तपास यंत्रणांना दिली असून, देशातील सर्व मुख्य तपास यंत्रणा हे 'स्लिपर सेल' शोधण्यासाठी कामाला लागल्या आहेत. त्यासाठी मोनू आणि अन्सारी यांच्याशी संबंधित आणि सध्या देशभरातील वेगवेगळ्या तुरुंगांत अटकेत असलेल्या दहशतवाद्यांना दिल्ली येथे नेण्यात आले असून, त्यांची याबाबत कसून चौकशी सुरू आहे. 'दिल्लीतील यंत्रणांना एकाच ठिकाणी वेगवेगळ्या दहशतवाद्यांकडे तपास करणे शक्य व्हावे, यासाठी गेल्या दोन दिवसांपासून या दहशतवाद्यांना दिल्लीत नेण्यात येत आहे. मात्र, महाराष्ट्रातून कुठल्याही दहशतवाद्याला अद्यापपर्यंत दिल्लीत नेण्यात आले नाही,' असे उच्चपदस्थ सूत्रांनी सांगितले. मोदी यांच्या पाटण्यातील हुंकार रॅलीत बॉम्बस्फोट घडवून दहशतवाद्यांनी आपले लक्ष्य साध्य करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला होता. या हल्ल्यापाठीमागे 'आयएम'चा मोनू असल्याचे अटकेतील दहशतवाद्यांकडून स्पष्ट झाले. मोनूला अटक दोन महिन्यांपूर्वी केल्यानंतर तपास यंत्रणा अन्सारीपर्यंत पोहोचल्या. देशभरातील ३० 'स्लिपर सेल'ची माहिती अन्सारीने यंत्रणांना दिली. मोदींनी पाटण्यात मुक्काम केलेल्या ठिकाणी त्यांच्यावर गोळीबार करणे शक्य आहे का, याची चाचपणीही करण्यात आल्याचे अन्सारीने सांगितल्यानंतर सर्वच यंत्रणा अवाक झाले असून, देशभरातील सिमीच्या कार्यकर्त्यांची माहिती गोळा करण्याचे काम सुरू करण्यात आल्याचे सूत्रांनी सांगितले. दरम्यान, मध्य प्रदेश येथील तुरुंग तोडून पळालेला अबू फैजल आणि त्याच्या साथीदारानींही मोदी यांच्यावर दहशतवादी हल्ला करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला होता. फैजलच्या साथीदारांची पाळेमुळे सोलापूरपर्यंत पोहोचली होती. मध्य प्रदेश 'एटीएस'ने फैजलला अटक केल्यानंतर सोलापूरमधून चौघांना ताब्यात घेत मोठ्या प्रमाणात स्फोटके जप्त केली होती. या पार्श्वभूमीवर सध्या फैजलकडेही तपास सुरू आहे. यासीनला घाईने दिल्लीला नेले यासीनकडे महाराष्ट्र 'एटीएस' तपास करत असताना दिल्लीत हालचाली सुरू झाल्या होत्या. यासीनची पोलिस कोठडी संपल्यानंतर त्याला तत्काळ दिल्लीला नेण्यात आले. दिल्ली पोलिसांच्या स्पेशल सेलने त्याला ताब्यात घेत पुन्हा चौकशी सुरू केली. त्यामुळे मोनू, वकास, यासीन आणि इम्तियाजकडे यांच्याकडे एकाचवेळी तपास केल्यानंतर देशभरातील सि​मीच्या कार्यकर्त्यांकडे चौकशी सुरू झाल्याचे सूत्रांनी नमूद केले.

Sunday, 27 April 2014


INS Vikramaditya, latest aircraft carrier to join the Navy, is still without an integral air defence system, kind courtesy the BABOOS. It took the DRDO 30 years to realise that the Bofors contract had a complete transfer of technology clause, and the complete blueprints were available to make brand new guns. The improved version of Bofors gun has been named Dhanush. A Chinese nuclear submarine was on the prowl in the Indian Ocean from 03 Dec 2013 for a period of two months. Army's plans to acquire 145 ultra light howitzers for employment in the mountains, particularly against China, have been further delayed by the politico-baboo nexus. Army's holding of WWR ammunition cannot last for more than 20 days. The BABOOS , on being reminded again, let out a deeper snore. Import of 126 Rafale jets is in limbo as the contract is yet to be signed.


Published: 2014-04-10 21:30:49.0 BdST Updated: 2014-04-10 21:30:49.0 BdST A ruling MP has said if it were allowed to go on, the Hindu minority’s continued exodus would bring the nation to the brink of a crisis. “They’re going away quietly. We have to treat this with importance,” veteran Awami League leader Suranjit Sengupta told parliament on Thursday. Quoting news reports, he said not a single case of attack on minorities in the country had ever faced trial. In 1974, Hindus were 13.5 percent of the population, which in 1981 fell to 12.1 percent and in 2001 became 8.5 percent, he said, quoting census figures. “This government must be allowed to do its work. It must be allowed to work constitutionally,” he said. “The ministers and the employees of the republic must have a good understanding,” he added. The MP's remarks came hours after the High Court ordered the government to act against the people behind the hate attacks on Hindus alongside Awami League supporters across Bangladesh after the 2001 general elections. A judicial investigation committee in its report three years ago identified several BNP and Jamaat leaders as having been involved in the attacks. Suranjit said he believed Tarique Rahman’s statements – that Zia was the first president and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was an illegal prime minister – were not just political ravings, there was some political conspiracy behind them. “There are some people, who are in the legal trade, who are supporting this,” he said. The BNP was conspiring to distort the history, Suranjit said. “We must fight them legally and politically.” The senior leader demanded that Tarique be tried for sedition and get the highest penalty. He said Khaleda was an illiterate prime minister. “People who deny the history of our Liberation have no right to live in this country.”

Saturday, 26 April 2014


An Army officer and two militants of Hizbul Mujahideen were killed and an Army jawan critically injured in a fierce gun battle in South Kashmir district of Shopian where a poll official was killed and five others including three police men were injured last evening when a polling party returning from a polling booth to district headquarter was attacked by militants. Three militants were trapped in a house in village Kareva Zora Malu in Shopian district after Army and police cordoned off the village. Army had information about the presence of three militants of Hizbul Mujahideen – Shabir Gorsi, Mohammad Asif and Abdul Haq- hiding in a house. He said that police and Army’s 44 Rashtriya Rifles launched an operation during which militants were trapped in the house. The militants fired upon the troops when they zeroed in the house of Farooq Ahmad Khan of Khan Mohalla, Kareva. The militants returned the fire leading to fierce gun battle in which two militants were killed. The house of Khan was also damaged in the gun battle. The entire house was brought down in the gun battle and firing stopped, an Army Major and along with few jawans who went near the debris of the house were fired at by a surviving militant injuring Major and a jawan. Major Mukund Vardarajan of 44 RR of Army later succumbed to his injuries. An Army spokesman said that Major was brought dead to 92-Base Hospital in Srinagar. Sources said the Army fired motor shells towards the house as the holed up militants were trying to break the cordon but the heavy presence of troops didn’t provide them any chance to flee from the house. Sources said that Army also used Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) to destroy the house and it was presumed that three militants were killed. The Army major along with a solider went near the debris to see the dead bodies but they were fired at by a surviving militant killing the Major and critically injuring a jawan. Police and Army fired heavily after the killing of Major and the search operation was suspended. One militant is still alive and cordon has been tightened and searches will be resumed in the morning after the third militant is killed. The clashes between forces and locals erupted near Narpora after people from Drubgam and its adjacent villages tried to march towards the gun battle site after the reports that a local militant from village Drubgam was killed. Police and Army didn’t allow them to proceed and fired smoke shells to disperse the protesters. They also pelted stones towards the forces. Meanwhile, Shopian observed strike and protests today against the detention of several youth on the charges of stone pelting during past one week. Shops and business establishments remained closed and roads were deserted

