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Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Case study: Raid on Shahista Khan by Shivaji PART 2 MAJ GEN NITIN GADKARI



On the appointed day, Tanaji Malsure joined the marriage party at Katraj. He entered Pune in full enthusiasm with the marriage party. Yesji Kank was allowed inside with his group on the bullock carts with hay without any hindrance. One group of horses entered through the East gate, posing as Jadhav's men. (One of Shahista Khan's commanders) It rained heavily in the evening that day, but the weather had improved by sunset. It added to Shivaji's overall advantage. By dusk, Mahadev, Shivaji's personal spy, reported all plans for the day had gone through without a hitch. All parties were in place. Shivaji's entry into Pune camp and Lal Mahal was dramatic. Ibrahim Khan, his Sardar, dressed up as a Mughal commander on a security round, managed to get Shivaji as his aide inside the camp. Nobody had any suspicion of Ibrahim Khan's antecedents due to his personality.

Once inside, Shivaji took refuge in the gardener's hut near the kitchen entrance. Early morning, Shivaji set out to get inside the Lal Mahal through the kitchen, and a small path led to the ladies' quarters, from where they entered the insides of the palace. In the kitchen, however, they had to slay the cooks who were cooking the early morning meals, the 'Sehari'. The cooks would have hindered their progress to the mahal. Even Shivaji's party knew that they would lose surprise at some point of time in the raid, and they were ready for it. When they reached the maid's quarters, the maids started screaming and running helter-skelter. In the ensuing chaos, one of the wives of the Shahista Khan blew out the lanterns in the palace. This led to pitch darkness and further chaos. It resulted in the needless massacre of the staff, including some women, as the Maratha soldiers cut anyone in the darkness who came in front.

Shahista Khan panicked and took shelter in his wives' quarters called the Jenan-khana. Since Shivaji was familiar with the layout of the Lal Mahal, he went from one room to another to hunt for the Khan. Finally, he found him. Seeing Shivaji, Shahista Khan ran to the window, but before he could jump out, Shivaji struck. In the darkness, it was hard for him to see the result. Shivaji believed he had struck his head, and because of the blow, Khan should be dead. But in reality, he had only hit the three fingers of his right hand, severing them completely.

Khan jumped out and survived, unknown to Shivaji, who signalled his men to withdraw. Meanwhile, as per the Plan, Shivaji's men cut down any opposition inside the palace, which included Khan's three sons. One died, and two were wounded. As a ploy, they asked the drummers to beat the drums as a warning that the enemy had invaded the palace. Everyone shouted to catch the enemy in the darkness and confusion, but none knew who it was. Shivaji's soldiers took advantage, screaming to ‘Catch the enemy’, and rushed out when the gate was finally opened from outside. The entire camp was in utter confusion, with all running helter-skelter. Shivaji's men shouted, 'The enemy is running; catch the enemy' as a ruse created by their own troops. Soon, they all made their way to their respective rendezvous points mixed amongst the scores of Mughals, Marathas, and Rajput soldiers of Shahista Khan.

The trumpet was blown at the desired time, indicating that Vithaji should light the torches on the cattle's horns and drive them towards Purandar fort. This ruse worked, as the Shahista Khan pursuing forces thought that Shivaji troops were running away in that direction. On the other hand, Shivaji was making his getaway to Kondana with his men. When Shahista Khan's commanders got close to the torches and realised it was a trick, Shivaji was safely on his way to Sinhgad.

Shahista Khan lost 55 men in the raid, with many more wounded, including himself. He lost one of his sons, and two were wounded. His son-in-law was wounded, too. He lost one of his wives. On the other hand, Shivaji lost six mavals and 40 injured, including, including two of his commanders. Shahista Khan was devastated and wanted revenge, so he attacked Kondana the next day, for which Shivaji was ready. Another deception and Mughal forces were caught napping with elephants running back, trampling their own soldiers.

The shock of the raid, loss of his fingers, loss of his son and a wife, and the subsequent failure at Kondana were too much for Shahista Khan to bear. He vacated Poona and left for Aurangabad within three days of the raid. He lost his prestige and his post due to his shameful defeat. He was sent to West Bengal and Assam Suba, a punishment posting called 'Employment in Hell'.

The raid thus was a resounding success in meeting its objectives. A task considered impossible to achieve was pulled off Shivaji and added another tale to his legend.

Case study: Raid on Shahista Khan by Shivaji PART 1 MAJ GEN NITIN GADKARI

The case mentioned above is a real incident from Indian history. It is the famous Raid of Shivaji on Shahista Khan, a general sent by Aurangzeb, the Mughal Badshah of India, to annihilate Shivaji and seize all his forts and territory. Shahista Khan was the maternal uncle of Aurangzeb and enjoyed royal patronage. He had captured Chakan Fort and was camping in Pune before launching an offensive against Shivaji. The details of the raid are given below:

Date: 08th April 1663 (12 hours before Ram Namvi, the birthdate of Lord Ram)

Place : Lal Mahal Pune

Time: From midnight to sunrise

Moon Phase: First Phase (8th day)

Forces: Shahista Khan: one lakh standing army with Cavalry, Elephants and Cannons around Pune

Shivaji: 2000 Hasham Mavals and Cavalry

Aim: Shivaji's aim was precise. To kill Shahista Khan in his sleeping quarters by entering Lal Mahal.  


