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Saturday, 29 April 2023

#SecurityScan 40: Change of strategy required to tackle Naxalism & more 

News In Brief



Biden Aims to Unveil China Investment Curbs With G-7 Backing



US wants key allies to endorse concept at May summit in Japan. Order will focus on chips, AI, quantum investments in China.President Joe Biden aims to sign an executive order in the coming weeks that will limit investment in key parts of China’s economy by American businesses.


The administration, which has been debating the measure for almost two years, plans to take action around the time of a summit of the Group of Seven advanced economies that’s due to start on May 19 in Japan.



How business-friendly Hong Kong became a hub of Russian chip trade Fooling USA



Ease of setting up companies makes dodging sanctions easier, experts say.In Hong Kong, setting up a shell company can be done in a matter of days and for less than the cost of an iPhone.


This business-friendly system began under British rule -- and continued under communist China -- helping the city transform itself into one of the world's most successful commercial hubs.


But it has also put Hong Kong at the center of a web of trading companies that is funneling millions of dollars' worth of American-made semiconductors into Russia despite U.S. sanctions imposed following the invasion of Ukraine.



The next arms race: China leverages AI for edge in future wars


China already produces the most top AI scientists, with the country hosting the first nine of the world’s top 10 institutions publishing AI-related papers.


Indian Response is not in public domain.



Frozen Frontiers: China’s Great Power Ambitions in the Polar Regions



Chinese scientific research and commercial investments in the Arctic and Antarctica have elevated China’s voice in polar affairs, but its growing physical footprint in the world’s most remote frontiers also advance China’s broader strategic and military interests.


Alliances with the western world is the way ahead for India to guard its interest in this region.



India to buy more Russian, American missile systems for Navy



The Klub missile from Russia is equipped on both the surface warships and submarines of the Indian Navy and has been one of the importing weapon systems for it for a long time, they said. The Harpoon missile system acquisition is expected to cost around USD 80 million to the Indian Navy under a foreign military sales route. The US Congress has already approved the sale of the Harpoon Joint Common Test Set (JCTS) and related equipment to India.



"Cope India 2023: Celebrating the power of aerial collaboration between India and the US"



Altogether, 564 personnel from the IAF and the USAF took part in the exercise during which most days recorded maximum day temperatures of above 40 degrees Celsius at Kalaikunda and at Arjan Singh Air Force station in Panagarh.



SCO defence ministers' meet discuss regional situation, ways to combat terrorism



The defence ministry said the SCO pursues its policy based on the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations, non-interference in internal affairs and mutual understanding and respect for opinions of each of them. It said the theme of India's presidency of the grouping in 2023 is "Secure SCO".


As far as India China border resolution is concerned ,they was no progress. The Chinese against repeated that we should progress ahead without resolving the border issue, while India once again repeated it's demand that relationships cannot be normalised till the time the border issue is resolved.



Army personnel dies in MP after trying to launch firework from his mouth



Nirbhay Singh Singar, posted with the Army in Jammu & Kashmir, had come to the village on a month-long leave to attend the wedding. During the ceremony, Singar placed a firework rocket in his mouth, but it instead of shooting up, it burst in his mouth, killing him on the spot.







Thursday, 27 April 2023

नक्षलवाद, माओवाद ,डावा दहशतवाद डावा उग्रवाद कसा संपवायचा ?नक्षल हल्ला, १...

नक्षलवाद, माओवाद ,डावा दहशतवाद किंवा डावा उग्रवाद कसा संपवायचा भारतामध्ये?नक्षलवाद्यांचा हल्ला, ११ जवान शहीद, छत्तीसगडमध्ये

नक्षलवाद, माओवाद ,डावा दहशतवाद किंवा डावा उग्रवाद कसा संपवायचा भारतामध्ये?नक्षलवाद्यांचा हल्ला, ११ जवान शहीद, छत्तीसगडमध्ये

छत्तीसगडमध्ये मोठा नक्षलवादी हल्ला झाला आहे. या हल्ल्यात ११ जवान शहीद झाल्याची माहिती आहे. हल्ला करणाऱ्या नक्षलवाद्यांना सोडणार नाही, असा इशारा मुख्यमंत्री भूपेश बघेल यांनी दिला आहे.

 छत्तीसगडच्या नक्षलप्रभावित दंतेवाडा जिल्ह्यात मोठी घटना घडली आहे. नक्षलवाद्यांनी केलेल्या हल्ल्यात ११ जवान शहीद झाले आहेत. नक्षलवाद्यांनी केलेल्या भूसुरुंग स्फोटात हे जवान शहीद झाले आहेत. एएनआयने हे वृत्त दिले आहे.

छत्तीसगडच्या दंतेवाडा जिल्ह्यातील अरणपूरजवळ ही घटना घडली. नक्षलवाद्यांनी रस्त्यात पेरलेल्या भूसुरुंगाचा स्फोट घडवून आणला. याच रस्त्यावरून छत्तीसगडच्या पोलिसांचे वाहन जात होते. यावेळी नक्षलवाद्यांनी आयईडी स्फोट घडवला. यात स्फोटात छत्तीसगडच्या डिस्ट्रिक्ट रिझर्व्ह गार्डचे ११ जवान शहीद झाले आहेत.

छत्तीसगडचे मुख्यमंत्री भूपेश बघेल यांनी याबाबत माहिती दिली आहे. नक्षलवादी हल्ला झाल्याची माहिती आहे. अतिशय दुःखद घटना आहे. शहीद जवानांच्या कुटुंबीयां दुःखात आपलण सहभागी आहोत. ही लढाई आता शेवटच्या टप्प्यात आहे. हल्ला करणाऱ्या नक्षलवाद्यांना सोडणार नाही, असा इशारा मुख्यमंत्री भूपेश बघेल यांनी दिला आहे.