Friday, 25 April 2014


नेपाळमधील स्थिती आणि नव्या सरकारचे धोरण ब्रिगेडियर हेमंत महाजन नेपाळसारखे राष्ट्र काल-परवापर्यंत स्वत:ला अभिमानाने जगातले एकमेव हिंदू राष्ट्र म्हणवत होते. नेपाळचे हिंदुस्थानशी संबंध अत्यंत सलोख्याचे होते. कारण दोन देशांमध्ये समान संस्कृती आणि धर्माशी निगडित पुरातन परंपरेचा समान धागा आहे. तथापि, चीनला आपला प्रेरणास्रोत मानणारे माओवादी या अतूट नातेसंबंधांची नाळ तोडू पाहात आहेत. नेपाळ सीमेवरील आपल्या देशातील सीमावर्ती राज्य म्हणजे उत्तर प्रदेश आणि बिहार. मात्र गेल्या काही वर्षांत या दोन्ही राज्यांमध्ये नेपाळ सीमेला लागून असलेल्या भागात मदरशांची संख्या धोकादायकरीत्या मोठ्या प्रमाणात वाढली आहे. हजारो मदरसे निर्माण झाली असून पलीकडे नेपाळच्या भूमीतही अशीच परिस्थिती असल्याची माहिती सशस्त्र सीमादलाच्या प्रमुख संचालकांनी दिली आहे. हिंदुस्थान-नेपाळ सीमेवरील आपल्याकडील प्रांत सुमारे ३४३ मशिदी, ३०० मदरसे आणि १७ मशीद वजा मदरसे प्रति १० किलोमीटर परिसरात आहेत. नेपाळकडील सीमावर्ती भागात २८२ मशिदी, १८१ मदरसे आणि ८ मशीद वजा मदरसे आहेत. या मशिदी आणि मदरशांना सौदी अरेबिया, कुवेत, इराण, पाकिस्तान, बांगलादेश आदी मुस्लिम देशांकडून मोठ्या प्रमाणात आर्थिक पुरवठा होत असतो. येथील उलेमा नेपाळमधील बँका, उद्योजक आणि दूतावासासोबत घनिष्ठ संबंध ठेवून आहेत. या आर्थिक व्यवहारांचे संचलन इस्लामिक डेव्हलपमेंट बँक, जेद्दा आणि पाकिस्तानातील हबीब बँक यांच्यामार्फत होते. आखाती देशातील हिंदुस्थानी मुस्लिमांशीही येथूनच व्यवहार केला जातो. पाकिस्तानच्या हबीब बँकेची नेपाळमधील हिमालया बँकेबरोबर भागीदारी झाल्यापासून त्यांनी आपले जाळे हिंदुस्थान - नेपाळच्या सीमावर्ती भागात मोठ्या प्रमाणात पसरवले आहे. परदेशी चलनाचे हिंदुस्थानी चलनात परिवर्तनही नेपाळमध्येच करून हा पैसा हिंदुस्थानात आणला जात असल्याचा संशय अनेक तज्ज्ञांनी व गुप्तचर विभागाने व्यक्त केला आहे. या सीमावर्ती भागातील मशिदी व मदरशांना मुस्लिम नेते, तबलिगी जमात आणि नेपाळमधील पाकधार्जिणे नेते वेळोवेळी भेट देत असतात. ‘नेपाळी इस्लामी युवा मंच’ व ‘नेपाळी इत्तेहाद संघा’च्या माध्यमातून नेपाळमध्ये बस्तान बसविण्याचा पाकिस्तानचा प्रयत्न आहे. ईशान्येकडील दहशतवादी संघटनांना मदत करण्यासाठी त्या स्थापण्यात आल्या आहेत. नेपाळमधील पाकिस्तानी वकिलातही त्यात मागे नाही. बनावट हिंदुस्थानी चलनाच्या तस्करीसाठी नेपाळ आता कुप्रसिद्ध होऊ लागला आहे. त्यामागे पाकिस्तानी वकिलातीमधील काही अधिकार्‍यांचा हात आहे. नेपाळमध्ये प्रभाव वाढविण्यासाठी ‘नेपाळी नॅशनॅलिस्ट पार्टी’ या नावाचा पक्ष स्थापन करण्याचा घाट आता ‘आयएसआय’ने घातला आहे. तिबेटचा लढा हिंदुस्थान व युरोपियन युनियन यांच्या पाठिंब्याने चालतो हा चीनचा आरोप आहे. आता नेपाळमधील तिबेटींना सतर्क राहावे लागेल. नेपाळमधील चीनच्या हालचाली वाढत आहेत. इतकी वर्षे सर्व नेपाळी राजांनी चिनी नेत्यांशी विश्वासाचे संबंध ठेवले होते. एवढेच नव्हे तर हे सर्व राजे सोयीने हिंदुस्थानविरुद्ध चीनचा वापरही करीत होते. आज चीनने नेपाळमधील गुंतवणुकीतून हिंदुस्थानला मागे टाकण्याची शिस्तबद्ध योजना हाती घेतली आहे. केवळ पर्यटन, हॉटेल व्यवसायात नेपाळ-चीन अशा ७५ प्रकल्पांना संयुक्तरीत्या आरंभ झाला आहे. अप्पर त्तिशुली आणि राहुघाट या जलविद्युत योजना चीनने खिशात घातल्या आहेत. तिबेटमध्ये चीनने सुरू केलेला रेल्वे मार्ग वाढवून नेपाळपर्यंत आणण्याचा चीनचा मनसुबा आहे. नेपाळला हिंदुस्थानचा भौगोलिक वेढा असला तरी चीन आता उत्तरेकडून नेपाळला रेल्वेद्वारा खुला मार्ग देणार आहे. नेपाळ हे एकमेव हिंदू राष्ट्र आहे. अर्थात पाकिस्तानी आयएसआय तसेच चीन नेपाळवर नजर ठेवून आहेत. नेपाळमध्ये सध्याचे सरकार धर्मनिरपेक्ष पद्धतीने काम करीत आहे. ख्रिश्‍चन व मुस्लिम समाज आपला धर्म व संस्कृतीचा नेपाळमध्ये प्रसार करण्याचा प्रयत्न करीत आहे. हिंदुस्थान सरकारला नेपाळकडे छोटा भाऊ म्हणून लक्ष द्यावे लागेल. एकवेळ अशी होती की, नेपाळ प्रत्येक मुद्यावर एक असायचा, आज राज्य, सीमा, भाषा, जातपात या मुद्यांवर अशांतता निर्माण केली जात आहे. आज हिंदुस्थानने जर नेपाळला मदत केली नाही तर नेपाळचा घास गिळण्यात चीन यशस्वी होईल व भविष्यात हिंदुस्थानला त्याचे दुष्परिणाम भोगावे लागतील. नेपाळमधील अनेक लोक हिंदुस्थानात पोटापाण्यासाठी व अन्य कामांसाठी येत-जात असतात. नेपाळमधील जनता आजही हिंदुस्थानवर प्रेम करते, परंतु चीन मात्र नेपाळी जनतेला आपल्याकडे खेचून घेण्याचा प्रयत्न करीत आहे. नेपाळमधील रस्ते आणि रेल्वेच्या प्रकल्पांसाठी गुंतवणूक करणे जरुरी आहे. याशिवाय सीमेवर एकात्मिक सीमाशुल्क केंद्रे उभी केली पाहिजेत. मात्र नेपाळला केवळ आर्थिक मदत करून चालणार नाही. तेथील प्रमुख राजकीय पक्षांमध्ये समेट घडवून आणणे आवश्यक आहे. विविध पक्ष आणि गटातटांमध्ये विभागलेली. तेथील राजकारणात मतैक्य होणे गरजेचे आहे. नेपाळच्या अंतरंगात घुसण्यासाठी चीन, आयएसआय आणि बांगलादेश यांचे जमलेले मेतकूटही हिंदुस्थानच्या हिताचे नाही म्हणूनच हिंदुस्थान आणि नेपाळ जवळ येणे गरजेचे आहे. नेपाळलगतच्या सीमेवरदेखील हिंदुस्थानने बारीक लक्ष देणे फार महत्त्वाचे आहे. पस्हूस्प्रह१२१५३ॅब्प्दद.म्द.ग्ह

Thursday, 24 April 2014


Have known Gen Vinod Saighal for long.He is known for his forcefulness and fortrightness.Enjoy his views. The Accidental Prime Minister- Implications for National Security Vinod Saighal Not surprisingly Sanjay Baru’s book has created enormous stir. While the PMO and Congress circles close to the dynasty have criticised the book as travesty and ranting of a person denied a second term after the resounding Congress victory in 2009, most others have been surprised, horrified and alarmed at the revelations. Therefore, it becomes essential to take measure of the veracity of what has been written. Regardless of opinions expressed on the contents of the book or the motives for writing the same as also the timing of the release, it can be safely stated that up to this point Dr. Sanjay Baru was held in high esteem by his peers in the profession and the public that read his articles. There may have been differences of opinion on the numerous pieces written by him, few would be able to recall criticism directed at the persona of Dr. Baru. Hence, the charges of gross misrepresentation or being influenced by extraneous factors or disappointment can easily be set aside. Similarly, the harshest criticism has largely been made by interested parties out to protect the reputation of the Prime Minister and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi as also persons who feel upset or slighted by what has been written about them. For the informed public at large, across the political divide, the serious charges made about the manner in which government was being run with a pliant Prime Minister who just carried out instructions from above ring true. What is more, people had long suspected that the government was being run by the dynasty for the dynasty. The National Interest, whenever it clashed with the Dynasty’s Interest was ignored, even subverted. At the end of the day the charge made by Sanjay Baru of near-total dynastic control on all important appointments in practically every sphere of governance has extremely serious ramifications for National Security. The signs that the National Interest was being sacrificed by an unaccountable extra-constitutional entity wielding immense power, whose foreign background, antecedents, travels and interactions – both within India and abroad - have never been fully investigated or allowed to be revealed was suspected by many in political, and media circles and certainly by all those in close proximity to the power hierarchy in the capital, not to mention foreign circles. The Prime Minister’s acquiescence to diktats from 10 Janpath are recorded in Baru’s book; what has not been recorded is the utter helplessness and lack of spine shown by the man when he was bypassed by ministers and bureaucrats, including in the PMO, carrying out instructions of Mrs. Gandhi without even keeping him informed. Close friends of the PM whom he confided in often have revealed his anguish at some of the incidents where he was kept totally in the dark. One of these, according to sources close to the PM relates to the de-freezing of Quatrochi’s account in the UK. The matter was sub judice. Yet it is most unlikely that the Law or Home ministries would have kept record of the directions for its execution. Such serious misconduct should have alarmed the entire cabinet and the senior civil servants in the government. Apparently no one protested in the charmed circle of ministers appointed by Soniaji. One of the biggest anti-national acts was carried out by the lady right at the beginning of UPA I when she selected Shivraj Patil to be the Home Minister of India at a time when the country was exposed to serious threats from terrorism, both home grown and from across the border(s); a good parliamentarian who was clearly out of his depth as home minister. He had been placed there with a one-point agenda: to clear all cases against Quattrochi. He delivered admirably and finally when his deficiencies could not be condoned any longer after 26/11 he was relieved among strong public clamour and replaced by Mr. Chidambram, a far abler person for the job. On occasions when the media criticized Mr. Patil he was on record as saying that he was satisfied that the authority that had placed him in the home minister’s chair was pleased with his performance. Evidently that is all he cared about. Madam was pleased. He had delivered. It began and ended there. How did it matter what the Nation felt. The Law Ministry played its part equally admirably. Both the law and the home ministers, when the pressure to replace them could not be opposed any longer were dispatched as governors, rewarded for outstanding devotion to duty – not to the Nation; to the lady at 10 Janpath. Not a whimper from the PM or his cabinet colleagues. Examples from other ministries and agencies – many now in the public domain or part of PILs before the Court – abound. In a few years they will all come tumbling out. Actually what happened in the UPA decades when Sonia G wielded unchallenged power was a throw back to an earlier era. She was privy to the fact that during Rajiv Gandhi’s regime Quatrochi wielded enormous power. He could walk into almost any ministry without let or hindrance and influence decisions. He was a law unto himself. Sonia Gandhi evidently watched the master influence peddler with awe and admiration. She did not know that she would have her day. It came sooner than she expected. Denials about classified files being shown in 10 Janpath are not likely to convince the people of India. There would be many in the government who would be willing to swear to the goings-on on affidavit were they to be summoned by the courts should a new government or the courts decide on a SIT to investigate the comprehensive destruction of parliamentary democracy as embodied and embedded in the PM and the Council of Ministers according to the Constitution. Several pronouncements and actions from 10 Janpath bespeak a good grasp of classified matters. There can hardly be any doubt that the list of holders of illegal monies stashed abroad was made known to her and through her to the charmed 10 Janpath circle. A RTI query was passed around between the cabinet secretary and the MEA without eliciting any worthwhile response. Questions are bound to arise as to whether such information was used to keep the wrong-doers in check or whether they were made to part with some of the wealth – to whom? A yet more grave matter is the goings-on within 10 Janpath and the guests who stayed there, mostly family and friends from abroad as there would be no one left in the Nehru or Feroze Gandhi families who would be welcome to stay. Such secrecy should be unacceptable where ultimate authority is wielded by an extra-constitutional authority or family not bound by any oath of secrecy. It is well on the cards that nationally important matters would have been discussed in family circles within the hallowed precincts. By the same token sudden visits abroad at critical junctures by Mrs. Gandhi and on occasions accompanied by her children (quite apart from the US visits for treatment) were surrounded by such a veil of secrecy that they defy any reasonable explanation. Links to the events that could have threatened the dynasty’s interests can be gleaned. Followed through logically they lead into a frightening dark alley. Whatever the secrecy within the country there are foreign agencies that kept track of the places visited and much else. Indian embassies were seldom kept in the picture. In fact, after the Bofors exposures ambassadors of India to sensitive countries in Europe were reportedly selected keeping in mind the loyalty factor and the need to ensure that the embassies did not make requests for embarrassing details. After the revelations of the book should one make the assumption that something similar could be happening even now after the Augusta-Westland case came to light? Tragically for India and its security, people have to raise these questions to demand of their political masters as to how the country could have sunk so low. Why only blame Sonia Gandhi and her close circle that enjoyed unimaginable benefits, power and presumably amassed untold wealth. Almost the entire political class occupying the sprawling Lutyens Delhi bungalows for years and decades on end did not wish to upset the applecart. The same goes for crony capitalism and large portion of the media heads that were very much alive to what was happening. The ultimate tragedy is that leaving aside the weak prime minister how does one explain that none of the Congress ministers in the cabinet put their foot down or quit when all along they were privy to the country’s interest being sold down the river by what was and remains a foreigner-led dispensation. Many of the ministers were luminaries in their own rights with outstanding practices bringing in enormous wealth. Can one even approach the President of India in this regard? Even he delivered. The DTAT with Switzerland had the key clause to which no satisfactory answer was given by anybody in the government as to why the agreement would be prospectively operative after April 1, 2012 and all cases prior to that would stand closed and not available for scrutiny or words to that effect. Even the Swiss ambassador’s interview of the time to the press reveals a lot. To conclude the decline in India since the UPA governance decade under the aegis of Sonia Gandhi is so steep and so palpable that hardly anyone in India or outside the country doubts it. During UPA II the mandate for the Congress Party led by Dr. Manmohan Singh and SG was so impressive that it could have been used to pull up India in every sphere of governance internally and project it to the front ranks of the comity of nations externally had the interest of the country been foremost in the reckoning of the dynasty. It was undeniably not. The current state of the nation impels concerned Indians to look deeper into the reasons for the national decline. The foremost reason that stares one in the face and which not many people dared to openly question up to now while the dynasty wielded untrammeled power and used it with ruthless determination is that subliminally sacrificing the National Interest to perpetuate itself has become part of the DNA of the Dynasty as it nears its end-point. The book is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. It is to be hoped that a successor government would order an impartial investigation into the manner of governance in the UPA decades with a view to ensure that the security and sanctity of the Nation is never again compromised in this manner. Vinod Saighal, Maj Gen Convenor, MRGG, Author Revitalising Indian Democracy