Shivaji hatched the plan in his mind at Rajgadh, his capital then. He involved his close aides Moropant Pingle, Netoji Naik, Babaji and Chimanji Deshpande, Sarjerao, and Chandoji Jedhe. Even amongst them, it was needed to know basis. The nuts and bolts of the Plan were revealed to them a night before when the raiding party had reached Kondana fort. (Sinhgadh)

Shivaji had divided his 2000 men into several groups under different Sardars. Netoji and Moropant had a group stationed outside the limits of the Pune camp as a deception measure and to fight back a counterattack by Shahista Khan's troops. Tanaji Malsure, with his group, was tasked to enter Pune as part of a marriage party coming from Katraj. This marriage party was of the daughter of Havaldar of Pune camp. This information was furnished to Shivaji by his master spy, Baharji Naik. Yesji Kank was tasked to enter Pune on bullock carts carrying hay with his group of men. Vithoji was tasked to keep hundreds of cattle ready with a torch-lit on their horns, to be released on a prearranged signal by the trumpeters of Shivaji. The cattle were to be driven towards Purandar fort. (Note: All names above are of Shivaji’s field commanders) The task assigned to these commanders was to create panic in the camp to facilitate a quick getaway for Shavaji and his party.

Shivaji kept only a select group of men with him: his two childhood friends from Pune, Babaji and Chimanji Deshpande, and 40-odd Mavals. He was also in the company of Ibrahim Khan, one of his Pathan sardars, who was a very important player in Shivaji's entry into the camp.

That year, April was the holy month of Ramzan, and Shivaji factored this very important input into his planning. As was the custom of the Muslim soldiers and personnel, they fasted during the day and ate at night after sunset. The tiredness of the day and the heavy food at night had a resultant effect on the human body's function. It tends to go to rest fast. In simple words, the soldiers tended to sleep early and deep.

Shivaji grew up in Lal Mahal and was familiar with the layout and secret or lesser-known passages. The same was true with Babaji and Chimanji, who were Shivaji's childhood buddies, hence the reason for their accompanying him. His Plan for entering the Lal Mahal compound was to reach the sleeping chambers of Shahista Khan through the lesser-known gate on the side of the gardener's hut. Find Shahista Khan, kill him, create chaos inside and outside and use the chaos to make his getaway.

The Plan was intricate and hinged on the success of every participant. Even if one failed, the entire Plan could be jeopardised, risking many lives, including Shivaji's. For this reason, Shivaji explained to every individual his role and the necessity of carrying it out perfectly and on time. The getaway was a brilliant ruse that fooled Shahista Khan's forces.

Monday, 29 April 2024

श्रीमंत बाजीराव पेशवे : एक रणकुशल नेतृत्व -२८ एप्रिल रोजी बाजीराव पेशवे यांची जयंती


श्रीमंत बाजीराव पेशवे  : एक रणकुशल नेतृत्व


२८ एप्रिल रोजी बाजीराव पेशवे यांची जयंती

श्रीमंत बाजीराव पेशवे यांची देशाला ओळख अपराजित योद्धा अशी आहे. बाजीरावांनी त्यांच्या २० वर्षांच्या कारकिर्दीत ४१ लढाया लढल्या आणि त्या सर्वच्या सर्व जिंकल्या. अशा प्रकारचे कर्तृत्त्व गाजवणारे ते एकमेव सेनापती आहेत. त्यामुळेच मराठा साम्राज्य विस्तारुन मध्य प्रदेश पार करुन राजस्थान, उत्तरप्रदेश इथपर्यंत पोहोचले होते. आजच्या युद्धशास्त्राच्या अभ्यासकांना त्यांच्या लढायांचे सुत्र अभ्यासण्यासारखे आहे. २८ एप्रिल रोजी बाजीराव पेशवे यांची जयंती आहे.


