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Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0 – 26 September 2022 BOOK by Rajiv Malhotra , Vijaya Viswanathan

Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0 Hardcover – 26 September 2022

BOOK by Rajiv Malhotra  (Author), Vijaya Viswanathan (Author)

Snakes in the Ganga unveils uncomfortable truths concerning India's vulnerabilities:

• Intense warfare against India's integrity is the work of a well-orchestrated global machinery driven by a new ideology.

• Marxism has been reincarnated as Critical Race Theory in US academia and serves as the framework to address America's racism. This has been recklessly mapped on to India:Caste is equated with Race. Marginalized communities of India are considered as Blacks and Brahmins as the Whites of India. Groups claiming grievances (like Muslims and LGBTQ+) are artificially clubbed together.

• Popularly called the Woke movement, the mission is to dismantle Indian civilization and heritage by waging an uncompromising war against India's government, educational institutions, culture, industry, and society.

• Harvard University is Ground Zero of these social theories developed in collaboration with Indian scholars, activists, journalists and artists. This represents a clear and present danger to India's sovereignty and national security.

• Several Indian elites are hoisting Harvard as the vishwa guru with their money and family names. Some private universities within India are importing Wokeism that has serious repercussions for India's stability. • Indian corporates are bringing the latest Western rubric of Environmental, Social, and Governance ratings into their workplace. This is aligned with the global Social Justice movement.

 • China has exploited this latest infrastructure as a passage to India.

 • Wokeism has penetrated some of the Indian government's policies. For instance, the National Education Policy 2020 is propagating Harvard's liberal arts.

• An entire ecosystem of ideologies, institutions and young leaders is emerging for the recolonization of India. Is India for sale?

Readers and critics are intrigued by the title of a fascinating new book, ‘Snakes In the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0’, authored by the well-known writer Rajiv Malhotra, and co-authored by Vijaya Viswanathan. Malhotra’s numerous best-sellers have focused on Indian civilizational issues and tend to spur a fair amount of activism.


The authors explain that the title is a metaphor for hidden dangers. Ganga is a safe place, and we don’t suspect any threats when we bathe in it. The book exposes that unknown to most people, some vicious enemies of dharma are lurking beneath the surface. When you are bathing in the river, you are immersed in Mother Ganga, in the feeling of sacredness. You have a feeling of safety and comfort and a hope for rejuvenation. Therefore, you let down your guard and expose yourself totally. You are totally unsuspecting and vulnerable. The last thing you expect is that there are also poisonous snakes nearby.


The byline ‘Breaking India 2.0’ explains these are new dangers compared to the ones discussed in Malhotra’s earlier classic book, Breaking India, written over a decade ago, but the forces this time around seem wider in scope and backing.


These negative forces are infiltrating India’s institutions and polluting them with toxins. The legitimacy of the Indian government is challenged, and all kinds of social problems blamed on its government as well as the Hindu civilization. Dalits, Muslims, feminists, LGBTQ+ and others are aroused to oppose the Indian nation. This is a Breaking India strategy.


The book explains the new academic frameworks and discourse being developed in places like Harvard University that have sinister intentions towards India. It also explains how some of India’s own elites, including some well-known patriots, are knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or maybe unconsciously, actively sponsoring such negative forces.


The book says that the nest where these snakes are being incubated and nurtured are American Ivy League universities. The production of such anti-India knowledge involves a large number of Indians at every level, but the overall leadership at the highest levels tends to be controlled by Westerners.


Many bright young Indians are lured into Harvard’s orbit, tutored and brainwashed before being exporting back to India to spread the dangerous thinking. The authors examine in detail several snake nests at Harvard – various departments and centers in public health, humanities, government, South Asian Studies and other disciplines, all under the Harvard brand.


Even entire institutions are being set up in India where such individuals and ideologies are imported and spread among India’s present and future leaders. Many such snakes are camouflaged as movements like human rights, social justice, women’s empowerment, LGBTQ empowerment, pluralism, free speech, democracy, and other such buzzwords. For details, see:


An important point explained in the book is that the DNA of such snakes is Marxism; this poison is spilling into society. The book explains how Marxism is being reformulated and repackaged into ideological systems like Critical Race Theory. The authors are in support of movements like Black Lives Matter but wish to point out how such movements are being dovetailed to fulfil Marxist agendas.


This is a very exciting and provocative book. It could upset some people simply because they are not used to seeing these widely acclaimed ideas and institutions in this light. But there is ample evidence cited, literally over a thousand end notes and several pages of bibliography. And it isn’t just a few individuals here and there that may be considered the dangerous snakes in this thesis, but a pretty large number. This is yet another wakeup call for India.

Snakes in the Ganga is a path-breaking book. I urge every Indian with a genuine concern and love for the country to read this breathtakingly original book and organize a countermovement in response to these Breaking India forces. Being pro-active is more important than re-active.