Wednesday, 23 April 2014



Lame-duck Government Must Not Appoint Next Army Chief Lt General Vijay Oberoi The Citizen Wednesday, April 23, 2014 The nation is in the middle of a General Election and one that is likely to bring in major changes. Voting has already taken place in more than half the constituencies and only three phases remain. The date of declaration of the results of the election has already been announced as May 16, i.e. merely 25 days away. That effectively makes the present government a caretaker government, which should not take major policy decisions or appoint new incumbents for holding highly important appointments. That has always been the norm and most past governments have followed it. A controversy is unfortunately being created, as reports are appearing in the media that the current government is bent on selecting and announcing the next Chief of Army Staff (COAS), without waiting for the next government to be formed. I do hope it is only speculation and the current government does not actually do it, even though the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) have threatened to move the files; an ominous announcement no doubt! The present Army Chief is due to retire only on July 31 this year, so there appears to be no tearing hurry to select and announce the name of his successor before the formation of the new government. However, a debate has already started and it is likely to become somewhat contentious and raucous, as irrelevant issues may be brought up, merely to sensationalize the issue. The loser would be the army, which does not deserve this type of non-productive speculation. There is also the aspect of unnecessarily politicizing the issue. As everyone knows, our army is absolutely apolitical. Lest it be misunderstood, apolitical does not mean being ignorant of political nuances, but it signifies having no leanings towards one or the other political parties or personages, unlike the strong affiliations, bordering on obsequies loyalty that the bulk of the bureaucracy follows! I would urge the government, which is essentially a caretaker government, not to make any announcements relating to selecting the next army chief till the election results are declared and a new government takes over. The army chief is much too important a personage and the army a highly worthy instrument of the government to be dragged into this kind of controversy. Irrespective of who is selected, if such an announcement does take place prior to the formation of the next government, then it would be yet another departure from norms as well as an affront to democracy and our constitution. The usual norms for announcing the name of the next incumbent are that the person selected should get sufficient time to ‘get in the picture’, for which the usual timeframe is approximately two months. At times, it has been shorter, as well as longer, but always for an important reason. Media and others would no doubt bring out various issues, not always relevant and therefore the government should make the announcement in accordance with norms and not on account of extraneous reasons or under some form of duress. In the debate already underway, it is being said that when the last change-over was effected, following General VK Singh handing over to the present incumbent-General Bikram Singh, it was done three months in advance, but just like ‘one swallow does not the summer make’, aberrations cannot and should not become norms. At that time, the MoD had psyched itself to believe that the then Chief, General V K Singh may tender his resignation before completing his tenure, which would have adversely affected the desirable succession already worked out by it or even higher personages! It was widely speculated even at that juncture that this was an aberration on account of extraneous reasons, which must not be resorted to in future. The two month period in making the official announcement for the changeover is absolutely right for both the chief laying down his office and for his successor. An announcement earlier than about two months is not at all fair for the out-going chief, as it tends to affect his authority and standing. The reason is obvious as most subordinates start looking up to the new incumbent and in the process tend to ignore the person who is still the chief. In a hierarchical organization like the army, this must never happen. For the successor, two months is just about right as he does need that much time to get ‘au fait’ with the on-going cases and fully comprehend the strengths and limitations that would need to be tackled by him. It also gives him time to bid farewell to his command; tie up loose ends; and hand over fully to his successor. Some may argue that the recent appointment of Admiral Dhowan as the next Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) has been announced without waiting for the election process to be over, so why not that of the COAS? They need to be reminded that the two cases are entirely different. In the case of the navy, the erstwhile CNS Admiral Joshi, had demitted office nearly two months back and adverse comments were already being made regarding the dire need of appointing a new incumbent quickly. Only a few days back, even I had written a piece in your paper exhorting the government to appoint the next CNS at the earliest (See article “Headless ‘At Sea’, Failure to Appoint Naval Chief is Criminal Neglect” dated 15 April 2014). In the case of the army, the COAS is already in the saddle and is effectively commanding the Indian Army. The prerogative of the next government must therefore not be usurped by the present (lame-duck) government. The next COAS, whoever it would be, has to steer the Indian Army for the next two years or more. If selected now, he may well carry a stigma that he was an appointee of the earlier government and hence looked at with jaundiced eyes by some. This must never happen to a COAS, for that appointment is much too important to have even an iota of suspicion, however misplaced. I hate to say this but our bureaucracy being what it is would revel in this kind of skullduggery but the political leadership must not allow it. It is the security of the nation that must be paramount and not the whims and fancies of a few men of straw.