आपण मराठ्यांच्या इतिहासाचा अभ्यास करतो, त्यावेळेस दिसून येते की, छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांच्या काळात गनिमी कावा या रणनीतीचा उपयोग झाला. मात्र, बाजीराव पेशवे राज्याचे प्रमुख बनले, त्यावेळेस त्यांनी चपळ घोडदळाचा प्रामुख्याने उपयोग केला. यामागचे कारण म्हणजे, कुठलीही रणनीती निर्माण करण्यासाठी तीन गोष्टींचा विचार करावा लागतो. एक म्हणजे आपला शत्रू आणि त्याची ताकद, दुसरे आपल्याकडे असलेले सैन्य आणि तिसरे म्हणजे ज्या रणभूमीवर आपण लढत आहोत, तिची रचना. छत्रपतींनी स्वराज्य निर्माण केले, त्यावेळेस त्यांना मोगल, आदिलशाह, कुतूबशहा आणि अनेक अंतर्गत शत्रूंचा सामना करावा लागला. बाजीराव पेशवे राजे बनले, तेव्हा इतर राजेशाहीचा अस्त झाला होता आणि मोगल हेच प्रमुख आव्हान होते. मात्र, दोन्ही वेळेस मोगल सैन्याची संख्या ही मराठ्यांपेक्षा खूप जास्त होती. म्हणूनच छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांनी सह्याद्री डोंगराचा वापर करुन मोगलांच्या सैन्याला सह्याद्रीच्या दर्याखोर्यात येण्यास भाग पाडले आणि त्यांच्यावर गनिमी काव्याने हल्ला करुन त्यांना नामोहरम केले.

युद्धाचे डावपेच परंपरेला सोडून

बाजीराव पेशव्यांच्यावेळी परिस्थिती बदलली होती. फक्त मोगल हेच शत्रु राहिला होता. स्वराज्याच्या सीमा वाढल्यामुळे सह्याद्रीच्या डोंगराळ भागातून महाराष्ट्र, मध्य प्रदेशच्या सपाट भागापर्यंत पोहोचले होते. त्यामुळे या भागात गनिमी कावा वापरणे कठीण होते. म्हणून बाजीराव पेशवांनी तेथे घोडदळाचा वापर करुन शत्रूला पराभूत केले. बाजीराव पेशवे हे अतिशय युद्धकुशल सेनापती होते. ते परंपरेला सोडून युद्धाचे डावपेच वापरत होते. व्यक्तींमधील गुण हेरण्याचे कौशल्य त्याच्याकडे भरपूर होते. म्हणूनच त्यांनी आपल्या हाताखाली शिंदे, होळकर, गायकवाड, भोसले आणि इतर अनेक सरदारांना तयार केले. बाजीरावांनी युद्धाचे पहिले प्रशिक्षण वडिल बाळाजी विश्वनाथ यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली घेतले. अगदी लहानपणापासून त्यांनी युद्धामध्ये सहभाग घेतला आणि युद्धभूमीचा प्रत्यक्ष अनुभव घेतला. युद्धकाळात ते सैनिकांबरोबरच उघड्यावर रहायचे. त्यांच्याप्रमाणेच जेवण आणि इतर दैनंदिनी ठेवायचे. त्यामुळे सैनिकांचे त्याच्यावर अपार प्रेम होते. प्रत्यक्ष युद्धाच्या वेळी आघाडीवर राहून, इतर सैनिकांप्रमाणे धोके पत्करुन, नेतृत्व करायचे. त्यामुळे त्यांच्या प्रत्येक लढाईत त्यांना प्रचंड यश मिळायचे. कारण जीवन आणि मरणाच्या रेषेवर नेतृत्व करण्याची एकच पद्धत आहे, ती म्हणजे सैनिकांच्या आघाडीवर राहून नेतृत्व करणे होय. ती बाजीराव पेशव्यांनी प्रत्यक्षात आणली होती. 

बाजीराव पेशव्यांना भारताच्या इतिहासात योग्य ते महत्व दिले गेले नाही. याचे एक कारण, ब्रिटिशांनी भारताची सत्ता मोगलांकडून जिंकून घेतली असे भारताच्या राजकीय नेतृत्वाला दाखवायचे होते. मात्र, सत्य वेगळे होते. ब्रिटिशांनी भारताची सत्ता मराठा साम्राज्याकडून जिंकलेली होती.


ते स्वतः घोड्यावर बसून सैन्याचे नेतृत्व करायचे. त्यांचे सैन्य घोडदळावर जास्त प्रमाणात अवलंबून होते. मोगलांचे सैन्य युद्धांच्यावेळी त्यांच्यासोबत कुटुंबातील सदस्य, बायका-मुले घेऊन जायचे. त्यामुळे मोगल सैनिक एका दिवसात १० ते १२ किमीच पुढे जायचे. मोगलांचे सैन्य हे छोट्या शहराप्रमाणे असायचे. प्रत्येक दिवशी हे शहर एका ठिकाणाहून दुसर्या ठिकाणी जात असे. त्यामुळे त्याची हालचाल ही अतिशय मंद होती. मात्र, बाजीरावांच्या सैन्याचा पुढे जाण्याचा वेग मोगलांच्या चौपट होता. एक दिवसात ते ४० ते ५० किमी एवढे अंतर पार पाडायचे. याचे कारण म्हणजे त्यांच्याबरोबर युद्धसामग्रीव्यतिरिक्त फारसे साहित्य नसायचे. प्रत्येक सैनिकांकडे भाला किंवा तलवार आणि एक-दोन दिवस पुरेल एवढे धान्य असायचे. इतर वेळी आजूबाजूला मिळेल ते धान्य वापरुन सैनिक आपले जीवन जगत असत. त्यामुळे त्यांना गतिमान हालचाली करणे शक्य होत असे.