Tuesday, 25 April 2023

ड्रॅगन तंत्रज्ञाना द्वारे,चंद्रावर बांधणार प्रयोग शाळा,अवकाशातात करणार श...

There are potential military advantages to establishing a presence on the moon, including:

Strategic location: The moon could serve as a strategic location for surveillance and reconnaissance activities, as it provides a clear view of Earth and space. Establishing a research base on the moon would also allow countries to conduct experiments and develop new technologies in a low-gravity environment.

Resource exploitation: The moon is believed to contain valuable resources such as water, helium-3, and rare earth metals, which could be used for space exploration and future space-based activities. Access to these resources could give countries a strategic advantage in the development of space technology.

Missile defense: The moon could serve as a platform for missile defense systems, as it provides a clear view of potential missile launches on Earth.

Psychological advantage: A successful mission to the moon or Mars could provide a psychological advantage to the country that undertakes it, boosting national pride and inspiring support for space exploration and scientific advancement.

Monday, 24 April 2023



Buddhist Summit In India -China on the back foot



Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended a Buddhist Summit putting China on the back foot. India is now a most important hub for Buddhist religious tourism and education on all aspects of Buddhist religion.



Online conference highlights significance of China-India youth, cultural exchanges ( Global Times China)



An online conference under the name of "China-India Youth Dialogue: Exchanges and Mutual Learning, Join Hands for a Brighter Future" was held on Thursday under the joint organization of the Global Times and Xi'an Technological University (XATU). Ten experts and scholars from China and India attended the event, as well as dozens of students and teachers from XATU.


Vivek Mani Tripathi, an assistant professor in Indology at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, added that there is no fundamental conflict between China and India. The border disputes between the two countries, for example, can be resolved through dialogue, he said. If the two countries cooperate more, we can make the 21st century the China-India century," said Tripathi.


Chinese influence operations at its best



Biden Aims to Unveil China Investment Curbs With G-7 Backing



US wants key allies to endorse concept at May summit in Japan. Order will focus on chips, AI, quantum investments in China


President Joe Biden aims to sign an executive order in the coming weeks that will limit investment in key parts of China’s economy by American businesses.


The administration, which has been debating the measure for almost two years, plans to take action around the time of a summit of the Group of Seven advanced economies that’s due to start on May 19 in Japan.


Chinese police stations in NYC are part of a vast influence operation.To stop Beijing’s long arm of repression, Democrats and Republicans will need to come together.



US military helping Japan counter its ‘greatest security challenge’ from China, says top commander



Major General Joel Vowell, the commander of the US Army in Japan, says Tokyo has shifted its focus towards the PLA’s ability to threaten its southwest islands


Japan is worried that the Chinese military could block or seize some of the islands, including the Ryukyu chain, to deter it from intervening if Taiwan is attacked.



Europe and the U.S. See Eye-to-Eye on China’s Threat



The real obstacle to decoupling from Beijing isn’t Western governments but Western companies that have bet heavily on China.


In its geopolitical competition with the West, China has long sought to divide the U.S. from Europe. Last week it appeared to score a coup when French President Emmanuel Macron declared Europe wouldn’t follow the U.S.’s approach toward Beijing.


In fact, the European Union has decisively changed its approach to China in the past year. Europeans use milder language than Americans, saying they wish to “de-risk” their economic relationship with China, not “decouple.” But in substance, European de-risking and American decoupling look much the same. Indeed, Europe is erecting economic defenses against China that in some cases go further than the U.S.



First online entrance exam for Army's Agniveer recruitment begins today



The exam would being conducted in the North East Zone at 26 centres across 14 cities in all seven states. The 14 cities include Naharlagun in Arunachal Pradesh, Dibrugarh, Guwahati, Jorhat, Silchar and Tezpur in Assam.



Army jawan arrested in connection with killing of four soldiers at Bathinda military station



An Indian Army jawan, Desai Mohan, has been arrested for allegedly killing four soldiers at Bathinda Military Station, Punjab, with a stolen INSAS rifle. Mohan had claimed he saw two men with a rifle and an axe near the crime scene. However, he later confessed to the killings, stating he had personal enmity with the four soldiers. Read more



US warship sails through Taiwan Strait following China war games



The U.S. warship USS Milius sailed through the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, the U.S. Navy said on Monday, just days after China ended its latest war games around the island.



India's 'challenging' relationship with China



While India's firm counter-action against China's incursions during the Galwan stand-off of 2020 sent an incisive message across the border, Jaishankar's strong words during the past few days have been indicative of Jaishankar Doctrine' .



Ukraine War-Russia's air force accidentally bombs its own city



A bomb that devastated a Russian city near the Ukraine border and injured two residents was accidentally dropped by one of the Russian air force's own planes, according to the country's military. Witnesses to the blast in Belgorod initially thought it was a drone attack by Ukrainian forces.





"Punjab's police corruption: Will AAP government take decisive action based on SIT reports?"

Friday, 21 April 2023

#सुदानमध्ये अडकलेले भारतीय, अमेरिका युरोप कॅनडा मध्ये गैर कानूनी जाणारे ...