Monday, 21 April 2014


भारतातील बांगलादेशी घुसखोरांना शोधणे कठीण : गृहमंत्रालयाची धक्कादायक कबुली मुंबई उच्च न्यायालयाच्या नागपूर खंडपीठाने केंद्र आणि राज्य सरकारला देशातील बांगलादेशी घुसखोरांवर कोणती कारवाई केली असा प्रश्न विचारला होता. त्यावर केंद्रीय गृहमंत्रालयाचे सचिव विकास श्रीवास्तव यांनी न्यायालयात शपथपत्र दाखल केले. त्यात त्यांनी बांगलादेशी घुसखोर हे झोपडपट्टय़ांमध्ये लपून राहतात त्यामुळे त्यांची संख्या मोजण्यात खूप अडचणी येत असल्याचे मान्य केले आहे. बांगलादेशातून भारतात आलेल्या घुसखोरांची संख्या प्रचंड आहे. ताज्या आकडेवारीनुसार ही संख्या 4 कोटीहून अधिक आहे. युनोच्या एका अहवालातच एक कोटीहून अधिक अधिकृत बांगलादेशी भारतात वास्तव्य करीत आहेत. देशातल्या विविध भागात बांगलादेशी आणि पाकिस्तानी नागरिक राहतात. सरकार बांगलादेशी घुसखोरांना हुडकून काढू शकते भारतातील बांगलादेशी घुसखोर बेकायदा असूनही ते येथे ‘मतदार’ बनले आहेत, या देशाचे अधिकृत नागरिक झाले आहेत. त्यामुळे त्यांना शोधून काढणे अजिबात कठीण नाही. सरकारने मनापासून ठरविले तर देशात कुठल्याही बिळात लपलेल्या बांगलादेशी घुसखोरांना सहज हुडकून काढू शकते. मात्र केंद्रीय गृह मंत्रालयानेच या घुसखोरांसमोर शेपूट घातले आहे. वेड पांघरूण पेडगावला जायचे ठरविले आहे. मुंबई उच्च न्यायालयाच्या नागपूर खंडपीठात गृह मंत्रालयाने एक शपथपत्र सादर केले आहे. त्यात भारतातील बांगलादेशी घुसखोरांना शोधणे कठीण असल्याची धक्कादायक कबुली देण्यात आली आहे. गृहखातेच जर घुसखोरांना ‘अभय’ देत असेल तर या देशाची अखंडता आणि सार्वभौमत्व याबाबत कुणा ज्योतिषाने भाकीत करण्याची गरज नाही. वास्तविक या देशात किती बांगलादेशी घुसखोर आहेत, त्यांच्यासाठी सीमारेषेवरील पट्टा ‘स्वर्ग’ कसा बनला आहे हे काही लपून राहिलेले नाही. पुन्हा या घुसखोरांचे देशाच्या विविध भागांत कसे ‘पुनर्वसन’ केले जाते, रेशनकार्ड, निवडणूक ओळखपत्र, पॅनकार्ड, आधारकार्ड देऊन त्यांची एक ‘व्होट बँक’ कशी पक्की केली जाते याच्या कहाण्या वेळोवेळी प्रसारमाध्यमांनी प्रसिद्ध केल्या आहेत. सरकार, सुरक्षा यंत्रणा आणि राजकारणी यांचा भ्रष्ट सहभाग या संपूर्ण व्यवहारात असल्याने सरकारलाही बांगलादेशी घुसखोरीची संपूर्ण बाराखडी ज्ञात आहे, पण व्होट बँकचा सवाल आहे. मतांची लाचारी आणि देशाच्या भवितव्याबाबतची बेफिकिरी यामुळे बांगलादेशी घुसखोरीची ‘झाकली मूठ’ तशीच दडपून ठेवण्याचा प्रयत्न सरकारांनी नेहमीच केला आहे. मग ते ईशान्येकडील राज्य सरकारे असोत किंवा केंद्र सरकार. नागपूर खंडपीठात शपथपत्राद्वारा बांगला घुसखोरांना शोधणे कठीण असल्याचे सांगणे या परंपरागत ‘बांगला’नीतीला धरूनच आहे. वास्तविक मतदार यादीत नाव असलेल्या, रेशनकार्ड, आधारकार्ड मिळविलेल्या बांगलादेशी घुसखोरांना शोधून काढणे आणि पुन्हा बांगलादेशात पाठविणे सरकारला का शक्य नाही? राजकीय इच्छाशक्ती असेल तर सरकारी यंत्रणांसाठी ही एक सामान्य प्रक्रिया आहे, पण बांगला घुसखोरांना हुडकून परत पाठविले तर मग कोट्यवधी मतांचे काय होणार? पश्चिम बंगाल, आसाममध्ये बांगलदेशी नागरिकांची वस्ती सर्वात मोठी अलीकडे गोव्यात त्यांनी मोठय़ा प्रमाणात जमिनी खरेदी केल्याचे प्रकरण नुकतेच उजेडात आले आहे. परंतु त्यापैकी काही जमिनीचे व्यवहार बेकायदेशीर ठरवून ते रद्द करण्यात आले आहेत. आझाद मैदानावर निघालेल्या `बांगलादेशी घुसखोरांच्या’ मार्चनंतरच्या तणावानंतर राजकीय पक्षांचे नेते चिडीचूप बसले होते. या घुसखोरांच्या मोर्चाच्या झुंडींनी पोलिसांच्या बंदुका हिसकावून घेऊनही पोलिसांची त्यांच्या अंगावरसुद्धा धावून जाण्याइतपतसुद्धा हिंमत झाली नव्हती. त्यानंतर मुंबई आणि पुण्यात ईशान्येकडील विद्यार्थ्यांमध्ये खळबळ उडाली होती. त्या घबराटीमुळे अनेक आसामी विद्यार्थी मुंबई, पुण्यातून पळून आसाममध्ये गेले होते. याचवेळी दहशतवाद्यांनी दिलेल्या इशार्यानंतरआसाम आणि अरुणाचल प्रदेशात बंद पाळण्यात आला होता. त्यामुळे तेथे दहशतवादी कारवायांमुळे वातावरण अस्थिर व असुरक्षित होते. अशा वातावरणात तेथे नियमितपणे अध्यापन आणि परीक्षा होत नाहीत. तसेच परीक्षेचे निकालही तेथे वेळेवर लागत नाहीत. या परिस्थितीत ईशान्य भारतातील प्रश्नांचा मुद्दा देशात चर्चेच्या केंद्रस्थानी आला होता. त्यावेळी आसाममध्ये सुरू झालेल्या स्थानिक बोडो- बांगलादेशी संघर्षामुळे राष्ट्रीय शांतता व सुरक्षितता याबद्दल अनेक प्रश्नांची गुंतागुंत वाढलेली होती. आसामांतील 24 जिल्ह्यांमध्ये मूळ नागरिक अल्पसंख्यांक बनले असून तेथील विधानसभेतसुद्धा 50-90 टक्क्याहून अधिक लोक बांगलादेशी आहेत असे मुंबईहून तेथे भेट देऊन आलेले नगरसेवकच खुलेआम सांगत असतात यावरून घुसखोरांची समस्या किती गंभीर आहे हे सहज समजून येईल.कारण त्यातूनच पुढे दहशतवादी कृत्ये आणि घातपाती कारवाया घडतात. पश्चिम बंगाल, आसाम आणि पूर्वांचलातील राज्ये यामध्ये बांगलदेशी नागरिकांची वस्ती सर्वात मोठी आहे. शिकलेले बांगलादेशी विद्यार्थी मुंबई, पुणे नागपूरकडे अलीकडे शिकलेले बांगलादेशी विद्यार्थी मुंबई, पुणे आणि नागपूरकडे सुरक्षिततेच्या दृष्टीने वळत आहेत. बांगला देशातील या घुसखोरांनी धार्मिक मूलतत्त्ववाद मोठय़ा प्रमाणात जोपासला आहे. हे घुसखोर भारतात बेकायदेशीर प्रवेश करणे, वस्ती तयार करणे, रेशनकार्ड, भारतीय नागरिकत्व मिळवून राजकीय दबाव गट निर्माण करणे, स्थानिक संसाधनांवर हक्क सांगणे, स्थानिक लोकांवर मोर्चाद्वारे हिंसक हल्ले करून तणाव निर्माण करणे असे अनेक उपद्व्याप करीत असतात. याचा परिणाम म्हणून विविध सामाजिक गटांमध्ये वैमनस्याची भावना दिवसेंदिवस वाढत आहे. स्थलांतरितांच्या प्रश्नाला वांशिक, धार्मिक संघर्षाचे स्वरूप येणार नाही याची काळजी घेतली पाहिजे. बांगलादेशी व पाकिस्तानी घुसखोर हे राष्ट्रीय ऐक्य आणि सुरक्षिततेला मोठा धोका आहेत याची जाणीव ठेवून सरकारने कोणाचाही मुलाहिजा न ठेवता या घुसखोरांविरुध्द कठोर कारवाई करून त्यांना देशाबाहेर हुसकावणे उचित ठरेल. ‘आओ-जाओ घर तुम्हारा’ देशाच्या अखंडतेला धोका असला तरी हरकत नाही, पण आमच्या राजकीय मतपेढीला सुरुंग लागता कामा नये. त्यामुळेच बांगलादेशी घुसखोरांसाठी आमचा देश म्हणजे ‘आओ-जाओ घर तुम्हारा’ झाला आहे. दिवसेंदिवस त्यांची संख्या वाढतच चालली आहे. एवढेच नव्हे तर झोपडपट्ट्यांमधून हे घुसखोर लपले असल्याने त्यांची संख्या मोजण्यातही अडचणी आहेत असे गृहखात्यानेच शपथपत्रात म्हटले आहे. म्हणजे बांगला घुसखोरांना शोधणे राहिले बाजूला, ते कुठे आणि किती आहेत याची माहिती घेण्याची मानसिकताही सरकारची नाही. या मतपेटी राजकारणामुळे गेल्या साठ वर्षांत देशाच्या पोटात किती ‘मिनी बांगलादेश’ तयार झाले असतील याचा विचारच न केलेला बरा. पश्चिपम बंगालमधील काही जिल्हे, संपूर्ण आसाम तर आजच बांगला घुसखोरांच्या कब्जात गेला आहे. आसामात स्थानिक ‘बोडो’ अल्पसंख्याक आणि घुसखोर बहुसंख्याक झाले आहेत. मुंबई, ठाणे, नवी मुंबई परिसरातही काही लाख बांगलादेशी आहेत. त्यापैकी अनेक जण ‘हुजी’ या बांगलादेशी दहशतवादी संघटनेसाठी काम करीत असल्याचे आरोप नेहमीच होत असतात. तरीही गृहखाते डोळ्यांवर झापडं ओढून घेत आहे. त्यांना शोधण्याच्या राष्ट्रीय कर्तव्यात कसूर करीत आहे. डाव्या आघाडीचे राज्य सरकार व बांगलादेशी घुसखोरी आपली व्होटबॅंक फुगवण्यासाठी 30 वर्षांपासून डाव्या आघाडीच्या राज्य सरकारांनी पश्चिम बंगालमध्ये बांगलादेशी नागरिकांची मोठ्या प्रमाणावर घुसखोरी होऊ दिली आहे. भारतातील पूर्वांचली राज्य व बंगाल यांचे बांगलादेशीकरण करण्यासाठी डीजेएमआय व आयएसआयने मिळून गेल्या ३० वर्षांपासून पश्चिम बंगाल व आसाममधील लोकसंख्येची प्रतवारी बदलण्याचा पद्धतशीर प्रयत्न चालविला आहे. भारतीय नागरिक असल्याची कागदपत्रे, शिधावाटप पत्रिका, मतदार ओळखपत्रे मिळवून बांगलादेशी घुसखोर भारतात स्थायिक झाले आहेत. पश्चिम बंगालमधील २९४ विधानसभा मतदारसंघांपैकी ५४ मतदार संघांमध्ये बांगलादेशी घुसखोरांची संख्या खूपच जास्त आहे. ४० विधानसभा मतदारसंघ असे आहेत, की जिथे बंगालदेशी घुसखोरांच्या मतांवर निवडणुकांतील उमेदवारांचे भवितव्य ठरतेकेंद्रातील सरकार व राज्यातील सरकार याचा पाठिंबा तसेच बांगलादेशी घुसखोरांची एकगठ्ठा मते मिळविण्यासाठी पश्चिम बंगालमधील सर्व राजकीय पक्षांनी दिलेला पाठिंबा यामुळे परिस्थिती आणखी चिघळली आहे. बांगलादेशी घुसखोरीचा हा भस्मासुर कधीच नष्ट करायला हवा होता. अद्यापि वेळ गेलेली नाही. अन्यथा, तो उद्या भारतला भस्मसात केल्याशिवाय राहणार नाही.मतबॅंकेच्या राजकारणाला विरोध करावा लागेल. त्यासाठी सातत्याने त्याच्या विरोधात लेखन आणि प्रचार जरुरी आहे. जनगणनेच्या आकडेवारीचा आधार घेऊन मतदारांची संख्या जाहीर करावी, मतबॅंकेचे राजकारण टाळण्यासाठी राजकारण्यांना आवाहन करणे आणि निवडणूक आयोगाने नेमलेल्या विशेष समितीतर्फे आसामी मतदारांच्या यादीवर लक्ष ठेवणे, हे उपाय योजता येतील. घुसखोरांची समग्र माहिती गोळा करून त्यांच्यावर लक्ष ठेवता येईल. बांगलादेशातून अद्यापही घुसखोरी सुरूच आहे, आणि जर चालू राहिली तर २०२० पूर्वी पश्चिम बंगाल,आसामच्या मुख्यमंत्रिपदी एखादा बांगलादेशी बसल्याचे पाहण्याची दुर्दैवी वेळ आपल्यावर येईल.

ARE HINDUS DANGEROUS-by mariawirthblog April 18, 2014 · by mariawirthblog · in Uncategorized Whenever news about India make it to the local Nuremberg newspaper, my mother reads them out to me on phone. Usually, those news portray India in a poor light, like ‘people died from cold on the streets of Delhi’ or, especially in the past year ever so often, ‘another gang rape’, conveniently ignoring the gang rapes on home turf. During recent months, however, one term clearly dominates the western media, and going by the language used, it seems to be the most dangerous and heinous trait that any Indian could have, and that needs to be condemned by one and all. The term is “Hindu fundamentalist”. And the prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, who is considered the frontrunner in the elections, is said to be one. “A racist is India’s hope – Hindu fundamentalist Modi could win the election” my mother read out to me on 4th of April. Another article in the same paper, sourced from the German press agency (dpa) read “A man splits India”. In it, too “Hindu fundamentalism” was stressed and the RSS even being compared to Nazi ideology. English newspapers, too, paint ‘Hindu fundamentalist’ Narendra Modi as highly dangerous for India and the world. And leading from the front, the Indian mainstream media freely label any Hindu organizations as ‘fundamentalist’ and ‘communal’ since years and leave no doubt that the secular fabric of Indian democracy will be endangered if this ‘Hindu fundamentalist’ comes to power. The relentless media campaign shows already results worldwide. On my last visit to Germany, a woman sitting next to me in a bus asked, “What about the Hindu fundamentalists?” when she came to know that I live in India. I told her that the fear of Hindu fundamentalists is unfounded. In fact, I am in India precisely because I treasure the fundamentals of Hinduism. I am sure that most left liberal ‘intellectuals’ in India and abroad will come down heavily on me if they hear me say that. There is so much shouting in TV debates and living rooms that one cannot get down to the basics and ask simple questions. To be fair to Hindus, such questions need to be answered by those who malign Hindus in general and Narendra Modi in particular. One question for example is: what makes Narendra Modi a Hindu fundamentalist? Is it the fact that he acknowledges that he is a Hindu? Or is it the allegation that he did not do anything to stop the rioting in his state in 2002? This allegation has been proven wrong in spite of intense scrutiny and the explicit desire to find him guilty. Yet let’s for a moment suppose the allegation were true and he really would have encouraged killing of Muslims as revenge for the killing of Hindus in the train burning. In that case, he would indeed deserve severest punishment, but it would not make him a Hindu fundamentalist. Let me explain: the basic philosophy of Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma, as it was originally called is in a nutshell: this visible universe, including our persons, is divine. Everything is permeated by the same divine essence which is called by many names. Hindus do not, unlike Christians and Muslims, divide humanity into those who are chosen by God and those who are eternally damned. Hindus are those rare human beings whose dharma requires them to regard all as brothers and sisters. Their dharma requires them further to respect nature and not to harm unnecessarily any living being. Hindu children are not taught to look down on those who are not Hindus, unlike children of the dogmatic religions who are taught that their God does not love those others unless they officially join their ‘true’ religions. Hindus are also comparatively kinder to animals. The great bulk of vegetarians worldwide are Hindus. Strangely, this fact is hardly ever acknowledged; nor is acknowledged that Hindus never fought crusades or jihads to establish their religion in foreign lands. On the contrary, since over thousand years Hindus were at the receiving end of such jihads and conversion campaigns and millions of Hindus were killed in cold blood because they were Hindus. Now coming back to the media assault on Modi as a Hindu fundamentalist: Is he called a Hindu fundamentalist because he openly says that he is a Hindu? Well, this would not be wrong, as he indeed seems to follow the fundamentals of Hinduism. He seems to be a genuinely good human being who wants to give his best to develop India and has the welfare of all Indians in mind. However, though it is factually not wrong, it is at the same time very unfair by the media to call Modi a Hindu fundamentalist, because the term ‘fundamentalist’ generally has a negative connotation when it comes to other religions, and especially westerners are not knowledgeable enough to distinguish between a Christian or Muslim fundamentalist on one side and a Hindu fundamentalist on the other. If a Christian or Muslim follows the fundamentals of his religions too strictly, it is generally considered as bad for society as a whole. The reason is that such a person will stress his superiority, as his holy book claims that only his religion is true and therefore naturally superior to all other religions. Such a person would see nothing wrong and even might feel it is his duty to convert people of other religions by hook or crook, or, if they don’t comply, despise or even kill them. One only needs to look at history to see what havoc Christian and Muslim fundamentalists have wrought all over the world. So it is no surprise that no European or American politician is labeled as “Christian fundamentalist”, when he simply confesses to be a Christian. Muslim politician, too, are not called “Muslim fundamentalists”, even if they head an Islamic state. What most people however don’t know: there is no claim of superiority in Hinduism. The reason is that it is not an unverifiable belief system that has to be indoctrinated as the one and only truth, but it is open to enquiry. Blind belief is not required. The fundamentals of Hinduism are sound and conducive for a good character. It is actually good to follow the fundamentals of Hinduism and see the one divine essence everywhere in this visible universe. “There is talk about this God and that God. Our country is not like that. Here we maintain Ishwar (God) is one. The paths to attain him are different”, Modi said in an interview on April 12th, 2014 (Aap ki adalat), when a woman asked him whether Christians and their churches will be safe under him. He assured his audience that the motto of his party, in tune with the Constitution of India, is to treat all different paths equally. Communal frenzy will not be allowed to retard the growth of India, he added. Modi’s words deserve to be taken seriously. He has governed Gujarat with a population of around 60 million for the last 12 years and no major communal clash took place there after the riots of 2002, whereas many riots happened elsewhere. Yet in those 12 years, Narendra Modi managed to greatly develop Gujarat and make it the envy of other Indian states. He proved that he is not corrupt and highly capable. So why is Narendra Modi relentlessly labeled as Hindu fundamentalist by the world media, which knows fully well that this label will make him look ‘bad’ in the eyes of the world? Could it be that the west is actually afraid of an economically strong India and uses the bogey of Hindu fundamentalism to beat Modi and India down? Maybe it is time for Hindus to tell the world to have a close look at the fundamentals of Hinduism. They might actually want to adopt them. By Maria Wirth