२० वर्षांच्या कारकिर्दीत ४१ लढाया लढल्या

बाजीरावांनी त्यांच्या २० वर्षांच्या कारकिर्दीत ४१ लढाया लढल्या आणि ते एकमेव सेनापती आहेत, ज्यांनी या संपूर्ण लढाया जिंकल्या. त्यामुळेच साम्राज्य विस्तारुन मध्य प्रदेश पार करुन राजस्थान, उत्तरप्रदेश इथपर्यंत पोहचले होते. त्यांनी लढलेल्या सर्वच लढायांचे वर्णन करणे शक्य नाही. मात्र, आज युद्धशास्त्राचा अभ्यास करणार्या व्यक्तींनी त्यांच्या लढायांचा, रणनीतीचा अभ्यास करणे आवश्यक आहे.  माळव्यात मोगलांविरुद्ध केलेली लढाई ही दुसरी महत्वाची लढाई. बुंदेलखंडच्या लढाईत त्यांनी छत्रसालाचे रक्षण केले. गुजरातमध्येही ते उत्कृष्टरित्या लढले होते. तसेच जंजिराच्या सिद्धी विरुद्धही ते उत्कृष्टपणे लढले होते. त्याची अत्यंत महत्वाची लढाई म्हणजे त्यांनी दिल्लीकडे केलेले कुच. त्यावेळी दिल्लीची सत्ता जवळजवळ मराठ्यांच्या हातात आली होती. समुद्र लढायांमध्ये त्यांनी पोर्तुगालविरुद्धही लढाई केली होती. नादिरशहाने मोगलांवर हल्ला करुन भारतात प्रवेश केला. त्यावेळी मोगलांच्या मदतीला जात असताना नर्मदेच्या काठी आजारी पडून त्यांचा मृत्यू झाला. त्यांची समाधी आजही रावरखेडी या नर्मदेच्या काठावरील गावात आहे.

पालखेडची लढाई महत्त्वाची

त्यांच्या लढायामध्ये निजामाविरुद्ध झालेली पालखेडची लढाई महत्त्वाची मानली जाते.पालखेडच्या लढाईत निजामांनी मराठ्यांमध्ये फूट पाडून शाहू आणि त्यांच्या बंधूंना वेगवेगळे केले आणि शाहू महाराजांची राजधानी सातारा येथे कूच केले. त्यावेळा शाहू महाराज पुरंदरच्या किल्ल्यात गेले. बाजीराव त्यावेळी खानदेशामध्ये लढाईला होते. शाहू महाराजांनी त्यावेळी रक्षण करण्याकरीता बाजीरावांना सातार्याला बोलावले.

त्यावेळेस त्यांनी म्हटले होते, ‘तुम्हाला झाड कापायचे असेल तर त्याच्या फांद्या कापण्यात काही अर्थ नसतो, त्यासाठी झाडांच्या मुळांवर हल्ला करणे गरजेचे असते. यामागे बाजीरावांचा उद्देश होता की, मोगल सत्तेचे मूळ हे दिल्लीकडे होते. ते छाटून या साम्राज्याला धक्का देणे हाच उद्देश त्यांनी पालखेडमध्ये अमलात आणला.


म्हणून त्यांनी आपला पहिला हल्ला मोगल असलेल्या गुजरात भागात केला. त्यानंतर माळव्यात निजामांच्या रसदीचे जे तळ होते, त्यावर हल्ला केला. त्यामुळे निजामाचा दिल्लीशी असणारा संबंध तुटला. त्यानंतर बाजीरावांचे घोडदळ औरंगाबादला येऊन पोहचले. ती निजामाची राजधानी होती. त्यामुळे निजाम याकडे दुर्लक्ष करु शकला नाही. निजामाने पुणे-सातारा आणि पुरंदरच्या भागात असलेली आपली लढाई थांबवून बाजीरावांशी लढाई करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला. बरेच अतंर पार करुन निजामाचे सैन्य गोदावरी नदी पार करुन औरंगाबादला पोहोचले. निजामाला वाटत होते की ते मराठा घोडदळाचा पाठलाग करत आहेत. तिथे लढाई करण्यापेक्षा बाजीरावांनी त्यांना आणखी आत येऊ दिले आणि औरंगाबादपासून काही किलोमीटर अंतरावरील पालखेड या ठिकाणी त्यांना येण्यास भाग पाडले. या ठिकाणी येईपर्यंत निजामाची रसद तुटलेली होती, सैन्य थकलेले होते, अशा वेळी निजामावर बाजीरावांच्या सैन्याने दोन्ही बाजूंनी  हल्ला केला. रसद बंद झाल्याने आणि काही हालचाल करता न येऊ शकल्याने निजामाचे खूप नुकसान झाले. ६ मार्चला निजामांनी बाजीराव पेशाव्यांसमोर शरणागती पत्करली.