काही वर्षांपूर्वी कर्नाटकच्या हुनसूर, शिवमोगा येथील सात आणि चन्नागिरी येथील पाच लोक सुदान देशात गेले. तिथे अल-फशेर शहरात भाड्याने घर घेऊन राहू लागले. हे सगळे हक्कीपिक्की समुदायाचे लोक. हे लोक जडीबुटी घेऊन सुदानमध्ये विकण्यासाठी गेले होते. मात्र, सध्या सुदानमधल्या भीषण परिस्थितीमुळे तेथील भारतीयांच्या जीवाला धोका निर्माण झाला.
यावर कर्नाटकचे माजी मुख्यमंत्री सिद्धरामय्या यांनी ट्विट केले की, ”कर्नाटकातील हक्कीपिक्की समुदायाचे वनवासी सुदानमध्ये अडकले आहेत. पंतप्रधान, गृहमंत्री, मुख्यमंत्री त्यांना सुदानहून सुरक्षित परत आणा,” तर काँग्रेस प्रवक्ते सुरजेवाला म्हणतात की, ”सुदानमध्ये कर्नाटकचे ३१ लोक फसले आहेत. कन्नडविरोधी मोदी सरकारने लोकांना सुरक्षित बाहेर काढण्याऐवजी त्या लोकांना त्यांच्या नशिबावर सोडून दिले आहे.” यावर देशाचे परराष्ट्र मंत्री एस. जयशंकर यांनी म्हटले की, ”तुमचे ट्विट पाहून मी स्तब्ध आहे.
सुदानमध्ये अडकलेल्या भारतीयांचे जीवन दावणीला आहे. कृपया राजकारण करू नका.” सिद्धरामय्या काय किंवा सुरजेवाला काय, या दोघांची वक्तव्ये पाहून वाटते की, पंतप्रधान, गृहमंत्री आणि मुख्यमंत्री सुदानमधील भारतीयांना वार्यावर सोडून देऊन स्वतःला टीकेचे पात्र बनवतील का? स्वतःविरोधात जनमत निर्माण करतील का? त्यातही सुरजेवाला यांचे म्हणणे की, कन्नडिगांचे विरोधक मोदी सरकार! या त्यांच्या विधानातूनच कळते की, त्यांना आणि त्यांच्या पक्षाला सुदानमध्ये संकटात सापडलेल्या भारतीयांबद्दल प्रेम नाही, तर भारतात सत्तेत असलेल्या भाजपच्या मोदी सरकारबद्दल असुया मात्र आहे.
खरे तर, सुदानमधील भारतीयांना वाचवण्यासाठी प्रशासनाने युद्धपातळीवर हालचालीसुरू केल्या. यापूर्वीही कोरोना काळात परदेशात अडकलेल्या भारतीय नागरिकांना तसेच युक्रेन-रशिया युद्धात दोन्ही देशात अडकलेल्या भारतीयांना भारतीय प्रशासनाने सुरक्षित मायदेशी आणलेहोते. त्यामुळे आताही सुदानमधल्या भारतीयांना सुरक्षित मायदेशी परत आणले जाईलच. नव्हे, तशी खात्री सुदानमधील आपल्या बांधवांना आपण द्यायला हवी
An increasing number of Indians are allegedly travelling
to Britain illegally on small boats and claiming asylum, partly
driven by a desire to bypass international student fees and pay
domestic fees, according to a story in the UK’s Times newspaper.
The newspaper alleges, quoting “Home Office officials”, that
Serbia’s visa-free travel rule for Indians “was providing a gateway
into Europe”. Until January 1, 2023, all Indian passport holders were
able to enter Serbia without a visa for up to 30 days. Now they do
have to apply for a visa.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Does A Nation’s Politics Impinge on Its National Security Maj Gen Nitin Gadkari


Its been a while. The political climate in India is charged to say the least. Those on ruling benches accuse the opposition of toying with National security on number of issues such as the CAA, the border disputes between states, case of illegal migrants, and handling of the farmers agitation and now Khalistan protests. The opposition parties say that they are mandated by the constitution of the country to raise relevant issues which concern our own people. Its hard to determine whose case is stronger. The Armed and para military forces bear the brunt of these transgressions which are means of legal politicking. The article below tries to capture nuances of this sensitive debate. Hope you will benefit by reading it.

Our National Security Must Always Stand Paramount - Uday India : Uday India
10 bitter truth of Indian politics that help parties to win elections

Does A Nation’s Politics Impinge on Its National Security

The above is a rhetorical question. No one wants to answer it. But Many people have started to feel that political activism indulges in activities detrimental to national security. To undermine the ruling party, the rival political parties cosy up with elements or issues laden with controversy and harmful to national interests. Is this assessment accurate and rhymes with popular sentiment, or is it felt only by a few? This piece dwells on the issue and grapples with what is the truth.

The subject chosen for debate is true to every nation, yet it is truer in democracies. Some countries have a single party that rules yet claim to have a robust inner parties democracy like China and Russia. Such a conundrum may not be a matter of concern in these nations. Yet actions of specific individuals in the party could spark a debate, as sometimes it happens in China. In robust democracies, it is malice in being. The Russian meddling in the US presidential elections in 2016 is an example that fits the bill of concern stated. Closer home opposition to CAA in the state of Assam and Manipur by some political parties is seen by few as compromising national interests, especially as it involves foreign nationals. It is a matter of perspective, and depending upon which side of the divide one stands, it could be argued either way.

What is National Security?

