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Saturday, 16 February 2019

Firstly there is no doubt that some procedural lapse has been happening at the spot of attack for some time which the terrorist has been observing and has used it to his advantage.
Secondly all that explosive must have been gathered over a period of time from different sources making detection of such moment difficult.
In past civ moment at time of mil convoys used to be held, however lately on directions of civ govt that practice has been stopped. That was used by trt to his advantage
All int agencies do get inputs of intentions however many a times exact place and time of attack are kept secret even from persons who will conduct attack. Getting such inputs then becomes extremely difficult.
Are terrorist more intelligent. Well they are certainly not but planning for such attacks is gen done by Pak ISI across the border using the inherrent faultlines of Religious differences to the best of their advantage.
Lastly what can we do to prevent such attacks. Well firstly be a good citizen and report any suspicious activity in your area.
we need to sp the govt when it wipes out internal enemies in Kashmir and elsewhere in country who covertly sp such acts for personal and political ends. Some curtailment of personal freedom/privacy needs to be accepted.
Thirdly elect the most suitable candidate as your MP/MLA who values Nation over his party, caste, religion and what have you.
Dealing with Pak is the easiest part of the problem....
.. Once the WTC towers went down there were no blame games between Republicans and democrats... US ensured the whole middle east burns.... If you put your country's interest first then the solution is very simple.... If you put your religion, CASTE, community and vote Bank interest first there will never be any solution.... Anti India slogans at JNU and the students responsible have been patronized by political parties... 1989 anti communist slogans at TINAMEN SQUARE crushed ruthlessly... Today China is where it is due to tough the way long ago there were something called Chechnya and chechen militants... Wonder where they all went?? That is why Russia is where it is today... Want to become a world power, please start behaving like them.. .. To prevent bird flu mass culling of birds must be done... Only a crop rotation makes the land more fertile..... Weeding is must.... Such attacks cannot take place without local support and local political patronage.... To cure a disease medicine must be taken internally first and later measures taken to ensure hygiene around the patient... Otherwise keep cleaning the neighborhood... the virus inside will never die.... The virus inside the body must be ruthlessly ripped apart... The patient will also suffer like in chemotherapy.. But at Least he will survive... Else the body is gone....." *THE GREATEST QUESTIONS OF THE DAY ARE NOT SOLVED BY PARLIAMENTARY MAJORITIES... BUT BY IRON AND BLOOD*...." OTTO VON BISMARCK...
*#Pulwama - Will it be a repeated timeline?*
*Next 24 Hours* - Waves and Tsunamis of abuses, supportive msgs , media howling , Politicians blaming each other, pictures of martyred soldiers and their families going viral.

*72-96 hours* - Euphoria of nationalism starts to die down in public, media and Indians. A little mention of what happened, some retired Generals on couple of debate shows on news channels , forwards circulating praising the altruistic and devoted soldier, some NGO raising money, angry statements from clueless Bollywood people, Internet drowned with arm chair generals and idiots giving advice on military tactics etc etc.

*One week*- Media and politicians still using the incident to insult each other, some announcements of monetary grants, statements from MoD, Army, CRPF bosses continue, media praises some bureaucrat who raised the issue once with UN and did some job at-least.

*One month - Pulwama..what?*

*One year and beyond*- The mother still cries for her son, the wives will never hear from their husbands again, the children will grow up without knowing what’s father’s love and the friends will always start their drinking sessions with a tear in eye and saying cheers to their friend.
The country will move on definitely and very fast.
But for those who have lost their dear ones, life comes to a stand still.
Some of these troops come from families where they are the only earning members.
From last three decades they have been putting their lives on line just to follow nonsensical orders from government after government.
I want to see one politician in this entire country who can tell his/her child that go and stand in front of crowd that’s hurling rocks at you by thousands but you can’t react.
I want to see one General who can stand up say enough is enough, and I can’t keep sacrificing my soldiers because you want us to fight with our hands tied behind our backs.
I want to see one party at Center who has the balls to say "screw alliances, let’s sort this place out" and jail all these terrorist supporters.
Thousands and thousands of soldiers have died defending immature, idiotic and short sighted decisions of our politicians.
The life of soldier in Kashmir is end result of conflation of bad politics and gutless existence.

You have freedom because someone(WE SOLDIERS) is paying for it with their lives, alive and dead !!


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