Friday, 18 April 2014


What has Shinde got to do with it ?? Where stands Congress ? Lt Col Srikant Purohit: A victim of Hindu Terror Industry on FEBRUARY 25, 2014 · in SECURITY & INTELBY RSN SINGH Look at the distance the anti-national discourse of Indian politics has traveled. A film actor serving sentence for aiding and abetting terrorism is the beneficiary of parole with vulgar regularity and brazenness and Col Purohit, a patriotic soldier continues to languish in prison. His cardinal sin being his infiltration into the network of Indian Mujahideen and its patron LeT. More than two dozen concerned officers have vouched in Court-of–Inquiry that in pursuit of his duty, by no standards ordinary, he had kept the organization in loop. Purohit, in keeping with the imperatives of country’s security, shared Intelligence with sister agencies including the Maharashtra ATS, which invited him on several occasions to deliver lectures. By now it is clearly established by some prime plotters and participants of 26/11 like Ajmal Kasab, David Headley and Abu Jundal, that a painstaking diligence was invested by the planners to portray the attack as handiwork of ‘Hindu Terror’ organisations. If Ajmal Kasab had not been caught alive the plot had nearly succeeded. It was a sort of divine intervention that Kasab developed cold-feet and failed to destroy himself as per the instruction of his handlers and jihadi indoctrination. The network of plotters included some politicians and journalists in India. Readers may find out who wrote a book, (to apologize later) about 26/11 being a handiwork of Hindu groups and which politician was the chief guest during the release of the book! Fabrication of ‘Hindu Terror’ Few days before 26/11, I was solicited by the Tehelka magazine to write a column on my views on the arrest of Col Purohit. My initial response, knowing the unabashed pro-establishment proclivities of the magazine, was that my views would be repugnant. Only when, I was assured of my intellectual freedom, I relented. I must say, my views were not only respected, it was carried as the very first item on 22 Nov 2008 issue. Without the benefit of hindsight I then wrote: “It is a travesty to paint Purohit as the Indian Osama Bin Laden. Going by the selective and flip-flop leaks by the Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) of Maharashtra, and the manner in which the media is lapping it up, it appears that there is a concerted bid to make an ‘Osama bin Laden’ out of Lt Col Purohit, and prove that Sadhvi Pragya and her accomplices are the new ‘Hindu Jehadis’. The credulity of the general public is being stretched on various scores. Firstly, the speed at which fresh revelations are being disseminated by the ATS, is in complete disregard to professional propriety. Secondly, the unprecedented number of narco tests the accused are being subjected to. Thirdly, there is a total blackout with regard to the version of the accused. Fourthly, with every passing day, the network is being enlarged; as if to suggest that the entire country is being consumed by ‘Hindu terrorism’, and has pan-Indian dimension. Fifthly, if intercepts of some of the accused were available prior to the blasts, why were no pre-emptive measures taken? Sixthly, no army representative has been included in the interrogation team. Seventhly, the most intriguing aspect is the timing of the investigations — on the eve of elections. The ATS revelations are extremely complex in nature due to the alleged involvement of an army officer belonging to military intelligence. The media, therefore, needs to be cautious about the manner in which it reports the briefs by the ATS. The Colonel is a legitimate intelligence operative. Interaction with the police authorities, other intelligence agencies, desirable and undesirable elements, was very much a part of his duty. No intelligence agency issues written orders in pursuance of intelligence operations. The entire system is based on trust and faith. It is yet to be established how much disconnect there is between the legitimate and illegitimate activities of the officer during the course of his duty. The level and extent of interaction and cooperation that the officer had with other Intelligence agencies is not known. There can be no greater travesty than the suggestion by certain quarters that the involvement of Lt Col Purohit is symptomatic of a deeper malaise in the Indian army. An officer of military intelligence is not in direct command of troops. He has only a small complement of personnel working under him. A military intelligence officer is hardly competent in providing training on Improvised Explosive Devices. Importantly, the nation must trust in the legal procedures of the army which is far more stringent. The army will brook no ideology which impacts on its established secular character and credentials. As and when Lt Col Purohit is handed back to army custody, it is inevitable that he will be meted out the appropriate punishment, if found guilty. The media must be patient, and, spare the army. In flagrant violation of all imperatives, norms and practice Col Purohit was not handed back to the Army nor the Indian Army was meaningfully incorporated in the interrogation and investigation. The country could trust the Indian Army with 92000 Pak prisoners in the wake of 1971 War, but could not be depended for fairness and justice with one of its own Intelligence officer. It is now beyond doubt that the decision of his civil custody was deliberate and conspiratorial. It nails the persisting doubts regarding involvement of facilitators within the Indian dispensation in staging 26/11. Anticipating that Col Purohit will eventually be handed over to the Army I wrote in the Indian Defence Review in 2008: The level and extent of intelligence interaction and cooperation with other intelligence agencies that this officer had, is also not known. That is why, it was very important to have a representative of the Military Intelligence, when the interrogation of the officer began. To that extent, a state police organization is not only under-equipped but also out of sync with central intelligence agencies in dealing with an official of Military Intelligence.” The stories being fed to the media by the government was not only incredulous but outrageous to any professional intelligence personnel. Those feeding the information particularly to a particular newspaper were police discards who had gravitated to this altered ATS, solely for the purpose of politicizing terror at the behest of their political masters. Subsequently, post 26/11 another investigative organization was created to perpetuate politicization of terror at national scale. The low intensity blasts in Malegaon in September 2008 was the trigger for creation of the desperate theme of Hindu Terror, following which the respective ATSs of states ruled by one particular party went on an overdrive. The newspaper as mentioned, in its blind fidelity ,reproduced stories of Hindu Terror dished out by the govt , having hilarious contradictions in frequency of two consecutive days. The plot was slowly unraveling and so was the desperation of the spin-doctors. I therefore expressed my suspicion thus in Indian Defence Review in 2008: “The investigation following the ‘Malegaon blasts’, is extremely complex in nature due to the alleged involvement of an Army officer belonging to the Military Intelligence. The media therefore needs to be extremely cautious and circumspect about the manner in which it reports the briefs by the ATS. I have deep apprehension that the complete truth, as and when it unfolds in the future, could have several unsavoury and damaging twist.” Unsavoury and Damaging Deductions It has indeed proven to be unsavoury and damaging. Now, with the benefit of hindsight analysis and driven by growing crops of facts and evidence, some of the ineluctable deductions are: •26/11 was orchestrated by Pakistan and other external powers in concert with vested interests in India. The objectives of external interests was geopolitical and of internal players – the need to balance the spate of jihadi terror by fabricating so-called ‘Hindu Terror’. Towards this, there were plans in place in all three phases of 26/11, i.e. preparatory phase, conduct phase, and post-conduct phase. In the Preparatory Phase, the jihadis were taught about Hindu ways and were also taught Hindi language. Their instructor was none other than Abu Jundal, who has confessed as much to the Indian authorities. The jihadis were made to wear sacred threads on their wrists to establish their identities as ‘Hindus’ after their ‘shahadat’ (martyrdom). In the Conduct Phase, it appears that the Chief of the ATS Mr Hemant Karkare was eliminated as he knew ‘too much’ and in the Post Conduct Phase or Consolidation Phase, the plans to publish books labeling 26/11 as an act of ‘Hindu Terror’ was pursued, despite the unexpected apprehension of Ajmal Kasab, which had put paid the conspiracy. •The low intensity blast in Malegaon were probably orchestrated in September 2008 (Malegaon-II), just two months before 26/11 to create the bogey of ‘Hindu terror’ so that the attack could be sold as an act of ‘Hindu terror’ with some degree of credulity. •Later, Malegaon-II was used as the trigger and kernel to weave the story of so-called ‘Hindu terror’. High publicity suspects were carefully chosen, created and implicated. It included an Army Officer (Col Purohit) and a saffron clad woman Hindu activist (Sadhvi Pragya). Great combination for publicity and to neutralize Pak sponsored jihadi terror! •Once Malegaon-II to facilitate 26/11 was effected, to dispel obvious doubts the spin-doctors began to work backwards in order to prove that all terrorist attacks in which Muslims were victims, were the handiwork of the so-called ‘Hindu terror’ groups. In this bid, they got badly stuck on two counts, i.e. Malegaon-I (2006) and Samjhauta Express blast (2007). In Malegaon-I, the casualties were very high, some 37 people were killed and usage of RDX was in evidence. In establishing the attack as ‘Hindu terror’, the spin-doctors are in quandary about pin-pointing the source of RDX. Initially, through the medium of its captive newspaper, it was disseminated that it was sourced from the army. However the very next day, it was clarified that the Indian Army that it does not use RDX. As far as Samjhauta Express blasts are concerned, the Moroccan wife of David Headley, Faiza Outalha, had told the US Embassy in Pakistan that her husband was the mastermind. The US State Treasury Department till today maintains that the main financer of the blasts was a Karachi based businessman, and LeT operative, Muhammad Arif Qasmani. •It also appears that Col Purohit was castigated and then taken into custody to facilitate 26/11, as he had infiltrated deep into LeT network. His arrest was also used a measure to scare conscientious operatives of other Intelligence agencies. •Similarly, the self-inflicted vicissitudes of the Aseemanand case are ludicrous. Sometimes he undergoes a ‘change of heart’ and is on a song, only to retract later, sometimes a ghost journalist interviews him in the dark room of the jail, which he subsequently denies. •The scripting of the untruths has been so unprofessional and so politically motivated that the establishment is finding it nearly impossible to prepare credible and sustainable charge-sheets against these so-called ‘Hindu terrorists’. Conclusion India’s most respected and incisive intelligence and geopolitical Analyst, B Raman, a former senior official of R&AW, was at pains to underscore that there is no phenomenon such as ‘Hindu terrorism’. He was castigated by his detractors. He was called names. His detractors insinuated that he was looking for sinecures by the future dispensation. A hurt and distraught Raman had to finally reveal that he, suffering from terminal stages of cancer, and was only looking for sinecures away from this earth. Raman left for the heavenly abode on 16 June 2013. After series of jihadi attacks across the nation in the preceding five years, the decision to script the so-called ‘Hindu terror’ by the ‘Hindu terror industry’ was in keeping with the imperatives of vote-bank politics in run up to the elections in 2009. Untruths are now recoiling on the establishment. In the past five years, nothing has been established against the so-called ‘Hindu terrorists’, like Col Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya. They deserve to be restored and rehabilitated with dignity with which a saint and soldier deserves. If a nervous establishment decides to see last of them before it relinquishes power, then it is another matter. (RSN Singh is a former military intelligence officer who later served in the Research & Analysis Wing. The author of two books: Asian Strategic and Military Perspective and Military Factor in Pakistan, he is also a Guest Blogger with Canary Trap)