What constitutes national security? Understanding the subject requires defining the scope and definition of national security and national politics. The one given in Wikipedia looks pretty appropriate:

National security, or national defence, is the security and defence of a sovereign state, including its citizens, economy, and institutions, which is regarded as a duty of government. Originally conceived as protection against military attack, national security is widely understood to include non-military dimensions, including security from terrorism, minimisation of crime, economic security, energy security, environmental security, food security, and cyber-security. Similarly, national security risks include, in addition to the actions of other nation states, action by violent non-state actors, narcotic cartels, multinational corporations, and the effects of natural disasters.’

There is no one definition, and there is no consensus on the concept. Yet, the above definition covers most aspects contributing to modern-day National Security. As the definition is broad, governments also use varying instruments to enforce national security. Chief among them is military, economic and diplomatic. It is interesting to note that political means are also instruments of national security, and governments tend to use them to further national interests.

What is Politics?

Politics is a derivative of the Greek word ‘Politik’, which originates from Aristotle’s seminal work ‘Politika’. The word means a set of activities associated with making decisions in a group, of power relations amongst individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. In modern times, people often form political parties to represent their ideas. Members of a party often agree to take the same position on many issues and agree to support the same changes to law and the same leaders. An election is usually a competition between different parties. In the book, ‘Essence of Politics by Cees Van Der Ejik,2018, he says: Politics is about the characteristic blend of conflict and co-operation that can be found so often in human interactions. Pure conflict is war. Pure co-operation is true love. Politics is a mixture of both.

Why does Politics lead to Conflicting Interests?

Prima facie definitions of politics involve conflict as more than one entity is involved. Whenever two entities seek a common goal, there is a clash of interests. It is inherent in the definition. Yet the conflict in politics leads to conflict in the national interests is not a recent phenomenon. Time a memorial, this conflict has existed throughout history. The difference is that the concept of national security emerged only after the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, when the definition of a nation-state was coined and gave birth to nationalism and modern nations. Before that, the concept of ‘National Security’ was restricted to protecting its kingdom and its subjects from the outside and prolonging the Sovereign’s reign.

The assassination of Ceaser in 44 BC is the earliest well-known example of this conflict. In Rome, where the senate sought equal say in running the affairs of the state, Ceaser introduced measures to curb the power of the Republic. Marcus Brutus, who assassinated Ceaser, was a political ally and friend, turned against Ceaser to save the Republic. The political fallout between them led to the sovereign's death and, thus, a blow to Rome’s security. In 1938 Hitler annexed Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. Instead of condemnation, England and France followed a policy of appeasement (also called the ‘Politics of Appeasement’) towards Germany in the hope of avoiding a war. This emboldened Hitler. Within an year, i.e, March of 1939, he launched a full-fledged invasion of Czechoslovakia. The invasion led to World War II. The Watergate scandal in 1970 in the US was an illegal political ploy for President Nixon to get the better of political opponents. It led to his impeachment and loss of faith in the US political system. It left severe doubts about the safety of sensitive data relating to national security in the US. The Russian involvement in the US presidential elections in 2016 is another example already quoted earlier. Thus, it is not a new phenomenon nor restricted to a single country.

Domestic Politics and Its Repercussions

This debate is incomplete without understanding what it means for India and whether India is any better or worse. ‘Politics is the last refuge of the scoundrels’, this quote by George Bernard Shaw, was in disgust for the political class in that era. People wonder if much has changed. One thing shared across our nation is an obsession with politics and politicians. The public either hates them or loves them. In the debates across many TV channels, it is routine to see the discussion ending in verbal abuse, if not physical. What it tells is politics has polarised society beyond the scope of reconciliation. The George Bush Jr famous quote: ‘You are with us, or you are with the enemy’, has become the dictum. Such deep polarisation intended for political gains translates to the votes for the political parties. The battle for power through politics has come to define the reality of modern-day India. And every political party is guilty or accomplice to this thought process.

Given this reality, political parties leave no stone unturned to ride a bandwagon that provides a political advantage. In doing so, very little thought is given to its repercussions other than garnering votes. Emotive issues such as religion, caste, borders, and livelihood are raked up to create a political advantage. All of this and more have direct or indirect repercussions on national security. Any issue which creates doubt in the mind of the polity about the sanctity of a nation-state is a threat to national security. It lowers morale and weakens the will to fight the internal enemy. It also drains the society’s fabric, essential to improve the business sentiment. Any internal conflict creates friction and slows growth. India is fraught with a troubled neighbourhoods. Either there are collapsing states, or belligerent states. Both are bad for our country. Any political disagreements in border states work to their advantage. It allows them to sway away a section of the population and sow seeds of inimical thoughts or deeds in them. Many times, local politicians are in connivance to coerce a quarter of people to do what may be detrimental to their interests. Most of these are illiterate villagers who are swayed by whatever rhetoric is served to them by their local representatives. Such a situation is not restricted to border districts but also the hinterland. Acting against local interests to serve a few is also a blow to national security as it ultimately creates disenchantment and leads to secessionist tendencies. This phenomenon can be noticed in naxal-prone areas. Many in Assam and other parts of India see legitimising the Bangladesh illegal immigrants in Assam, as claimed by certain political parties and subsequent protests against the CAA, as an attempt to weaken the nation. Yet when a debate ensues on the TV, or the print media, there are enough arguments for both sides, which leaves ordinary citizens wondering if anyone is telling the truth.

