Symptoms of bloating, fullness, and gas even
with minimal food intake could be due to factors like slow digestion, weak
gut health, acid reflux, or even mild Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Here’s a structured approach to managing it:
1. Exercises to Reduce Bloating & Gas
Engaging in gentle movements can improve digestion,
release trapped gas, and reduce bloating.
A. Walking & Cardio
- A 15-30
minute brisk walk after meals helps in digestion.
- Cycling
or swimming can also stimulate bowel movement.
B. Yoga Poses for Digestion
- Pawanmuktasana
(Wind-Relieving Pose) – Lie on your back, pull knees to the chest, and
hold for 30 seconds.
- Bhujangasana
(Cobra Pose) – Helps with acid reflux and strengthens digestion.
- Vajrasana
(Thunderbolt Pose) – Sitting in this posture for 10 minutes after
meals aids digestion.
- Malasana
(Squat Pose) – Opens up the stomach and relieves bloating.
C. Core Strengthening Exercises
- Light
abdominal crunches can tone digestive muscles and prevent bloating.
- Planks
(hold for 30 seconds) help strengthen the stomach muscles.
2. Naturopathy Remedies for Bloating & Gas
A. Diet Changes
✅ Eat smaller, frequent meals
– Large meals cause more gas buildup.
Avoid gas-producing foods – Reduce dairy, excess pulses, cauliflower,
and carbonated drinks.
Soak lentils (dal) overnight – Reduces their gas-producing effects.
Increase probiotics – Homemade curd, buttermilk, or fermented foods
help gut bacteria.
B. Home Remedies
🔹 Ajwain (Carom seeds)
& Saunf (Fennel seeds) – Take ½ tsp after meals with warm water.
Ginger & Lemon Tea – Aids digestion and reduces gas.
Triphala powder (Ayurvedic remedy) – 1 tsp with warm water before
bedtime helps digestion.
Drink warm water – First thing in the morning and before bed.
C. Hydrotherapy (Water Therapy)
- Drink
lukewarm water in the morning to flush out toxins.
- Placing
a hot water bag on the stomach relaxes gas and bloating.
3. Ayurvedic & Homeopathic Medicines
A. Ayurvedic Remedies
- Hingwashtak
Churna – ½ tsp with warm water before meals for bloating relief.
- Avipattikar
Churna – If acidity and indigestion accompany bloating.
- Gulkand
– Helps cool down the stomach and prevent gas.
B. Homeopathic Medicines
- Carbo
Veg 200 – For excessive gas and bloating.
- Nux
Vomica 30 – If bloating is due to overeating or acidity.
- Lycopodium
200 – If you feel bloated even after small meals.
🔹 Consult an Ayurvedic
or Homeopathic doctor before starting any medication.
4. Lifestyle Modifications
✅ Chew food properly –
Digestion begins in the mouth.
Eat in a stress-free environment – Anxiety can worsen bloating.
Avoid eating late at night – Have dinner at least 2-3 hours before bed.
Ensure regular bowel movements – Constipation can increase bloating.
Naturopathy Methods:
- Dietary
- Identify
and avoid gas-producing foods: Common culprits include beans, lentils,
cruciferous vegetables (like cabbage and broccoli), onions, and
carbonated drinks.
- Increase
fiber intake gradually: Fiber can help regulate bowel movements, but too
much too quickly can worsen gas. Focus on soluble fiber.
- Stay
hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help with digestion and prevent
- Consider
a low-FODMAP diet: FODMAPs are certain carbohydrates that can be
difficult to digest. A doctor or registered dietitian can help you
implement this diet.
- Eating
smaller more frequent meals, instead of large meals.
- Herbal
- Ginger:
Ginger has carminative properties that can help relieve gas and bloating.
- Peppermint:
Peppermint tea or capsules can help relax the intestinal muscles and
relieve gas.
- Fennel:
Fennel seeds can help reduce gas and bloating.
- Abdominal
- Gentle
abdominal massage in a clockwise direction can help stimulate bowel
movements and release trapped gas.
- Over-the-counter
- Simethicone:
This medication can help break down gas bubbles in the digestive tract.
- Activated
charcoal: This can help absorb gas in the intestines.
- It
is very important to consult with your doctor before taking any over the
counter medication.
- Prescription
- If
your bloating is caused by an underlying medical condition, your doctor
may prescribe medication to treat the condition.
- Probiotics:
- Probiotics
can help to regulate the gut flora, which can help to reduce gas and
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