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Indian Army said no to Gujral’s order to vacate Siachen.Discussion in 'Indian Army' started by venureddy, Tuesday at 5:43 PM. .. . Offline venureddy FULL MEMBER Under I. K. Gujral, the peacenik Prime Minister of a Congress-propped United Front Government, asked the Indian Army to withdraw from Siachen Glacier in 1997 to accommodate Pakistan. The then Indian Army chief, General V.P. Malik vetoed the move, demanding iron-clad guarantees as a precondition, which Pakistan has refused to concede till date. The collapse of the Gujral government in March 1998 stalled further movement toward what many strategists reckon would have been a monumental blunder. This disclosure was made by General Malik at a book release timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the undeclared war on the world's highest and coldest battlefield. It was on 13 April 1984, that India launched Operation Meghdoot to pre-empt a Pakistani takeover of the strategically-located Siachen Glacier. Thirty years on, it is an ongoing operation, with no end in sight. Gujral's position was in complete contrast to that of Indira and Rajiv Gandhi, attests former Indian envoy to Pakistan, G. Parthasarathy. "Rajiv told me that he would not vacate the area where Indian troops have shed blood," recalled Parthasarathy, speaking after General Malik at a function to mark the release of journalist Nitin Gokhale's book, Beyond NJ 9842: The Siachen Saga, here on Friday. Rajiv too was under pressure from the peacenik lobby in 1987-88 to take advantage of his equation with his counterpart Benazir Bhutto and pluck the "low-hanging fruit" of Siachen. Gujral is best known for a dubious contribution to India's strategic history in ceasing during his tenure the activities of India's external intelligence agency, the Research and Analyses Wing (R&AW), in Pakistan. This is assessed by analysts as a huge strategic setback to India. Capabilities which took decades to build were swept away in one stroke. The precondition General Malik insisted upon was the authentication and demarcation of respective troop positions along the 110-km-long Actual Ground Position Line (AGPL). The Indian Army is in physical occupation of the Saltoro Ridge west of Siachen Glacier, which puts India in a dominating position. Warning that it would be a folly to ignore the strategic significance of Siachen, General Malik said, "The strategic consequences of a deal without formal authentication are obvious. It'll give Pakistan easier access to Saltoro and to the glacier, ensure security of Shaksgam (ceded by Pakistan to China).... and put a final stamp of China on its political control (of Shaksgam)." The Indian Army has since stuck to this "veto line" to resist an on-off politico-diplomatic push to vacate Siachen, first by the Gujral regime, and more recently, by Manmohan Singh, who wanted Siachen to be a "Mountain of Peace". The Indian Army believes Pakistan will sneak into Siachen if the commanding heights of the Saltoro Ridge are vacated. While the Army's insistence on demarcation of troop positions with Pakistan is well known, for the first time, it has come out in the open that the real military red line on Siachen is China, and its nexus with Pakistan. In his foreword to the book, General Malik says India must deny China and Pakistan an opportunity to link up via Siachen, and that their anti-India intent is transparent for the following reasons: * Pakistan illegally ceded the Shaksgam Valley in PoK, flanking Siachen, to China in 1963 under a Sino-Pak border agreement, in violation of the 1949 Karachi Agreement on the Ceasefire Line with India, and claiming a border link with China running through Siachen and terminating at the Karakoram Pass, east of Siachen. India's position is that the Karachi Agreement puts the boundary beyond the last demarcated Point NJ 9842 as running west of Siachen Glacier. * While China did a boundary deal with Pakistan on the PoK area west of Karakoram, it has refused to discuss the J&K boundary with India on the ground that it's "disputed". * Pakistan claims all of J&K but recognises Chinese sovereignty over Aksai Chin, which has been annexed by China. * In 1997, China went back on an agreement to send its military commander opposite Ladakh to meet his counterpart in Leh. This was an indication that they were unwilling to endorse Indian sovereignty over Ladakh. * China declined India's invitation to all military attaches in New Delhi (except Pakistan's) for a conducted tour of the battle zone post the Kargil War. * Four years ago, China started issuing stapled visas to visitors from J&K, thus questioning its status as part of India, refused visa to the highest ranking Army officer in J&K. * Increased Chinese presence in the northern areas of PoK, purportedly to improve infrastructure, repair the Karakoram Highway, and build oil pipelines and rail lines linking western China to the Arabian Sea. Ambassador Parthasarathy strongly argued that any deal on Siachen must be linked to an overall resolution of J&K. He endorsed the view of Brig V.N. Channa, the first commander of the Indian forces in Siachen, that by restricting itself to the Saltoro Ridge (west of Siachen), India lost an opportunity to take over the position now occupied by the Pakistanis beyond this ridgeline. "We should have gone beyond the Saltoro Ridge and taken over Gyari (now occupied by Pakistan). Had we done so, there would be no need to occupy the glacier (which is done at great cost)," rued Parthasarathy. Sadly, the story of missed opportunities for India does not end with Siachen

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


Mahroof Raza on TimesNow - Dear Indians! It hurts millions of soldiers and thousands of martyrs and their families and we Indians when some political bastard like ajam khan says that 'those who defended kargil were not hindus, they were muslims . Its incorrect and criminal to divide a secular organisation like Army on the lines of religion. For correcting his fact there were 536 indian soldiers who achieved martyrdom, and around 1088 soldiers got badly injured, and the mutilation of saurav kalia and soldiers bodies are well known to us. What Army has done for this country and what it has been doing requires no statement from these traitors like azam khan. My friends, if you second to this thought of mine then you are requested to spread this msg to every one at your level so that before this mandate 2014 one(people like ajam khan)must understand his 'Aukat'. We the youth are as powerful as a sword, we are not fools whom these politicians will befool. Plz give it a thought and your requisite action is requested for those who sit in weather like -40 degree and 58 degree to who dont own a network in their mobiles to talk to their families. But they expect a response from us. Jai hind Jai Matrabhumi Vande Maataram!! Thank you Azam Khan for giving a communal colour to martyrdom. Now here is the list of brave Indian Soldiers, the heroes, who died protecting the nation in Kargil War: __________________________ OFFICERS (INDIAN ARMY) LT. COL. VISHWANATHAN LT. COL. VIJAYARAGAHVAN LT. COL. SACHIN KUMAR MAJOR AJAY SINGH JASROTIA MAJOR KAMLESH PATHAK MAJOR PADHMAPHANI ACHARYA MAJOR MARRIAPAN SARVANAN MAJOR RAJESH SINGH ADHIKARI MAJOR HARMIDER PAL SINGH MAJOR MANOJ TALWAR MAJOR VIVEK GUPTA MAJOR SONAM WANGCHUK MAJOR AJAY KUMAR CAPTAIN AMOL KALIA CAPTAIN KIESHING CLIFFORD NONGRUM CAPTAIN SUMEET ROY CAPTAIN AMIT VERMA CAPTAIN PANNIKOT VISVANATH VIKRAM CAPTAIN ANUJ NAYYAR CAPTAIN VIKRAM BATRA DY. COMMANDENT JOY LAL(BSF) CAPTAIN JINTU GOGOI LT. VIJAYANT THAPER LT. N. KENGURUSE LT. HANIF-U-DIN LT. SUARAV KALIA LT. AMIT BHARDWAJ LT. BALWAN SINGH LT. MANOJ KUMAR PANDEY OFFICERS (INDIAN AIR FORCE) SQUADREN LEADER AJAY AHUJA SQUADREN LEADER RAJIV PUNDIR FLT. LT. S MUHILAN FLT. LT. NACHIKETA RAO SEARGENT PVNR PRASAD SERGEANT RAJ KISHORE SAHU Naik Chaman Singh Naik R Kamraj Naik Kudeep Singh Naik Birendra Singh Lamba Naik Jasvir Singh Naik Surendra Pal Naik Rajkumar Punia Naik S N Malik Naik Surjeet Singh Naik Jugal Kishore Naik Suchha Singh Naik Sumer Singh Rathod Naik Surendra Singh Naik Kishen Lal Naik Rampal Singh Naik Ganesh Yadav Havaldar Major Yashvir Singh Lance Naik Ahmed Ali Lance Naik Gulam Mohammed Khan Lance Naik M R Sahu Lance Naik Satpal Singh Lance Naik Shatrugan singh Lance Naik Shyam Singh Lance Naik Vijay Singh Naik Degender Kumar Havaldar Baldev Raj Havaldar Jai Prakash Singh Havaldar Mahavir Singh Havaldar Mani Ram Havaldar Rajbir Singh Havaldar Satbir Singh Havaldar Abdul Karim Havaldar Daler Singh Bahu Subedar Bhanwar Singh Rathod Rifleman Linkon Pradhan Rifleman Bachhan Singh Rifleman Satbir Singh Rifleman Jagmal Singh Rifleman Rattan Chand Rifleman Mohamad Farid Rifleman Mohamad Aslam Rifleman Yogendra Singh Rifleman Sanjay Kumar SEPOYS (INDIAN ARMY) Grenadier Manohar Singh Gunner Uddabh Das Sepoy Amardeep Singh Sepoy Vijay Pal Singh Sepoy Virendra Kumar Sepoy Yashwant Singh Sepoy Santokh Singh Sepoy Dinesh Bhai Sepoy Harendragiri Goswami Sepoy Amrish Pal Bangi Constable Suraj Bhan (BSF) Sepoy Lakhbir Singh Sepoy Bajindra Singh Sepoy Deep Chand Sepoy Dondibha Desai Sepoy Keolanand Dwivedi Sepoy Harjindra Singh Sepoy Jaswant Singh Sepoy Jaswinder Singh Sepoy Lal Singh Sepoy Rakesh Kumar(RAJ) Sepoy Rakesh Kumar (Dogra) Sepoy Raswinder Singh Sepoy Bir Singh Sepoy Ashok Kumar Tomar Sepoy R. Selvakumar --