बाजीरावांचे सैन्य छोट्या छोट्या तुकड्यांमध्ये वेगवेगळ्या ठिकाणाहून युद्ध भूमीवर एकत्र यायचे. याला इंग्रजीमध्ये (Concentration at the point of decision) असे म्हटले जाते. शेवटच्या क्षणी एकत्र आल्यामुळे शत्रूला त्याच्याविरुद्ध कारवाई करणे शक्य व्हायचे नाही. तसेच शत्रूला आपला पाठलाग करायला लावून बाजीराव त्यांना थकवायचे आणि शेवटी शत्रूला अशा भागात यायला भाग पाडायचे, जिथे शत्रुवर ३-४ ठिकाणाहून हल्ला करणे सोपे व्हायचे.

बाजीरावांनी पोर्तुगीजांशीही लढाई केली. त्यांनी पोर्तुगीज आणि सिद्धी यांना हरविले. वसईची लढाई आणि सिद्धीशी झालेल्या लढाया इतिहासात प्रसिद्ध आहेत. जंजिराच्या सिद्धीला कोकणामध्ये आपले राज्य पसरविण्यात त्यामुळे यश मिळाले नाही. बाजीराव पेशव्यांच्या युद्धकौशल्याचा भारतातील इतिहासकारांनी फारच कमी अभ्यास केला आहे. जदुनाथ सरकार ग्रॅट डफ यांसारख्या काही  इतिहासकारांनी त्यांचा अभ्यास करुन बाजीरावांचे युद्धकौशल्य सगळ्यासमोर मांडण्याचा प्रयत्न केलेला आहे.


बाजीराव पेशवे हे भारतातील सर्वांत कुशल घोडदळाचे सेनापती

युरोपमधल्या युद्धकुशल सैन्य अधिकार्यांनी बाजीरावांच्या कौशल्याचे कौतुक केलेले आहे. फिल्ड मार्शल मॉण्टगोमरी हे ब्रिटिश सैन्याचे सरसेनापती होते. दुसर्या महायुद्धात ब्रिटिश सैन्य जिंकले त्याचे श्रेय त्यांच्या नेतृत्वाला दिले जाते.  त्यांनी म्हटले आहे की, बाजीराव पेशवे हे भारतातील सर्वांत कुशल घोडदळाचे सेनापती होते. असेच कौतुक व्हिएतनाम सैन्यामध्येही केले गेले आहे. थोडक्यात बाजीराव पेशव्यांनी त्या काळाला योग्य ठरेल अशी युद्धनिती वापरुन त्यावेळचे निजाम, मोगल व ईतर शत्रूचा पराभव केला. त्यामुळेच त्यांचे इतिहासामधील स्थान आढळ आहे. भारताच्या शत्रूंनी बाजीरावांची घोडदौड थांबविण्याकरीता नादिरशहाला इराणमधून भारतात हल्ला करण्यासाठी बोलावले. बाजीराव त्यांच्याशी लढण्यासाठी जात असतां आजारी पडले आणि नर्मदेच्या काठावर त्यांचा मृत्यू झाला. बाजीराव दिल्लीला पोहोचून नादिरशहाशी लढले असते, तर युरोपात गेलेला भारताचा कोहिनूर हिरा आणि मयूर सिंहासन हे भारतातच राहिले असते. त्याचवेळी भारतात मराठ्यांचे साम्राज्य तयार झाले असते आणि कदाचित ब्रिटिशांनाही भारतभूमीमध्ये येणे आणि इथे राज्य करणे कठीण झाले असते. म्हणूनच छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजानंतर बाजीराव पेशवे हे अतिशय सर्वोतकृष्ट रणनीती सेनापती होते.


भारताची सागरी सुरक्षा, आव्हाने,चिंता आणी पुढील वाटचाल, भाग 1

 भारताची सागरी सुरक्षा, आव्हाने,चिंता आणी पुढील वाटचाल, भाग 1


भारताची सागरी सुरक्षा, आव्हाने,चिंता आणी पुढील वाटचाल, भाग 2


भारताची सागरी सुरक्षा, आव्हाने,चिंता आणी पुढील वाटचाल, भाग 3


लेखकः ब्रिगेडिअर हेमंत महाजन, युद्धसेवा मेडल

Sunday, 28 April 2024

Escalating Water Crisis: Reservoir Levels Plummet to Alarming Lows


Recent data released by the Central Water Commission has unveiled a harrowing reality: India is grappling with a severe water crisis, as reservoirs nationwide record a distressing decline in water levels. As of April 25th, major reservoirs are holding a mere 30 percent of their total storage capacity, marking a significant decrease compared to the previous year. This plummeting trend is exacerbated by insufficient rainfall, compounded further by the El Nino phenomenon, creating drought-like conditions across the nation. The prolonged absence of rain has drained water reserves, rendering many regions parched and perilously vulnerable.