It thus can be inferred that the nature of politics, which has come to stay in any democracy like India, would be ridden with issues that would impinge on national interests and security. Does it mean there is no hope to change the status quo? No, this presumption would be wrong. The author believes that political parties and politicians understand the concept of national security and also know the boundaries they can push. Their belief lies in the presumption that local actions would only impinge marginally on the national security calculus, and they feel the repercussions can be controlled by their local political organisation. If push comes to shove, they would withdraw, draw a line, and not cross it. The arithmetic of national security is like a balance sheet, where the assets and liabilities must match at the end of the month. A month for a bank may be a year for a political party or even more. But at the decision point, the assets must outweigh the liabilities, or they would lose elections.


In the olden days, kings always fought to save their kingdoms from threats. Taking the example of the Mughal era. Akbar to Aurungzeb fought campaigns across the length and breadth of the country from north to south and from west to east. Not all were from foreign armies. Most were internal rebellions. The Mughals fought hard and succeeded in keeping their seat of power for over three centuries. They became one of the most successful dynasties recorded in Indian history. The concept of national security was not so evolved; hence, the turmoil was of a high order. Today the boundaries of a nation are the four walls of the state, and they are subjected to threats, external and internal. The hostile neighbours are the external threats, and the politics of a nation is the internal threat. India has borne invasions and dynasties and survived as a nation. It can do so even today. Politics will only get murkier, and the threats and the instruments to fight them will get more serious. This tussle is inherent in the life of every nation. The better ones would make light of it and live more happily. India is sure to be on that lis

Is India’s outreach to African countries arising more from China’s increasing spectre of influence in Africa?


India's outreach to African countries is not solely due to China's increasing influence in Africa, although it is certainly a factor. India has long-standing historical, cultural, and economic ties with Africa, and both regions have shared a common history of colonialism and struggle for independence.

India's engagement with Africa has increased in recent years, driven by its strategic and economic interests. India sees Africa as a key partner in its efforts to diversify its sources of energy and raw materials, expand its markets, and enhance its global influence.

China's growing presence in Africa is certainly a factor that has prompted India to increase its engagement with the continent. China has been expanding its economic and political influence in Africa through its Belt and Road Initiative, which has financed large-scale infrastructure projects in several African countries. China has also been a major arms supplier to Africa.

India sees China's expanding footprint in Africa as a challenge to its own strategic interests, and has sought to counter it by increasing its own engagement with African countries. However, India's outreach to Africa is driven by a variety of factors, including its own economic and strategic interests, and its historical and cultural ties with the continent

India's outreach to African countries is not solely motivated by China's increasing influence in Africa, but it is one of the factors that has influenced India's engagement with the continent.

India and China are both competing for influence in Africa, which is a resource-rich and strategically important region. China has been increasing its economic and political ties with African nations, investing heavily in infrastructure, natural resources, and other sectors. This has led to concerns among some African nations and other countries, including India, about China's growing influence in the region.

In response, India has been stepping up its engagement with African nations, focusing on building closer economic and diplomatic ties. India has been promoting its own model of development cooperation, which emphasizes partnership, inclusiveness, and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of African nations.

India has also been increasing its development assistance to Africa, including through lines of credit, grants, and technical assistance. India has pledged to provide $10 billion in concessional lines of credit to African nations over the next five years and has also announced various initiatives to boost trade, investment, and people-to-people ties between India and Africa.

Therefore, while China's growing influence in Africa is a factor, India's outreach to African countries is driven by multiple factors, including economic opportunities, geopolitical considerations, and historical ties.



3.- How is India positioned to meet the needs of African nations for  arms supplies?


India is well-positioned to meet the needs of African nations for arms supplies, particularly those with budgetary constraints. India has a long history of defense cooperation with African countries, and it has been a major supplier of defense equipment to the continent.

India offers a range of defense equipment that is affordable and cost-effective, including small arms, artillery, tanks, aircraft, and naval vessels. Indian-made defense equipment, such as the INSAS rifle and Dhruv helicopter, have been popular among African countries. In addition, India has been promoting its indigenous defense manufacturing capabilities to African nations, and has offered to share its expertise and technology to help build the capacity of African defense industries.

India has also been offering concessional lines of credit to African nations to finance their defense purchases. For example, in 2015, India offered a $100 million line of credit to Kenya to purchase defense equipment. In addition, India has established joint ventures with African nations to produce defense equipment locally, which can help reduce costs and boost local capacity.

Overall, India's defense industry has matured significantly in recent years, and the country has the capacity to meet the needs of African nations for arms supplies. However, India also recognizes the importance of responsible defense exports and has been working with African nations to ensure that the equipment provided is used for legitimate defense purposes and is not diverted to unauthorized uses

Monday, 17 April 2023

What sort of arms are the African nations seeking from India given their budgetary constraints?

 African nations with budgetary constraints are likely to seek affordable and cost-effective arms from India.

India has been a major arms supplier to various African nations, including Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, and Tanzania, among others. India offers a range of defense equipment, including small arms, artillery, tanks, aircraft, and naval vessels, among others. Some of the Indian-made defense equipment, such as the INSAS rifle and Dhruv helicopter, have been popular among African countries.

In recent years, India has also been promoting its indigenous defense manufacturing capabilities to African nations. As part of its 'Make in India' initiative, India is encouraging African countries to set up joint ventures and partnerships with Indian defense companies to produce defense equipment locally. This approach can help African nations to acquire arms at a lower cost and also support the development of their domestic defense industries.

Sunday, 16 April 2023

#SecurityScan 38: India's fight against China’s Global Media 

Leading a high-ranking delegation to New Delhi at the invitation of National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval, Vietnam"s Minister of Public Security General To Lam spent two days in the Indian capital at the start of this week.

This article is a summary of important events that have taken place in last one week affecting, India's national security.