Monday, 14 April 2014


हा देश मॅडम सोनिया व त्यांचे चिरंजीव राहुल हेच चालवीत आहेत आणि पंतप्रधान डॉ. मनमोहन सिंग त्यांचे कळसूत्री बाहुले आहेत. गेली दहा वर्षे जनतेने हाच अनुभव घेतला आहे. बारू आणि पारख यांनी त्यात नवीन काय सांगितले? यूपीए सरकारचा ‘कोळसा’ त्यांनी पुस्तकातून पुन्हा उगाळला इतकेच! नवीन काय सांगितले? पंतप्रधान डॉ. मनमोहन सिंग सोनिया गांधींच्या आदेशानुसारच राज्यकारभार करीत होते असा दावा पंतप्रधानांचे माजी प्रसिद्धी सल्लागार संजय बारू यांच्या पाठोपाठ आता माजी केंद्रीय कोळसा सचिव पी.सी. पारख यांनीही केला आहे. संजय बारू यांनी हा ‘गौप्यस्फोट’ त्यांच्या ‘द ऍक्सिडेंटल प्राइम मिनिस्टर : द मेकिंग ऍण्ड अन्मेकिंग ऑफ मनमोहन सिंग’ या पुस्तकात केला आहे, तर पी.सी. पारख यांनी हे ‘खळबळजनक सत्य’ त्यांच्या ‘क्रुसेडर ऑर कॉन्स्पिरेटर : कोलगेट ऍण्ड अदर ट्रूथ’ या पुस्तकात उघड केले आहे. बारू काय किंवा पारख काय, या दोघांनी जे ‘फटाके’ फोडले आहेत त्यामुळे थोडीफार खळबळ जरूर झाली. मात्र पंतप्रधान मनमोहन सिंग हे सोनिया मॅडमच्या आदेशानुसार चालणारे, त्यांनी हुकूम दिला की थांबणारे, त्या सांगतील तेवढेच बोलणारे ‘बाहुले’ आहेत ही गोष्ट देशातील शेंबड्या पोरालाही माहीत आहे. या सरकारचा मुखवटा मनमोहन यांचा असला तरी असली चेहरा सोनिया आणि राहुल यांचाच आहे. दहा वर्षांपूर्वी एका विशिष्ट राजकीय हतबलतेमुळे मॅडम सोनियांना ‘महान त्याग’ वगैरे करावा लागला आणि मनमोहन सिंग ‘अपघाता’ने पंतप्रधान झाले. यूपीएच्या दुसर्‍या टर्मच्या वेळीदेखील पंतप्रधानपदी पुन्हा मनमोहन नावाच्या ‘गुळाच्या गणपती’ची प्रतिष्ठापना करण्याशिवाय गांधी माता-पुत्राला गत्यंतर नव्हते. मात्र हा सगळा देखावा होता. सरकारची सर्व सूत्रे ‘त्यागमूर्ती’ सोनिया यांच्याकडेच राहतील याची संपूर्ण खबरदारी गांधी कुटुंब आणि त्यांच्या कॉंग्रेजी पित्त्यांनी घेतली. त्यासाठी सोनियांना यूपीएचे ‘चेअरपर्सन’ बनविले गेले, राष्ट्रीय सल्लागार परिषद या ‘समांतर सरकार’च्या अध्यक्षा बनविले गेले. थोडक्यात सरकारच्या पाळण्याची दोरी पडद्याआडून सोनियांच्याच हातात राहील अशी व्यवस्था केली गेली. अणुकरारासारखा एखादुसरा विषय वगळता मनमोहन यांचा स्वतंत्र बाणा देशाला कधीच जाणवला नाही. सरकारला नऊ वर्षे पूर्ण झाली म्हणून जी पत्रकार परिषद मनमोहन सिंग यांनी गेल्या वर्षी घेतली ती त्यांच्या दुसर्‍या टर्मची पहिली अधिकृत पत्रकार परिषद होती. कॉंग्रेसने निवडणूक जाहीरनामा प्रसिद्ध केला त्यावेळीही हे मौनीबाबा जेमतेम दोन-तीन वाक्येच बोलले. बाकी बोलबाला होता तो राहुलबाबांचा आणि त्यांच्या माताजींचा. गुन्हेगार लोकप्रतिनिधींबाबतचा अध्यादेश कचराकुंडीत फेका असा ‘साक्षात्कार’ राहुलकुमारांना अचानक झाला होता तोदेखील मनमोहन यांच्या ‘मुस्कटदाबी’चाच भाग होता. एवढेच नव्हे तर मनमोहन सिंग दिल्लीमध्ये निवृत्तीचे जीवन जगण्यासाठी घर शोधत आहेत अशा कंड्या पिकविण्यामागे किंवा कपिल सिब्बल, पवनकुमार बन्सल, अश्‍विनीकुमार आदींची पक्षांतर्गत वासलात लावून पंतप्रधानांचा ‘चंदिगड क्लब’ मोडीत काढण्यामागेही राहुल ब्रिगेड आणि सोनियांचाच हात होता हे उघड आहे. अर्थात या अवनतीला आणि मानहानीला मनमोहन सिंग हे स्वत:देखील तेवढेच जबाबदार आहेत. सरदार असूनही त्यांनी दहा वर्षांत ना बाणा दाखवला ना ताठ कणा. त्यांच्या दहा वर्षांच्या कारकीर्दीत असंख्य घोटाळे, महाघोटाळे गाजले. भ्रष्टाचाराच्या आरोपांवरून पाच केंद्रीय मंत्र्यांना घरी बसावे लागले. काहींना तुरुंगाची हवा खावी लागली. कोळसा घोटाळ्याचे डाग तर मनमोहन सिंग यांच्या कोटावरही उडाले. भ्रष्टाचार, देशांतर्गत सुरक्षा, दहशतवाद, महागाईपासून गडगडलेल्या अर्थव्यवस्थेपर्यंत आरोपीच्या पिंजर्‍यात आहेत ते मनमोहन सिंग. देशाच्या इतिहासात सर्वात भ्रष्ट आणि अकार्यक्षम सरकारचा प्रमुख असा बट्टा लागला तो मनमोहन सिंग यांनाच. सोळाव्या लोकसभा निवडणुकीचे रण पेटले आहे तेदेखील याच मुद्यावर. जनतेला देशाच्या या दुरवस्थेबाबत जाब हवा आहे, पण पंतप्रधानांना ना निवडणूक प्रचाराची आणि त्या प्रचार सभांमधून खुलासा करण्याची परवानगी आहे ना हाताची घडी तोंडावरील बोट काढण्याची. हा देश मॅडम सोनिया व त्यांचे चिरंजीव राहुल हेच चालवीत आहेत आणि पंतप्रधान त्यांचे कळसूत्री बाहुले आहेत याचा यापेक्षा दुसरा कोणता पुरावा हवा? गेली दहा वर्षे जनतेने हाच अनुभव घेतला आहे. बारू आणि पारख यांनी नवीन काय सांगितले? यूपीए सरकारचा ‘कोळसा’ त्यांनी पुस्तकातून पुन्हा उगाळला इतकेच!

POWER OF ONE VOTE- VOTE FOR CHANGE Saturday, March 29, 2014 The Power of 1 Vote The General Elections in India are around the corner, and this time there is an increased participation by the intelligentsia, i.e., people like you and me, and certainly all those who are reading thisJ. Very often, it is used as a word to denote those are educated. However, the dictionary meaning is ‘intellectuals or highly educated people as a group, especially when regarded as possessing culture and political influence’. Much more of this is happening today in India than ever before. But, for many, the question remains – does my single vote has any leverage? As with any investment or effort, you can maximize the impact with one vote. It is up to YOU. The First Leverage A Lok Sabha constituency has an average of 16 lakh voters. On an average, about 50% people vote, i.e. 8 lakh. The Winner usually gets 1/3rd of the votes, i.e., 2.7 lakh votes. In the last elections, the number of seats on which the winner got more than 50% votes was only 110, approximately 20% of the seats. The 1st runner up usually loses by up to 50,000 votes. Most people who do not vote are from the middle class (including you and me) – the intelligentsia. If only 3.1% of the people who don’t vote decide to vote for the 1st runners up, he/she would emerge as the winner! Look at this the other way – If 1/3rd of the people who do not vote decide to vote, they can choose anyone they want as the MP! This is the power we have. The Second Leverage What should be the criterion for selecting who to vote for? Every action we take needs to serve an ultimate goal? What’s the goal in general elections? I would say it is to install a stable and strong government. And hence, when casting your vote in the Parliamentary Elections, it is best to choose a party or a well formed alliance. Why? Because we need to have a strong government at the Centre. If we vote based on local considerations, then we could get a khichdi sarkar, and we have all seen that this would not be good for the country. They simply keep fighting amongst themselves. Don’t get swayed by local issues – the MPs do not really have a say in these. This must be a consideration when voting for the Municipal Councilors or MLAs. Don’t waste your vote. Cast it for the party that you believe could form a strong and stable government. It could be the one that you want wins. Or even the party that is likely to win. Don’t sit at home thinking there is no one good enough to be selected. Whether you vote or not, someone is being selected anyway. When the choice is between devil and the deep sea, choose the one who is less evil. If we can get this person to win, then he/she knows we have the power, and will listen to us. Next time, we can negotiate with this party for better results and performance and less corruption. Of course, do not vote for the criminals – simply reject them. Gradually, the system can get cleaned. The Third Leverage IPL 7 is about to start. Here is an analogy. In a T20 match, if a team has to make 15 runs in the last over, it is not easy, but good teams know that they can do it. So imagine that you are on the crease in the last over, and a six, a couple of fours combined with a single would take you home, as a winner. The ‘last over’ of the elections is about to start. We spend 4 hours watching a match. And many of us watch many matches. Can we take out 4 hours in the next few days, You can also aim to hit 15 to win! The Single: Make sure that you cast your vote. Treat it like a family wedding – you go there even if you have fever. The 1st Four: Call 10 brothers/sisters/cousins and get a promise from them that they will vote. Each family will have 3 voters on an average, this means 30 people cast their votes. The 2nd Four: Call 10 of your friends and neighbors, and make sure they cast their vote. Each family will have 3 voters on an average, this means 30 people cast their votes. With the above, you have got 61 people to cast their vote. The Sixer: Inspire 5 people to do the above – this means another 305 people will cast their votes. Including 61 by you, this is a whopping 366!! Tell people not to worry about the bouncers (like hot weather) or the wide deliveries (we are going for a movie), or a no ball (going for a long weekend) etc. If only 1000 people do this in every constituency, it would mean 3.66 lakh votes – enough to decide the result in all 543 constituencies! So, let us all get ready, only one more over left, this is the time to give our best. Let’s vote for change. Volunteer for a Better India. Vote for a Better India