The eastern and southern regions are bearing the brunt of this crisis, as plummeting water levels collide with relentless heatwaves. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu find themselves particularly hard-hit, with water scarcity reaching critical levels. Bengaluru, in particular, is grappling with acute water shortages, profoundly impacting daily life and agricultural endeavors. The repercussions extend far beyond immediate concerns, threatening to disrupt the agricultural sector—a linchpin of India’s economy—with various crops facing dire consequences. With nearly half of India’s arable land relying on monsoon rainfall, the upcoming rainy season holds significant promise in mitigating the crisis.

While forecasts predict above-normal rainfall, optimism must be tempered with proactive measures. Efforts to conserve water must be intensified across all sectors, spanning from households to agricultural and industrial domains. Urgent investments in water infrastructure and management systems are imperative to enhance storage and distribution efficiency. Embracing sustainable agricultural practices and diversifying crops can curtail water consumption and bolster resilience against droughts. Concurrently, awareness campaigns must be ramped up to foster a culture of water conservation and judicious utilization of this invaluable resource. Swift and decisive action is paramount to averting an impending catastrophe and safeguarding a secure future for all

"The soldier stands as the most crucial instrument of war,

 "The soldier stands as the most crucial instrument of war, yet not everyone is inclined to fight, and those who are willing may not necessarily possess the optimal qualifications for such a role.

Ukrainian society has garnered praise from numerous Western political leaders as a beacon of national cohesion and resilience. The determination of the Ukrainian people to resist Russian aggression has been lauded by academics, with extensive studies delving into the roots of this resolve. However, despite such robust unity and resilience, a significant portion of the population in times of war seeks to evade military conscription, either by fleeing the country or hiding within its borders.

Another concerning aspect revealed by the conflict is the reluctance of younger generations to defend their homeland. By late 2023, the average age of Ukrainian soldiers stood at forty-three years old. It is evident that such middle-aged individuals may not match the physical capabilities and performance levels of a younger army. European nations, facing smaller pools of available manpower, must heed these observations seriously in their national defense planning. Immediate legislative and executive measures are imperative to avert a situation akin to Ukraine's current predicament, which would severely compromise their already limited capacity to mount an effective defense against aggression.

The conflict in Ukraine underscores that a government's military and other resources alone may prove insufficient in defending a nation. Both domestic and international commercialization of the battlefield and the crowdsourcing of intelligence collection and targeting have emerged as significant force multipliers, posing formidable challenges for the Russian forces. In addition to substantial legislative initiatives, the integration and utilization of non-governmental and non-military capabilities into national defense systems necessitate fundamental changes in the training and education of future European military leaders, along with the comprehensive integration of these capabilities into national exercise programs."


Saturday, 27 April 2024

Israel's Use of AI Tools to Target Hamas in Gaza

Israel's utilization of a state-of-the-art AI-based software called "Lavender" in its ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza has shed light on this technological advancement.The Israel Defence Force (IDF) has employed a tool called "Lavender" to generate a list of potential Hamas targets in the Gaza territory.