How to Fight Back Against China’s Global Media and Information Offensive

Beijing has acquired control of both the traditional media sector and innovative communication technologies.

These include Beijing’s global expansion of its state media outlets like Xinhua, its network China Global Television Network (CGTN), as well as its increasing control of all Chinese-language media around the world, including in virtually every European country where there are Chinese-language media outlets.

In addition to the traditional media sector, Beijing has built information “pipes” like 5G networks and undersea cables in the information space. It has also expanded its more sophisticated use of disinformation on social media platforms and relies on increasingly popular social media platforms like TikTok, WeChat, and other tools.

Policymakers in many regions in Europe—are beginning to recognize the threat of Beijing’s expanding media, information, and traditional influence actions. But more coordination and decisive action are needed.

 Shipping Lines Are Getting Worried About Over Dependence on China 

In February, shipping giant Maersk took possession of a new cargo vessel, one that can meet the International Maritime Organization’s requirements for zero-emission shipping. That’s the good news. The bad news? The Maersk Biscayne was built by the Jiangsu New Yangzi shipyard in China, where Maersk has several more ships waiting to be built. Shipping companies are discovering that they’re far too dependent on Chinese shipyards, at a time when the rapid downward spiral of China’s relationship with the West could have calamitous effects.

 Western countries’ building shipyards will take a lot of time, and a lot of money, to restore to anything close to what’s needed. For long time most countries in the world would be dependent for the shipping requirement on China which, is very dangerous proposition.

China is its own worst enemy 

Xi’s belligerence prompts classic balancing, an alignment among smaller states that would alone struggle to compete. Beijing’s behaviour, particularly its economic coercion against crucial Australian industries such as wine, barley and coal, has merely reinforced the idea throughout Australia’s politics that Beijing is no longer a reliable partner. Same is a case in South East Asia. 

China's Overseas Ports Acquisition Program 

China is a powerhouse in global trade. Its rapid growth has been significantly fuelled by decades of rising exports, bringing new emphasis to the role ports play in trade and strategic relations.

Overseas port investments and potentially military base access, particularly in countries of global and geostrategic importance near maritime chokepoints, could give China greater influence over key supply chain networks. 

Don’t Look Away from China’s Atrocities Against the Uyghurs

 Ramzan fast has been banned for Chinese Uygur Muslims While atrocity crimes — and the pursuit for accountability — in Ukraine have dominated global attention in the last year, momentum has continued to build in seeking accountability for China’s crimes against the Uyghurs and other minority groups. Most of this progress has been made at the state level, including legal cases under the principle of universal jurisdiction, atrocity determinations finding that genocide and crimes against humanity are ongoing, and efforts to exclude Chinese goods made with forced labor from domestic markets. Although this momentum has been slow and not without setbacks, it has also been steady, strengthening the record of Beijing’s crimes against the Uyghurs and the overall case for accountability.

Promoting the RMB Will Limit, but not Quash, China’s Vulnerability to US Currency Sanctions

China, the world’s second largest economy, and Saudi Arabia, the world’s pivotal oil producer, have been in talks to promote greater use of the RMB in oil deals, while China and Brazil recently agreed to transact bilateral trade in their own currencies, sidestepping the dollar.

The push for greater use of the renminbi in its foreign trade reflects Beijing’s desire to limit its geo-economic vulnerability vis-à-vis Washington, particularly for critical imports, such as oil.


Friday, 14 April 2023

M 777-भारतीय आर्मीची ताकद वाढणार -; फक्त मृत्यू बरसतात या नव्या भारतीय त...

भारतीय आर्मीची ताकद वाढणार -; फक्त मृत्यू बरसतात या नव्या भारतीय तोफा 14 APR 23

Thursday, 13 April 2023

I was tasked to speak on Geo political,defence and security challenges facing the Global South countries. Research paper presented by me in this seminar 

The following paragraphs discuss these challenges in detail and provide practical solutions for addressing them.


Security Challenges Faced By Countries Of South And Central America

Security Challenges Faced By Island Nations Of Indo Pacific/Oceania

Security Challenges Faced By African Countries.

Action Plan & Summary of Recommendations

Security Challenges Faced By Countries Of South And Central America



The South and Central American countries encounter various security challenges, including:



Political instability: Weak institutions, corruption, and authoritarian regimes often result in human rights violations, political violence, and lack of accountability.


Transnational organized crime: These nations frequently serve as transit points for drug trafficking, human trafficking, and other illegal activities, which can erode democratic institutions, rule of law, and social stability. Gang violence can also lead to high levels of violence, corruption, and intimidation.


Drug trafficking: Latin American countries are major producers and exporters of illicit drugs like cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. Well-funded and well-armed drug trafficking organizations wield significant influence and can perpetuate issues such as corruption, violence, and insecurity.


Terrorism: While the threat of terrorism in the region is relatively low, smaller countries could be targeted by terrorist groups seeking to establish a presence or carry out attacks.


Cyber security: Smaller countries in the region may have weaker cybersecurity infrastructure, making them more susceptible to cyber attacks.


Border security: Smaller countries in the region may have porous borders, leaving them vulnerable to cross-border crime, smuggling, and trafficking.



Recommended Countermeasures



To mitigate security challenges, Latin American countries can adopt a multi-pronged strategy, including:

Enhancing law enforcement and intelligence capabilities: To tackle drug trafficking, organized crime, and gang violence, countries can augment their law enforcement and intelligence capabilities.


Combating corruption: Corruption undermines security efforts. Governments can promote transparency, strengthen institutions, and ensure accountability for leaders and government officials.