A SOLDIER’S FATHER By: WING COMDR VENKI IYER ~~ The helicopter appeared over the late morning horizon. We were to receive Mr Lachhman Singh Rathore who was visiting our Flight Unit to perform the last rites of his son, Flying Officer Vikram Singh. ~~ Only the day before, I had sent the telegram, “Deeply regret to inform that your son Flying Officer Vikram Singh lost his life in a flying accident early this morning. Death was instantaneous.” It was the first time for me- to meet and manage the bereaved next of kin, in this case the Father of the brave officer. ~~ While most of the desolate family members insist on seeing the body, many a time there isn’t a body to show !! Flying Officer Vikram Singh’s remains were only a few kilos – scraped from what was left in the cockpit. We had to weigh the wooden coffin with wood and earth. ~~The pilot brought the helicopter to a perfect touchdown. Soon Mr Lachhman Singh Rathor was helped down the ladder.A small and frail man he was, maybe of 80 years, clad in an immaculate dhoti. ~~As I approached him, he asked in a quiet and dignified whisper, “Are you Venki, the Flight Commander?” “Yes Sir.” “Vikram had spoken to me about you. I’d like to speak to you alone for a minute.” ~~ We walked to the edge of the concrete apron. ‘I have lost a son, and you have lost a friend. I’m sure that you have taken great care in arranging the funeral. Please tell me when and where you want my presence and what you want me to do. I’ll be there for everything. Later, I would like to meet Vikram’s friends, see his room and, if it is permitted, visit his work place. I then would like to return home tomorrow morning.” ~~A commander couldn’t have given me clearer instructions. ~~The funeral, with full military honours, was concluded by late afternoon. After the final echoes of the ‘Last Post’ faded away, Lachhman Singh spent the evening talking to the Squadron Pilots. Vikram’s roommate took him to see Vikram’s room. Lachhman Singh desired to spend the night in his son’s room instead of the guest house we had reserved for him. Early next morning after a tour of the squadron area, my boss took him to his office. ~~A while later, the staff car took Lachhman Singh to the civil airfield two hours away. ~~As the car disappeared round the corner, I remarked to my Boss, “A brave man he is. Spoke to me like a General when he told me exactly what he expected from us during his stay here. I have never seen a more composed man on such an occasion. I admire him.” ~~ “Yes, Mr Lachhman Singh Rathore is a warrior in his own way. He sired three sons and has laid to rest all three of them. ~~ His first son Captain Ghanshyam Singh of the Gurkha Rifles was killed in Ladakh in 1962 War. His second son, Major Bir Singh, died along the Ichogil Canal in 1965 in an ambush. His youngest, Vikram Singh, who had the courage to join the Air Force, is also gone now. This simple farmer has contributed more to our country’s defence than All of us combined.” ~~Yes, he is indeed a brave India; in fact HE is MORE INDIAN than anyone else - His sacrifice can never ever be repaid by the Country!! He is almost a Martyr himself!! ~~ But our Great Nation does Not know this simple Giant -- India only knows that Super Rich Cricketers need to be conferred BHARAT RATNA while a bunch of actors and actresses need to be conferred PADMA VIBHUSHANs and PADMASHREEs !! ~~ Yes, they are so called “Achievers” who achieved Fame & Fortunes mostly for themselves and a wee bit for the country. Ever wondered as to HOW on earth do actresses bring glory to the Nation? ~~ But what about the ' Losers ' who have SIMPLY LOST their EVERYTHING defending our Nation? Like this Father of Three Brave Soldiers. ~~ CRY INDIA CRY

Sunday, 13 April 2014 ISHRAT JAHAN ENCOUNTER FULL STORY This is the docudrama by Saraswati Films which tells the story of the true facts leading up to the Ishrat Jahan encounter killing. The best answer to conspiratorial allegations and accusations is to review the facts in a 41 min. film documentation, dramatically unraveled. Kudos to the team which has brought this film into the public domain. It contains a reconstruction of the events, with actors and interviews with Shri Ajit Doval, renowned former Director of the IB, RSN Singh, the outstanding army intelligence officer (also RAW), senior journalist, Tavleen Singh and Gautam Sen,who was Professor of international political economy at the London School of Economics. The attempt to implicate Modi and Gujarat government ministers and the disgraceful persecution of some of India's most loyal public servants, including, Rajinder Kumar of the IB, are fully exposed. It also highlights the attempts to assassinate Shri Narendra Modi. Readers can judge which official Indian entities and politicians were 'in the know' or indeed worse.


Stand up for the Indian soldierBy Dr Harsh V PantProfessor of Defence Studies & International RelationsKings College London It is with a sense of disbelief that one hears the Indian minister of state for defence, sitting in his cozy air-conditioned seminar room, pontificating that 'it is unbecoming' of former soldiers to protest against the treatment meted out to them by the government. So here's a non-soldier making a public protest. One hopes that it is not below the dignity of the minister to read this. The minister would not have dared to make such a comment had the protestors been a part of his or his party's vote bank. The fact that the Indian armed services do not go public with their grievances does not mean that they do not have any concerns and the fact that they have been forced to come to the streets should make the minister and his government acknowledge how desperate the situation might be. The Indian government is fooling itself if it thinks that by dragging its feet on the issue of the armed forces dissatisfaction with the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission, it can make the issue go away. A country that refuses to respect its armed forces will eventually end up getting forces that will not respect the nations' aspirations. A country makes a sacred contract with its soldiers that while he/she will lay down his/her life when called upon to do so, the nation will take good care of his/her and his/her family's needs to the extent its resources would permit. This contract underpins the very survival of a nation as when its territorial integrity and political independence are under threat, the nation looks upon the only instrument that can protect it -- its armed forces. While all governments have to look for a considered bargain between their commitments and power and between power and resources, a responsible government will always be aware of the serious implications of not spending adequate resources on defence. The debate as it has been made out to be in some quarters between defence and development is a spurious one. Unless adequate provisions are made for defence, no state will be able to pursue its developmental agenda. This is much more important for a country like India [ Images ] that faces a unique security environment with two of its 'adversaries' straddling it on two sides of its borders and problems on all sides of its periphery. A government can keep spouting pious rhetoric about global peace and non-violence but it realises fully that force is the ultimate ratio in international relations. Politics among nations is conducted in the brooding shadow of violence. Either a state remains able and willing to use force to preserve and enhance its interests or it is forced to live at the mercy of its militarily powerful counterpart. Even Nehru, after neglecting defence for all the years after independence had to eventually concede in 1962 that India's military weakness 'has been a temptation, and a little military strength may be a deterrent.' The Indian public and press remain apathetic on defence issues. We make Kargil [ Images ] into a television spectacle, an opportunity for our journalists to try to show their temporary bravery by going to the frontlines for a few hours and getting the excitement of covering a war from the inside. And then when it is all over, our soldiers have been interred into their graves, we move on to new and more exciting spectacles -- to our song and dance reality shows and saas-bahu sagas, forgetting that soldiers are still on guard. This is a nation that will cry with Lata Mangeshkar [ Images ] when she sings Aye Mere Watan Ke Logon but will not make any effort to understand the real problems and concerns of its soldiers. It is a sign of the highly skewed priorities of the Indian media that the rising turmoil and dissatisfaction within the ranks of nations' armed forces is being given only perfunctory coverage. It is an issue of nation's very survival yet the media seems busy with its devotion of superficialities. Every rave and rant of Bollywood actors is religiously covered, detailed dissection of seemingly never-ending cricket matches are conducted, exorbitant pay rises in the corporate sector make it to the headlines but the one issue that can make or break the future of this country is consigned to the margins. We continue to pray at the altar of our false heroes while our real heroes continue to face neglect and scorn. The armed forces feel they have never got their due from various pay commissions over the years but the government in its wisdom decided to keep the armed forces away from any representation in the latest Pay Commission. The dominance of bureaucrats meant that while the interests of the bureaucrats were well-recognised, the armed services once again ended up getting a raw deal. The discontent is so serious that some of the best and brightest in our services have refused to go for the Higher Command Courses and more and more are seeking an early retirement. Indian armed forces are desperately trying to fill vacancies as other professions are luring the young of the country. Against the sanctioned strength of 300 per batch, the National Defence Academy finds that it can only attract 192 cadres this year. The same story repeats itself in the Indian Military Academy . A country that purports to be a rising power is facing a shortage of more than 11,000 officers. The reason is pretty obvious: One can't think of any major power in the world that treats its soldiers the way India does. It is indeed a sorry sight when India 's bravest have to literally cry out for help from a callous politico-bureaucratic elite. Our politicians remain more than willing to waste tax payers money by routinely boycotting Parliament and have never shied away from increasing their own pay and allowances, claiming that they remain underpaid. Yet those who defend the sanctity of Parliament are given a short shrift. The abysmal knowledge of defence issues that pervades the Indian political class probably gives them an illusion that the country is being protected by divine blessings. Political apathy and bureaucratic design are rapidly eroding the self-esteem of our forces. A functioning liberal democracy needs a loyal soldier that can take care of the state's security, allowing the state to look after its citizenry. In India , the State is gradually withering away, all that's left is the loyal soldier. How long will this soldier, under siege from all sides, remain steadfast to its commitments, is a question all Indians should seriously ponder on.


Monday, 7 April 2014


Important Information About Vitamin D! Vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer,and even effects diabetes and obesity. Vitamin D is perhaps the single most underrated nutrient in the world of nutrition. That's probably because it's free: your body makes it when sunlight touches your skin. Fifteen facts that are important to know about vitamin D and sunlight exposure: 1. Vitamin D is produced by your skin in response to exposure to ultraviolet radiation from natural sunlight. 2. The healing rays of natural sunlight (that generate vitamin D in your skin) cannot penetrate glass. So you don't generate vitamin D when sitting in your car or home. 3. It is nearly impossible to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from your diet. Sunlight exposure is the only reliable way to generate vitamin D in your own body. 4. A person would have to drink ten tall glasses of vitamin D fortified milk each day just to get minimum levels of vitamin D into their diet. 5. The further you live from the equator, the longer exposure you need to the sun in order to generate vitamin D. Canada, the UK and most U.S. States are far from the equator. 6. People with dark skin pigmentation may need 20 - 30 times as much exposure to sunlight as fair-skinned people to generate the sam e amount of vitamin D. That's why prostate cancer is epidemic among black men - it's a simple, but widespread, sunlight deficiency. 7. Sufficient levels of vitamin D are crucial for calcium absorption in your intestines. Without sufficient vitamin D, your body cannot absorb calcium,rendering calcium supplements useless. 8. Chronic vitamin D deficiency cannot be reversed overnight: it takes months of vitamin D supplementation and sunlight exposure to rebuild the body's bones and nervous system. 9. Even weak sunscreens (SPF=8) block your body's ability to generate vitamin D by 95%. This is how sunscreen products actually cause disease -by creating a critical vitamin deficiency in the body. 10. It is impossible to generate too much vitamin D in your body from sunlight exposure: your body will self-regulate and only generate what it needs. 11. If it hurts to press firmly on your sternum, you may be suffering from chronic vitamin D deficiency right now. 12. Vitamin D is "activated" in your body by your kidneys and liver before it can be used. 13. Having kidney disease or liver damage can greatly impair your body's ability to activate circulating vitamin D. 14. The sunscreen industry doesn't want you to know that your body actually needs sunlight exposure because that realization would mean lower sales of sunscreen products. 15. Even though vitamin D is one of the most powerful healing chemicals in your body, your body makes it absolutely free. No prescription required. On the issue of sunlight exposure, by the way, it turns out that super antioxidants greatly boost your body's ability to handle sunlight without burning. Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful "internal sunscreens" and can allow you to stay under the sun twice as long without burning. Other powerful antioxidants with this ability include the super fruits like Acai, Pomegranates (POM Wonderful juice), blueberries, etc. Diseases and conditions cause by vitamin D deficiency: * Osteoporosis is commonly caused by a lack of vitamin D, which greatly impairs calcium absorption. * Sufficient vitamin D prevents prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, depression, colon cancer and schizophrenia. * "Rickets" is the name of a bone-wasting disease caused by vitamin D deficiency. * Vitamin D deficiency may exacerbate type 2 diabetes and impair insulin production in the pancreas. * Obesity impairs vitamin D utilization in the body, meaning obese people need twice as much vitamin D. * Vitamin D is used around the world to treat Psoriasis. * Vitamin D deficiency can cause schizophrenia. * Seasonal Affective Disorder is caused by a melatonin imbalance initiated by lack of exposure to sunlight. * Chronic vitamin D deficiency is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia because its symptoms are so similar: muscle weakness, aches and pains. * Your risk of developing serious diseases like diabetes and cancer is reduced 50% - 80% through simple, sensible exposure to natural sunlight 2-3 times each week. * Infants who receive vitamin D supplementation (2000 units daily) have an 80% reduced risk of developing type 1 diabetes over the next twenty years.