Another AI-based software, known as "Where's Daddy?", has been used to alert the IDF as soon as the target identified by "Lavender" enters their home, prompting Israeli airstrikes on those locations.
This development highlights the significant progress made in AI technology, in real-time warfare conditions.
"Lavender" earlier versions were first employed in May 2021 during Israel's operation against Gaza, where the AI system was used to identify Hamas missile squad commanders.
Over time, the system expanded its capabilities, enabling it to generate tens of thousands of potential targets in mere seconds or minutes, a task that would have taken humans days or weeks to accomplish manually.
To train "Lavender," a vast amount of intelligence data collected through mass video surveillance and other means was utilized. The AI algorithm sifted through this data to identify traits associated with Hamas terrorists.
The machine was trained to recognize patterns such as frequent changes in phone numbers or addresses, usage of phones previously flagged as belonging to Hamas operatives, or membership in WhatsApp groups known to include Hamas operatives.
If an individual closely resembled these patterns or traits, the AI would flag them as potential targets.
The data identified by "Lavender" is then passed on to another AI system, "Where's Daddy?", which promptly notifies the military once the target. Subsequently, the Israeli Air Force carries out airstrikes to neutralize the target, which was 90 percent accurate.
However, there were instances where the system proved to be inaccurate. Innocent civilians, civil defense workers, and relatives of Hamas operatives were mistakenly flagged as legitimate targets, leading to the erroneous bombing of civilians.
Despite these errors, the system has allowed the IDF to be highly effective and ruthless. The Israel Air Force conducted an unprecedented number of airstrikes during the initial phase of the war, made possible by AI.
The United States, China, are developing of such capabilities or have already implemented them. Hence India should start developing and deploying AI-based technologies.
Prevent Escalation of Conflict between Iran and Israel
In a concerning turn of events, Iran launched a missile and drone attack on Israel on Saturday night, a move that has materialized the world's worst fears since the October 7 attack on Israel by Iran's ally, Hamas. Only two weeks prior to Iran's attack, Israel had conducted a bombing on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, resulting in the death of a high-ranking General from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and several military advisors.
Iran recently seized an Israel-affiliated cargo vessel, which includes 17 Indian nationals among its crew of 25. Israel, with support from the United States and other allies, claims to have successfully intercepted and thwarted Iran's attack. Despite this, the bombardment caused injuries to more than 10 individuals, and inflicted minor damage to an airbase.
Following the April 1 bombing, Iranian leadership had vowed to seek revenge, with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei specifically stating that Israel would face punishment. Having now demonstrated their capability to strike deep into Israeli territory, Iran's Permanent Representative to the UN announced on Sunday that their retaliation had concluded. Iran also issued a warning to Israel, urging them not to respond. In response to these developments, Israel's allies, including the United Kingdom and France, have reaffirmed their commitment to safeguarding Tel Aviv.
It is crucial that these allies unite their efforts to dissuade Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from launching a strike on Iran, as such an action could potentially trigger a full-blown war in West Asia.
India, which maintains good relations with both Iran and Israel, has been advocating for restraint. Its immediate priority should be the safe evacuation of its nationals, including the ship crew and recently migrated laborers, from an impending war zone.
While the arms industry in Europe, the United States, and China might stand to benefit from such escalation, it is the responsibility of conscientious individuals and nations to work tirelessly towards bringing peace to West Asia.
Ensure Russia's Participation in Ukraine Peace Talks
Switzerland has recently announced its intention to host an international conference in June, aiming to facilitate a high-level dialogue on achieving a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Ukraine based on international law and the UN Charter. Leaders from major Global South countries, including India, as well as Western nations, have been invited to participate. While Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has confirmed his attendance, his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, has expressed disdain for the scheduled peace talks.

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Putin has warned that Moscow will not accept any enforced plans that disregard Russian interests and has claimed that Russia has not even been invited to the conference. He retorted, "They think there is nothing for us to do there, but at the same time they say it's impossible to decide anything without us." Additionally, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has dismissed the meeting as a Western tactic to garner broader international support for Kyiv.
It is evident that any viable peace plan for Ukraine necessitates the participation and consent of Russia. Putin has already rejected Zelenskyy's proposed formula, which involves Moscow's troop withdrawal, payment of compensation to Ukraine, and facing an international tribunal for alleged crimes. The Western-led attempt to take the initiative through the Swiss talks runs the risk of being counterproductive and further prolonging the three-year-long war that has caused global disruptions in supply chains.
Switzerland, which has emphasized that "peace is at the heart of the Swiss spirit," bears the responsibility to make every effort to bring Russia to the negotiating table. Additionally, it is imperative to involve influential actors like China in the peace talks. India, regarded as a potential mediator due to its positive relations with both warring nations, must play a proactive role in preventing the June summit from becoming a failure and devolving into a mere display of Western strength.

Friday, 26 April 2024

Ensure Security of Indian Students in the USA

In recent weeks, the United States has witnessed a concerning spike in the deaths of Indian or Indian-origin students under suspicious circumstances. This alarming trend suggests that the Joe Biden administration is not taking sufficient measures to address these attacks. Just recently, Mohammed Abdul Arfath, a 25-year-old student from Hyderabad, was found dead in Cleveland after being missing for several weeks. His family had even received a ransom call on March 17. Tragically, similar incidents have occurred, including the death of Uma Satya Sai Gadde in Ohio last week and the shooting of Amarnath Ghosh, a trained classical dancer, in St. Louis, Missouri, in March.


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The series of unnatural deaths in January and February prompted John Kirby, a White House communications officer, to emphasize that there is no excuse for violence based on race, gender, religion, or any other factor. He assured the Indian diaspora that the Biden administration was working diligently to prevent such attacks. Similarly, US Ambassador to India . However, the situation on the ground appears to be worsening.
The Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies, based in the US, has identified the main causes behind these incidents, which include violent crimes, suspicious accidents, and mental health issues leading to suicide. The foundation has urged authorities to raise awareness about the various risks and provide mental health support. There are speculations that negative propaganda against the Indian community is fuelling hate crimes.
Indians comprise approximately 25 percent of foreign students in the US. It is imperative for America to prioritize their safety and take strong action against the perpetrators of hate crimes.
By taking proactive steps to safeguard Indian students and cracking down on hate-mongers, the United States can uphold its commitment to inclusivity, protect its reputation, and foster a safe and welcoming environment for all students.
Indian Military Diplomatic Outreach: Plans To Dispatch Defence Attachés To Key African Regions
India is amplifying its military diplomacy endeavors, with a keen focus on bolstering engagement in Africa and other vital regions worldwide.
"India's decision to deploy defence attachés in Mozambique, the Ivory Coast, and the Philippines marks a pivotal step in enhancing our defence cooperation with these nations.
India will also post defence attachés for the first time to Poland, and to Armenia, with which the Indian side recently concluded a big-ticket arms deal.
These postings will reinforce India's presence in key regions and pave the way for greater military collaboration.
India plans to appoint a defence attaché in Ethiopia after several decades, along with the deployment of a new military attaché to Djibouti.
"These postings signify India's keen interest in strengthening defence ties with countries aiming to modernize their armed forces," emphasized the official.
In tandem with its African outreach, India is establishing 18 new missions on the continent as part of the external affairs ministry's broader strategy.
"These developments underscore India's commitment to fostering robust security partnerships and advancing its national interests on the global stage.
India is also streamlining its military presence in countries like Russia and the UK, reallocating resources to nations witnessing increased defence cooperation.