Promoting regional cooperation: Countries can collaborate regionally to bolster security, such as through intelligence sharing, joint operations, and border security.


Investing in social programs: Smaller countries can invest in social programs that reduce poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. These programs can diminish the appeal of criminal and extremist groups and provide alternatives to joining gangs.


Improving border security: Countries can strengthen their border security infrastructure to reduce the flow of illegal goods and people across their borders.


Strengthening cyber security: Countries can invest in improving their cyber security infrastructure to reduce the risk of cyber attacks.


Overall, a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of insecurity, promotes cooperation, and strengthens institutions and law enforcement capabilities is needed to tackle security challenges in Latin America and promote greater security and stability in the region.





Countering Chinese Political Warfare



To counter China's political warfare tactics in the Pacific, it is important for the democratic world to take a comprehensive approach that addresses economic, political, and social factors. This can be achieved by:


Strengthening economic partnerships: China uses economic engagement as a powerful tool to exert influence over island states. The democratic world can counter this by providing economic assistance, increasing trade and investment, and developing infrastructure in the region. This will create alternative sources of funding and development for Pacific states, reducing their reliance on China.


Supporting democratic governance: China often targets weak and corrupt governments in the Pacific, using financial incentives to gain political support. To counter this, the democratic world can support democratic governance in the region, promote transparency and accountability, and help build effective government institutions. This will challenge China's narrative that authoritarianism is a better form of governance.


Strengthening defense cooperation: The democratic world can work with Pacific states to enhance their defense capabilities through joint military exercises, intelligence sharing, and equipment transfers. This will help to build resilience against China's influence and aggression.


Countering disinformation: China uses disinformation campaigns to influence public opinion in the Pacific. To counter this, the democratic world can provide accurate and timely information, support independent media outlets, and promote media literacy.


Building people-to-people ties: The democratic world can build stronger people-to-people ties with Pacific states through educational and cultural exchanges, tourism, and sports diplomacy. This will foster goodwill and understanding between nations, making it harder for China to exploit regional tensions.


Overall, countering China's political warfare in the Pacific requires a sustained and comprehensive effort. By building responsible and effective partnerships with Pacific states and offering a compelling alternative to China's engagement, the democratic world can weaken China's influence and ensure greater stability and security in the region.


In addition to the above Oceania countries in the Global South face numerous defense and security challenges that require attention. These challenges include:


Climate change: With rising sea levels, more frequent and intense storms, and coral bleaching, Oceania countries are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. These effects can have severe consequences on national security, including displacement of populations, infrastructure damage, and disputes over resources.


Maritime security: Due to their extensive maritime territories, Oceania countries face various security threats such as piracy, illegal fishing, and transnational crime.


Territorial disputes: Some Oceania countries face ongoing territorial disputes, particularly regarding maritime boundaries, which can cause tensions and potential conflicts.


Cybersecurity: As Oceania countries increasingly rely on digital technology, they become more exposed to cyber threats, including hacking, data breaches, and attacks on critical infrastructure.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023


To enhance the security of Global South countries, a Security Action Plan should prioritize capacity-building for their military forces, strengthening institutional and legal frameworks, promoting regional cooperation, and enhancing international partnerships. It is critical to strike a balance of interests and promote cooperation among nations to ensure that everyone benefits as a united community. India is committed to pursuing this objective during the G-20/C-20 conferences scheduled for 2023.


Common challenges

      Counter terrorism cooperation.

      Cyber security cooperation.

      Improving border security.

      Strengthening Law Enforcement:

      Supply Chains

Monday, 10 April 2023

चीनी अतिक्रमण , घूसखोरी को रोकने के लिए सीमा पर व्हायब्रंट व्हिलेज प्रोग...

सुईच्या टोकाएवढाही भारताचा भूभाग कोणी घेऊ शकत नाही

केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाह यांनी चीनला ठणकावले

 भारतावर आक्रमण करून भूभाग बळकाविण्याचे दिवस गेले. भारताच्या सीमा आता सुरक्षित असून सुईच्या टोकाएवढाही भूभाग कोणी घेऊ शकत नाही, अशी शब्दात केंद्रीय गृह आणि सहकार मंत्री अमित शाह यांनी अरूणाचल प्रदेश येथे बोलताना चीनला ठणकावले आहे.

केंद्र सरकारच्या व्हायब्रंट व्हिलेजेस कार्यक्रमाचा प्रारंभ अरूणाचल प्रदेशातील सीमावर्ती किबीथू या गावापासून करण्यात आला. यावेळी केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाह म्हणाले, भारताचे धोरण स्पष्ट आहे. भारताला शांतता हवी असून त्यासाठी केंद्र सरकार कटिबद्ध आहे. कोणीही यावे आणि भारताचा भूभाग बळकावून टाकावा, हे दिवस आता गेले. आता परिस्थिती बदलली असून देशाच्या सीमा अतिशय सुरक्षित आहेत. सीमेची सुरक्षा हीच राष्ट्राची सुरक्षा आणि सैन्य व सीमेच्या सन्मानाशी शून्य तडजोड, हे मोदी सरकारचे धोरण आहे. त्यामुळे भारताची सुईच्या टोकाएवढीही जमीन आता कोणी बळकवू शकत नाही, असे ते म्हणाले.