Thursday, 25 April 2024

Countering Internal & External Security Challenges

Security Forces Neutralize 29 Naxals in Chhattisgarh Jungles

 In a significant blow to Naxal insurgents, security forces executed a major operation resulting in the elimination of 29 extremists in the dense forests of Kanker, Chhattisgarh. Among the casualties was senior commander Shankar Rao, who carried a bounty of Rs 25 lakh. A substantial cache of weapons and ammunition was seized during the operation.
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The security forces received intelligence pinpointing the presence of high-ranking cadres like Lalita, Shankar Rao, and Raju in the region spanning between Abujhmad, Gadchiroli district in Maharashtra, and north Bastar. Acting swiftly, a joint team comprising District Reserve Guards (DRG) and Border Security Force (BSF) was deployed to the area.
Following the intense two-hour confrontation, confirmed the demise of 29 Naxals, including high-profile figures like Shankar Rao and Lalita. Three security personnel sustained injuries during the engagement and were promptly airlifted to Raipur for medical attention.
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai applauded the joint efforts of the DRG and BSF, highlighting the operation's pivotal role in ensuring security ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He reiterated the government's commitment to curbing Naxalism and fostering development in affected regions.
The Way Forward
Government data underscores a concerted push towards eradicating the Naxal menace, coupled with initiatives aimed at socio-economic development in affected areas. Analysts attribute the decline in Naxal-related incidents to the combined effect of strategic actions by the state and the waning influence of Naxal ideology.
India's Strategic Move: Partnering with NVIDIA to Bolster AI Capabilities
The Indian government is taking decisive steps towards enhancing the nation's AI infrastructure by contemplating a groundbreaking deal with NVIDIA, a leading chip-making giant. Valued at Rs 10,000 crore, this prospective collaboration aims to provide access to NVIDIA's cutting-edge GPUs and Neural Processing Units (NPUs) to Indian startups, research institutions, and academic bodies at subsidized rates, thereby fueling innovation in the AI sector.
Exploring Models for Acquisition
India is exploring two primary models for the acquisition and distribution of AI-capable NPUs and GPUs: a "rent-and-sublet" model and a marketplace model. Under the former, qualifying entities would receive GPUs on concessional terms directly from the government. Alternatively, the marketplace model encourages direct negotiations between companies and NVIDIA, with incentives tied to performance gains, akin to India's Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme.
Addressing the Challenge of Scarcity and Cost
The scarcity and exorbitant cost of GPUs pose significant hurdles, particularly for startups. NVIDIA's top-tier H100 GPUs, priced at $50,000 each, and the Blackwell cards, priced at $40,000, underscore the financial barriers hindering access to essential computing resources. To put this into perspective, developing and training large AI models may require thousands of GPUs, a substantial investment for any organization.
Striving for Competitiveness
India's aspiration to remain competitive in AI research and development is evident through initiatives like the AI Mission, backed by a substantial allocation of Rs 10,372 crore. With plans to deploy 10,000 GPUs through public-private partnerships, India aims to bridge the gap in computing capabilities compared to global leaders in the AI space.
Navigating Global Dynamics
Navigating global dynamics in GPU acquisition requires strategic engagement with stakeholders and optimized approaches. While GPUs are acquired by both companies and government agencies globally, India's federal structure necessitates innovative solutions to secure access to these critical resources.
Driving Innovation and Sovereignty
The burgeoning demand for GPUs underscores their pivotal role in driving innovation and safeguarding the sovereignty of Indian data. Collaborations between Indian conglomerates and NVIDIA signify a collective effort to harness AI capabilities domestically, reducing reliance on foreign cloud resources and bolstering India's standing in the global AI landscape.
India's potential partnership with NVIDIA represents a seminal moment in its quest to bolster AI capabilities domestically. By fostering accessibility to advanced computing resources, India aims to unleash the full potential of its burgeoning AI ecosystem, driving innovation, competitiveness, and sovereignty in the digital age.