काँग्रेसवर निशाणा साधत अमित शहा म्हणाले, २०१४ पूर्वी संपूर्ण ईशान्य भारताचा प्रदेश हा समस्याग्रस्त भाग म्हणून ओळखला जात होता. दिल्लीत बसलेल्या नेत्यांच्या आळशीपणामुळे आणि चुकीच्या धोरणांमुळे एकेकाळी हिंसाचार आणि बंडखोरी शिगेला पोहोचली होती. परंतु पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांच्या गेल्या ९ वर्षांच्या 'एक्ट ईस्ट' धोरणामुळे आता ईशान्य हा समस्या क्षेत्र म्हणून गणला जात नाही. आता देशाच्या विकासात ईशान्येचा वाटा आहे, असेही केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाह यांनी यावेळी नमूद केले.

यावेळी गृहमंत्री शाह यांनी लिकाबली (अरुणाचल प्रदेश), छपर (बिहार), नूरनाड (केरळ) आणि विशाखापट्टणम (आंध्र प्रदेश) येथे पायाभूत सुविधा मजबूत करण्यासाठी प्रकल्पांचे उद्घाटन केले. पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांच्या नेतृत्वाखालील सरकारने 2022-23 ते 2025-26 या आर्थिक वर्षांसाठी विशेषत: रस्ते जोडणीसाठी 2500 कोटी रुपयांसह 4800 कोटी रुपयांच्या निधीसह 'व्हायब्रंट व्हिलेज प्रोग्राम' मंजूर केला आहे

अरूणाचल प्रदेशातील किबीथू गावातून व्हायब्रंट व्हिलेजेस कार्यक्रमास प्रारंभ

केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाह राहणार उपस्थित; योजनेसाठी ४८०० कोटींची तर रस्तेबांधणीसाठी २५०० कोटी तरतूद


 केंद्रीय गृह आणि सहकार मंत्री अमित शाह यांच्या हस्ते अरूणाचल प्रदेशातील सीमावर्ती किबीथू गावातून 'व्हायब्रंट व्हिलेजेस' कार्यक्रमाचे उद्घाटन करणार आहेत. पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदींच्या नेतृत्वात केंद्र सरकारने 'व्हायब्रंट व्हिलेजेस' कार्यक्रमाला मंजूरी दिली आहे, या कार्यक्रमासाठी केंद्र सरकारने ४८०० कोटी रुपये मंजूर केले आहेत, यापैकी २५०० कोटी रुपये आर्थिक वर्ष २०२२-२३ ते २०२५-२६ दरम्यान खास रस्ते जोडणीसाठी खर्च करण्यात येतील. 'व्हायब्रंट व्हिलेजेस प्रोग्राम' या केंद्र सरकारतर्फे राबविल्या जाणाऱ्या कार्यक्रमात अरुणाचल प्रदेश, सिक्कीम, उत्तराखंड आणि हिमाचल प्रदेश तसेच लद्दाख या केंद्रशासित प्रदेशातील १९ जिल्ह्यातील ४६ गटांतील २९६७ खेड्यांचा सर्वंकष विकास करण्यात येणार आहे. या योजनेच्या पहिल्या टप्प्यात ६६२ खेड्यांचा प्राधान्यक्रमाने विकास केला जाईल, यात अरुणाचल प्रदेशातील ४५५ खेड्यांचा समावेश आहे.


'व्हायब्रंट व्हिलेजेस' कार्यक्रमाची या सीमावर्ती गावांत राहणाऱ्या लोकांचे जीवन उंचवण्यास मदत होईल आणि लोकांना आपापल्या मूळ ठिकाणी राहण्यास प्रोत्साहित करेल, जेणेकरून लोकांचे स्थलांतर थांबेल आणि सीमा सुरक्षित राखण्यातही मदत होईल. या अभियानासाठी जिल्हा प्रशासन, तालुका आणि पंचायत स्तरावर आवश्यक त्या यंत्रणेची मदत देईल, ज्याद्वारे निश्चित केलेल्या गावांमध्ये केंद्र आणि राज्य सरकारांच्या योजनांची १०० टक्के अंमलबजावणी सुनिश्चित होईल. गावांच्या विकासासाठी जिथे जिथे केंद्र सरकारने लक्ष घालण्याची गरज आहे, अशी क्षेत्रे म्हणजे, रस्ते जोडणी, पिण्याचे पाणी, सौर आणि पवन उर्जेसह वीज, मोबाईल आणि इंटरनेट कनेक्टिव्हिटी, पर्यटन केंद्रे, बहुउद्देशीय केंद्रे आणि आरोग्यसेवा पायाभूत सुविधा आणि आरोग्य केंद्रे यांचा विकास या योजनेंतर्गत करण्यात येणार आहे.


अरूणाचलमध्ये विविध प्रकल्पांचे उद्घाटन


केंद्रीय गृह आणि सहकार मंत्री अमित शाह १० एप्रिल, २०२३ रोजी किबिथू येथे "सुवर्ण जयंती सीमा प्रकाशमान अभियाना" अंतर्गत बांधण्यात आलेल्या अरुणाचल प्रदेश सरकारच्या नऊ सूक्ष्म जलविद्युत प्रकल्पांचे उद्घाटन करतील. तसेच, लिकाबली (अरुणाचल प्रदेश), छपरा (बिहार), नूरनाड (केरळ) आणि विशाखापट्टणम (आंध्र प्रदेश) येथे पायाभूत सुविधा वाढवण्यासाठी इंडो-तिबेटन बॉर्डर पोलिस (आयटीबीपी) प्रकल्पांचेही ते उद्घाटन करतील. केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री किबिथू येथे आयटीबीपीच्या जवानांशीही संवाद साधतील